Keeping Student At-Risk in School (Ksars) : Project Title

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Project Title
Project Background
Student at Risk are student who requires
temporary or ongoing intervention in order to
succeed academically. At-risk is often used as
coded language for less socially accepted terms
such as: culturally deprived, impoverished,
underprivileged, disadvantaged, disenfranchised
learning disabled, low performing, low achieving,
remedial, low-income. The following are identified
signs of At-Risk Student such as lower achievers,
school drop-outs, students with exceptionalities,
poverty and lower socioeconomic status .
Project Background
Based on our data for the past three
years the repetition, retention and failure rate
is gradually increasing. These learners can be
classified as student at-risk who are no
attendance, low literacy or numeracy, poor
attainment, lack of interest in school and/or
stated intention to leave. The school is aiming
to reduce the student at-risk rate.
O Identify students currently enrolled in school
but who are at-risk
O Develop a work plan whereby student at-risk
are provided support to stay in school until
completion of Grade 6
O Increase the participation rate of the
stakeholders of the school
Time Schedule
DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1. Get organized Team Organizing June

2. Talk with customers Orientation June

3. Walk the Process Mapping August

Focused Problem August

4. Identify Improvement Areas Statement

ANALYZE 5. Do Root Cause Analysis Why-Why Diagram October

Mitigating the Root Noveme
6. Develop Solutions Cause ber

7. Finalize Improvement Plans January

Cost Reduction Plan
Resource, Risk
Management Plan

ACT 8. Pilot Solution Pilot Testing January

Implementation of
9. Roll Out Solution Solution February
Monitoring and
Anticipated Challenges
O Time Frame
O Resources
O Teachers Commitment
O Community Involvement

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