Adolescent Nutrition
Adolescent Nutrition
Adolescent Nutrition
changes: Biological
Boysget tall, lean, and dense (bones, that is) Attain 15% of final adult ht during puberty Lean body mass doubles Large calorie needsincrease from 2,000 at 10 yr to 3,000 at 15 yr
Girlsget taller and fatter % body fat increases from the teens into the mid-20s Gain almost 50% of their adult ideal weight 6-9 mo before ht rate increases during puberty Dieting can have a negative impact on linear growth during this time Calorie needs increase by only 200 from 10 yr to 15 yr
Cognitive Thinking style changes from concrete to hypothetical and abstract takes the adolescent beyond the here and now into the realm of possibilities (David Elkind, 1984)
Identity development Attempt to figure out who they are Success is dependent on positive interaction with the environmenthome, school, and the community They will try on different lifestyles looking for the right fit Risk taking behaviorsalcohol, drugs, tobacco, sexual behaviors, self-injury and suicide Immediate and severe consequences
Cardiovascular and cancer disease risk Osteoporosis and bone mineralization Overweight and obesity Type 2 diabetes Eating disorders Nutritional needs of the adolescent athlete Adolescents with chronic medical concerns Adolescent pregnancy
Part 2
One-third of CVD and cancer-related morbidity attributed to dietary patterns Diets high in sat fat, total fat, and sodium and low in fiber Diets low in fruits and vegetables Dietary fat Recommended: <10% of calories from sat fat and <30% total fat Consumed: 1/3 of adolescents are in this range Sodium Recommended: <2.5 g/d NHANES III data; 8891, McDowell 94 Consumed: 3-5 g/d
Fiber Recommended: Age + 5 Consume: this amount Fruits and vegetables high in fiber and low in fat and sodium the least consumed food groups for teens 1/4 eat 2 or more servings of fruit/d <25% eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily
Teens directly spend more than $5.4 billion in fast food restaurants $9.6 billion in food and snack stores $736 million in vending machines 78% in school Fast foods tend to be low in Fe, Ca, riboflavin, vitamin C, and folic acid More meals missed at home thus the choice of foods away is more important than the time or place
Positively associated with Total kcal, % kcal from fat, daily servings of soda, cheeseburgers, french fries and pizza Student employment, TV watching, home availability of unhealthy foods Negatively associated with Daily servings of fruit, vegs, milk Perceived maternal and peer concerns about healthy eating Not associated with overweight status
Etiology of Obesity
Heritability Homeostasis Specific syndromes
Survival advantage to conserve energy as fat through human evolution Humans enriched for genes that promote energy intake and storage and minimize expenditure. Enhance female fertility and ability to breastfeed offspring
In modern industrial environment easy access to calorically dense foods encourages sedentary lifestyle Metabolic consequences of these genes are maladaptive
Genetic Factors account for 20-40% of Buchard 97 heritability of BMI Rankinen 02 34 single gene mutations in 83 individuals reported by 2001 > 250 susceptibility genes linked with human obesity phenotypes
Familial Risk: 2-3 fold for moderate obesity 5-8 fold for severe obesity
Bouchard 01
Overweight teenagers are 4-5 times as likely to be obese adults (Guo and
Chumlea 99)
4 3
36 37
Video and computer games Parental work schedules Unsafe neighborhoods discourage parents from allowing children to play outdoors force parents to drive children to school Lack of recreational facilities in low-income neighborhoods
17.3% of girls and 7.8% of boys reported overeating and were more likely to: be overweight or obese have dieted in the past year be currently trying to lose wt Those who met the criteria for binge eating syndrome (3% of girls and 1% of boys) had higher suicide risk (28% for girls and boys)
(Canning 1966)
Growth Taller, advanced bone age, mature earlier Early maturation is associated with increased fatness and truncal fat distribution in adulthood
Hepatic Steatosis Orthopedic Problems Sleep Apnea Occurs in 17% of obese children and teens (Marcus 1996) Deficits in learning, memory, and vocabulary (Rhodes 1995) Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (rare, potentially fatal disorder)
Hyperlipidemia-- LDL and TG, HDL Hypertension Low frequency in children Muscatine Study (Rames 1978) 1% of 6600 children 5 to 18 had persistently elevated BP 60% with BP were >120% of IBW
Type 2 Diabetes
3-10 fold increase in prevalence in adolescents Mean age is 13.5 yrs 95% of teens with Type 2 diabetes have a BMI >85%ile increased insulin resistance 21% of adolescents with BMIs >95th%ile had impaired glucose tolerance (Rocchini 02) Tremendous public health implications Longer duration of disease, > risks of complications
1999 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance 58% exercised 40% ate less food or lower fat foods 13% fasted 8% took diet pills 5% vomited or took laxatives
Kann 1999
Self-starvation, weight loss, intense fear of weight gain, body image distortion
eating disorder
Maximum peak bone mass (PBM) at skeletal maturity is protective PBM is achieved during the late stage of pubertal development nd 90-95% of PBM is attained by the 2 decade of life 40% of which is during adolescence
Low bone mineral density is associated with fractures late in life Adequate nutrition, including energy, protein, vitamins and minerals are associated with good bone health
Milk and dairy products are primary source of calcium in the US Only 49% of boys and 20% of girls consume the recommended number of servings from the dairy group. AI for calcium for 9-18 yr is 1300 mg/d Girls 14-18 yrs consume 55% of this goal at 713 mg 42 mg/d (Grove 98)
Soda Consumption: Effects on body weight, dental health and nutritional status
No association with dental caries (Heller 01) 25% of adolescents drink >26 oz of soda/d Inverse relationship between intake of nutrients found in milk and fruit juice with soda consumption Riboflavin, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C (Harnack 99)
0 oz
1984 34 * 239 98 2.1
Vit C mg Riboflavin
* p<.05
Calcium mg 819
Harnack 99
Weight gain leading to obesity and type 2 diabetes Calcium intake and soft drink consumption leading to inadequate bone mineralization Eating habits that result in disordered eating practices Low consumption of fruit and vegetables and high consumption of fat and sodium are related to adult-onset disease risk
The relationship between the adolescent diet and chronic disease risk is predicated on the assumption that eating behaviors are learned and solidified during childhood and adolescence and are maintained into adulthood (Lytle 02)
Psychosocial Strong Influences Food preferences Early childhood experiences, exposure, genetics Taste and appearance Weak influence Health and nutrition Only 26% of college students were motivated by health when making dietary choices (Horacek 98)
Influences cont
Biological I was hungry is often the first response when asked why a specific food was eaten Lifestyle Time and convenience Teens would rather sleep than eat breakfast (Neumark 99) Cost In a study of 12 high schools, consumption of fresh fruits and vegs when cost was by 50% (French 01)
More Influences
Familymajor influence Food provider Influences food attitudes, preferences and values Despite increased eating outside the home, teens still obtain 65% of their total energy from home. Dinner at home is the most important meal 80% of parents and teens place high importance on this meal 1/3 of teens eat dinner q night at home
Great Beginnings: Nutrition curriculum for pregnant adolescents University of New Hampshire ments/grtbegin.htm Gimme 5: A school-based nutrition intervention for high school students Baylor College of Medicine