Projections Examples of Different Projections Coordinate Systems Datums
Projections Examples of Different Projections Coordinate Systems Datums
Projections Examples of Different Projections Coordinate Systems Datums
Examples of different projections
Coordinate systems
The earth is a spheroid
The best model of the earth is a globe
secant cone
tangent cone
cylinder as developable surface
tangent cylinders
plane as developable surface
Map projections always introduce error
and distortion
Map projections always introduce error
and distortion
Map projections always introduce error
and distortion
Map projections always introduce error
and distortion
o Shape conformal
o Distance equidistant
o Direction true direction
o Area equal area
Exactly what are map projections?
(x, y) f (x, y)
input output
unprojected projected
angles (lat/long) Cartesian coordinates
How do projections work on a
programmatic level?
Shape Shape along the standard parallels is accurate and minimally distorted in the region between the
standard parallels and those regions just beyond. The 90-degree angles between meridians and
parallels are preserved, but because the scale along the lines of longitude does not match the scale
along lines of latitude, the final projection is not conformal.
Area All areas are proportional to the same areas on the Earth.
Direction Locally true along the standard parallels.
Distance Distances are best in the middle latitudes. Along parallels, scale is reduced between the standard
parallels and increased beyond them. Along meridians, scale follows an opposite pattern.
Examples of different projections
Shape Shape is true along the standard parallels of the normal aspect (Type 1), or the standard lines of the
transverse and oblique aspects (Types 2 and 3). Distortion is severe near the poles of the normal aspect
or 90 from the central line in the transverse and oblique aspects.
Area There is no area distortion on any of the projections.
Direction Local angles are correct along standard parallels or standard lines. Direction is distorted elsewhere.
Distance Scale is true along the Equator (Type 1), or the standard lines of the transverse and oblique aspects
(Types 2 and 3). Scale distortion is severe near the poles of the normal aspect or 90 from the central
line in the transverse and oblique aspects.
Examples of different projections
Shape Conformal. Small shapes are well represented because this projection maintains the local angular
Area Increasingly distorted toward the polar regions. For example, in the Mercator projection, although
Greenland is only one-eighth the size of South America, Greenland appears to be larger.
Direction Any straight line drawn on this projection represents an actual compass bearing. These true direction
lines are rhumb lines, and generally do not describe the shortest distance between points.
Distance Scale is true along the Equator, or along the secant latitudes.
Examples of different projections
Shape Minimally distorted between 45th parallels, increasingly toward the poles. Land masses are stretched
more east to west than they are north to south.
Area Distortion increases from the Equator toward the poles.
Direction Local angles are correct only along the Equator.
Distance Correct distance is measured along the Equator.
Examples of different projections
Shape Shape is not distorted at the intersection of the central meridian and latitudes 40 44' N and S.
Distortion increases outward from these points and becomes severe at the edges of the projection.
Area Equal-area.
Direction Local angles are true only at the intersection of the central meridian and latitudes 40 44' N and S.
Direction is distorted elsewhere.
Distance Scale is true along latitudes 4044' N and S. Distortion increases with distance from these lines and
becomes severe at the edges of the projection.
Examples of different projections
Shape Minimal distortion near the center; maximal distortion near the edge.
Area The areal scale decreases with distance from the center. Areal scale is zero at the edge of the
Direction True direction from the central point.
Distance The radial scale decreases with distance from the center and becomes zero on the edges. The scale
perpendicular to the radii, along the parallels of the polar aspect, is accurate.
Examples of different
Shape Shape distortion is very low within 45 of the origin and along the Equator.
Area Distortion is very low within 45 of the origin and along the Equator.
Direction Generally distorted.
Distance Generally, scale is made true along latitudes 38 N and S. Scale is constant along any given latitude,
and for the latitude of opposite sign.
Coordinate Systems
60 east of PM
55 north of equator
Lat/long values are NOT Cartesian
(X, Y) coordinates
Examples of different
coordinate/projection systems
State Plane
Initial point
Secondary point
Model of the earth
Known geoidal separation
at the initial point
UTM 36
UTM 34
both are
now UTM 34