• The protonephridia that end in flame cells for •Commonly found attached to the gill
excretion filaments of fishes
• A pair of anterior ganglia with longitudinal •Opisthaptor, a posterior attachment
nerve cords connected by transverse nerves. organ, enable them to anchor itself to the
• There are over 20,000 species were identified.
gill filament and feed on mucus, blood
and epithelial cells.
• Parasitic flatworms feeds on the nutrients of
their host • They have a gastrovascular cavity •Gyrodactylus and Sphynura
with mouth as a single opening for the
Class Trematoda
entrance of food and exit of wastes
• Free-living flatworms derive nutrients from
•Flat, oval to elongated body shape.
scavenging or by eating other animals •All are parasitic
• Flame cells are for removal of wastes •Tegument is the outer body wall made up
• Ganglia and nerve cord is used for stimuli of glycocalyx that aids substances across
the wall and it protects the flukes against
• Some flatworms have eyespot used for light the host destructive enzymes.
•Digestive tract has mouth, a muscular
pharynx, and pouches
• Free-living flat worms reproduced via
•Reproduction is complex
asexual reproduction through binary fission
• Most parasitic are hermaphroditic. They
under sexual reproduction.
Class Trematoda
• They can be found either external or
internal part of the host body
• They have multiple host, primary host
usually vertebrates and fresh water snails
as intermediate host.
• Example: Liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica),
Blood flukes (Schistosoma spp.)
Class Cestoidea
• Commonly know as tape worm
• They are obligate endoparasites
• they have “ suckers ”
• The body is divided into three regions:
Scolex, strobila, and neck
•The scolex holds the tapeworm tight to
the intestinal walls of its definitive host
•Strobila is consist of series of proglottids
•Each proglottids contains reproductive
•The mature reproductive are from middle
to the posterior end.
•The length of the body varies from 1mm
to 25 m
•Pair od lateral nerve cord in scolex
extends towards the end of the strobili
•Protonephridaila system is used for
•Example: Pork tape worm (Taenia solium)
beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata