• Kingdom : Plantac
• Division : Charophyta
• Class : Zygnematophyceac
• Order : Zygnematales
• Family : Zygnemataceac
• Genus : Zygnema
• Zygnema is a genus of freshwater filamntous thalloid
alga comprising about 100 species.
• A terrestrial species, z.terrestre, is known from india.
• Zygnema grows as free-floating mass of filaments,
although young plants may be found anchared to
streambeds with a holdfast.
• Gygnema contains about 120 species, 38 of which
are found in north america.
• Genus is widespread and sometimes abundent in
freshwater ditches, ponds ans lakes of neutral and
slightly acidic PH.
• Some species are more freely with water currents with
filaments but some are benthic.
• Zygnema often found with Spirogyra and Macgeotia.
• It is freshwater filamentous algae.
• It grows as free floating mass of filaments.
• Commenly found in stagment water.
• Generally also accurs in ponds, lakes, pools and other
freshwater reserviors along with some species of
• Thallos is an unbranched filament without any
distinction into base and apex.
• Filaments consists of single row of similar cylendrical
cells, havving lengths slightly greater than breaths ;
cell may be a-5 times as long as broad.
• Protoplast is uninucleate, nucleus is embaded in broad
strand of cytoplasm connecting to two chloroplasts.
• Nucleaus visible belween chloroplasts.
• Filaments coated with thin mucilage layer.
• Z. terrestre
• Z. cylindricum
• Z.fanicum
• Z.normanii
• Z.carteri
• Z.cyanesphaeroidicum
• Z.binoclearioides
• Zygnema reproduces by uegetative, asexual and sexual
Vegetative reproduction:
• By fragmentation, particularily when available nitrates and
phosphates are available in sufficient quantities.
• Accidental breaking of the filament and never due to the
softening of the cross wallof adjacent cells.
Asexual Reproduction:
By Alkinetes, spore like bodies with very thick cell walls are
produced when environmet becomes unsuitable, allowing to
withstand droughts and harsh winters.
Sexual Reproduction:
• Most of the species reproduces sexually in the spring by the process of conjugation.
• Conjugation is usally scalariform.
• Gametes of one filament (male), become active,
• Amoeboid and migrate through conjugation tubes to the gametes of other filament
• Both gametes white and form zygospores.
• But in some species, both gametes become amoeboid migrate towards eachother and
form zygospore.
• Zygotes invested by wall, which becomes three layered at maturity.
• Zygote al maturity, liberated by disintegration of gametengial wall or wall of
conjugation tube, and usually undergo period of rest for several months.
• In spring, zygote germinates, prior to germination there is reduction division of
zygote nucleus forming four haploid nuclei, out of which three disintigrate.
• During germination, two outer wall of zygote ropture and protoplast enclosed by
innermost wall. Layer may partially or wholly escape from raptured walls.
• This protoplast by repeated division give rise to new filament
• When conjugation fails, a gamete mayformazygespore or parthenospore. But there
are not producedin abundance in the genus.