Keeping Student At-Risk in School (Ksars) : Project Title
Keeping Student At-Risk in School (Ksars) : Project Title
Keeping Student At-Risk in School (Ksars) : Project Title
Project Title
Project Background
Student at Risk are student who requires
temporary or ongoing intervention in order to
succeed academically. At-risk is often used as
coded language for less socially accepted terms
such as: culturally deprived, impoverished,
underprivileged, disadvantaged, disenfranchised
learning disabled, low performing, low achieving,
remedial, low-income. The following are identified
signs of At-Risk Student such as lower achievers,
school drop-outs, students with exceptionalities,
poverty and lower socioeconomic status .
Project Background
Based on our data for the past three
years the repetition, retention and failure rate
is gradually increasing. These learners can be
classified as student at-risk who are no
attendance, low literacy or numeracy, poor
attainment, lack of interest in school and/or
stated intention to leave. The school is aiming
to reduce the student at-risk rate.
O Identify students currently enrolled in school
but who are at-risk
O Develop a work plan whereby student at-risk
are provided support to stay in school until
completion of Grade 6
O Increase the participation rate of the
stakeholders of the school
Time Schedule
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