Steven Klein Draft Speech Outline
Steven Klein Draft Speech Outline
Steven Klein Draft Speech Outline
November 6, 2014
Speech Outline Draft
o Attention Catcher:
For this project, I focused on the topic of students coming to America to study, as
opposed to getting an education in their home country
There are multiple stereotypes placed on international students, and they are all
perceived in a negative way
Give this relatable statistic- There are international students from over 100
different countries currently enrolled at the University of Kentucky
o Listener Relevance:
Throughout our college career, almost all of us will most likely meet an
international student or have a class with one
When I interviewed the two international students for my research, it was
interesting to hear about where they are from and why they chose to study in
I encourage you to do the same and learn about your classmates and get to know
them better
o Speaker Credibility:
For this project, I interviewed two international student, one from India and one
from China, so I was given information in person about why students come to
America to study
I also did a lot of research about why students come to America to receive a
higher education
o Thesis Statement
There are many different stereotypes that are placed on international students and
they are all false
o Preview
In this speech I will be focusing on the stereotypes that:
Pop culture generally places on foreign students
Americans place on college level international students
Facts about the stereotypes
How international students feel about coming to America to study and
how they feel about the negative stereotypes placed on them
Traditionally, pop culture presents foreign exchange students in a negative way
In TV shows and other types of pop culture, foreign exchange students
and international students are perceived in a comical way that contain
negative stereotypes
o They are portrayed as now knowing how to behave within the
US culture
o Going to show this video from That 70s Show about Fez, a
foreign exchange student, and how he is portrayed as almost
clueless, about American culture
A stereotype focused on actual college level international students
For this sub point, I am going to focus on the stereotypes that Americans place on
international students
One stereotype that we place on international students is that they are
smarter than the average American high school graduate
o This is depicted in pop culture because if you see TV shows that
may involve doctors, they are mostly played by people from a
different ethnicity and from a different country
Another stereotype that Americans place on international students is that
they are coming to America to get an education and to take over the
American workforce
o This is not true
When I asked the two students I interviewed, they
strongly disagreed with this
They only come to America for the vast amount
of opportunities that are available as opposed
than in their home country
To conclude the topic of stereotypes, I will talk about how the people I
interviewed answered the questions about the stereotypes that Americans
place on international students
o Talk about the answers from the two students when I asked them
how they felt
o Whether they believe the stereotypes are true or false
o Their final thoughts and why they believe the stereotypes are
placed on them
For this final part of the body of the speech, I am going to give the reasons why
students from different countries come to America to study
I hope that by talking about the reasons, my classmates realize why
international students feel like they have to come to America and will
feel for why they do
o International students come to America in order to receive a
better education
Talk about why Siraj and Max came to America
o Talk about how they come to get a good education and then take
what they learned back to their home country
o Talk about how it is different growing up in a different country
as opposed to in America so people realize the challenges
Thesis Restatement:
To conclude, after reviewing the stereotypes that are placed on students
from a foreign country and on international students, we should realize
that they are false.
Main Point Summary:
International students only want the best for themselves and their
They want to get the best education they can, just like Americans do
Pop culture plays a negative role in how students, and people in general,
from other countries are portrayed
So after researching the topic of international students and how they are
given negative stereotypes based off of where they are from, I hope that
if you believed these ways about them, you have changed your mind
People should not be judged
o Give people a chance, you need to get to know someone
Dont give someone a label just based off of their
ethnicity, or in this case, a student from a different
1. Obst, D., & Forster, J. (2007). Perceptions of Higher Education: Coordinated by the
Institute of International Education.
2. Kantrowitz, M. (2014, January 8). The SmartStudent Guide to Studying in the US.
Retrieved October 6, 2014, from
3. Ruble, R., & Zhang, Y. (2012, November 1). The Impact of Stereotypes on American
Students Willingness to Communicate with Chinese International Students.
Retrieved October 6, 2014.
4. Rickards, C. (2014, April 12). Far From Home Challenges Facing International
Graduate Students, Postdocs, & Professionals. Retrieved October 6, 2014, from
5. Department of Education, U. (2014, February 15). International Comparisons of
Achievement. Retrieved October 6, 2014, from
6. Homeland Security, D. (2013, April 20). Study in the States, Start Here! Retrieved
October 6, 2014.