5 Terms at Project Management - Sheet1

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CPM: The critical path method (CPM) is a step-by-step

BALANCING PROJECTS: A project that is
project management technique for process planning that
undertaken to improve upon the PERT: The program (or project) evaluation and review
PROJECTS: a project is an individual or collaborative defines critical and non-critical tasks with the goal of
manufacturing capacity of one or more MAINTANENCE PROJECTS: Projects technique, commonly abbreviated PERT, is a statistical
enterprise, possibly involving research or design, that is preventing time-frame problems and process bottlenecks.
DIKSHA GUPTA 22 production units that will result in undertaken to have a check to the machinery tool, used in project management, which was designed
carefully planned, usually by the project assigned team, The CPM is ideally suited to projects consisting of numerous
to achieve a particular aim. improvement in the overall production capacity so that it works with full efficiency to analyze and represent the tasks involved in
activities that interact in a complex manner.
of the project as a whole is called balancing completing a given project
SCBA: A social cost benefit analysis (SCBA) is a
PROGRAM MANAGEMENT: Program management or systematic and cohesive method to survey all
PROJECT OFFICE: The Project management office in a
programme management is the process of managing the impacts caused by an (urban) MATRIX ORGANISATION: This organizational type assigns
PROJECT PHASE: A phase is a major logical business or professional enterprise is the department
several related projects, often with the intention of development project or other policy measure. each worker two bosses in two different hierarchies. One
improving an organization's performance. In practice and grouping of work on a project. It also or group that defines and maintains the standards of
It comprises not just the financial effects, but hierarchy is "functional" and assures that each type of expert
in its aims it is often closely related to systems represents the completion of a major process, generally related to project management,
all the societal effects, like pollution, in the organization is well-trained, and measured by a boss
ISHAN MAGOTRA 26 engineering, industrial engineering, change deliverable or set of related deliverables. On an within the organization. The PMO strives to
management, and business transformation. Program environment, safety, travel times, spatial who is super-expert in the same field. The other direction is
IT development project, logical phases might be standardize and introduce economies of repetition in
management also emphasizes the coordinating and quality, health, legal aspects, etc. As a result, "executive" and tries to get projects completed using the
planning, analysis, design, construct (including the execution of projects. The PMO is the source of
prioritizing of resources across projects, managing links these prices reflect the value a society experts. Projects might be organized by products, regions,
testing), and implementation. documentation, guidance and metrics on the practice
between the projects and the overall costs and risks of attaches to the caused effects, enabling the customer types, or some other schema.
the program. of project management and execution.
decision maker to form an opinion about the
net social welfare effects of a project.
PROJECT LIFECYCLE: A standard project
ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: The main objective of
typically has the following four major phases
conducting a project economic analysis is to help not
(each with its own agenda of tasks and issues): MODERNISATION PROJECTS: Projects that are
EXPANSION PROJECTS: A expansion project is the only assess the sustainability of investment projects PROJECT FAILURE: A project is considered a failure when it
initiation, planning, implementation, and undertaken to keep the organization in tune
RATIK GUPTA 42 one which is aimed at increasing the plant capacity for but also to inform the design and select projects that has not delivered what was required, in line with
the current product range closure. Taken together, these phases with the latest technology and process so as
can contribute to a sustainable improvement in the expectations
represent the path a project takes from the to improve the efficiency
welfare of project beneficiaries, and the country as a
beginning to its end and are generally referred
to as the project life cycle.
manufacturer wants to offer more than one constraint, in project management, is any PROJECT MANAGER:A project manager is a professional in
BREAK EVEN POINT:The break-even point (BEP) is the
PROJECT CONTROLS:Project controls are the data product, it is restriction that defines a project's the field of project management. Project managers have the
point at which total cost and total revenue are equal.
gathering, management and analytical processes used described as product diversification and the limitations; the scope, for example, is the responsibility of the planning, procurement and execution of
There is no net loss or gain, and one has "broken
to predict, understand and constructively influence the project meant for this purpose is the limit of what the project is expected to a project, in any domain of engineering. Project managers
DIVIYA GUPTA 24 even," though opportunity costs have been paid and
time and cost outcomes of a project or program; through diversification accomplish. The three most significant are first point of contact for any issues or discrepancies
the communication of information in formats that assist project. Diversification is generally of two types project constraints -- schedule, cost and capital has received the risk-adjusted, expected return.
arising from within the heads of various departments in an
effective management and decision making. In short, all costs that must be paid are paid, and there
viz., scope -- are sometimes known as the triple organization before the problem escalates to higher
is neither profit nor loss.
(a) Related diversification. constraint or the project management authorities.
(b) Unrelated diversification triangle.
MOTIVATION: Most of the factors of the socio-
technical system where the project manager
functions are organisational structure, technical ON BEING AN ENTREPRENEUR: Many persons have an
GROUP FUNCTIONING: In a large complex
PROJECT SUCCESS: The project is a success if it requirements, and competencies of project entrepreneurial urge to set up their own project & be
project, many persons drawn from different PROJECTED BALANCESHEET: Forecasting Balance Sheet or a
delivers what it said it would, on schedule, within the personnel are given for him. The principal on their own. Every entrepreneur must answer Are
functions, departments & organisations are projected balance sheet, also referred to as pro forma
VINOD GUPTA 62 agreed budget & to the expected quality standards. behavioural factor which he can influence is the my goals well defined?
Project success creates significant net value for the involved. This leads to formation of groups, balance sheet, lists specific account balances on a business'
motivation of the project personnel. Do I have the right strategy? Can I execute the
organisation after the project is completed. formal & informal. Groups formed may be of assets, liabilities and equity for a specified future time.
Motivation tends to be strong when goal is strategy?
three types- vertical, horizontal & mixed.

MILESTONE : Milestones are points in time

that mark key moments during the project.
They are often used for:
RISK : Risk is a term that relates to what might go
ISSUE : If a risk is something that hasnt SPONSOR : Your project sponsor sits on the Project STAKEHOLDER : Stakeholders are the other people involved
wrong on your project. For example, if you are planning
on hosting your annual corporate picnic outside, it might happened yet, an issue is something that has Start of a phase Board. They are the person who owns the project and in and affected by your project. Some projects will have wide
be fine weather, but it might rain. In short, a risk is happened. Issues are just problems that your End of a phase they receive the benefits. For example, if you are stakeholder groups, covering every department in the
ABHISHEK ARORA 3 something that hasnt happened yet. Its important to project team is facing. You might have seen it End of a major piece of work or a big task launching a new IT system for the factory team to use, organization. Others will have a more limited scope. Some
know what risks surround your project because then you coming or it might be completely unexpected. Noting a particular fixed-in-time deadline the Factory General Manager would be the project stakeholders are outside your organization, like the
can plan for them. You can put your Plan B or Either way, its happened now and you have to sponsor. The project sponsor is the person you can government or regulatory bodies. They also need to be kept
contingency plans into action to try to avoid the risk
do something about it. Think of milestones as the kind of date that turn to when you need senior management direction. informed with information that is relevant.
happening in the first place.
you would write on your calendar at home
the big important moments in a project such
as finishing the testing, or the launch party.
WORK PLAN:The project workplan tells you how you
PROGRAM MANAGER:The project manager is
FUNCTIONAL MANAGER:The functional will complete the project. It describes the activities
CONSTRAINT:Constraints are limitations that are the person with the authority to manage a REQUEST FOR QUOTATION:A request for quotation is a
manager is the person you report to within required, the sequence of the work, who is assigned to
DHWANI BHALLA 21 outside the control of the project team and need to be project. The project manager is 100% formal request for a vendor to provide actual costs for a
managed around. your functional organization. Typically, this is the work, an estimate of how much effort is required,
responsible for the processes used to manage specific service or scope of work
the person who does your performance review. when the work is due, and other information of
the project
interest to the project manager.
AGILE: The Agile family of methodologies is a superset
ADMINISTRATIVE CLOSURE:This refers to the of iterative development approaches aimed at meeting
AGGREGATE PLANNING: This strategy uses
set of formal requirements fulfilled to end a ever-changing customer requirements. Agile
ACTUAL PROGRESS: This measures the amount of demand forecasts to manage scheduling and
project. Among other things, it involves development proceeds as a series of iterations, or ALLOCATION: The assigning of resources for scheduled
work completed on a project. It is used to assess the planning for project activities between three
ANUPAM SHARMA 12 documenting the formal acceptance of sprints, with incremental improvements made in each activities in the most efficient way possible. (See also
comparison between project progress and project and 18 months in advance, so that the
baselines and is usually stated as a percentage. deliverables and ensuring that all relevant sprint. Since agile projects do not have fixed scopes, resource allocation)
necessary resources and personnel can be
information is sent to a projects sponsor and agile methodologies are adaptive, and the iterative
efficiently acquired or assigned.
stakeholders. work is guided by user stories and customer
BUSINESS MODEL: A business model is the way in
which a company generates revenue and makes a
ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS: - Alternative analysis is the
profit from company operations. A companys business
evaluation of the different choices available to achieve ANALYTICAL ESTIMATIMG: This technique
model is the system by which the organizations BUSINESS OPERATIONS: The entire ensemble of activities or
a particular project management objective. It is an computes total project time and cost estimates APPROACH ANALYSIS: During the project
profitable activities are planned, structured, and business processes through which a company uses its assets
analytical comparison of different factors like by preparing estimates for each project activity planning phase, this type of analysis is used to
AKHIL SHARMA 5 executed, and by which it interacts with its customers. to create value for its customers. Everything that happens
operational cost, risks, effectiveness as well as the and adding them together. Analytical examine the various methods by which a
It describes the rationale of how an organization within a company to keep it running and earning money is
shortfalls in an operational capability. It requires estimating is considered the most accurate projects goals may be achieved.
creates, delivers, and captures value in economic, referred to collectively as business operations.
different tools such as life-cycle costing, sensitivity estimation technique.
social and cultural contexts.
analysis, and cost-benefit analysis.

CLOSING PHASE: The final phase of the project

management life cycle, in which all aspects of CONCEPT: The beginning phase of the project
Champion - A project champion makes project success a
the project are officially completed and closed. management life cycle. In the concept phase, CONSTRUCTION: The process by which a team builds
personal responsibility. This person pushes the project CONTROL ACCOUNT: A work breakdown structure tool that
This includes making sure that all deliverables the team presents the opportunity or infrastructure. Construction projects are complex.
SHIVDUTT SHARMA 50 team to work hard, liaise with stakeholders on behalf of allows aggregation of costs for work packages as part of
have been given to the client, that the team problem (along with possible solutions) and Engineers and architects supervise them, while a
the project, and support the project manager. Project earned value management calculations.
notifies suppliers of completion, and that the examines the general feasibility of the project manager manages the project work.
champion is an informal role.
team updates stakeholders regarding the end project.
of the project and overall project performance.
Corrective action - A step taken to bring work
EXECUTION PHASE: The execution phase begins after FOCUS IMPROVEMENT: An improvement strategy based on
back into alignment with performance DELIVERABLE: A final product or product
CSF:A critical success factor is an aspect of a activity approval and is the phase in which the team the theory of constraints. Attention is focused on addressing
expectations after it has failed to meet component that must be provided to a client
ARUZ MAHAJAN 16 project that is crucial to the success of the executes the project plan. Execution is typically the one limiting factor called a constraint at a time in order
expectations. A corrective action, which is or stakeholder according to contractual
project. longest and most expensive phase in the project to optimize a system. Each constraint is improved until it no
reactive, is not the same as a preventive action, stipulations.
management life cycle. longer limits the systems performance.
which is proactive.
ITERATION: A concept from iterative software
development that specifies a fixed time cycle
for development work, typically a few weeks LINE OF BALANCE: A graphical technique used to illustrate
LEAN MANUFACTURING: A production methodology
FORDISM: Fordism, named for Henry Ford, is a HANGER: An unplanned break in a network long. The development life cycle consists of a relationships between repetitive tasks in projects such as
based on the idea of streamlining and doing more with
manufacturing system in which mass-produced goods path, usually caused by oversights regarding number of iterations, sometimes with a building identical housing units. Each set of repetitive tasks is
NIKHILESH SHARMA 36 less, such as by providing customers with the same
are priced affordably enough that those producing them activities or dependent relationships between functional version of the software produced illustrated as a single line on a chart. Project managers look
may reasonably buy them with their own wages. product value while eliminating waste and thus
activities. at the end of each one. Iterative development for places where dependent tasks intersect, indicating that
reducing production costs.
prioritizes time over scope, so there are rarely the successor task must be delayed.
concrete requirements to be achieved in an
NEGOTIATION: Negotiation is a discussion between two or
MISSION STATEMENT: A mission statement, a MOSCOW: The MoSCoW method is a prioritization
more parties aimed at reaching agreement
type of statement of purpose, is a statement technique used in management, business
Negotiations can take place at any time in a project,
which is used to communicate the purpose of analysis, project management, and software
programme or portfolio and may be formal or informal in
an organization. Although most of the time it development to reach a common understanding
TIMELINE: Timeline is a graphical will remain the same for a long period of with stakeholders on the importance they place on the
DURATION: Duration of a project's terminal element is representation of a chronological sequence of time, it is not uncommon for organizations to delivery of each requirement - also known as MoSCoW
the number of calendar periods it takes from the time the Formal negotiations are typically with providers on such
KUMUD GOEL 28 events, also referred to as a chronology. It can update their mission statement; this generally prioritization or MoSCoW analysis.
execution of element starts to the moment it is issues as agreeing contracts. Informal negotiations include
completed. also mean a schedule of activities, such as a happens when an organization evolves.
discussions to resolve conflict, or discussions to obtain
timetable. Mission statements are normally short and The term MoSCoW itself is an acronym derived from
internal resources.
simple statements which outline what the the first letter of each of four prioritization categories
organization's purpose is and are related to (Must have, Should have, Could have, and Won't have
Negotiation skills are used in many areas of P3 management
the specific sector an organization operates but would like).
such as conflict management, contract management,
requirements management and stakeholder management.
COMMUNICATION LOG: It is an ongoing
documentation of communication events
between any identified project stakeholders,
managed and collected by the project manager
that describes: the sender and receiver of the ENTERPRISE MODELLING: It is the process of
CHANGE CONTROL: It is the procedures used to EXECUTIVE SPONSOR: (sometimes called project sponsor or
communication event; where, when and for understanding an enterprise business and improving
ensure that changes (normally, but not necessarily, to IT senior responsible owner) is a role in project management ,
how long the communication event elapsed; in COST OVERRUN: It is defined as excess of its performance through creation of enterprise models.
ANSOYA DHAR 11 systems) are introduced in a controlled and coordinated usually the senior member of the project board and often the
manner. Change control is a major aspect of the broader what form the communication event took actual cost over budget. This includes the modelling of the relevant business
chair. The sponsor has a number of interfaces and
discipline of change management. place; a summary of what information was domain (usually relatively stable), business processes
responsibilities for the project.
communicated; what actions/outcomes should (usually more volatile), and Information technology.
be taken as a result of the communication
event; and to what level of priority should the
actions/outcomes of the communication event
be graded.
COST ENGINEERING: is the area of engineering
practice where engineering judgment and experience PROJECT COST MANAGEMENT:A method of managing a
are used in the application of scientific principles and ESTIMATION: is the processes of making accurate PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:is a structured format of PROJECT PLANNING: is part of project management, which relates
MEHAK ANAND 30 project in real-time from the estimating stage to
to the use of schedules such as Gantt charts to planand
techniques to problems of cost estimating, cost control, estimates using the appropriate techniques. presenting information about a project product project control; through the use of technology cost, schedule
subsequently report progress within the project environment.
business and productivity is monitored.
planning and management science,."
DELPHI TECHNIQUE:An estimation method based on expert
ARTIFACT:Items that support software BURST POINT :A point in a network diagram CONTROL CHARTS:Control charts compare process
consensus. Experts make estimates individually and
ACTIVITY:The smallest unit of work necessary to development. Artifacts include both items at which multiple successor activities results with historical averages and process control
simultaneously and then review their estimates as a group
complete a project work package (which includes associated with the process of development, originate from a common predecessor limits to show whether a process meets results
NAVJOT SINGH ARORA 33 before making another set of estimates. The process is
multiple activities). Time, resources, and finances are such as project plans, and items used to activity. None of the successor activities may expectations. If a processs results are inconsistent or
required to complete each activity. repeated, with the pool of estimates typically becoming
support actual aspects of development, such as start until one finishes the predecessor fall outside process control limits, it may need to be
narrower after each round of review until a consensus is
use cases and requirements. activity. examined and adjusted.
SCHEDULE BASELINE:A schedule baseline is the
RESOURCE ALLOCATION:The assigning and scheduling
original project schedule approved by the RESOURCE SMOOTHENING:A technique that makes use of
SPRINT:In iterative project development, a sprint is a WHAT IF ANALYSIS: A simulation technique of resources for project-related activities, ideally in the
project team, sponsor, and stakeholders by float when allocating resources so as not to affect total
fixed unit of time during which the project typically that allows project managers to determine most efficient manner possible. Resource allocation is
NIKHIL MALYA 35 which performance is assessed. Schedule project duration. It is used when project time constraints are
passes through a complete development life cycle. A and compare specific conditions effects on typically handled by a project manager, though they
sprint is usually a few weeks long baselines are generally inflexible, though important. Resource leveling does not affect a projects
project schedules and objectives. may be overridden by a program manager if resources
alteration of a schedule baseline via a formal critical path.
are to be shared between multiple projects.
change control process may be allowed.
REQUIREMENTS: Requirements are
WORK SCHEDULE: The work schedule is the series of descriptions of how a product or service should PLANNED VALUE: The sum of the approved cost
BASELINE: The original plan (for a project, a work package, or
tasks with act, estimates including any overhead allocation) for
SCOPE: The sum of the products and services an activity) plus or minus approved changes. Usually used
BRIGU GUPTA 20 durations, resources, and specific dependencies that appear, or perform. Requirements generally activities (or portions of activities) scheduled to be
forecasts the to be provided as a project. with a modifier (e.g., cost baseline, schedule baseline
refer to the features and performed during a given period (usually project-to-
project end date. performance measurement baseline).
functions of the deliverables you are building date).
on your project.
that must be present in order for the project to PROJECT CHARTER: A document issued by senior
COST OF QUALITY: The costs incurred to ensure FEASIBILTY STUDY: A formal document in the PARETO DIAGRAM: A histogram that, ordered by frequency
be successful in terms of management that provides the project manager with
TANVI Gupta 58 quality. The cost of quality includes quality plan- ning, Initiation Phase that analyzes and discusses of occurrence, shows how many results were generated by
quality control, quality assurance, and rework. scope/budget/schedule. Used to alert the the authority to apply organizational resources to
the technical feasibility of a project. each identified cause.
sponsor to factors that the project needs to project activities.
have in place.
SHADOW PRICING-Shadow pricing is used to refer to
either one of two things: the actual market value of a
LEASE FINANCE- finance lease, "financial lease" money market fund share, or more commonly, the
MAX RISK PREMIUM-A risk premium is the
or capital lease is a type of lease in which a assignment of a dollar value to an abstract commodity
DEFERRED CREDIT-A deferred credit could mean return in excess of the risk-free rate of return PROJECT RATING INDEX-The Project Definition Rating Index
finance company is typically the legal owner of that is not ordinarily quantifiable as having a market
money received in advance of it being earned, such as an investment is expected to yield; an asset's (PDRI) is a methodology used by capital projects to measure
the asset during the duration of the lease, price, but needs to be assigned a valuation to conduct
AKSHIMA BALGOTRA 6 deferred revenue, unearned revenue, or customer risk premium is a form of compensation for the degree of scope definition, identify gaps, and take
advances. ... A deferred credit is reported as a liability while the lessee not just has operating control a cost-benefit analysis. In the latter instance, a shadow
investors who tolerate the extra risk, appropriate actions to reduce risk during front end planning.
on the balance sheet. over the asset, but also has a substantial share price is assigned to goods that are not generally bought
compared to that of a risk-free asset, in a
of the economic risks and returns from the and sold as separate assets in a marketplace, such as
given investment.
change in the valuation of the underlying asset. production costs or intangible assets.

EARNED SCHEDULE:A method of measuring schedule LEVEL OF EFFORT:Work that is not directly
performance that improves upon traditional earned value CHANGE CONTROL:Change control is the
management. Earned value management tracks
associated with components of a work LINEAR SCHEDULE MODELLING:A linear sequential PLANNING POKER:A consensus-based estimation technique.
process of identifying, evaluating, approving,
schedule variance only in terms of money and not in breakdown structure but that can instead be model moves through a project life cycles phases It attempts to avoid the anchoring effect where the first
and implementing changes to a project. It
terms of time and thus does not accurately indicate thought of as support work. Examples of level systematically and sequentially. It is typically used for estimate forms a baseline for all subsequent estimates by
SHAGUN CHOUDHARY 48 ensures that changes are introduced in a
schedule performance by the end of a project. To of effort include maintenance and accounting. small projects with straightforward requirements, having project team members make estimates
address this discrepancy, earned schedule theory uses controlled and effective manner and that any
It is one of three types of activities used to since sequential development makes it difficult to simultaneously and discuss their estimates until they reach
the same data as traditional earned value management adjustments necessitated by changes are also
measure work performance as part of earned revise design based on testing or preliminary feedback. agreement.
but tracks schedule performances separately with addressed.
respect to money and time.
value management.
TERM LOAN: IT is a monetary loan that is VENTURE CAPITAL: It is a type of private
PAYBACK PERIOD : in capital budgeting it refers to the repaid in regular payments over a set period of equity, a form of financing that is provided by Action time status : a list of problem issues, including a
CALANDER UNIT: the smallest unit of calender
SHREYA GUPTA 52 period of time required to recoup the funds expended in time . these usully last between one and ten firms or funds to small, early stage, emerging description, point of contact and dates of action and
an investment or to reach the break even point. produced. this unit is generally in hours, days or weeks.
years, but may last as long as 30 years in some firms that are deemed to have high growth resolution.
cases. involoves an unfixed interest rate . potential.
Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT) is HERMES: Project Management Method ISO 10006 is a guidelines for quality Effort management: a project management PROGRAMME CHARTER It provides a preliminary delineation
a network analysis technique that allows probabilistic developed by the Swiss Government, based on management in projects, is an international subdiscipline for effective and efficient use of time and of roles and responsibilities, outlines the project objectives,
treatment of both network logic and activity duration the German V-Modell. The first domain of standard developed by the International resources to perform activities regarding quantity, identifies the main stakeholders, and defines the authority of
estimated. application was software projects. Organization for Standardization. quality and direction. the project manager.
FLOAT:float in a project network is the amount of time INTEGRATED MASTER PLAN: IMP is an event- SIX SIGMA: is the business management strategy, WORK PACKAGE: group of related tasks within a project.
Kickoff meeting is the first meeting with the
POOJA PANDITA 39 that a task in a project network can be delayed without based, top level plan,consisting of a hierarchy originally developed by motorla, that today enjoys these are the smallest unit of work that a project can be
causing a delay to subsequent tasks. project team and the client of the project.
of program events. widespread application in many sectors of industry. broken down to when creating breakdown structure.
INITIATION: The project initiation phase is the
first phase within the project management life LAG: The amount of time after one task is
HAMMOCK: A hammock activity (also hammock task) cycle, as it involves starting up a new project. started or finished before the next task can be
FAST TRACKING: Compressing the project schedule by CONTINGENCY PLANNING: The development of a
is a schedule or project planning term for a grouping of Within the initiation phase, the business started or finished. For example, in a finish-
MUSKAN SINGH 32 overlapping activities that would normally be done in management plan that identifies alternative strategies to be
tasks that "hang" between two end dates it is tied to. A problem or opportunity is identified, a solution to-start dependency with a 10-day lag, the
hammock may or may not have an internal sequence. sequence, such as design and construction. used to ensure project success if specified risk events occur.
is defined, a project is formed, and a project successor activity cannot start until 10 days
team is appointed to build and deliver the after the predecessor has finished.
solution to the customer.
COST VARIANCE:The cost variance is used to
measure the cost difference between a
ASSUMPTION: There may be external circumstances or CLIENT:The person or group that is the direct PROJECT TEAM:The project team consists of the full -time
project 's earned value and actual value to
events that must occur for the project to be successful beneficiary of a project or service is the client. CONTINGENCY RESERVE:an appropriation of surplus or and part -time resource assigned to work on the deliverables
deliver progress to date.In application,
(or that should happen to increase your chance of These are the people for whom the project is retained earnings that may or may not be funded , of the project .They are responsible for understanding the
SIDHANSH MAHAJAN 53 positive CVs indicate the project is under
success).If you believe that the probability of the event being undertaken (indirect beneficiaries are indicating a reservation against a specific or general work to be completed ,completing assigned work within the
occurring is acceptable, you could list it as an budget ,since it is delivered more than
stakeholders ).In many organizations, internal contingency budget , timeline and quality expectations; scope changes
assumption incurring cost.If the project has negative CV,it
beneficiaries are called clients and quality concerns.
is over budget. Even positive CVs should be
examined for root cause
TEMPLATE:A document in a predefines
format that provides a defined structure for
START DATE: The day and sometimes the time
collecting, organizing and presenting
RISK MITIGATION: The act of revising the associated with a schedule activitys start, usually MONTE CARLO ANALYSIS:A schedule risk assessment
SLIPPAGE: The tendency of a project to exceed original information and data. Templates are often
ANAMIKA BADYAL 8 projects scope, budget, schedule, or quality in qualified by one of the following: actual, planned, technique that performs a project simulation many times in
estimates of budget and time. based upon documents created during prior
order to reduce uncertainty on the project. estimated, scheduled, early, late, target, baseline, or order to calculate a distribution of likely results.
projects. Templates can reduce the effort
needed to perform work and increase the
consistency of results.
estimating a component of work. The work is
decomposed into more detail. An estimate is
UNIT PRICE CONTRACTS-The contractor is paid a prepared of what is needed to meet TIME-SCALED NETWORK DIAGRAM-Any project
WALK AROUND A response to a negative
preset amount per unit of service (e.g., $70 per hour for requirements of each of the lower, more network diagram drawn in such a way that the STATEMENT OF WORK-A narrative description of products or
risk event. Distinguished from contingency
PALLAVI SURI 38 professional services or $1.08 per cubic yard of earth detailed pieces of work, and these estimates positioning and length of the activity represents its services required to be included in a Request for Purchase
removed) and the total value of the contract is a function plan in that a workaround is not planned in
are then aggregated into a total quantity for duration. Essentially, it is a bar chart that includes (RFP) and/or supplied under contract.
of the quantities needed to complete the work. advance of the occurrence of the risk event.
the component of work. The accuracy of network logic.
bottom-up estimating is driven by the size and
complexity of the work identified at the lower
ERP:-Tarifs,import restrictions, and subsidies
INTERNAL INTEGRATION CAPABILITY:-Internal EXTERNAL INTEGRATION CAPABILITY:-This is are used to encourage domestic industries PUBLIC INVESTMENT BOARD:-THE PIB is a committee PROJECT DEPENDENCE:-Projects A and B are economically
integration makes a company faster and more efficient in the ability of the firm to link its understanding of secretaries which appraises and recommends all independent if the acceptance or rejection of one does not
and protect them against international
PRIYA TALWAR 40 performing various fuctions like new product
development,prototyping,facilities engineering and of customers with engineering design to competition The extent to which a project is central public sector projects involving an outlay change the change the cash flow stream of the other or does
capacity expansion develop improved products. sheltered is measured by the effective rate of exceeding a certain amount. not affect the acceptance or rejection of the other
VALUE ENGINEERING: (VE) is a systematic
method to improve the "value" of goods and
and a kind of representation that defines a project and TASK ANALYSIS: process of learning about RESOURCE LEVELLING: 'A scheduling calculation that
services by using an examination of function.
groups the projects discrete work elements in a way ordinary users by observing them in action to delays activities such that resource usage is kept below
Value, as defined, is the ratio of function to LINEAR SCHEDULLING METHOD: (LSM) is a graphical
that helps organize and define the total work scope of understand in detail how they perform their specified limits. It is also known as resource limited
cost. Value can therefore be increased by scheduling method focusing on continuous resource
MITALI SHARMA 31 the project. A Work breakdown structure element may tasks and achieve their intended goals. Task scheduling'. It is a technique in which start and finish
either improving the function or reducing the utilization in repetitive activities. It is believed that it
be a product, data, a service, or any combination. WBS analysis is the analysis or a breakdown of dates are adjusted based on resource constraints with
cost. It is a primary tenet of value engineering originally adopted the idea of Line-Of-Balance method.
also provides the necessary framework for detailed cost exactly how a task is accomplished, such as the goal of balancing demand for resources with the
that basic functions be preserved and not be
estimating and control along with providing guidance what sub-tasks are required available supply.
reduced as a consequence of pursuing value
for schedule development and control.
PRISM :- PRISM is an end-to-end project
lifecycle management solution for owners and EIA:- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) PROJECT ORGANISATION:- A project organization is a
PROCESS MANAGEMENT-: Process management is the project management information system (PMIS) is the
contractors managing capital projects. It isn't is a process of evaluating the likely structure that facilitates the coordination and
ensemble of activities of planning and monitoring the coherent organization of the information required for
just a cost management solution. It doesn't just environmental impacts of a proposed project implementation of project activities. Its main reason is to
UJWAL GUPTA 60 performance of a business process. The term usually an organization to execute projects successfully. A
reduce project risks. It provides one source of or development, taking into account inter- create an environment that fosters interactions among the
refers to the management of business processes and PMIS is typically one or more software applications and
truth throughout the entire project lifecycle. related socio-economic, cultural and human- team members with a minimum amount of disruptions,
manufacturing processes. a methodical process for collecting and using project
From capital planning and budgeting to project health impacts, both beneficial and adverse overlaps and conflict.
completion. Not everyone can say that.
BACKWARD PASS: This calculates late-start and finish BAR CHART:- A diagrammed calendar schedule BENEFITS REALIZATION:- This term focuses on BLUE PRINT:- A document that explains what a BOSCARD:- This method details and considers the
SANCHIT SINGH SALATHIA 46 dates for project activities by working backwards from of project activities start and end dates in ensuring that project results give customers program means to accomplish and describes a background, objectives, scope, constraints, assumptions,
the project end date logical order and stakeholders the benefits they expect programs contribution to organizational objective risks, and deliverables of new projects.
ACCEPTANCE TEST:- A test in which a team of end users ACTIVITY CODE:- An alphanumeric value by ACTIVITY IDENTIFIER:- - A unique alphanumeric value ACTIVITY LABEL:- A short descriptor for an activity. Activity
requirements expected of project deliverables.
SAVTANTRA SINGH CHIB 47 runs a product through its full range of use to identify which activities can be grouped and filtered. A by which an individual activity can be distinguished. An labels may be placed below arrows representing activities in
To be formally accepted, deliverables must
potential problems code is assigned to each activity. activity identifier is assigned to each activity. activity-on-arrow (AOA) diagrams.
meet all acceptance criteria
Activity-on-Arrow (AOA): Agile project management:
It is a network diagramming technique in which Activity-on-node (AON): It is an iterative approach to managing
activities are represented by arrows. ADM is also It is a project management term that refers to software development projects that focuses
known as the Arrow diagramming method (ADM) a precedence diagramming method which uses on continuous releases and incorporating
The specific project category of which the project is a The process of assigning people to project work for changing
method. It is used for scheduling activities in a project boxes to denote schedule activities. These customer feedback with every iteration.
SHIROMANI GUPTA 49 part. Application areas can be defined on the basis of numbers of hours per day as the project moves through
plan. AOA only shows finish-to-start relationships, various boxes or nodes are connected from Traditional agile project management can be
project products characteristics or applications or by different stages. Assignment contouring is typically done
meaning that each activity is completed before the beginning to end with arrows to depict a logical categorized into two frameworks: scrum and
the projects customers or stakeholders using project management software.
successor activity starts. progression of the dependencies between the kanban. While scrum is focused on fixed-
schedule activities. length project iterations, kanban is focused
on continuous releases.
BALANCED SCORECARD: The balanced scorecard (BSC) BURN DOWN CHART: A burn down chart is a CAPEX: Capital expenditure, or CapEx, are funds used
is a strategy performance management tool a semi- graphical representation of work left to do BUSINESS IMPERATIVE: A business imperative by a company to acquire or upgrade physical assets
CHANGE FREEZE: A 'Change Freeze' is a term that denotes no
standard structured report, supported by design versus time. The outstanding work (or backlog) is a major change or goal a business such as property, industrial buildings or equipment. It
Change activity is to take place whatsoever; all Change
SIDDHARTH JAMWAL 54 methods and automation tools, that can be used by is often on the vertical axis, with time along the undertakes. The company lays out an is often used to undertake new projects or investments
activity stops. A Change Freeze can be applied to an entire
managers to keep track of the execution of activities by horizontal. That is, it is a run chart of objective, develops a strategy and makes it by the firm. This type of outlay is also made by
infrastructure or specific systems or applications.
the staff within their control and to monitor the outstanding work. It is useful for predicting known that it will obtain this goal. companies to maintain or increase the scope of their
consequences arising from these actions. when all of the work will be completed. operations.
BOT: BOT, which stands for Built-Operate-Transfer, CRASH PROJECTS: Projects are often DISASTER PROJECTS: Anything needed EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) BOOT PROJECTS: A project based on the granting of a
encapsulates the process whereby a government turns categorized in terms of their speed of to gain time is allowed in these projects. :The method of contracting is a step behind turn-key concession by the principal, usually a government, to a
over to the private sector what would normally be an implementation. Crash projects require Around the clock work is done at the approach where the contractor is responsible for promoter, sometimes known as the concessionaire, who is
public sector project (example, transportation or additional costs to gain time. Also maximum construction site. complete engineering, procurement and construction responsible for the construction, financing, operating and
infrastructure projects) for building an initial operation overlapping of phases is encouraged. Capital cost will go will go up very high. of the entire project complex. The contractor is also maintaining he facility over the period of concession before
IVANI KATAL 27 and after a limited period (say a 25 years concession) Project time will get drastically reduced. responsible for process design and basic engineering of finally transferring the facility, at no cost to the principal, as a
transfer back to the government. open art process units, although process design and fully operational facility. During the concession period the
basic engineering of licensed units is obtained from promoter owns and operates the facilities and tries to
process licensers through approach where multi-split recover the costs of investment, maintenance while
contracts are in practice. operating the facility to result a margin of profit.


project management (XPM) refers to a method
of managing very complex and very uncertain CODE OF ACCOUNTS : A code of accounts is a unique
projects. Extreme project management differs lettering or numbering system in which letters or numbers
BUDGETED COST OF WORK SCHEDULED : The total CHANGE CONTROL BOARD : A group of CHANGE REQUEST : A document that is submitted to
from traditional project management mainly in are assigned to each unique component of the work
AAKANKSHA GUPTA 1 budgeted cost expected to be spent for specific work. stakeholders responsible for reviewing and request a change to any part of the project
its open, elastic and undeterministic approach. breakdown structure. These unique identifiers should remain
Also called planned value (PV). accepting or rejecting changes to the project. management plan after the plan was approved.
The main focus of XPM is on the human side of constant through the life of the project and should not be
project management (e.g. managing project recycled it at all possible.
stakeholders), rather than on intricate
scheduling techniques and heavy formalism.
CONSTRUCTABILITY: It is a project management
tool used during construction projects. Its
primary aim is to gauge and determine the DYNAMIC SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT METHOD:
CAPABILITY CAPTURE MODEL: It is a structured EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT: Earned value MERGE POINT:A merge point exists when two or more
collective knowledge and experience between Dynamic systems development method
collection of elements that describes certain aspects of management is a project management technique for activities are predecessors to a single activity.
UNNATTE DUTT 61 the project consultants, contractors, (DSDM) is an agile project delivery
maturity in an organisation, and helps in the measuring project performance and progress in an
architects/designers and client, in an effort to framework, primarily used as a software
understanding of organisation's processes objective manner.
maximize efficiency, minimize waste, and development method.
complete construction projects on or ahead of
SDLC:Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is any
WATERFALL MODEL:A sequential development logical process used by a systems analyst to develop an
process, in which development flows steadily information system, including requirements,
use case: The specification of software tests that are downwards (like a waterfall) through the validation, training, and user ownership. An SDLC
philosophy that views any manageable WORK STREAM:Work stream is a set of associated activities,
conducted from the end user perspective. Use cases phases of initiation, analysis, design, build, test should result in a high quality system that meets or
AKSHITA SHARMA 7 system as being limited in achieving more of focused around a particular scope that follow a path from
focus on operating the software as an end user would and maintenance. To follow the waterfall exceeds customer expectations, within time and cost
its goals by a very small number of initiation to completion.
during their day-to-day activities model, you move from one phase to the next estimates, works effectively and efficiently in the
sequentially, with no overlapping or iterative current and planned Information Technology
steps. infrastructure, and is cheap to maintain and cost-
effective to enhance
EARNED VALUE : A measurement used to COLLABORATIVE NEGOTIATION : A process where
COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS : A benefit measurement determine a projects progress and represents OPPORTUNITY COST : The opportunity given interested parties resolve disputes, agree upon courses QUALITY AUDIT : Review and evaluation of the project
BHASKAR SURI 19 method that weighs expected project costs against the value of the work completed to date. Also up by choosing to do one project over of action, bargain for individual or collective performance to ensure quality management processes are
expected project benefits. known as budgeted cost of work performed another one. advantage, and/or attempt to craft outcomes which followed.
(BCWP). serve their mutual interests.
DCF VALUE:In finance, discounted cash flow
VERTICAL INTEGRATION:Vertical integration is a
(DCF) analysis is a method of valuing a AGGRESSIVE POSTURE:An aggressive posture means CONSERVATIVE POSTURE:The conservative posture described
STRATEGIC DIVERSIFICATION:Diversification is a strategy where a company expands its business
project, company, or asset using the concepts that the firm should fully exploit opportunities has some similarity to the generic strategy of focus,belongs
corporate strategy to enter into a new market or operations into different steps on the same
of the time value of money. All future cash available to it. It seriously looks for acquisition to a not-so- attractive industry that operates in a relatively
industry which the business is not currently in, whilst production path, such as when a manufacturer
flows are estimated and discounted by using possibilities in its own or related industries and stable environment.
DIVANSHU GUPTA 23 also creating a new product for that new market. This is owns its supplier and/or distributor. Vertical
cost of capital to give their present values concentrate resources to maintain its competitive A conservative posture has the following actions, such as
most risky section of the Ansoff Matrix, as the business integration can help companies reduce costs
(PVs). The sum of all future cash flows, both edge, and enhance its market share. The aggressive prune,non-performing products,reduce cost,improve
has no experience in the new market and does not and improve efficiencies by decreasing
incoming and outgoing, is the net present posture is similar to the generic strategy of overall cost productivity,develop new products,access more profitable
know if the product is going to be successful. transportation expenses and reducing
value (NPV), which is taken as the value or leadership market
turnaround time, among other advantages.
price of the cash flows in question.
INCREMENTAL DELIVERY-A project life cycle
strategy used to reduce the risk of
project failure by dividing projects into more KICK OFF MEETING- A meeting at the POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW-Also known as Close Out
of project management (GoPM) concerns those
manageable beginning of the project or at the LOGICAL RELATIONSHIP- A dependency relationship Report. This is a report compiled
areas of corporate governance that are specifically
pieces. The resulting sub-projects may deliver beginning of a major phase of the project to between two or more tasks or upon completion of every project, which determines if the
BENNEY GUPTA 18 parts of the start officially between tasks and milestones, such that one cannot expectations established for the project outcome were met.
to project activities. Effective governance of project
full product, or product versions. These will be the project and help the team have an start It documents the comparison between actual results of a
management ensures that an organizations project
enhanced to understanding of or finish before another has started or finished. project and the objectives and deliverables specified in the
portfolio is aligned to the organizations objectives, is
increase functionality or improve product objectives, procedures and plans. project's Charter.
delivered efficiently and is sustainable.
quality in
subsequent sub-projects.
PARAMETRIC ESTIMATING : Parametric estimating, a more
crashing:Crashing is a schedule compression technique
PROJECT NETWORK DIAGRAM : Any schematic display RESOURCE PLANNING :Determining what accurate technique for estimating cost and duration, uses the
used to reduce or shorten the project schedule. The
of the logical relationships of project activities. Always resources (people, equipment, materials) are SLACK:Term used in PERT or arrow relationship between variables to calculate the cost or
ASHIMA ANAND 17 PM can various measures to accomplish this goal.
drawn from left to right to reflect project chronology. needed in what quantities to perform project diagramming method for float. duration. Essentially, a parametric estimate is determined by
Some of the common methods used are. Adding
Often incorrectly referred to as a "PERT chart." activities. identifying the unit cost or duration and the number of units
additional resources to the critical path tasks.
required for the project or activity
GLOBAL DEPOSITORY RECEIPTS: It is a certificate issued by
CAPITAL BUDGETING: It is the planning process GROSS TOTAL INCOME: It represents the CONVERTIBLE DEBENTURES: It is a type of loan issued
used to determine whether an organization's HYPOTHECATION :It is used for creating summation of income from by a company a depository bank, which purchases shares of foreign
long term investments are worth the funding of cash charge against the security of movable assets, companies and deposits it
through the firm's capitalization structure but here the possession of the security remains business and income from other heads. that can be converted into stock.
(debt, equity or retained earnings). with the borrower itself. on the account.
CRITICAL CHAIN PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Critical chain AN objective is a concrete statement that
project management (CCPM) is a method of planning describes what the project is trying to
and managing project execution designed to deal with achieve. The objective should be written at a CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL: Capability Maturity Model
uncertainties inherent in managing projects, while low level, so that it can be evaluated at the BUSINESS PROCESS MODELLING: (CMM) in software engineering is a model of the maturity of
A Gantt chart is a bar chart that depicts
taking into consideration limited availability of conclusion of a project to see whether it was Business Process Modeling (BPM) is the activity of the capability of certain business processes. A maturity
activities as blocks over time. The beginning
ANUSHREE GUPTA 13 resources (physical, human skills, as well as achieved. Project success is determined based representing processes of an enterprise, so that the model can be described as a structured collection of
and end of the block correspond to the
management & support capacity) needed to execute on whether the project objectives were current ("as is") process may be analyzed and elements that describe certain aspects of maturity in an
beginning and end-date of the activity.
projects. achieved. A technique for writing an objective improved in future ("to be"). organization, and aids in the definition and understanding of
CCPM is an application of the theory of constraints is to make sure it is Specific, Measurable, an organization's processes.
(TOC) to projects. The goal is to increase the flow of Attainable/Achievable, Realistic, and
projects in an organization (throughput). Timebound (SMART).
STEERING COMMITIES: A steering committee is usually
a group of high-level stakeholders who are responsible PROJECT MANAGEMENT STIMULATORS:
for providing guidance on overall strategic direction. Project Management Simulators are
Lean project management: HISTOGRAM: A histogram is a graphic display of resource
They don't take the place of a sponsor but help spread computer-based tools used in project PROPORT: Proport refers to the combination of the
Lean project management uses the principles usage over a period of time. it allows the detection of
NISHANT SUMAN 37 the strategic input and buy-in to a larger portion of the management training programs. Usually, unique skills of an organisation's members for
from lean manufacturing to focus on delivering overused and underused resources. the resource usage is
organization. The steering committee is especially project management simulation is a group collective advantage.
value with less waste and reduced time. diplayed in coloured vertical bars.
valuable if your project has an impact in multiple exercise. The computer-based simulation is an
organizations because it allows input from those interactive learning activity.
organizations into decisions that affect them.
UNIDO Approach= United Nation Industrial BASS DIFFUSION MODEL=The Bass Model or Bass
Development Organization guidelines provide a Diffusion Model was developed by Frank Bass. It POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT=A power purchase
SECURITISATION= Securitization is the process
comprehensive framework for appraisal of projects. PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP= PPP is a consists of a simple differential equation that describes agreement (PPA), or electricity power agreement, is a
of taking an illiquid asset, or group of assets,
UNIDO approach of Social Cost Benefit Analysis involves cooperative arrangement between one or the process of how new products get adopted in a contract between two parties, one which generates
and through financial engineering,
five stages :- 1.Calculation of financial profitability of more public and private sectors, typically of a population. The model presents a rationale of how electricity (the seller) and one which is looking to purchase
transforming them into a security. A typical
SURBHI GHAI 57 the project,2. Obtaining the net benefit of the project at long term nature, it is entrusted with the task current adopters and potential adopters of a new electricity (the buyer). The PPA defines all of the commercial
example of securitization is a mortgage backed
shadow(efficiency) prices, 3.Adjustment for the impact of providing infrastructure facilities and product interact. The basic premise of the model is terms for the sale of electricity between the two parties,
security (MBS), which is a type of asset-backed
of the project on Savings & Investment,4.impact of the services that were traditionally provided by that adopters can be classified as innovators or as including when the project will begin commercial operation,
security that is secured by a collection of
project on Income Distribution,5.impact of the project public sector. imitators and the speed and timing of adoption schedule for delivery of electricity, penalties for under
onM erit and Demerit Goods whose social values differ depends on their degree of innovativeness and the delivery, payment terms, and termination.
from their economic values. degree of imitation among adopters
REENGINEERING: Reengineering is radical
redesign of an organization's processes,
SCRUM: Scrum is an iterative incremental
especially its business processes. Rather than
process of software development commonly PRNICE 2: PRINCE2 is a project management
QCD: Quality, Cost, Delivery (QCD) as used in lean organizing a firm into functional specialties (like SCOPE CREEP: Scope creep refers to uncontrolled changes in
used with agile software development. methodology. The planning, monitoring and control of
manufacturing measures a businesses activity and production, accounting, marketing, etc.) and a project's scope. This phenomenon can occur when the
Despite the fact that "Scrum" is not an all aspects of the project and the motivation of all
ADARSH JAMWAL 4 develops Key performance indicators. QCD analysis considering the tasks that each function scope of a project is not properly defined, documented, or
acronym, some companies implementing the those involved in it to achieve the project objectives on
often forms a part of continuous improvement performs; complete processes from materials controlled. It is generally considered a negative occurrence
process have been known to adhere to an all time and to the specified cost, quality and
programs acquisition, to production, to marketing and that is to be avoided.
capital letter expression of the word, i.e. performance.
distribution should be considered. The firm
should be re-engineered into a series of
PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT: It includes QUALITY CONTROL: The process of monitoring specific
PROCESS: A set of interrelated actions and activities PROJECT DURATION: The elapsed time from PROJECT TIME MANAGEMENT: It includes the
the processes required to ensure that the project results to determine if they comply with relevant
ANSHUL PANDOH 10 performed to achieve a prespecified set of products, project start date through to project finish processes required to ensure timely completion of the
project will satisfy the needs for which it was quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of
results, or services. date. project.
undertaken. unsatisfactory performance.
STATUS REPORT: A report containing
QUALITY ASSURANCE: The process of evaluating overall
TESTING: The actual test of the products or information on a specific project, indicating if PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: The enterprise whose
project performance on a regular basis to provide MONITORING: The capture, analysis, and reporting of
RIYA SHARMA 44 processes created within the development the project is ahead of schedule, on schedule, employees are most directly involved in doing the work of
confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant project performance, usually as compared to plan.
phase of an Information Technology project. or behind schedule in relation to the project the project.
quality standards.
use of integrated multi-disciplinary TIME BOX:In time management, timeboxing allocates a
PRODUCT VERIFICATION:Verification and validation are
VERTICAL SLICE: is a type of milestone, benchmark, or performance models of design-construction fixed time period, called a time box, to each planned
DEPENDENCY: in a project network is a link independent procedures that are used together for checking
SUKRITI 55 deadline, with emphasis on demonstrating progress projects, including the Product (i.e., facilities), activity. Several project management approaches use
amongst a project's terminal elements. that a product, service, or system meets requirements and
across all components of a project. Work Processes and Organization of the design timeboxing. It is also used for individual use to address
specifications and that it fulfills its intended purpose.
- construction - operation team in order to personal tasks in a smaller time frame.
support explicit and public business objectives.
CASE STUDY:A process or record of research
ADAPTIVE PROJECT FRAMEWORK:A Common Sense estimating is the act of using former projects to is a systematic approach to integrated product DRAW DOWN:The state in which the borrower obtains some
MANHAR MALHOTRA 29 into the development of a particular person,
Approach to Managing Complex Projects estimate how long or how much a current development that emphasizes the response to of the project financing.
group, or situation over a period of time.
project will take or cost customer expectations.
FLOATATION COSTSare incurred by a publicly traded PROTOTYPING:is an early sample, model, or TRACKING:Project Tracking refers to the management of
CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS :is the process of
company when it issues new securities, and includes release of a product built to test a concept or RESULT DRIVEN:Focuses on desired results, and sets projects, which includes but is not limited to measuring and
ARJUN HANS 14 give and take the parties go through to reach
expenses such as underwriting fees, legal fees and process or to act as a thing to be replicated or and achieves challenging goals. reporting the status of milestones, tasks and activities
an agreement.
registration fees. learned from. required in achieving the pre-defined project results.
MATURITY MODEL: A maturity model is a tool
MANAGEMENT RESERVE: management reserve is an
EFFORT DRIVEN SCHEDULING FIXED WORK: It means that helps people assess the current
RESOURCE HISTOGRAM : The resource amount of contract budget set aside for management
that when you assign or remove people from a task, the effectiveness of a person or group and
histogram is a tool that is often used by the control purposes (known unknowns) rather than ORGANISATIONAL PLANNING: Organizational planning
duration of the task will be lengthened or shortened supports figuring out what capabilities they
Sabia verma 45 project management team and or as a means designated for the accomplishment of one or more involves identifying, documenting, and assigning project
based on the amount of resource units assigned to the need to acquire next in order to improve their
of providing a visual representation to the team tasks. It is not part of the performance measurement roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships
task. However, this doesn't change the total amount of performance. The model describes a five-level
and to all of those interested parties baseline (PMB), but is included in the total contract
work for the task. evolutionary path of increasingly organized
and systematically more mature processes.
BUSINESS CASE:A business case captures the performance indicators (KPIs) in project RAMP DOWN: Towards the closing stages / end of the
reasoning for initiating a project or task. It is management consist of various specific project, typically when all development has been
ACCOUNTING RATE OF RETURN: The accounting STIMULATION ANALYSIS:The Simulation Analysis is a method,
often presented in a well-structured written measurement tools for indicating how well completed and testing is in progress or deployment is
SHRADDHIMA KHAJURIA 51 rate of return (ARR) is the amount of profit, or return, an wherein the infinite calculations are made to obtain the
document, but may also sometimes come in teams are achieving specific goals. ... They in progress, a smaller team will suffice and hence the
individual can expect based on an investment made. possible outcomes and probabilities for any choice of action.
Accounting rate of return divides the average profit by
the form of a short verbal argument or reflect the organization's central concept of surpluss resources are move to resource pool. This
the initial investment to get the ratio or return that can be presentation. the project and solidify project responsibility reduction in team size is Ramp Down.
expected. across administrative divisions
INTANGIBLE BENEFITS: These are the benefits whict
cannot be easily be quantified but may increase the MANAGERIAL CAPABILITY: It is a limit which
LEADING INDICATOR METHOD: Leading indicators are
flexibility available to the organisation, improve can be overcome over a period of time on
FINANCIAL CAPACITY: It is estimated as variables which change ahead of other variables, the MOVING AVEGARE METHOD: It is a method of sales
attractiveness of the product, increase the pride of investment in unrelated lines of activity.
VISHESH KAPOOR 63 operating cash flow-fised funding lagging variables. Hence observed changes in leading forecasting, the forecast for the next period is equal to the
organisation, strengthen the technological capability if Managerial competence in one industry does
requirements+potintial funding resources. indicators may be used to predict the changes in average of the sales for several preceding periods.
the firm etc. These benefits cannot be translated into not necessarily imply competence in another
lagging variables.
monetary terms yet they are relevant and cant be industry
ignored while decision manking.
BASELINE PLAN - A snapshot taken of the original plan
FREE SLACK - The amount of time a task can fall INTERIM PLAN - A task's start and finish LEVELING - The process of resolving resources conflicts
and at chosen checkpoints for the project. In Microsoft ZOO - A ZOO is what your project will turn into if you lack an
AAYUSHI MAHAJAN 2 behind, be delayed, or slip, and not affect other values that can be saved and used to compare and over all allocations by delaying tasks, splitting
project, you can save upto 11 baseline plans for one effective communication plan.
tasks in the project schedule. project progress at various stages. tasks, and making changes to assignments in a project.
project file.
Conglomerate diversification: It is growth strategy that
DIVESTITURE: It involves sale of a business LIQUIDATION: It is a type of contraction strategy, when
STRATEGIC INVESTMENT : The investment that has a NET PRESENT VALUE (NPV): The sum of the involves adding new products or services that are
unit or plant of one firm to another. From a business is consistently under performing and there
significant impact on the direction of the firm. Tata present value of all the cash flows (positive as significantly different from the organization's present
ARSHIT MAHAJAN 15 sellers perspective, it is a form of contraction is no hope of reviving or rehabilitating it within a
Motor's decision to invest in a passenger car project well as negative) that are expected to occur products or services. Conglomerat diversification occurs
and from buyers point of view, it is a form of reasonable period then steps must be taken to
may be regarded as a strategic investment. over the life of the project. when the firm diversifies into an area(s) totally unrelated to
expansion. liquidate it expeditiously.
the organization current business.

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