Organizational Behavior: Qin Mei Tel:13545087272 (V-687272)

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Organizational Behavior

Qin Mei
Email:[email protected]

Chapter 1
Introduction to Organizational Behavior
1.Define organizational behavior(OB)
2.Identify the primary behavioral disciplines
contributing to OB
3.Describe the three goals of OB
4.List the major challenges and opportunities for
managers to use OB concepts
5.Discuss why workforce diversity has become
an important issue in management
6.Discuss how a knowledge of OB can help
managers stimulate organizational innovation
and change

Bossespoor communication skills
Employeeslack of motivation
Conflicts between team members
Overcoming employee resistance to a
company reorganization
Similar concerns

Help managers,and potential

managers,develop these people skills

What Managers Do?

A.Management Function:
Henri Fayol----Planning




Today----planning, organizing,

leading, controlling

B.Management Roles: (Henry Mintzberg)

Interpersonal Roles

Informational Roles

Decisional Roles
Entrepreneur,Disturbance handler,
Resource allocator,Negotiator

C.Management Skills:
Technical Skills
Human Skills

Conceptual Skills

Effective Versus Successful Managerial

Fred Luthans

1.Traditional management
3.Human resource management 20%

13% 19%
28% 44%
11% 26%
48% 11%

This finding challenges the historical assumption that

promotions are based on performance, and it illustrates
the importance of networking and political skills in
getting ahead in organizations.

Enter Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior (OB) is a field of
study that investigates the impact that
individuals, groups, and structure have
on behavior within organizations, for the
purpose of applying such knowledge
toward improving an organizations

It studies three determinants of behavior

in organizations: individuals, groups, and
In addition, OB applies the knowledge
gained about individuals, groups, and the
effect of structure on behavior in order to
make organizations work more effectively.

OB is concerned with the study of what

people do in an organization and how their
behavior affects the organizations
Specifically with employment-related
Jobs,work, absenteeism, employment
turnover , productivity, human
performance, and management

The core topics:

Leader behavior and power,
Interpersonal communication,
Group structure and processes,
Attiude development and perception,
Change processes,
Work design,
Work stress.

Contributing Disciplines
Organizational behavior is an applied behavior
science that is built on contributions from a
number of behavior disciplines.

the predominant areas :

social psychology,
political science

learning, motivation, personality, emotions,
perception, training, job satisfaction, leadership
individual decision making, performance
appraisal, attitude measurement, employee
work design, work stress

Social psychology----group

Behavioral change, attitude change,

group processes,
group decision making

Communication, power, conflict, intergroup
formal organization theory,
organizational technology,
organizational change,
organizational culture ----organization


Comparative values,
comparative attitudes,
cross-culture analysis, ----group
organizational culture,
Organizational enviroment,
----organization system

Political science
Intraorganizational politics, ----group
----organization system

Goals of OB
If we are to understand a phenomenon,we must
begin by trying to explain it. We can then use
this understanding to determine a cause.

It seeks to determine what outcomes will result
from a given action.

The control objective is frequently seen by manager as
the most valuable contribution the OB makes toward
their effectiveness on the job.

Challenges and Opportunities for OB

1.Responding to Globalization

Increased foreign assignments

Working with people from different cultures
Coping with anticapitalism backlash
Overseeing movement of jobs to countries with
low-cost labor
Managing people during the war on terror

2.Managing workforce diversity

Workforce diversity:
Gender, race, national origin, age, disability,

Embracing diversity
Changing demographics

Workforce diversity can increase creativity

and innovation in organizations as well as
improve decision making by providing
different perspective on promble.

3.Improving quality and productivity

Almost all quality improvement comes via
simplification of design, manufacturing, layout,
processes, and procedures.----Tom Peters
Todays managers understand that success of
any effort at improving quality and productivity
must include their employees.

4.Improving people skills

Well present relevant concepts and theories
that can help you explain and predict the
behavior of people at work.
Learn a ways to motivate people
How to be a better communicator
How to create more effective teams

5.Empowering people
Decision making is being pushed down to the
operating level, where workers are being given the
freedom to make choices about schedules and
procedures and to solve work-related problems.
Self-management team
Managers are empowering emplyees.
Managers-how to give up control
Emplyees-how to take responsibility for their work
and make appropriate decisions
Leading style, power relationships, the way work is
designed, the way organizations are structured

6.Stimulating innovation and change

Todays successful organizations must foster
innovation and master the art of change or theyll
become candidate for extinction.
An organizations employees can be the impetus
for innovation and change or they can be a
majors stumbling block.
The challenge for managers is to stimulate their
employees creativity and tolerance for change.

7.Coping with temporariness

Managing today would be more accurately
described as long periods of ongoing change,
interrupted occasionally by short periods of stability!
The actual jobs that workers perform are in a
permanent state of flux.
So workers need to continually update their
knowledge and skills to perform new job

8.Helping employees balance work/life

A number of forces have contributed to blurring the
lines between employee work and personal lives.
First, the creation of global organizations means
their world never sleeps.
Second, communication technology allows
employee to do their work at home, in their car, or
on the beach in Tahiti.
Third, organizations are asking employees to put in
longer hours.
Finally, fewer families have only a single

9.Declining employee loyalty

Beginning in the mid-1980s, in response to
global competition, unfriendly takeovers,
leveraged buyouts, and the like, corporations
began to discard traditional policies on job
security, seniority and compensation.
An important OB challenge will be for managers
to devise ways to motivate workers who feel
less committed to their employers, while
maintaining their organizations global

10.Improving ethical behavior

Members of organizations are increasingly
finding themselves facing ethical dilemmas,
situations in which they are required to define
right and wrong conduct.
In recent years, the line differentiating right from
wrong has become even more blurred.
Managers and their organizations are writing
and distributing codes of ethics to guide
employees through ethical dilemmas.

The plan of this book

Organization system



Individual behavior
values, attitudes, perception, and learning
the role of personality and emotions
motivation issues

Group behavior
Group behavior model
Ways to make teams more effective
Communication issues and group decision
Leadership, trust, power, politics, conflict and

Organizational behaviors
Culture, structure, .

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