Magstadt Chapter 1
Magstadt Chapter 1
Magstadt Chapter 1
Chapter 1, Magstadt
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power
corrupts absolutely.
-Lord Acton
Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the
comprehension of the weak, and that it is doing Gods service;
when it is violating all His laws.
-John Adams
Political order denotes structures, rules,
rituals, procedures, and practices that
make up a political system.
The political system, on the other hand,
is built upon the foundations of society.
Society is closely related to the concept
of community, or an association of
individuals that share a common identity.
Nation-states, etc.
This distinction gives rise to the
concepts of the nation-state,
multination-states, multistate-nations, or
even stateless nations.
QUESTION: What are some examples of
these combinations?
The sheer number of people to be governed
gives rise to various conflicting claims on
how such governance should be performed.
The importance of the public interest
becomes relevant when evaluating the
governments actions.
The question of justice addresses this fact,
which is more or less considered in state
affairs (more often, however, it is not).
The need to ask whether something is
just coincides with the ability to think
and speak intelligently about politics.
The question whether government is
acting justly therefore carries with it
other questions related to politics.