Du'a Booklet 22
Du'a Booklet 22
Du'a Booklet 22
الُّد َع اُء ُم ُّخ ا ِع َباَدِة
Ramadan 2022
Importance of supplicating
Supplicating to Allah is one of the main focus of
worship. It is the essence of worship and an integral
part of a servant's life.
Imam Al Nawawi:
"None of you says it when he reaches the evening, and a decree comes
upon him before he reaches morning, except that Paradise becomes
obligatory upon him. And none says it when he reaches the morning, and
a decree comes upon him before he reaches evening, except that Paradise
becomes obligatory for him.”
(Tirmidhi, 3411)
Du'as for Tahajjud
َال ِإَلَه ِإَّال ُهَّللا َو ْح َدُه َال َش ِريَك َلُه َلُه اْلُم ْلُك َو َلُه اْلَحْم ُد َو ُه َو َع ىَل ُكِّل
َش ْي ٍء َق ِديٌر َوُس ْب َحاَن ِهَّللا َو اْلَحْم ُد ِلَّلِه َو َال ِإَلَه ِإَّال ُهَّللا َو ُهَّللا َأْك َبُر َو َال
َحْو َل َو َال ُق َّو َة ِإَّال ِبالَّلِه
None has the right to be worshiped but Allah, alone, without
partner, to Him belongs the Dominion, and to Him is the
praise, and He has power over all things. And Glory is to Allah,
and all the praise is to Allah, and ‘None has the right to be
worshipped but Allah, and Allah is the greatest, and there is
no might nor power except by Allah.
َّي ُم َق َت ْنَأ ُد َحْم ْلا َك َل ِض َأل ا ِت ا َم ال وُن َت ْنَأ ُد َحْم ْلا َكَل َّم ُهَّلال
َو ْر َو َّس َو ُر
الَّس َم َو اِت َو اَألْر ِض َو َلَك اْلَحْم ُد َأْنَت َرُّب الَّس َم َو اِت َو اَألْر ِض َو َم ْن ِفيِه َّن
َأْنَت اْلَحُّق َوَو ْع ُد َك اْلَحُّق َو ِلَق اُؤ َك َحٌّق َو اْلَجَّنُة َحٌّق َو الَّناُر َحٌّق َو الَّس اَع ُة
َحٌّق الَّلُه َّم َلَك َأْس َلْم ُت َو ِبَك آَم ْن ُت َو َع َلْي َك َتَو َّك ْلُت َو ِإَلْي َك َأَنْب ُت َو ِبَك
َأ َأ
َخاَص ْم ُت َو ِإَلْي َك َحاَك ْم ُت َف اْغ ِف ْر ِلي َم ا َق َّد ْم ُت َو َم ا ْر ُت َو َم ا ْس َرْر ُت
ْنَأ َّال َهَل َال َل
َو َم ا ْع ْن ُت َت ِإ ِه ي ِإ ِإ َت ْنَأ َل َأ
O Allah, to You is the Praise, You are the Light of the heavens and the earth, and to
You is the Praise, You are the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth, and to You is
the praise, You are the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and those in them, You
are the truth, and Your Promise is the truth, and Your meeting is true, and Paradise
is true, and the Fire is true, and the Hour is true, O Allah, to You have I submitted,
and in You have I believed , and in You have I relied, and to You have I turned, and by
You have I argued, and to You have I referred for judgment. So forgive me what I
have done before and after, and that which I have hidden and that which I have done
openly. You are my Deity, no has the right to be worshiped but You.
Du'as for the heart and guidance
ْخ ْل َك ْل ْل َز ْل ْل َن َك ُذ َأ ِّن َّل
َو ا َع ْجِز َو َس ِل َو ُب ِل
ا ا ِّم َو َح ِنا َه ا ِم ِب و ُع ي ال َّم ِإ
الِّرَجاِل َو َض َلِع الَّد ْيِن َو َغ َلَبِة
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from sadness, grief,
helplessness, laziness, being stingy, overwhelming debt, and
the overpowering of men.
َق َش ُك ىَل َّن َل ْغ َن ُن َل ْتَأ
َرَّبَنٓا ِم ْم َنا وَر ا َو ا ِف ْر َنٓا ۖ ِإ َك َع
ِّل ْي ٍء ِدیٌر
Rabbanaaa atmim lanaa nooranaa waghfir lana innaka ‘alaa
kulli shai’in qadeer
Our Lord, perfect for us our light and forgive us. Indeed, You
are over all things competent
– 66:8 –
O Allah, make us love belief and adorn our hearts with it. Make
us hate disbelief, deviance and rebellion. Place us among the
rightly-guided. O Allah, make us die Muslims and make us live
as Muslims and join us to the rightly, acting, who are neither
disappointed nor afflicted. O Allah, fight the unbelievers who
bar your path and who deny Your Messengers. Place You
abasement and punishment over them. O Allah, fight the
unbelievers who were given the Book, O Lord of Truth!'
Daily du'as
الَّلُه َّم اْج َع ْل ِفي َق ْلِبي ُنوًرا َو ِفي َس ْم ِع ي ُنوًرا َو ِفي َبَص ِري
ْل َأ
ُنوًرا َو َع ْن َيِم يِني ُنوًرا َو َع ْن ِش َم اِلي ُنوًرا َو َم اِم ي وًرا َو َخ ِف ي
ُنوًرا َو َف ْو ِقي ُنوًرا َو َتْحِتي ُنوًرا َو اْج َع ْل ِلي ُنوًرا
ا َك ْن ْلا َك َت ا َخ ْلا َك ُلَأ َأ ي ِّن َّل
ُم َر َو ُحَّب ِت
ْي َر َو ْر َل ْع ِف ْس ال َّم ِإ
َق َة َأ َذ َت َتْغ َأ
اْلَم َس اِكيِن َو ْن ِف َر ِلي َو ْر َحَم ِني َو ِإ ا َرْد َت ِف ْتَن ْو ٍم
َك ِحُي ْن َك َك ُلَأ َأ و ُت ْف َغ ِني َّف َت َف
ُّب َو ُحَّب ُحَّب َو ُحَّب َم ْي َر َم ٍن ْس َو
َع َم ٍل ُيَق ِّرُب ِإىَل ُحِّبَك
O Allah! I ask of you the doing of the good deeds, avoiding the
evil deeds, loving the poor, and that You forgive me, and have
mercy upon me. And when You have willed Fitnah in the people,
then take me without the Fitnah. And I ask You for Your love,
the love of whomever You love, and the love of the deeds that
bring one nearer to Your love
(Tirmidhi, 3235)
الَّلُه َّم اْه ِدِني َوَس ِّدْدِني َو اْذ ُكْر ِباْلُه َدى ِه َداَيَت َك الَّط ِريَق
َو الَّس َداِد َس َداَد الَّس ْه ِم
circles of remembrance.”
ْكاَن ِهَّللا اْلَحْم ُد ِلَّلِه َال َلَه َّال ُهَّللا ُهَّللا َأ
َبُر َو َو ِإ ِإ َو ُس ْب َح
َالِإَلَه ِإَّال ُهَّللا َو ْح َد ُه َال َش ِريَك َلُه َلُه اْلُم ْل ُك َو َلُه اْلَحْم ُد
ُيْح ِي ي َو ُيِم يُت َو ُه َو َع ىَل ُكِّل َش ْي ٍء ِديٌر
The Mesenger of Allah ( )ﷺsaid: “Whoever says: ‘There is none worthy of
worship except Allah, Alone, without partner, to Him belongs all that exists
and to Him belongs the praise, He gives life and causes death, and He is
Powerful over all things, a hundred times in a day, it will be for him the
equivalent of freeing ten slaves, and there shall be written for him a
hundred good deeds, and a hundred bad deeds shall be wiped out for him,
and it will be a protection for him from Shaitan on that day, until he reaches
the evening. And none has brought better than it, except for one who has
done more than that.”
(Tirmidhi, 3486)
Reminder for the heart