Programmable Peripheral Interface: Interfacing Part III

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Programmable Peripheral
Interface Interfacing Part III
More on Address decoding
Interface with memory
Introduction to Programmable
Peripheral Interface 82C55
About 82C55
The 82C55 is a popular interfacing
component, that can interface any TTL-
compatible I/O device to a microprocessor.
It is used to interface to the keyboard and
a parallel printer port in PCs (usually as
part of an integrated chipset).
Requires insertion of wait states if used
with a microprocessor using higher that an
8 MHz clock.
PPI has 24 pins for I/O that are
programmable in groups of 12 pins and
has three distinct modes of operation.
82C55 : Pin Layout
Basic Mode Definitions and
Bus Int

Mode 0
Basic I/O
Mode 1
Strobe I/O
Mode 2
Bi-Dir Bus
Programming 82C55
Mode 0 (Basic
This functional configuration
provides simple input and output
operations for each of the three
No handshaking is required, data
is simply written to or read from a
specified port.
Mode 0 Port definition
82C55: Mode 0, Scan
82C55: Mode 0, Scan
Mode 0 operation causes the 82C55 to
function as a buffered input device or
as a latched output device.
In previous example, both ports A and
B are programmed as (mode 0) simple
latched output ports.
Port A provides the segment data inputs
to display and port B provides a means
of selecting one display position at a
Different values are displayed in each
digit via fast time multiplexing.
82C55: Mode 0, Scan Key
82C55: Mode 0 Operation
MODE 1 (Strobed
This functional configuration
provides a means for transferring
I/O data to or from a specified port
in conjunction with strobes or
handshaking signals.
In mode 1, Port A and Port B use
the lines on Port C to generate or
accept these handshaking signals
Mode 1 Basic functional
Two Groups (Group A and Group B).
Each group contains one 8-bit data port
and one 4-bit control/data port.
The 8-bit data port can be either input
or output Both inputs and outputs are
The 4-bit port is used for control and
status of the 8-bit data port.
82C55: Mode 1 Strobed
~STB : The strobe input loads data into the
port latch on a 0-to-1 transition.
IBF : Input buffer full is an output indicating
that the input latch contain information.
INTR : Interrupt request is an output that
requests an interrupts.
INTE : The interrupt enable signal is neither an
input nor an output; it is an internal bit
programmed via the PC4 (port A) or PC2 (port
B) bits.
PC7,PC6 : The port C pins 7 and 6 are general
purpose I/O pings that are available for any
82C55: Mode 1 Strobed

Signal definitions for Mode 1 Strobe Input

82C55: Mode 1 Input Exam.
Keyboard encoder debounces the key-
switches, and provides a strobe
whenever a key is depressed.
DAV is activated on a key press strobing
the ASCII-coded key code into Port A.
82C55 : Mode 1 Output
~OBF : Output buffer full is an output that goes
low when data is latched in either port A or port
B. Goes low on ~ACK.
~ACK : The acknowledge signal causes the
~OBF pin return to 0. This is a response from an
external device.
INTR : Interrupt request is an output that
requests an interrupt.
INTE : The interrupt enable signal is neither an
input nor an output; it is an internal bit
programmed via the PC6(Port A) or PC2(port B)
PC5,PC4 : The port C pins 5 and 4 are general-
purpose I/O pins that are available for any
82C55 : Mode 1 Output
82C55: Mode 2 Bi-directional
This functional configuration provides a
means for communicating with a
peripheral device or structure on a
single 8-bit bus for both transmitting
and receiving data (bidirectional bus
Handshaking signals are provided to
maintain proper bus flow discipline in a
similar manner to MODE 1.
Interrupt generation and enable/disable
functions are also available.
MODE 2 Basic Functional
Used in Group A only.
One 8-bit, bi-directional bus port (Port
A) and a 5-bit control port (Port C).
Both inputs and outputs are latched.
The 5-bit control port (Port C) is used
for control and status for the 8-bit, bi-
directional bus port (Port A).
82C55: Mode 2 Bi-directional
INTR : Interrupt request is an output
that requests an interrupt.
~OBF : Output Buffer Full is an output
indicating that that output buffer
contains data for the bi-directional bus.
~ACK : Acknowledge is an input that
enables tri-state buffers which are
otherwise in their high-impedance state.
~STB : The strobe input loads data into
the port A latch.
82C55: Mode 2 Bi-directional
IBF : Input buffer full is an output
indicating that the input latch contains
information for the external bi-
directional bus.
INTE : Interrupt enable are internal
bits that enable the INTR pin. BIT
PC6(INTE1) and PC4(INTE2).
PC2,PC1,PC0 : These port C pins are
general-purpose I/O pins that are
available for any purpose.
82C55: Mode 2 Bi-directional

Timing diagram is a combination of the Mode 1 Strobed Input and Mode

1 Strobed Output Timing diagrams.
Mode 2 Timing Diagram
Mode definition summary

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