Lecture On Tuheed
Lecture On Tuheed
Lecture On Tuheed
He is Wakil (trustee,
Disposer of affairs,
Guardian etc)over all
ِض ِۗ َو ّإن ت ُ أبدُوا َما فّي أَنِفُ ّس ُك أِم أ َ أو ِ ّ ت َو َما فّي أاْل َ أِر ِّ س َم َاواَ ِّل َما فّي ال َِّ ّ ل
ِۗ ب َمن يَشَا ُِء ُِ ّللاُ ِۗ فَِيَ أغ ّف ُِر ّل َمن يَشَا ُِء َويُعَ ّذل
َِ ت ُ أخفُوِهُ يُ َحا ّس أب ُكم ّب ِّه
َِيءِ قَ ّدير
لش أ ِعلَىِ ُك ّلَ ُّللا
َِ َو
To Allah belongeth all that is in the heavens and on earth.
Whether ye show what is in your minds or conceal it, Allah
Calleth you to account for it. He forgiveth whom He
pleaseth, and punisheth whom He pleaseth, for Allah hath
power over all things.(Al Bkara :284)
Maintaining the unity of Allah’s names and
Allah must be referred to according to how
He & his Prophet(PBUH)described Him.
Allah is referred to without giving him the
attributes of his creation.
ِيز أال َح ِّكي ُم
ُِ ض ِۗ َو ُه َِو أالعَ ّز
ِ ّ اْل َ أر
ِت َو َما فّي أ
ِّ س َم َاوا َِّ ّ ح
َ ِّل َما فّي ال َِ َسب
Whatever is in the heavens and on earth, let it declare the
Praises and Glory of Allah: for He is the Exalted in Might, the
In the light of Ahadith of Prophet
Belief of every prophet of Allah
Cause of destruction for all previous nations
Root of all good actions
Its firm belief leads to
Always worship one
Never commit shirk
Always worship one
Never commit shirk
Always worship one
Never commit shirk
Always worship one
Never commit shirk
Literally means:
To ascribe the partners
Holy Quran,younas:18
Holy Quran, Al Hajj,64-74
Infect it’s a great sin.
One of seven destructive عن أبي هريرة رضي هللا
things: عنه عن النبي صلى هللا
Shirk عليه وسلم قال ” :اجتنبوا
Practice sorcery السبع الموبقات ” قالوا :يا
Murder ن ؟ قال: رسول هللا وما ه ّ
Riba “الشرك باهلل ,والسحر ,
Eat up an orphan’s وقتل النفس التي حرم
wealth هللا إال بالحق ,وأكل الربا,
Fleeing from the battle وأكل مال اليتيم ,والتولي
Field يوم الزحف قذف
To accuse chaste women المحصنات الغافالت
المؤمنات ” (متفق عليه)
Meaning of Shafat: Al nisa:85
Conditions Al Zumr:43-44
Approved intercessors Al bakara:255
conclusion Al Anbuya:28
Meaning Al Maida:35
Elements According to
Mutawasil ili
Al Wasil
Al Mutawasal bihi
Some Approved
modes of Wasilas
(68) Those who invoke not, with ِّللا ّإِلَ ًها آخ ََر َِّ ون َم َِع َِ ع ُ ل يَ أد َِ ينَِ َوالَ ّذ
َِ س الَتّي َح َِر َِم َِ ُل يَ أقتُل
Allah, any other god, nor slay such
life as Allah has made sacred except ُّللا َِ ون الِنَ أف َِ َو
for just cause, nor commit
fornication; - and any that does this ِۗ ونَِ ُل ِيَ أزن َِ ق َو ِّل ّب أال َح ل َِ ّإ
(not only) meets punishment. ك يَ ألقَِ أَثَا ًما َِ ل َذ ّل َِو َمن يَ أفعَ أ
(69) (But) the Penalty on the Day of
Judgment will be doubled to him, اب يَ أو َِم أال ّقِيَا َم ِّة ُِ ف لَ ِهُ أالعَ َِذ ِع أ َ ضا َ ُي
and he will dwell therein in َويَ أخلُ أِد فّي ِّه ُم َهاِنًا
(70) Unless he repents, believes, and ِع َم ًل َ ل َِ ع ّمَ ن َِو َِ اب َوآ َم َِ َ ل َمن ت َِ ّإ
works righteous deeds, for Allah will
change the evil of such persons into
س ّيلئَا ّت ّه أِم َ ُّللا
َِ ل ُِ ك يُبَ ّ لد َِ صا ّل ًحا فَأُولَ ّئ َ
good, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, ورا ً ُغف َ ُّللا
َِ ان َِ سنَاتِ ِۗ َو َك َ َح
Most Merciful,
(71) And whoever repents and does
َر ّحي ًما
good has truly turned to Allah with ُصا ّل ًحا فَإ ِّنَ ِه َِ ل َِ ع ّم َ اب َو َِ َ َو َمن ت
an (acceptable) conversion;-
ّللا َِمتَابًا َِّ وب ّإلَى ُِ ُ يَت
Al furqan:68-71
(286) On no soul doth Allah
Place a burden greater than it ِ ل ُو أسعَ َِها
ۗ َِ سا ّإ ً ّللاُ نَأِف
َِ ف ُِ ل يُ َك ّلل َِ
can bear. It gets every good that
it earns, and it suffers every ill
ِسِبَ أ
ت َ َ علَأِي َها َما ا أكت َ ت َو َ لَ َها َما َك
ِسبَ أ
that it earns. (Pray:) "Our Lord! اخ أذِنَا ّإن نَ ّسينَا أ َ أِو ّ ل ت ُ َؤَِ ِۗ َربَنَا
َِ طأأنَا ِۗ َربَنَا َو َ أ َ أخ
Condemn us not if we forget or
fall into error; our Lord! Lay not علَأِينَا َ ل ِل ت َ أح ّم أ
on us a burden Like that which
Thou didst lay on those before ين ِّمن َِ علَى الَ ّذ َِ ُص ًرا َك َما َح َم ألت َ ِه ّإ أ
us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a
burden greater than we have
َِ ل ت ُ َح ّ لم ألنَا َما
ل َِ قَ أب ّلنَا ِۗ َربَنَا َو
strength to bear. Blot out our عنَا َوا أغِّف أِر َ أف ُِ طاقَ ِةَ لَنَا ّب ِّه ِۗ َواع َ
َِ َ ار َح أمنَا ِۗ أ
sins, and grant us forgiveness.
Have mercy on us. Thou art our نت َِم أو َلنَا لَنَا َو أ
Protector; Help us against those
who stand against faith.” َِ علَى أالقَ أو ِّم أال َكافّ ّر
ين َ ص أرنَا ُ فَان
Al Bakara:286
Self respect & self esteem
Modesty &humbleness
Purity of soul & righteousness of behavior
Patience& trust in Allah
Obedience to Allah
Be sure about the existence of Allah
Unseen protection
Sentiments & feelings
Love& hate
Superstitious beliefs