How To Balancing The DSP Data Resources in BSC

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How to Balancing the DSP Data Resources in BSC


1 Confidential

As example in BSC Solobaru1 BSC Device
Panel is shown in the left figure. And by
collecting DPU Load Data before, Pivot
Result is correct with the actual DPU Board
which installed in this BSC.
Yellow Boxes in the BSC Device Panel are
the recommended Slots which usually
installed for DPU.
This topic will guide us to Balancing the
PDCH in each DSP, in order to Balancing the
DSP Utilization Resources in BSC.

Network and Service Quality Management


Purpose of Balancing

DSP Utilization (%) shown that in each slot of DSP capacity has a maximum number. For DPUd only
maximum 45 PDCH each DSP, from 0 to 20, and DSP 21 suggested 0 value for synchronization. And
DPUg can handle 75 PDCH, but only from 0 to 13 DSP.
Balancing is needed, for example for Subrack 1, which slot 8 & 9 are very crowded, but for slot 10 just
a few. This activity is recommended, to keep the PDCH performance in each DPU Board, maintaining
in good performance.
Lets take an example for DPUg in Subrack 1, in the next slide.

Network and Service Quality Management


Example of Balancing one Cell

Using this Command DSP PSRES, we can choose an

example of Subrack 1 Slot 0 of DSP 0 which highly crowded
with 88% max PDCH occupied.

Command Desc

When finished execute that Command, many of PDCH will

be shown like in the figure. Find the Cell Index and the
Channel State of PDCH. When the Channel State goes
Unavailable, that means PDCH in current Cell, would be
Failure (become red color), the impact is cannot handle
Network and Service Quality Management


Example of Balancing one Cell

At the first step we check the Subrack 1 Slot 8 of

DSP No. 0, then we choose one of Cell Index,
for instance Cell Index 39 which had 11 PDCHs will
be relocated to Subrack 1 Slot 10 DSP No. 3 .
We need to check the avaibility PDCH on destination
DSP, showed that only 13 PDCHs on those DSP.
So, the number PDCH in this DSP would be
approximate of 24 PDCHs (13 + 11) when Cell Index
39 relocated to this DSP.

Network and Service Quality Management


Example of Balancing one Cell

Type Command SET PSCELLTODSP , put the
immediate Cell Index or Cell Name, and the destination
of DSP.
When Confirm Box appeared, Choose OK to continue.


Then check again in Subrack 1 Slot 10 DSP No. 3 which

Cell Index 39 had been relocated to this DSP.
The PDCH number is increasing become 25 PDCHs at
the moment.
Finally, we learn how to Balancing the DSP (DPU Load).

Network and Service Quality Management


Example of Balancing After Add DPU

Network and Service Quality Management


Network and Service Quality Management


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