5 Terms at Project Management - Sheet1
5 Terms at Project Management - Sheet1
5 Terms at Project Management - Sheet1
EARNED SCHEDULE:A method of measuring schedule LEVEL OF EFFORT:Work that is not directly
performance that improves upon traditional earned value CHANGE CONTROL:Change control is the
management. Earned value management tracks
associated with components of a work LINEAR SCHEDULE MODELLING:A linear sequential PLANNING POKER:A consensus-based estimation technique.
process of identifying, evaluating, approving,
schedule variance only in terms of money and not in breakdown structure but that can instead be model moves through a project life cycles phases It attempts to avoid the anchoring effect where the first
and implementing changes to a project. It
terms of time and thus does not accurately indicate thought of as support work. Examples of level systematically and sequentially. It is typically used for estimate forms a baseline for all subsequent estimates by
SHAGUN CHOUDHARY 48 ensures that changes are introduced in a
schedule performance by the end of a project. To of effort include maintenance and accounting. small projects with straightforward requirements, having project team members make estimates
address this discrepancy, earned schedule theory uses controlled and effective manner and that any
It is one of three types of activities used to since sequential development makes it difficult to simultaneously and discuss their estimates until they reach
the same data as traditional earned value management adjustments necessitated by changes are also
measure work performance as part of earned revise design based on testing or preliminary feedback. agreement.
but tracks schedule performances separately with addressed.
respect to money and time.
value management.
TERM LOAN: IT is a monetary loan that is VENTURE CAPITAL: It is a type of private
PAYBACK PERIOD : in capital budgeting it refers to the repaid in regular payments over a set period of equity, a form of financing that is provided by Action time status : a list of problem issues, including a
CALANDER UNIT: the smallest unit of calender
SHREYA GUPTA 52 period of time required to recoup the funds expended in time . these usully last between one and ten firms or funds to small, early stage, emerging description, point of contact and dates of action and
an investment or to reach the break even point. produced. this unit is generally in hours, days or weeks.
years, but may last as long as 30 years in some firms that are deemed to have high growth resolution.
cases. involoves an unfixed interest rate . potential.
Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT) is HERMES: Project Management Method ISO 10006 is a guidelines for quality Effort management: a project management PROGRAMME CHARTER It provides a preliminary delineation
a network analysis technique that allows probabilistic developed by the Swiss Government, based on management in projects, is an international subdiscipline for effective and efficient use of time and of roles and responsibilities, outlines the project objectives,
treatment of both network logic and activity duration the German V-Modell. The first domain of standard developed by the International resources to perform activities regarding quantity, identifies the main stakeholders, and defines the authority of
estimated. application was software projects. Organization for Standardization. quality and direction. the project manager.
FLOAT:float in a project network is the amount of time INTEGRATED MASTER PLAN: IMP is an event- SIX SIGMA: is the business management strategy, WORK PACKAGE: group of related tasks within a project.
Kickoff meeting is the first meeting with the
POOJA PANDITA 39 that a task in a project network can be delayed without based, top level plan,consisting of a hierarchy originally developed by motorla, that today enjoys these are the smallest unit of work that a project can be
causing a delay to subsequent tasks. project team and the client of the project.
of program events. widespread application in many sectors of industry. broken down to when creating breakdown structure.
INITIATION: The project initiation phase is the
first phase within the project management life LAG: The amount of time after one task is
HAMMOCK: A hammock activity (also hammock task) cycle, as it involves starting up a new project. started or finished before the next task can be
FAST TRACKING: Compressing the project schedule by CONTINGENCY PLANNING: The development of a
is a schedule or project planning term for a grouping of Within the initiation phase, the business started or finished. For example, in a finish-
MUSKAN SINGH 32 overlapping activities that would normally be done in management plan that identifies alternative strategies to be
tasks that "hang" between two end dates it is tied to. A problem or opportunity is identified, a solution to-start dependency with a 10-day lag, the
hammock may or may not have an internal sequence. sequence, such as design and construction. used to ensure project success if specified risk events occur.
is defined, a project is formed, and a project successor activity cannot start until 10 days
team is appointed to build and deliver the after the predecessor has finished.
solution to the customer.
COST VARIANCE:The cost variance is used to
measure the cost difference between a
ASSUMPTION: There may be external circumstances or CLIENT:The person or group that is the direct PROJECT TEAM:The project team consists of the full -time
project 's earned value and actual value to
events that must occur for the project to be successful beneficiary of a project or service is the client. CONTINGENCY RESERVE:an appropriation of surplus or and part -time resource assigned to work on the deliverables
deliver progress to date.In application,
(or that should happen to increase your chance of These are the people for whom the project is retained earnings that may or may not be funded , of the project .They are responsible for understanding the
SIDHANSH MAHAJAN 53 positive CVs indicate the project is under
success).If you believe that the probability of the event being undertaken (indirect beneficiaries are indicating a reservation against a specific or general work to be completed ,completing assigned work within the
occurring is acceptable, you could list it as an budget ,since it is delivered more than
stakeholders ).In many organizations, internal contingency budget , timeline and quality expectations; scope changes
assumption incurring cost.If the project has negative CV,it
beneficiaries are called clients and quality concerns.
is over budget. Even positive CVs should be
examined for root cause
TEMPLATE:A document in a predefines
format that provides a defined structure for
START DATE: The day and sometimes the time
collecting, organizing and presenting
RISK MITIGATION: The act of revising the associated with a schedule activitys start, usually MONTE CARLO ANALYSIS:A schedule risk assessment
SLIPPAGE: The tendency of a project to exceed original information and data. Templates are often
ANAMIKA BADYAL 8 projects scope, budget, schedule, or quality in qualified by one of the following: actual, planned, technique that performs a project simulation many times in
estimates of budget and time. based upon documents created during prior
order to reduce uncertainty on the project. estimated, scheduled, early, late, target, baseline, or order to calculate a distribution of likely results.
projects. Templates can reduce the effort
needed to perform work and increase the
consistency of results.
estimating a component of work. The work is
decomposed into more detail. An estimate is
UNIT PRICE CONTRACTS-The contractor is paid a prepared of what is needed to meet TIME-SCALED NETWORK DIAGRAM-Any project
WALK AROUND A response to a negative
preset amount per unit of service (e.g., $70 per hour for requirements of each of the lower, more network diagram drawn in such a way that the STATEMENT OF WORK-A narrative description of products or
risk event. Distinguished from contingency
PALLAVI SURI 38 professional services or $1.08 per cubic yard of earth detailed pieces of work, and these estimates positioning and length of the activity represents its services required to be included in a Request for Purchase
removed) and the total value of the contract is a function plan in that a workaround is not planned in
are then aggregated into a total quantity for duration. Essentially, it is a bar chart that includes (RFP) and/or supplied under contract.
of the quantities needed to complete the work. advance of the occurrence of the risk event.
the component of work. The accuracy of network logic.
bottom-up estimating is driven by the size and
complexity of the work identified at the lower
ERP:-Tarifs,import restrictions, and subsidies
INTERNAL INTEGRATION CAPABILITY:-Internal EXTERNAL INTEGRATION CAPABILITY:-This is are used to encourage domestic industries PUBLIC INVESTMENT BOARD:-THE PIB is a committee PROJECT DEPENDENCE:-Projects A and B are economically
integration makes a company faster and more efficient in the ability of the firm to link its understanding of secretaries which appraises and recommends all independent if the acceptance or rejection of one does not
and protect them against international
PRIYA TALWAR 40 performing various fuctions like new product
development,prototyping,facilities engineering and of customers with engineering design to competition The extent to which a project is central public sector projects involving an outlay change the change the cash flow stream of the other or does
capacity expansion develop improved products. sheltered is measured by the effective rate of exceeding a certain amount. not affect the acceptance or rejection of the other
VALUE ENGINEERING: (VE) is a systematic
method to improve the "value" of goods and
and a kind of representation that defines a project and TASK ANALYSIS: process of learning about RESOURCE LEVELLING: 'A scheduling calculation that
services by using an examination of function.
groups the projects discrete work elements in a way ordinary users by observing them in action to delays activities such that resource usage is kept below
Value, as defined, is the ratio of function to LINEAR SCHEDULLING METHOD: (LSM) is a graphical
that helps organize and define the total work scope of understand in detail how they perform their specified limits. It is also known as resource limited
cost. Value can therefore be increased by scheduling method focusing on continuous resource
MITALI SHARMA 31 the project. A Work breakdown structure element may tasks and achieve their intended goals. Task scheduling'. It is a technique in which start and finish
either improving the function or reducing the utilization in repetitive activities. It is believed that it
be a product, data, a service, or any combination. WBS analysis is the analysis or a breakdown of dates are adjusted based on resource constraints with
cost. It is a primary tenet of value engineering originally adopted the idea of Line-Of-Balance method.
also provides the necessary framework for detailed cost exactly how a task is accomplished, such as the goal of balancing demand for resources with the
that basic functions be preserved and not be
estimating and control along with providing guidance what sub-tasks are required available supply.
reduced as a consequence of pursuing value
for schedule development and control.
PRISM :- PRISM is an end-to-end project
lifecycle management solution for owners and EIA:- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) PROJECT ORGANISATION:- A project organization is a
PROCESS MANAGEMENT-: Process management is the project management information system (PMIS) is the
contractors managing capital projects. It isn't is a process of evaluating the likely structure that facilitates the coordination and
ensemble of activities of planning and monitoring the coherent organization of the information required for
just a cost management solution. It doesn't just environmental impacts of a proposed project implementation of project activities. Its main reason is to
UJWAL GUPTA 60 performance of a business process. The term usually an organization to execute projects successfully. A
reduce project risks. It provides one source of or development, taking into account inter- create an environment that fosters interactions among the
refers to the management of business processes and PMIS is typically one or more software applications and
truth throughout the entire project lifecycle. related socio-economic, cultural and human- team members with a minimum amount of disruptions,
manufacturing processes. a methodical process for collecting and using project
From capital planning and budgeting to project health impacts, both beneficial and adverse overlaps and conflict.
completion. Not everyone can say that.
BACKWARD PASS: This calculates late-start and finish BAR CHART:- A diagrammed calendar schedule BENEFITS REALIZATION:- This term focuses on BLUE PRINT:- A document that explains what a BOSCARD:- This method details and considers the
SANCHIT SINGH SALATHIA 46 dates for project activities by working backwards from of project activities start and end dates in ensuring that project results give customers program means to accomplish and describes a background, objectives, scope, constraints, assumptions,
the project end date logical order and stakeholders the benefits they expect programs contribution to organizational objective risks, and deliverables of new projects.
ACCEPTANCE TEST:- A test in which a team of end users ACTIVITY CODE:- An alphanumeric value by ACTIVITY IDENTIFIER:- - A unique alphanumeric value ACTIVITY LABEL:- A short descriptor for an activity. Activity
requirements expected of project deliverables.
SAVTANTRA SINGH CHIB 47 runs a product through its full range of use to identify which activities can be grouped and filtered. A by which an individual activity can be distinguished. An labels may be placed below arrows representing activities in
To be formally accepted, deliverables must
potential problems code is assigned to each activity. activity identifier is assigned to each activity. activity-on-arrow (AOA) diagrams.
meet all acceptance criteria
Activity-on-Arrow (AOA): Agile project management:
It is a network diagramming technique in which Activity-on-node (AON): It is an iterative approach to managing
activities are represented by arrows. ADM is also It is a project management term that refers to software development projects that focuses
known as the Arrow diagramming method (ADM) a precedence diagramming method which uses on continuous releases and incorporating
The specific project category of which the project is a The process of assigning people to project work for changing
method. It is used for scheduling activities in a project boxes to denote schedule activities. These customer feedback with every iteration.
SHIROMANI GUPTA 49 part. Application areas can be defined on the basis of numbers of hours per day as the project moves through
plan. AOA only shows finish-to-start relationships, various boxes or nodes are connected from Traditional agile project management can be
project products characteristics or applications or by different stages. Assignment contouring is typically done
meaning that each activity is completed before the beginning to end with arrows to depict a logical categorized into two frameworks: scrum and
the projects customers or stakeholders using project management software.
successor activity starts. progression of the dependencies between the kanban. While scrum is focused on fixed-
schedule activities. length project iterations, kanban is focused
on continuous releases.
BALANCED SCORECARD: The balanced scorecard (BSC) BURN DOWN CHART: A burn down chart is a CAPEX: Capital expenditure, or CapEx, are funds used
is a strategy performance management tool a semi- graphical representation of work left to do BUSINESS IMPERATIVE: A business imperative by a company to acquire or upgrade physical assets
CHANGE FREEZE: A 'Change Freeze' is a term that denotes no
standard structured report, supported by design versus time. The outstanding work (or backlog) is a major change or goal a business such as property, industrial buildings or equipment. It
Change activity is to take place whatsoever; all Change
SIDDHARTH JAMWAL 54 methods and automation tools, that can be used by is often on the vertical axis, with time along the undertakes. The company lays out an is often used to undertake new projects or investments
activity stops. A Change Freeze can be applied to an entire
managers to keep track of the execution of activities by horizontal. That is, it is a run chart of objective, develops a strategy and makes it by the firm. This type of outlay is also made by
infrastructure or specific systems or applications.
the staff within their control and to monitor the outstanding work. It is useful for predicting known that it will obtain this goal. companies to maintain or increase the scope of their
consequences arising from these actions. when all of the work will be completed. operations.
BOT: BOT, which stands for Built-Operate-Transfer, CRASH PROJECTS: Projects are often DISASTER PROJECTS: Anything needed EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) BOOT PROJECTS: A project based on the granting of a
encapsulates the process whereby a government turns categorized in terms of their speed of to gain time is allowed in these projects. :The method of contracting is a step behind turn-key concession by the principal, usually a government, to a
over to the private sector what would normally be an implementation. Crash projects require Around the clock work is done at the approach where the contractor is responsible for promoter, sometimes known as the concessionaire, who is
public sector project (example, transportation or additional costs to gain time. Also maximum construction site. complete engineering, procurement and construction responsible for the construction, financing, operating and
infrastructure projects) for building an initial operation overlapping of phases is encouraged. Capital cost will go will go up very high. of the entire project complex. The contractor is also maintaining he facility over the period of concession before
IVANI KATAL 27 and after a limited period (say a 25 years concession) Project time will get drastically reduced. responsible for process design and basic engineering of finally transferring the facility, at no cost to the principal, as a
transfer back to the government. open art process units, although process design and fully operational facility. During the concession period the
basic engineering of licensed units is obtained from promoter owns and operates the facilities and tries to
process licensers through approach where multi-split recover the costs of investment, maintenance while
contracts are in practice. operating the facility to result a margin of profit.