Crop Protection
Crop Protection
Crop Protection
Ms. Fe D. Alzona
Prof. Johnny Balidion
Prof. Priscilla M. Barcial
Dr. Grace F. Barroga
Dr. Rizaldo Bayot
Dr. Teresita U. Dalisay
Dr. Henry T. Facundo
Ms. Ester A. Magsino
Prof. Janet B. Matanguihan
Dr. Marina P. Natural
Dr. Joey I. Orajay
Prof. Hedelina M. Ramirez
Dr. Stephen G. Reyes
As a science
Understand the nature of plant disease
1. cause- etiology of plant disease
2. plant- pathogen interaction
3. determine factors affecting disease development
4. study methods of control or management of diseases
As an Art
Process where science is made useful; is doing or applying knowledge gained in science.
1. Plant disease diagnosis
2. Assessment and forecasting
3. Recommend control measure
6. Increase cost of production due to control measures
Types of Losses due to Diseases
1. Losses due to reduction in yield.
2. Losses due to deterioration during storage, marketing or transport.
3. Losses due to reduction in quality.
4. Losses from produce contaminated with toxins that cause various disorders and /or death
to animals and man.
5. Losses due to predisposition of host to attack by other pathogens.
6. Losses from increased cost of production and handling.
Host- refers to the plant that is being attacked by a parasite. A food relationship between the
host and the parasite is implied.
Suscept- is a plant that is susceptible to a disease whether or not the pathogen is parasitic.
Plant Disease Diagnosis- defined as identification of diseases based on symptoms and signs
Symptom- manifestation or expression of a plant as a result of a disease.
Sign- a pathogen or a part of a pathogen found on a host plant.
Signs of Pathogens
Structures of the pathogen or pathogen itself; may be the result of interaction between the
pathogen and the host (ooze, odor)
Koch’s postulates- Criteria used to confirm the identity of the causal agent of a new or unknown
1. Association- the pathogen or signs of the pathogen must be found associated with the
disease in all the diseased plants examined.
2. Isolation- the pathogen must be isolated and grown in pure culture on nutrient media, and
its characteristics described. Obligate parasites must be isolated and grown on a healthy
but susceptible host plant. The characteristics of the obligate parasite must also be
3. Inoculation- the pathogen from pure culture must be inoculated on healthy plants of the
same species or variety on which the disease appears, and it must produce the same
disease on the inoculated plants.
4. Re-isolation- the pathogen must be re-isolated from the inoculated plants and grown once
more in pure culture. Its characteristics must be exactly like those observed in steps 1
and 2.
4. Ethylene
5. Nitrogen oxide
6. Particulates- volcanic ash, cement dust
C. Stress caused by mineral deficiencies and mineral excesses
D. Diseases caused by improper agricultural practices
E. Diseases caused by naturally occurring toxic chemicals
3. Persistent viruses-
a. Circulative - replicate only in plants but virus passes through the gut into the
haemolymph and then the salivary glands
b. Propagative - replicates both in plants and vectors
1. Stable and free ribonucleic acid (RNA) that can infect plant cells
2. 250-375 base pairs
3. Closely associated with the nuclei, especially the chromatin of the cells they infect
Examples of diseases caused by viroids
1. Potato Spindle tuber
2. Cadang-cadang of coconut
3. Apple scar skin
4. Avocado blotch
• Typically one-celled.
• Possess a unit membrane and cell wall
• Reproduce by binary fission
• No membrane-bound organelles;
• Prokaryotic; lack nuclear membrane & lack a well-defined nucleus.
• DNA as nuclear material
• Some have plasmids, which are extra chromosomal DNA that are self replicating
Characteristics of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria
1. Mostly rod-shaped
2. Mostly aerobic
3. Mostly flagellated
4. Mostly Gram negative
5. Mostly non-spore-forming
Molecular techniques
6. DNA base composition
7. DNA-DNA homology- useful for bacterial species identification
8. DNA-rRNA homology- detects similarities between genera or families
9. RFLP- for strain identification
Bacterial Ecology- the scientific study of interactions among organisms, between organisms
and their environment, or surroundings
1. As parasite inside hosts
2. On plant surfaces (buds)
3. Partly in plant debris in soil
4. In or on seeds; other planting materials
5. In insects
d. Grow in insect body (propagative)
e. Not yet grown in culture
f. Resistant to penicillin, not to tetracycline
2. Spiroplasmas
a. Can be spherical to slightly ovoid, branched non-helical filaments
b. Can be cultured in nutrient media
c. Reproduce by fission
d. No flagella but motile if helical
e. On agar, typical fried egg appearance
Fungal-like Protists- have mycelia and conidia but cell walls are made up of cellulose and
glucans, not chitin as true fungi would have.
Phylum: Oomycota
Class: Oomycetes
Order: 1. Saprolegniales
2. Peronosporales
Class: Oomycetes
• Have well-developed aseptate (coenocytic) mycelia containing cellulose and glucans
• Fruiting body is a zoosporangium for asexual reproduction
a. Sporangia borne on mycelium or sporangiophore,
b. Spores- zoospores or conidia
Sexual reproduction
• Heterogametangia
female-oogonium= globose
male- antheridium= club-shaped; forms a fertilization tube
• Fusion of male and female gametes produce oospores - diploid; germinate into
diploid mycelia
Order: Peronosporales
Three Families
a. Pythiaceae- damping off & root rots
b. Peronosporaceae- downy mildew
c. Albuginaceae- white rust
Genera under Family Pythiaceae
1. Genus: Pythium
a. Damping off diseases
b. Rots of vegetables
c. Turf diseases
2. Genus: Phytophthora
a. Root rots
b. Rots of fleshy tissues
Family: Peronosporaceae
• Obligate parasites of plants; cause downy mildew diseases
• Sporangia borne in sporangiophores
• Sporangiophores are branched; determinate in growth
• After sporangia fall off, sporangiophore withers and dries.
• Branching of sporangiophore- distinguishing feature of the genus
Family: Albuginaceae
• Obligate parasite of flowering plants
• Sporangiophores short, club-shaped, indeterminate in growth
• Sporangia globose, in chain
Example : white rust of kangkong
Phylum: Chytridiomycota
Contains a single class- Chytridiomycete
About 150 genera; 1000 species
The only member of Kingdom Fungi that form motile cells (zoospores or gametes)
Thallus is coenocytic; either globose or ovoid, elongated hypha or well developed
Zygote formed converted into: resting spore or resting sporangium
Phylum Zygomycota
Produce non-motile asexual spores in sporangia
Sexual spore is zygospore formed inside a zygosporangium after union of two
Produce well-developed aseptate mycelium
Cell wall has chitin and glucan
Habitat- terrestial, saprobic, human pathogens, weakly plant pathogenic, ecto-
Order: Mucorales
Order: Glomales (mycorrhiza)
Phylum Ascomycota
Sac fungus- sexual spores (ascospores) formed within a sac known as ascus.
Teleomorph- the sexual or perfect stage of ascomycetes
Anamorph- the asexual or conidial or imperfect stage
Deuteromycetes or imperfect fungi- the imperfect stage of Phylum Ascomycota. Many plant
pathogens belong to this class.
Asexual or conidial forms of most of the Phylum Ascomycota and rarely of the Phylum
Sexual reproduction and sexual structures are lacking or unknown
Mycelia sterilia
the sterile fungi; no asexual nor sexual spores produced
sclerotial bodies produced
Phylum Basidiomycota
• Club and mushroom fungi
• Sexual spores are basidiospores produced externally on a club-like, one- or four-celled
spore producing structure called a basidium
• Most are fleshy
• Includes rusts and smuts
Orders under Phylum Basidiomycota
1. Order Uredinales- Rusts
2. Order Ustilaginales- Smuts
3. Order Exobasidiales- lacks basidiocarp
4. Order Agaricales- the mushrooms
5. Order Aphyllophorales- the polypores
Examples of rust diseases
1. Peanut rust- Puccinia arachidis
2. Corn rust – Puccinia maydis, P. polysora
3. Coffee rust- Hemeleia vastatrix
4. soybean rust Phakopsora pachyrhizi
5. bean rust- Uromyces phaseoli
Derived from the Greek words "nema/nematos" "thread" and "edos" = "resembling
or likeness"
Morphologically, they are vermiform/worm shaped (except for the female of some
genera which swells upon maturity), unsegmented, pseudocoelomate, bilaterally
symmetrical animals without motile cilia.
Majority are marine aquatic species: some are free living terrestrial and animal
parasites. Only 10% of the 30,000 described species are known as plant parasites.
Deals with nematodes that parasitize plants.
Begun with the invention of microscope
Turbatrix aceti (wheat gall nematode) first plant parasitic nematode (PPN)
Caenorhabdilis elegans (a free living nematode) used as a model organism (for
animals) for genetic and physiological studies: the complete genome was sequenced
in 1995.
I. Techniques
Reasons for sampling:
Nematodes are too small to be seen with bare eye.
Symptoms caused are not typical
Need for quantitative estimation of density
Sampling theories:
1. Spatial distribution - nematode distribution within the field is generally patchy owing to
their small size and slow rate of active movement.
2. Vertical distribution - refers to the dispersal of nematodes in a soil profile. This is mainly
influenced by density of feeder roots which is higher in the upper 30 cm of soil, though
it can grow deeper in perennial crops.
3. Temporal/seasonal distribution - influenced by climatic pattern (wet and dry) and host
availability. Nematode density is highest during near harvest stage of crop.
Extraction techniques:
A. Motility - dependent / active methods - extracts slender and active stages of
Examples: Bearmann funnel and its modification and H20 incubation method
B. Motility-independent / passive methods - extracts even sluggish (slow moving)
- Wet sieving method (depends on nematode size)
- Maceration - sieving (depends on nematode size)
- Elutriation method (depends on sedimentation difference of nematode and soil
- Centrifugal flotation (depends on specific gravity)
II. Morphology
The cross section of nematode looks like a "tube within a tube". The outer tube consists
of the following:
Cuticle· a semi-permeable outermost covering or the nematode body; made lip
of protein (keratin and collagen as opposed to chitin of insect cuticle); shed off
during molting to allow growth.
Epidermis- a thin layer which functions mainly for secretion of new cuticle
during molting.
Muscles- allow movement by alternate contraction and relaxation of dorsal and
ventral muscles.
Digestive system- the inner tube is essentially the digestive system. It begins from
the mouth opening to the anus (for female) or cloaca (the common opening of digestive and
reproductive system for male)
The stylet is a protrusible structure in the mouth of nematodes which distinguishes
plant parasitic from living forms. It is the structure they use for puncturing plant cells and
withdrawing their contents.
Three types of stylet:
Stomatostylet- with distinct cone, shaft and knobs; inside is hallow;
possessed by Order Tylenchida (the order where most of the known and
most important PPNs belong)
Odontostylet- a hallow spear, possessed by members of the Order
Dorylaimida where the virus vector genera Xiphinera, Longidorus and
Paralongidorus belong.
Onchiostyler- a bent solid needle-like stylet possessed by members of the
Order Triplonchida where two other virus-vector genera belong
(Trichodorus and Paratrichodorus).
Nematode Biology
A. Life Cycle
Zygote embryogenesis Juvenile stages adult
After the zygote is formed, it will undergo embryogenesis wherein the initially
single celled zygote will divide. At the end of embryogenesis, a complete individual is
formed which is formed the 1st juvenile (J1). This will molt (M2) and J2 will emerge. All
these occur in the egg. The egg will hatch from it. J2 will emerge. This is the feeding or
infective stage for most PPNs because this is the stage where they will start looking for and
feeding in/on host roots. Two more juvenile stages (J4 and 14) will emerge after each
moltings (M2, M3 and M4). For few PPNs, J4 is the infective stage. After M4, adult
nematodes (either male or female) will emerge which are capable of mating and producing
offsprings. Male nematodes are usually non-parasitic and leave the roots and die after
B. Parasitic/feeding strategy
Types of PPNs based on location of feeding
Ectoparasite - feeds superficially (epidermal cells) using their stylet. Body (or large
part of it) remains outside the root cells.
Endoparasite - capable of entering the roots during their infective stage or in some
genera, in all stages. They establish feeding site in the cortical, endodermal or stellar
C. Reproductive stage
1. Amphimixis - mode of reproduction where males are needed.
2. Parthenogenesis- mode of reproduction wherein only females are produced (or
males are rare and not needed) and offsprings are clone of the female.
3. Sex reversal- phenomenon observed in juveniles of parthenogenic species of
Meloidogyne during unfavorable condition. Depending on the onset of the
unfavorable condition, gonad of “destined to be” female juveniles develops into
non-functional testis.
D. Survival Strategy
Dormancy- lowered metabolism
Types of dormancy
Diapause- state of arrested development which persist until specific
requirements for development are satisfied even if favorable condition
Quiscence- spontaneous reversible response to unpredictable unfavorable
Example of quiescence:
State Adverse condition
Cryobiosis Cool temp
Thermobiosis High temp
Anoxybiosis Lack of oxygen
Osmobiosis High osmotic pressure
Anhydrobiosis Dehydration
Egg stage- the survival stage of nematodes; the egg shell provide protection. Once the J2
emerge, they are more prone to external stresses.
V. Nematode Ecology
A. Biotic influences
Parasites of Nematodes
o Nematode trappers
o Endozoic parasites
o Egg parasite
Predators of nematodes: tardigrades, insects, protozoa, other nematodes
B. Abiotic Factor
Soil texture and structure
VI. Nematode diseases important to the Philippines
Slow decline of citrus (Tylenchulus semipenetrans)
Spreading decline of citrus (Radopholus similis)
Toppling disease of banana (Radopholus similis)
Root knot of various crops (Meloidogyne spp.)
False Root knot (Naccobus spp.)
Ufra disease of rice (Aphelenchoides besseyi)
Rice root knot (mentek) (Hirschmaniella oryzae)
Yellow dwarf disease of black pepper (Radopholus similis)
Red ring disease of coconut (Radinaphelenchus cocophilus)
o Steaming
o Solarization
o Field burmning
o Heat treatment of planting materials
Resistant /tolerant varieties
Biological controls e.g. BIOACT
Chemical control
o Fumigants- methyl bromide; ethylene dibromide; chloropicrin
o Non-fumigants- fenamiphos, thionazin, aldicarb, oxamyl, methomyl
A. Sexual Reproduction
• Segregation and recombination of genes during meiosis
• Genetic crossovers (exchange of chromatids and the genes they carry)
• Haploid gametes are different from parents and from each other
B. Mutation
• Abrupt changes in the genetic material which is inherited by the offspring
• Can occur spontaneously or through mutagenic agent
Heteroploidv - cells, tissues or whole organisms have chromosomes in the nuclei
that are different in number from the normal number of chromosomes
Parasexualism - genetic recombination occur in the fungal heterokaryosis during
a. Cross-protection
b. Induced resistance: systemic- one pathogen infection leads to resistance to
another pathogen, or pathogen is inoculated at a resistance stage will make
the plant resistant to the pathogen
c. Plant defense activators- salicylic acid
d. Use of resistant plants
e. Providing proper growing conditions
D. Direct protection of plants from pathogens
a. Direct protection by biological control agents
b. Direct protection by chemical control
E. Integrated control of plant diseases
a. Prevention
i. Avoidance or evasion of inoculum
ii. Exclusion
iii. Eradication
iv. Protection
v. Host plant resistance
b. Cure (therapy of host)
Table 2. Other minor orders of insects present in the Philippines
Order Type of Development Characteristics/Remarks Examples
Thysanura Ametabolous Wingless, 3 long filaments at Silverfishes
the tail end; found in old
books, under rocks
Ephemeroptera Hemimetabolous Forewings much larger than Mayflies
hind wings, 2-3 long caudal
Plecoptera Hemimetabolous Soft-bodied with archaic Stoneflies
features; poor fliers; live
near water, immature aquatic
Emboiptera Paurometabolous Poor fliers; live in colonies Webspinners
in silken tunnels in soil;
lichen or moss
Psocoptera Paurometabolous Small, soft-bodied but fast Harklice, booklice
running; found under barks,
old books
Phthiraptera Paurometabolous Flat-bodied, wingless with Head lice, booklice
clinging legs, ectoparasites
of vertebrates
Strepsiptera Paurometabolous Forewings reduces, females Stylopids
– endoparasites of other
insects; males – free-living
Mercoptera Holometabolous Beak elongated, male Scorpionflies
abdomen tip scorpion-like;
adult and larvae carnivorous
Siphonaptera Holometabolous Body laterally flattened, Fleas
sucking mouth type,
wingless, vertebrae
Trichoptera Holometabolous Moth-like, wings covered caddisflies
with short fine hairs, aquatic
immatures live in case
Table 3. Rodent important to agriculture in the Philippines
Scientific Name Common name Distinguishing Characteristics
1. Rattus Norway rat, urban rat Largest of the common rats (200-500g); gray,
norvengicus brown or black dorsum, uniform gray or black.
Venter; bicolored tail as long or shorter than
head + body; blunt snout; small eyes;
mammary gland formula; 3 + 3=12
2. Rattus tanezumi Philippine ricefield Medium-sized (100-250g); variable shades of
rat, common ricefield dark brown, yellow-brown, grey-brown, Rattus
rat mindanensis; common ricefield rat unicolored
tail longer than head + body, broad at base;
pointed snout; large prominent eyes; mammary
gland formula: 2+3=10
3. Rattus Asian rice field rat Medium-sized (95-125g); hair variable yellow-
argentiventer orange tips over dark background (sail and
pepper appearance); unicolored tail longer than
head + body; thin at base, pointed snout; large
eyes; mammary gland formula: 3 + 3=12
4. Rattus exulans Polynesian rat Smallest of the Philippine rats (20-60g);
variable brownish gray to dark; unicolored tail
longer than head + body, thin at base; pointed
snout; large eyes; mammary gland formula: 2 +
10 inoculum
Dissemination SURVIVAL
One disease cycle in one crop growing season or one year
Rate of inoculum build-up is slow
Rate of disease increase is slow
Soilborne diseases like bacterial and fusarial wilt; rusts of trees; smuts
2-30 disease cycles in one cropping season or one year
Rate of inoculum build-up is fast
Rate of disease increase is 50-100%
Late blight of potato, grain rusts, rice blast, leaf spot of mungbean’ viruses with insect
Saprogenesis Phase
Survival phase
Weakest link in the disease cycle
Pathogen population is at its lowest
Target for most control strategies
2. Dormancy- rest period interrupting development; long enough for the pathogen to resume
parasitic activity; synchronize with renewed host activity. Ex. Claviceps ascospores (rye
flowers) &Plasmodiophora spores (allylisothiocyanate from crucifers)
3. Fungistasis- a control mechanism which restricts germination of propagules deposited in
the soil
4. Survival in hosts or vectors- quiescent vegetative condition in host tissues.
5. In alternate hosts
6. Survival as saprophytes- degrade and make use of a wide range of organic nutrients
Contact of pathogen with the host
Deposition of inoculum into an infection court
Inoculum: any part of the pathogen that can initiate disease
Infection court: the susceptible part which could be natural opening, a wound, or intact
plant surface
FUNGI: spores/conidia, mycelial fragments, sclerotial bodies
NEMATODES: eggs, larvae, adults
Bacterial cells, phytoplasma cells, protozoan cells, virus and viroid particles
1. Infected living plants
2. Plant debris
3. Infested soil
4. Infected seed and vegetative propagating materials
5. Vectors like insects, nematodes
6. Contaminated containers, storage areas and equipment
Agents of inoculation
1. Man in the process of doing farm work
2. Insects- casual or specific vectoring
3. Nematodes – virus diseases
4. Mites- virus diseases
5. Fungi and fungal-like organisms- virus diseases
6. By chance- wind and rain splashes, near and far
Penetration or Ingress
Entrance of pathogen into the host
Passive: pathogen plays no active part. Vectors carry the pathogen into the plant cells or
Active: pathogen participates. Flagellar movement, germination of spores, appresorium
and penetration pegs
Direct Penetration
Through intact epidermis- wax, cutin, pectin, cellulose fibrils
Bacteria, viruses & some fungi cannot penetrate directly
Occurs when the pathogen has become established in the plant tissues after penetration
and obtains nutrients from the host.
Penetration alone does not imply successful infection and disease production.
• Latent infection- the state in which the host is infected with the pathogen but does not
show any symptoms.
• Pathogen stops growing and remains dormant.
• In mango fruits w/ anthracnose; symptoms appear only after fruits start to ripen as the
fungus resumes parasitic activity.
Colonization of Phytoplasmas- binary fission, budding, etc. to produce more cells.
a. Colonize phloem sieve tubes and phloem parenchyma.
Optimum for germination may not be optimum for growth of germ tube or for general
vegetative growth. Ex. P. infestans- short exposure to 40°C increased germination, then
to 20°C.
Can also influence method of germination. P. infestans liberate zoospores at 12-13°C;
germ tubes at higher temperature.
3. Light
Natural visible light- 4000-8000Å have little effect but intense light may cause heating
thus inhibit it.
UV rays- injurious and mutagenic
Near UV- 3100-4000Å peaking at 3650Å induces sporulation
Light near the red end can inhibit
Shorter wavelength accelerates germination
4. pH
Fungi germinate best under slightly acid conditions (about pH 5-6.5 with a range of
pH 3-8).
Plant exudates may render the pH at the infection droplet unsuitable for germination and
subsequent growth of the germ tube.
Over-all effect is complex- involves availability of nutrients and other factors.
5. Oxygen and CO2 concentration
• Spores germinate with oxygen concentration of 50% and above.
• An increase in CO2 conc. stimulates germination (60-70%).
• Water logging limits oxygen and can inhibit spore germination; can also increase CO2
accumulation that also inhibits germination.
6. Biological Factors
• Nutrient in spores -some will germinate in pure water because the spore contains all
nutrients needed.
• Exudates from plant tissues- stimulate spore germination. An ecological advantage for
specialized parasites.
• Pollen- diffusates stimulate germination.
• Root secretions- egg hatching, Striga sp. seed germination
• Age of spores
• Autotropism- influence of surrounding spores in determining whether and where the
germ tube emerges.
1. Interference with the uptake of water and inorganic elements from the soil.
1. Root-rotting microorganisms
2. Colonization of xylem vessels
3. Crushing of xylem by gall forming nematodes
4. Formation of tyloses-enlarged xylem parenchyma cells
5. EPS and vessel macromolecules resulting from breakdown of cell walls
4. Increased transpiration
Powdery mildew, downy mildew and rust pathogens destroy the cuticle and
Increase permeability of leaf cells
Detrimental water loss through increased transpiration
Hormones associated with plant diseases
1. Corn smut caused by Ustilago maydis
2. Club root of cabbage caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae
3. Peach leaf curl-Taphrina deformans cause puckering, curling and other leaf
distortions. Auxin is involved. Palisade parenchyma cells respond more than the
spongy mesophyll and result in uneven growth, causing leaf to curl.
4. Crown Gall- Agrobacterium tumefacien
3. Ethylene
• a simple, gaseous hydrocarbon synthesized by all plant tissues and by some
• the natural aging and ripening hormone, physiologically active in trace amounts (0.1
• levels of production and internal concentration vary widely among different fruits
and plants
• Applied exogenously it is effective in very low concentrations (below 0.1 ppm)
• in excess, it produces a variety of plant responses such as: epinasty, premature
senescence, and shedding of leaves
• in a number of viral diseases, leaves with necrotic local lesions produced more
ethylene than those with systemically infected plants without necrotic lesions
Pectic enzymes
1. Assist in the penetration of the host. Expose the cellulose and hemicellulose fractions of
cell wall.
2. Degradation results in the weakening of cell walls or tissue maceration which facilitates
inter-and intracellular invasion of the tissues.
3. Provide nutrients to the pathogen in infected tissues. (exo-enzymes)
4. Involved in the induction of vascular plugs and occlusions in vascular wilt diseases (endo-
Hemicellulose fraction- found in the matrix of both primary and secondary cell walls.
A xyloglucan with glucose backbone linked β 1,4. Xylose units are attached to the
backbone, and both galactose and fructose are bonded to xylose.
Requires many enzymes to degrade the hemicellulose.
Examples of Host specific toxins
1. Helminthosporoside (HS toxin)- produced by Cochliobolus (Helminthosporium
sacchari), the cause of eye spot of sugarcane.
2. Victorin (HV toxin)-Cochliobolus (Helminthosporium) victoriae causing foot or root rot
and leaf blight of oats.
3. T-toxin- Cochliobolus heterostrophus (Helminthosporium maydis)- causes Southern corn
leaf blight.
4. HC toxin- Cochliobolus (Helminthosporium) carbonum causes leaf spot of corn.
Resistant corn has gene that codes for HC toxin reductase that detoxifies the toxin.
5. PC toxin- Periconiacircinata causes milo disease of sorghum. Only isolates that produce
the toxin are pathogenic.
Types of resistance
1. Pre-formed Resistance- Resistance present in plant even without the presence of the
2. Induced resistance -Active only in the presence of inducers
Preformed Resistance
A. External Physical Barriers
1. Trichomes
a. Effect of trichomes on insect transmission of plant pathogens
• Interfere w/ feeding and oviposition
• Hooked hairs catch tarsal claws
• Glandular hairs secrete alkaloids that are toxic or secrete chemicals that repel
b. Effect of trichomes in fungi
• Spores, germ tubes and appressoria can’t adhere to surfaces
• Malic acid in glandular hairs toxic to Mycosphaerella blight
2. Cuticle
a. Consists of pectin, cutin, wax layers
b. Acts as water repellent (electrically charged surface)
c. A toxic barrier
d. A mechanical barrier
6. Thick epidermis
2. Lignified Tissues
• Phenolic polymer
• Plant cell walls and intercellular spaces
• Endodermis of roots
3. Cellulosic walls- more difficult to degrade
5. Deposition of Gums, Resins, and Tannin-like substances- serve as partial barriers, can be
fungi toxic
7. Structural features of the vascular elements – narrow and more branching contribute to
3. Saponins- naturally occurring chemicals that bind to sterols in fungal cell membranes;
alters permeability
Avenacin- found in oats that are resistant to root rot pathogens
Tomatine- in tomato resistant against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopercisi
B. Induced Resistance
Active only in the presence of inducers
Induced response to infection includes: a cascade of responses such as the production
of novel antimicrobial compounds (phytoalexins), proteins, and formation of physical
barriers to penetration.
Recognition of the Pathogen by the Plant
Fungi and bacteria release in their immediate environment various substances like
glycoproteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and peptides which could act as elicitors of
recognition by the plant.
1. Physical presence of pathogens like fungal spores on plant surface
2. Others require penetration before induction
3. Non-specific elicitors (innate response that discriminates between self and non-self)
4. AVR gene products in Gene for gene resistance model (races of pathogens)
5. Other molecules
Cytoplasm and nucleus of the invaded cells enlarge and the cytoplasm becomes granular,
dense and filled with various particles causing disintegration of the fungal mycelium (observed
in weakly pathogenic Armillaria strains).
c. Formation of Tyloses - overgrowths of the protoplast of adjacent living
parenchymatous cells which protrude into xylem vessels through half-bordered pits.
Tyloses have cellulosic walls.
d. Deposition of Gums-around lesions or injury through mechanical means
they form quickly in the intercellular spaces and within the cells surrounding the
locus of infection
an impenetrable barrier around the pathogen which becomes isolated
c. Lipoxygenases- produce volatile and non-volatile fatty acid derived 20 metabolite toxic
to invading pathogens
Defense genes- Sequence of DNA that encode various proteins that are responsible for synthesis
and accumulation of defense arsenals in plants
quiescent in healthy plants but activated when pathogens come in contact,
releasing signals
signals are transferred to the plant nucleus through signal transduction pathway
activating defense genes
Resistance (R) Genes
Resistance genes are regulatory genes. Sequences of DNA that regulate the functions of
the defense genes
Products of the resistance genes share striking similarities and they appear to be involved
in signal transduction system to activate defense genes
Role of R gene Products:
1. Recognition - likely the "receptors" or binding sites for the "elicitors" (Avr proteins)
2. Signaling- participating in signal transduction cascades
Exotic disease- a disease that was introduced from some other area
X= Xoert
Where: X= amount of disease
X = initial inoculum
e= base of natural logarithm
r= rate of disease increase
t= time
Control measures are geared towards reducing initial inoculum and reducing the rate of
disease increase
Development of epidemics
Plotted against time, disease incidence shows a sigmoid epidemic curve (polycyclic)
Epidemics begin at a point where sigmoid curve begins to leave the horizontal line to
approach the vertical line
After onset of epidemic, disease incidence becomes logarithmic, until susceptible tissues
Epidemic ends-
o A. no susceptible tissues,
o B. unfavorable environment prevent further increase. Curve levels-off.
Types of diseases
1. Compound interest or polycyclic diseases
Pathogens are readily spread from plant to plant during the disease cycle (rusts,
powdery mildews, Cercospora, etc)
Repeating disease cycles occur with several generations of the pathogen
Assessing amount of disease
1. Determining % incidence (% diseased plants, organs or tissues)
diseases that show various amounts of infection in different parts of the plant like leaf
spots, rust pustules, stem rusts, anthracnose
Presence of disease does not directly translate to yield loss.
For example:
Rating scale –foliar rice blast (Percent leaf area infected)
0 No lesion/infection
1 Small to large brown speck, 1-5% leaf area infected (lai)
3 Typical blast lesion, 6-15% lai
5 Typical blast lesion, 16-25% lai
7 Typical blast lesion, 26-50% lai
9 More than 50% lai
1 1 32 5
3 47 59
<1% LAI 1-5% 6-25% 26-50% >50%
% leaf area infected (LAI)
For example:
0 0 0
1 3 3
3 12 36
5 10 50
7 1 7
9 0 0
Σ N=26 Σ NxR= 96
% D.S. = ---------------------- x 100 = 41%
26 x 9
Plant disease surveys
• Aid in evaluation of the relative importance of diseases and assist in the development of a
cooperative control program.
• Carried out by trained personnel
• Aerial photography of diseases with symptoms
• Spore trapping
• Space vehicles that orbit the earth
• Molecular biology tools
General Procedure
1. Study under controlled condition the environmental conditions required by the pathogen for
tiding over adverse conditions, for the development and spread;
The raison d’ etre of the science of plant pathology is the control of plant diseases
Must be economical
Most are preventive in nature
1. Prevent disease development
2. Maintain a tolerable disease incidence
3. Minimize yield losses
EXCLUSION principle
Prevention of a “new pathogen” from being introduced into a locality where it is
currently unknown.
Methods of Plant Disease control (those that exclude the pathogen)
a. Quarantine – regulatory actions to prevent the introduction or dispersal of non-native
organisms (exotic diseases); Legal methods
b. Inspection and seed certification
c. Use of pathogen-free propagating materials
Elimination of pathogens that have become established within the plant or in an area
Mechanical and physical methods to eradicate pathogens
Utilize some physical component of the environment, such as temperature, humidity, or
light, to the detriment of pathogens
1. Heat treatment (hot water, hot air, soil sterilization, soil solarization)
2. Irradiation- UV rays, X rays and Gamma rays
3. Light wavelenths that prevent sporulation
4. Drying stored grains
1. Systemic chemicals
2. Soil fumigants
3. Disinfestation of warehouses
4. Control of insect vectors
Chemical Control
1. Employs the use of chemicals that are generally toxic
2. Used as disinfectants or fumigants or chemicals that target specific kinds of pathogens
(fungicides, bactericides, nematicides)
3. Effective at concentrations that will not harm the plant
Know your chemical
Chemical must have low risks to man and animals and minimal effect on normal
microflora of plants and soil
Pathogens should not develop resistance against them
Suitable for long storage in ambient conditions
C. Biological Control
A pathogen kept in check by the microbial community- natural control which is a form
of biological control
Employs natural enemies of pests or pathogens to eradicate or control their population.
Involve introduction of exotic species or use of naturally existing biological control
agents in the ecosystem
2. Predation- invertebrates, bacteria feeding nematodes, amoeba attacking yeasts, small
spores, and fungal hyphae
3. Competition- between organisms that require the same resource for growth and survival.
Also, competition for infection sites of related microorganisms.
4. Induced resistance- cross protection, systemic acquired resistance. Prepares plants for
attack by virulent pathogens.
5. Production of antimicrobial substances- but antibiotics are easily lost in the environment
and broken down by other organisms.
Prevention of infection through
1. Chemical barriers
2. Biological control
3. Crop management
4. Manipulation of environment
Putting a chemical barrier between the pathogen and the host
1. before inoculation
2. to prevent spore germination
3. or kill germinating spores
4. Crop rotation- successive planting of different crops in the same area, sometimes with
fallow, or resting period in between crops.
rotate crops over periods that are longer than the survival period of pathogens
Involves modifying certain physiological or physical features of the host so that it can
repel infection
Resistance is the relative ability of the plant to overcome the effects of a pathogen
Gene deployment- involves the use of different resistance genes or varieties in various
geographical areas where the pathogen / race is absent.
Plant diseases and /or pests can never be eliminated, only managed at economically
acceptable level.
Pest management requires knowledge and judgment: know the enemies (the pests), know
the battleground (the environment), know the crop (the host)
Provide the crop with every possible advantage. Use all weapons in the arsenal of
integrated pest management.
Continuous pest management is basic to efficient production.
Least possible cost and minimize losses.
3. Seed treatment
4. Crop rotation
5. Proper planting date and site
6. Proper seeding rate and depth
7. Proper harvesting and storage
8. Keep abreast of latest developments
I. Green leafhopper (order: Homoptera) – Nephotellix virescens/ Nephotellix nigropictus
Upper leaves wilted, young plants stops growing and dies. Panicle--formation
seriously impaired
Transmits the tungro virus
2. Brown planthopper (order: Hemiptera) – Nilaparva talugens
Plants wilted and stunted. Heavy sooty mold growth on surfaces of leaves. Exhibits
characteristics "hopperbum" due to direct feeding.
Transmits the grassy (excessive tillering and stunted growth) and ragged stunt
(ragged/twisted) virus
3. Rice bug (order: Hemiptera) – Leptocorisa oratorius
Grain stained brown
Panicles empty or underdeveloped as a result of sucking grains during the milk
4. Stemborers (order: Lepidoptera)
Striped stem borer – Chilo suppressalis
Yellow stem borer – Scirpophaga ncertulas
Pink stemborers – Sesamia inferens
White stemborers – Scirpophaga innotata
o Younger leaves and growing points wither exhibiting the so called
"deadheart symptom" during vegetative stage
o Plants attacked during the reproductive stage exhibit white empty panicles
known as "whitehead"
5. Golden apple snail (order: Megastropoda) – Pomacea canaliculata
Cut base of seedlings/leaves
1. Asiatic com borer (order: Lepidoptera) – Osrtrinia furcanalis
o Larvae bores hole on stem, leaves and ears
2. Corn semi-looper (order: Lepidoptera) – Chrysodeixi schalcites
o Infests young plants, feeds on the leaf blade leaving only the veins and the
3. Corn seedling maggot (order: Diptera) – Atheriogona orozae
o Affect young plants with younger leaves drying ("deadheart" symptom)
4. Corn ear worm (order: Lepidoptera) – Helicoverpa armigera
o Larva bores on young unfolded leaves, ears heavily attacked
5. Whitegrub (order: Coleoptera) – Leucopholis irrorata
o Root feeder, irregular patches of yellowing or wilting plants in the field
1. Rice weevil (order: Coleoptera) – Sitophilus oryzae
2. Corn weevil (order: Coleoptera) – Sitophilus zeamais
3. Rice moth (order: Coleoptera) - Corcyra cephalonica
o Feed on both milled and unmilled grains
1. Root grubs (order: Coleoptera) – Leucopholis irrorata
1. Crucifers (pechay, cabbage, cauliflower, radish. etc.)
o Diamond back moth (order: Lepidoptera) – Plutella xylostella
Leaves eaten out and turned into lace-like appearance with irregular
and small holes on leaves
o Cabbage worm (order: Lepidoptera) – Crocidolomia binotalis
Irregular perforation on the leaves
o Cutworm (order: Lepidoptera) – Spodoplera lilura
Leaves and stems of newly planted seedlings cut-off/eaten- out
Growing shoots and fruits are bored; shoots eventually die.
1. Sweet potato weevil (order: Coleoptera) – Cylasf ormicarius formicarius
a. Tubers with rotting section and legless larvae tunnel and feed inside the
tubers. Infested tubers exude disagreeable odor and bitter taste.
1. Mango
a. leafhopper (order: Hemiptera) – Idioscopus niveosparus/ Idioscopus clypealis
i. blossom withers and fruit setting is prevented;
ii. sooty molds are abundant
b. Philippine fruitfly (order: Diptera) – Bactrocera philippinensis
i. Maggots feed on fruits which eventually rot due to secondary
contamination with pathogens
c. Mango twig borer (order: Coleoptera) – Niphonuclea albata/ Niphonuclea
i. Twigs are girdled and eventually wither and die. Larvae inside dead
2. Banana
a. Banana leafroller (order: Lepidoptera) – Erionatha thrax
i. Portions of leaves rolled. Powdery caterpillar inside feeds on the
ii. Banana weevil (order: Coleoptera) – Cosmopolitus sordidus
Plants wilt and urn yellow and collapse
Pseudostem infested with weevil; grubs on rootstock
iii. Abaca aphid (order: Hemiptera) – Pentalonia nigronervosa
Transmits virus causing bunchy top symptom
1. Asiatic palm weevil (order: Coleoptera) – Rhynchoporus ferrugineus
a. Adults bore through the cabbage and legless larvae feed on the soft bud of
the coconut resulting to the destruction of the whole crown
2. Coconut rhinoceros beetle (order: Coleoptera) - Oryctes rhinoceros
a. Damage inflicted solely by the adult that bores through the unopened
leaves of the central bud. When leaves open, triangular gashes are
disclosed as if component leaflets had been cut by scissors.
1. Coffee berry borer (order: Coleoptera) – Hypothenemus hampei
a. Holes on berries with feeding or adult beetles
2. Leaffolder (order: Lepidoptera) – Homona caffearia
a. Larvae fold leaves and eat on the epidermis
1. Pachyrrhynchid beetle (order: Coleoptera) – Pachyrrhynchlls moniliferus
2. Pink mealybugs (order: Hemiptera) – Planococcus lilacinus
• Fluffy pinkish mealybugs feed on leaves and young shoots
• Sooty molds present
• Stunted growth
3. Cacao pod borer (order: Lepidoptera) – Conopomorpha cramerella
• Beans of older pods are bored and eventually rot
4. Mosquito bugs (order: Hemiptera) – Helopeltis collaris/ Helopeltis bakeri
• Pods riddled with black necrotic areas
1. Birds - Philippine weaver
• Feed mainly on grains (e.g. rice)
• Cause shattering of grains when they alight on panicles
2. Rodents
a. Norway rat – Rattus norvegicus
b. Philippine rice field rat – Rattus mindanensis
c. Asian rice field rat – Rattus argemiventer
d. Polynesian rat – Rattus exulans
• Feed directly on grains (e.g. com, rice) and other fleshy part of me plants
(e.g. sweet potato, coconut)
• Cause indirect damages by transmitting human diseases and contaminating
stored products with their urine and feces.
1) Parasitoids - biological control agents that require only one host to complete their
life cycle
2) Predators- biological control agents that consume several hosts to complete their
life cycle
3) Pathogen - microorganisms that cause disease on other organisms
a. e.g. Metarrhzium anisopliae- a fungus that infects rhinoceros beetle
b. Bacillus thuringensis- a bacteria that produces toxins and kills larvae of
cruciferous pests (e.g. diamond back moth)
Importance of Weeds
Weeds are familiar plants of our environment which are seen infecting lawns,
sidewalks, roadsides, fence rows, ditches, canals, ponds, waterways, garden, croplands,
rangelands, and forests. They adversely affect the use, economic value, and aesthetic aspect
of the land and waters they infest.
o A plant growing where it is not wanted
o A plant whose potentialities for harm far outweighs its potentialities for good
o A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered
o A plant or plant part interfering with the objectives of man in a specific
o A misfit; a plant unwanted at a particular time and place
For a plant to be considered a weed depends not only on its
characteristics and habits but also on its relative position with
reference to other plant and man.
A weed must impair man’s activity
Effect of weeds
o Negative
Reduce crop yield
Table 2. Weeds act as secondary hosts of pathogens and insects
Disease (Pathogens), Insects Host Weed species
Rice dwarf (virus) Echinochloa crusgalli
Rice stripe (Virus) Echinochloa crusgalli
Bacterial Leaf Blight Leptochloa chinensis
Brown spot (Fungi) Cyncodon dactylon, Leersia hexandra, Digitaria
White tip (Nematode) Setaria viridis, Cyperus rotundus, Imperata
Meloidogyne (Nematode) Fimbristylis milliacea
Maize stripe (maize stripe Roettboellia cochinchinensis
Corn delphacid Roettboellia cochinchinensis
Papaya Ringspot potvirus Melothria pendula, Coccinea grandis
Root knot nematode Acalypha indica, Vernonia cinerea
(Meloidogyne incognita)
o Positive
Prevent erosion
Add organic matter to the soil
Food and medicines for human
Serve as nectar for bees
Food for livestock, wild animals and birds
Provide habitat for insect predators
Source of beauty
Recycle nutrients
Source of genetic materials
Crops vs. Weeds
o Similar physiology and morphology
o Weeds are unwanted, crops are plants that fit economically into man’s work
and existence.
Characteristics of a Weed
o Rapid vegetative growth
o Reproduce rapidly and mature early
o Very prolific and produce abundant seeds
R. cohinchinensis can produce more than 700 tillers and branches are
capable of producing inflorescence
o They have the ability to survive and adapt to adverse conditions
Some species have the ability to germinate and grow under a wide
range of environmental conditions. They possess mechanism to resist
drought and excessive moisture stress.
Example: Large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) when exposed to
extremelt dry conditions forms contractile roots and shoot growth is
arrested. When conditions become favorable, they resume their
normal growth.
o Propagules possess dormancy or can be induced to become dormant under
unfavorable condition
Dormancy – state of arrested growth or a state at which a seed or any
propagule does not germinate even if favorable conditions for growth
are given; a mechanism that enables the species to survive under
favorable conditions including control operations
o Adapted to crop competition
Weeds have properly synchronized germination, rapid establishment
and growth of seedlings, quick response to available moisture and
Table 3. Production capacities of common weed species in the Philippines
(Pancho, 1964)
Weed Species Number of Seeds/Plant Number of Seeds/Gram
Commelina 1,610 311
Ageratum conizoides 36, 865 8,576
Cyperus difformis 21,096 94,000
Cyperus iria 4,775 7,010
Cyperus rotundus 2,975 5,400
Dactyloctenium 65,800 4,280
Digitaria sanguinalis 1,705 2,506
Echinochloa colona 8,148 600
Echinochloa crusgalli 2,173 945
Echinochloa 2,235 3,559
Eleusine indica 50,352 3,559
Rottboellia 2,208 94
Classification of Weeds
o Life Cycle
Annual- weeds that complete their life cycle in 1 season; reproduce
mainly in seeds; profuse vegetative growth manifested by profuse
tillering and/or branching which contribute to the numerous seed
production. Shallow rooted.
Ex. Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Ageratum conyzoides,
Amaranthus spinosus, Echinochloa crusgali
Perennial- weeds that live for more than one season or for several
years and reproducing vegetatively and by seeds. Perennials can be
divided to:
Simple perennial – reproduced mainly by Seeds
o Ex: Sida acuta, Mimosa pudica, Chromolaena odorata,
Lantana camara
Creeping perennial – reproduce by seeds and vegetative
o Ex: Stolon-Cyncodon dactylon; Rhizomes-Sorghum
halepense, Imperata cylindrica, Paspalum distichum;
Tubers-Cyperus rotundus, Scirpus maritimus; Offshoots-
Pistia stratiotes
o Gross morphological feature
Belong to the family Poaceae or Graminae
Stem, referred to as CULM, is cylindrical
Culm has well defined nodes and internodes
Leaves with parallel leaf venation arise alternately in two rows
Basal part of the leaf is the leaf sheath which clasps the culm,
upper part is the blade with veins parallel
Leaf sheath clasps around the culm overlap to protect the
growing shoot
Ligule (a hairy membranous outgrowth between the leaf blade
and the leaf sheath) exists
Ex: Echinochloa colona, Echinochloa crusgalli, Eleusine indica,
Paspalidium flavidium, Rottboellia cochinchinensis
Belong to the family Cyperaceae
Resemble grasses—leaves that are long and narrow
Culm is triangular w/ no nodes and internodes
Leaf sheath fused to form a tube around the culm forming a
rosette leaf arrangement
Leaves have parallel leaf venation
Ex: Cyperus rotundus, Cyperus iria, Cyperus difformis,
Fimbristylis littoralis
Weed characterized by more expanded leaves
Maybe monocots or dicots
Ex: Ageratum conyzoides, Lantana camara, Pistia stratiotes,
Synedrella nodiflora, Cleome rutidosperma
o Number of cotyledons
Monocotyledonous weeds – weeds having a single seed leaf or
cotyledon, parallel leaf venation and fibrous root system
Dicotyledonous weeds – weeds having two seed leaves or cotyledons.
They have expanded leaf blades, netted leaf venation and tap root
o Habitat
Floating – grow on water surface and roots not attached to the
soil bottom
o Pistia stratiotes, Salvinia molesta
Emerged – have their roots beneath the water surface and
leaves above the surface. Roots attached to the soil
o Fimbristylis littoralis, Cyperus iria, Sphenochlea zeylanica
Submerged – have all leaves beneath the water surface but
may have floral parts above water
o Hydrilla verticillata
Arable land
Waste place
Ex: Cynodon dactylon,Eleusine indica, Dactyloctenium
aegyptium, Rottboellia cochinchinensis, Imperata cylindrica,
Cyperus rotundus, Ageratum conyzoides, Synedrella nodiflora,
Tridax procumbens, Celosia argentea, Amaranthus spinosus,
Mimosa pudica.
Aerial or Epiphytes
o Other classification
Common weeds- weeds that are more or less found in every farm but
are not exceptionally injurious and are readily controlled by good
farming practices.
Noxious weeds- weeds that are particularly undesirable, because of
their certain undesirable characteristics, like the presence of an
extensive perennial underground system which enable to resist the
most determined effort to control
Reproduction and Establishment of Weeds
o Seeds or Sexual reproduction
o Vegetative or asexual reproduction
Rhizomes – resembles a root but is differentiated into nodes,
internodes, and scale leaves (Imperata cylindrica)
Tubers – terminal portion of the rhizome develops into a fleshy
storage organ (Cyperus rotundus)
Stolons – resemble the rhizome but they remain underground. The
young plant arises from the lateral bud near the basal part of the stem
axis (Cynodon dactylon)
Bulbs – the rhizome develops into a basal bulb which send out the
rosette or aerial leaves (Cyperus rotundus)
Off shoots – Pistia stratiotes (the offshoots can be produced in 18
o Disseminating Agents and Dispersal of weeds
Dispersal Agents
o Seeds are very light and minute
o Flattened structures
o With wing-like outgrowth of feathery or hairy
appendages (Echinochloa spp – light and can easily be
blown by the wind; Imperata cylindrica and Saccharum
spontaneum have parachute like structures; Achenes of
composite as in Ageratum conyzoides and Tridax
procumbens are provided with pappus consisting of
circle of silky hairs
o For Celosia argentea and Portulaca olarecea, the strong
wind causes the seeds to separate from the plant. The
seeds fall on the soil surface where they remain or may
roll with the wind.
Animals and man
o Some seed have special structures like spines and hooks
or sticky substances that enable them to cling to fur or
hides of animals and clothes of man (Ex: Bidens pilosa
have hooks).
o Seeds of edible fruits are dispersed by animal and birds
o Rats and ants carry seeds through short distance. Some
seeds secrete natural substances that stimulate ants to
o Man carries weeds across natural barriers in the
shipment of seeds, feedstuff, and farm equipment
o Some plants are introduced as ornamentals. These
introduces species may spread rapidly and ultimately
become noxious weed.
o Application of manure containing weed seeds as
fertilizers contribute to the seriousness of the weed
problem in cultivated areas.
o Mud on shoes or feet may carry weed seeds from one
place to another.
o Sources of weed seeds in the soil:
Seeds produced in the previous season
Disseminated from other locations
Originally present in the soil
Crop-Weed Competition
o Competition occurs when two or more plants make demands for the same
resources of the environment in excess of the immediate supply or when the
resources are supplied in the limited amount
o Crops and weeds have the same requirement for growth and development
o The overall effect of competition is a reduction in the reproductive potential
of the competitors
o Ex: Corn-weed competition: weeds in corn can reduce yields by 15-80% if
left uncontrolled. Thus, corn needs a weed-free period of 0-42 DAP (Baltazar,
o Types of Competition
Interspecific – competition between plants of different species
Intraspecific – competition between plants of the same species
Allelopathy – any direct or indirect effect of one plant on another
plant through the production of chemical compounds that escape into
the environment
o Factors affecting competition
Time of weed competition
Time of crop and weed emergence (transplanting vs. direct-seeding)
The critical period of competition is that time in which the crop is
very sensitive to weed competition which is usually on the first
25-33% of the crop growth. Thus, weeds should be removed
before or during this critical period.
Table 4. Critical Period of competition for some economic crops
Crop Maturity Critical Period of Competition
Corn 120 49
Upland rice 120 40
Lowland rice 120 30-40
Onion 95 56
Peanut 105 42
Mungbean 60-65 21-35
Soybean 125 42
o To reduce competition:
Provide enough of the resources being competed for (not true for
Remove one of the competing individuals in this case, weeds (direct
and indirect control methods)
Apply strategies that will weaken weeds or make weeds grow slower,
but make crops grow faster (weed management strategies)
Table 5. Allelopathic crops
Allelopathic plants Affected Plants
Imperata cylindrica Corn
Cyperus rotundus Cucumber
Salvia leucophylla Cabbage
Rottboella Cucumber, Ipomoea triloba
Barley Stellaria media
Cucumber Panicum millaceum
Difficult to distinguish weed seedlings from rice seedlings at
early stages of growth and uprooting or damaging rice cannot
be avoided
Weed control in corn
Hoeing or handweeding – Done 2-3 times per cropping season
at 14, 28, and/or 42 DAS
o Not practical with itchgrass and spicy amaranth
o Increasing labor costs, tedious back-breaking work
o Unavailability of labor at critical periods of competition
Interrow cultivation
o Off-barring (move soil away from base of plant) at 15
o Hilling-up (move soil toward crop rows, which can still
reduce yields significantly
Handweeding within the rows to remove the weeds that were
not controlled by interrow cultivation
o Cultural and ecological methods- an alteration of growing conditions aimed
at suppressing indirectly weed populations by decreasing the competitive
ability or directly encouraging weed growth at a specified period during
which time direct control methods can be imposed. These two go together
because any change in cultural methods essentially affects the ecology of
both crops and weeds
Land preparation – suppression of weeds can be done by deep
plowing, puddling, increased tillage, timing of land preparation and
stale seedbed technique—a method where weeds are allowed to
emerge (up to 1-2 weeks after last cultivation), then killed using
either cultivation or a non-selective herbicide.
Water management – water will suppress weeds if it is applied before
the weeds germinate or before they emerge above the soil surface.
Once weeds have emerged, they may not be controlled by flooding.
Method of planting – transplanting rice will suppress weeds better
than wet seeding or dry seeding.
Cultivar grown
Tall droopy-leaved traditional cultivars are more competitive
than the erect-leaved cultivars.
A high tillering rice cultivar suppresses weeds better than a
low-tillering cultivar
Plant density – high seed rate in broadcast-seeded rice
suppresses weeds better than a low seed rate
Fertilizer application
Crop rotation – planting of different crops in sequence
o Crops should be rotated to reduce the buildup of certain
weed species associated with the crop
o With crop rotation, no species or group of species can
have undisturbed development, therefore, the
population is reduced.
o Biological weed control – the suppression or control of weeds by the action
of living organisms or natural enemies which is accomplished naturally or by
purposeful introduction.
Plant pathogens
Fish and other animals
-Biological weed control agents (BWCA) are required to effectively put
pressure on the weeds but they should not attack plants with economic
o According to mode of action
Contact- herbicides applied to the foliage and kill
the plant tissues at or very close to the site of
Ex. Paraquat
Translocated or systemic- herbicides capable of
movement within the plant to exert herbicidal
effect away from the site of application.
Ex. 2,4-D; Glyphosate
o According to selectivity
Selective- kill or stunt some plants w/a little or
no injury to others
Non-selective- kills all plants also called general
weed killers, ex. Glyphosate, Paraquat
o Based on method of application
Foliar applied – herbicides that are directly
sprayed on the foliage; maybe contact and
selective (ex. Propanil); systemic and selective
(ex. 2,4-D); systemic and non-selective (ex.
Soil applied – herbicides that are applied to the
soil (ex. Butachlor)
Precautions when applying Herbicides
o Rate used – the rate should be not more or less than the recommended rate
o Apply at the correct time – apply when it is most destructive to weeds but is
not harmful to the crop
o Spray during fair weather only
Sunlight maybe needed for the herbicide to penetrate into the plants
Rain after application (within 2-3 hours), may wash-off the herbicide
and reduce its effectiveness.
Strong wind during herbicide application may cause uneven
distribution of the chemical and may damage susceptible crops due to
Sprayer Calibration
o Calibration is the process of determining prayer output and adjusting the
sprayer output by changing the speed of walking and/or nozzle size to match
a specified sprayer output that is recommended for a particular herbicide on
the herbicide label; done to ensure that enough herbicide I applied to kill
weeds and to avoid spraying much which would be a waste of money and
may damage the crop or soil.
Lantana camara Lantana Asexual Perennial Broadleaf
Ipomoea triloba Three-lobe morning Sexual Annual Broadleaf
Mimosa pudica Sensitive Plant Asexual Perennial Broadleaf
Chromolaena Devilweed Sexual Perennial Broadleaf
A. FP=rate/Ai
o FP amount of formulated product
o raterecommendation or actual; expressed as amount kg ai/ha
o aipercent of the active ingredient in the formulation; expressed in
decimal form
B. C1V1=C2V2
o C1 initial concentration
o V I volume to be taken in the original solution
o C2 desired concentration
o V2 volume to be prepared
Sample Problems:
1. Diazol EC contains 320g active ingredients per liter of formulated product. It has to
be mixed at 4 tbsp/l6 L water.
a. What is the concentration of the formulated product in percent?
b. What is the concentration of the spray solution in ppm?
c. If the recommendation calls for 150 L spray solution per hectare, how much
of the product is needed to spray 6,000 square meters?
2. Lorban 5G, with 5 % active ingredient, has to be applied at 0.7 kg ai/ha. how much
Lorban 5G is needed per hectare?
4. Matador contains 600g Methamidophos per liter of formulated product. How many
liters have to be applied in 2 hectares to obtain a rate of 0.75 kg ai/ha?
5. Compute for the amount (ml) of Perfekthion 40EC needed to prepare 1L each of the
folJowing concentrations:
a. 10,000 ppm
b. 500 ppm
c. 0.75%
d. 0.05%
1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)
a. 32% 14kg a. 3.125hrs 2.5 kg a. 25 ml
b. 0.08% b. 16.4 sprayer loads b. 1.25ml
c. 225ml c. 68.6ml/tank load c. 18.75ml
d. 1.25ml
1.) a. __ 320g___ x 100 = 32%
b. 4 tbsp = 40mL
% conc= 40ml x 0.32 = __1.28 ml ai__ x 100 = 0.08%
16,000 ml
= 800ppm
b. area = 7,500 m2
Spray volume for 100m2 = 3.5L
Volume (L) = 3.5L (7500 m2) = 262.5 L
100 m2
16 L/TL
c. 1.5 L = x___
1 ha 0.75ha
a. C2 = 10,000 ppm = 1%
V1 = (1%) 1L = 0.025 L = 25ml
40 %
b. C2 = 500ppm = 0.05%
V1 = (0.05%) (1L) = 1.25 x 10-3 L x 1000 ml/L = 1.25 ml
c. C2 = 0.75%
V1 = (0.75%) (1L) = 0.1875 L x 1000 ml/L = 18.75 ml
d. C2 = 0.05%
V1 = (0.05%)(1L) = 0.00125 L x 1000 ml/L = 1.25ml
Biotechnological Methods
o Develop herbicide-resistant crops
o Out of herbicide-resistant weeds were developed herbicide-resistant crops
o Develop allelopathic crops
o Convert C3 crops to C4 crops
Herbicide Resistant Crops (Baltazar, 2011)
o GMO crops: Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Canola
o 10 million farmers in 22 countries planted over 100 million hectares with
GMO crops in 2006
o 80% of GMO crops planted have a herbicide resistance gene
o US-95% of soybeans, 90% cotton, 60% corn are Roundup ready
Development of Herbicide-resistant Crops
o It works on (formerly) susceptible crops
o Simple
o Economics: higher yields, lower costs
o Reduced risk of damage on rotational crops
o Examples of HRSs:
Glyphosate – Roundup Ready Corn, soybean, canola, cotton
Glufosinate – Liberty link maize, canola
Sulfonylureas – STS soybean
Imidazolinones – lmi rice, Clearfield rice, wheat, corn, canola
Bromoxynil – BXN cotton, tobacco
Sethoxydim – compatible maize
o In the Philippines, glyphosate resistant corn is grown in 267,071 ha since
2005 (Baltazar, 2011).
0.7-1.4 kg ae/ha glyphosate applied 15 DAP (4-8 cm weeds) and 40
DAP (10 cm weeds)
In corn-corn systems (2 crops per year), may have 4 to 6
Need to monitor weed shifts or development of glyphosate-resistant
Yield advantage of 700 kg/ha over FP and reduce cost by P900/ha
Issues and concerns of Genetically-Modified Crops
o Potential for increased herbicide use/misuse
o Abandonment of alternative weed control practices
o Gene flow to other plants (weeds)
o HR crop turns into a weed?
o Cost of seed, proprietary issues (IPR)
o Social, ethical, and environmental concerns
o Acceptance in foreign markets (Europe rejects GMOs)
o Registration and regulation
o Post-commercial monitoring and risk assessment
o GM crops in the Philippines regulated by Department of Agriculture AO No. 8
and EO 430, and the national Committee on Biosafety (NCBP) regarding
health, food, and environment concerns
Integrated Weed Management Strategies
o Combine two or more weed control methods to get the most efficient season-
long control
o “best-mix” combination
o Must be practical, economical and cost-effective
o Must be suitable to existing farming conditions
o Usually herbicide followed by a mechanical or cultural method (direct +
indirect methods)