Puzzles: Days Based Floor Based
Puzzles: Days Based Floor Based
Puzzles: Days Based Floor Based
• There are 7 students R, S, T, U, V, X and Y. All of
them go to library in a week starting from Monday
to Sunday (of the same week) but not necessarily
in the same order. Only one student goes to library
on each day.
• T goes to library on one of the days before
Wednesday. Two students go to the library
between T and X. Only one student goes to library
between X and V. Two students go to library
between V and R. Only one student go to library
between R and Y. Two students go to library
between S and U. U does not go to library on
• . Who among the following goes to library on
– A. Y
– B. S
– C. U
– D. V
– E. R
• Four of the following five are alike in a certain
way and so form a group. Which of the
following does not belong to that group?
– A. T-Tuesday
– B. S-Thursday
– C. U-Sunday
– D. V-Friday
– E. R-Saturday
• Who among the following goes to library
immediately before the days on which R goes
to library?
– A. Y
– B. S
– C. U
– D. V
– E. X
• S goes to library on which of the following
– A. Friday
– B. Saturday
– C. Monday
– D. Wednesday
– E. Tuesday
• How many students go to library before T?
– A. None
– B. One
– C. Three
– D. Two
– E. Four
• Days Person
• Monday T
• Tuesday V
• Wednesday S
• Thursday X
• Friday R
• Saturday U
• Sunday Y
• C, D, E, F, I, X, Y and Z have to attend a wedding in
January, April, September and December of the same
year. In each month the wedding is either on the 11th
or on 24th of the month. Not more than two of the
given people have to attend a wedding in the same
• W has to attend a wedding on 11th of the month which
has only 30 days. Only three people have to attend a
wedding between W and Y. C and Y have to attend a
wedding neither on the same date nor in the same
month. C does not have to attend a wedding in April.
Only two people have to attend a wedding between C
and F. X and F have to attend a wedding on the same
date. D has to attend a wedding on one of the days
before X. Only one person has to attend a wedding
between D and E. Less than four people have to attend
a wedding between E and Z.
• Eight children – A, B, C, D, E, F G and H live on seven
different floors (numbered 1 to 8) of a building but not
necessarily in same order. Each one of them has got
different marks in a test – 9, 14, 16, 23, 35, 41, 48 and 57.
• E lives on an even numbered floor below floor numbered 6.
Two children live between E and one who got 41 marks.
Same number of children live above E as below the floor of
A. The one who got 23 marks lives on a floor immediately
above A. One child lives between the ones who got 23 and
16 marks respectively. Two children lives between the floors
of G and one who got 35 marks such that G is above the one
who got 35 marks. Neither A nor E got 35 marks. One child
lives between the ones who got 35 and 9 marks
respectively. D lives on one of the floors below the one who
got 35 marks. H got 9 marks and lives on an odd numbered
floor. Difference between the marks of F and C is 21. F lives
above C. A did not get highest marks
• In a seven storey building, having floors
numbered one to seven P, Q, R, S, T, V each
live on a different floor. (ground floor is
numbered 1, floor above it number 2 and so
on.) One of the floors in the building is vacant.
P lives on fifth floor. No floor below fifth floor
is vacant and also no odd numbered floor is
vacant. T does not live on a floor immediately
above or below R’s floor. Q does not live on
the bottommost floor.
• Q 7
• P 5
• T 4
• S 3
• V 2
• R 1
• 8 boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed
one above the another but not necessarily in
the same order.
• Two boxes are placed between F and E. F is
placed above E. One box is placed between F
and G. Three boxes are placed between A and
H. A is placed immediately below F. Two boxes
are placed between C and H. B is placed
somewhere above D.
• So from top to bottom –
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