Step 1: Phase 1 of This Diet Is Called
Step 1: Phase 1 of This Diet Is Called
Step 1: Phase 1 of This Diet Is Called
in the first 2 weeks. Here, with a few easy steps, youll turn your ody into the fat! urning machine you"e always wished it could e. #$esults will "ary as actual weight loss "aries y indi"idual. Step 1 %"oid for idden foods. &uring the induction phase, read, pasta, grains, fruits, starchy "egeta les and dairy products other than cheese, utter and cream are prohi ited. %lso a"oid nuts and seeds for the first two weeks. Step 2 'at regularly. 'ating three regular!si(ed meals or fi"e small meals a day will help keep your meta olism sta le. &o not go more than si) waking hours without eating. 'at until you*re satisfied ut not stuffed. Step 3 +ount your car s. ,o lose weight fast during the induction phase, eat 2- g or fewer of car ohydrates each day!!most of them in the form of salad greens and other "egeta les. ,his amounts to a out three loosely packed cups of salad. +utting car s means eliminating high!calorie foods, such as read and pasta, which helps accelerate weight loss. It also pre"ents your ody from con"erting car s to glucose for energy purposes and instead urns ody fat. Step 4 &rink wisely. .ince caffeine can affect lood sugar le"els or appetite, a"oid caffeinated drinks, such as soda and coffee, as well as drinks sweetened with artificial sweetener. Instead drink at least eight cups of water a day. Step 5 ')ercise. ,here is no specific e)ercise on this plan, ut any e)ercise will help your ody urn calories faster, there y helping you to lose more weight.
20 NET Carbs Daily Phase 1: I d!ctio " #cceptable $oods %ist /ost fish, poultry and meat do not contain car s0 therefore, you may eat them ut e sure you are getting your 12 to 15 net car s in "egeta les as well. #ll fish i cl!di &: 1 2lounder 1 Herring 1 .almon 1 .ardines 1 .ole 1 ,una 1 ,rout #ll 'eat i cl!di &: 1+hicken 1 3eef 1 4am 1 5eal 'ggs are one of nature*s most nutritious creations. 2eel free to get creati"e with your eggs, add mushrooms and onions, or e"en green pepper. ,op them off with feta cheese or add spices like asil and oregano. #ll E&&s i cl!di &: 1 &e"iled 1 2ried 1 Hard! oiled 1 6melets 1 7oached 1 .cram led 1 .oft! oiled 8eep in mind that cheese does contain car s, a out 1 gram per ounce. 9ou may ha"e a out : to ; ounces of cheese per day. %n ounce is a out the si(e of an indi"idually wrapped slice of %merican cheese. Cheese i cl!di &:
Type 3lue cheeses +heddar +ow, sheep and goat +ream cheese 2eta =ouda /o((arella 7armesan Ser(i & Si)e 2, 1 o( 1 o( 2, 1 o( 1 o( 1 o( 1 o( *ra's of et carbs -.; -.; -.: -.< 1.2 -.> -.> -.?
1 o(
+e&etables: 9ou should e eating appro)imately 12 to 15 net car s a day from "egeta les, which is e@ui"alent to se"eral cups depending on the Aet +ar count of "egeta le used. 1 cup is e@ual to appro)imately the si(e of a ase all +e&etable Ser(i & Si)e,Prep Net Carbs 1 +ucum er B cup 1.1 4ettuce Ice erg B cup -.1 1 /ushrooms B cup 1.2 1 7arsley 1 ta lespoon -.1 1 7eppers B cupCraw 2.: 1 $adishes 1-Craw -.? ,he following "egeta les are slightly higher than the salad "egeta les listed a o"e0 they also pro"ide important nutrients and add "ariety to your daily foods. /ake sure you stay within the 12!15 grams net car s. +e&etable 1 3eets 1 3roccoli oiled 1 3roccoli raw 1 +a age 1 +auliflower 1 'ggplant 1 6kra 1 6li"es green 1 6li"es lack 1 6nion 1 7umpkin 1 7eas 1 .paghetti s@uash 1 .pinach 1 ,omato 1 Fucchini Salad *ar ishes Hard! oiled egg =rated cheeses .autGed mushrooms .our cream 1 egg Hsee a o"e car countsI B cup 2t s -.5 Ser(i & Si)e, Prep B cupCcanned B cup B cup B cup oiled or raw B cup oiled or raw B cup oiledCraw B cup oiledCraw 5 5 E cup raw E cup oiled B cup edi le podded B cup oiled B cup raw 1 raw B cup sautGed Net Carbs ;.D 1.>< 2.; 2.5 -.D 2.< 2.; :.; 2.-.2 ;.: 2.-
-erbs a d Spices Hmake sure they contain no added sugarI -erbs Ser(i & Si)e, Prep 1 =arlic 1 clo"e 1 =inger 1 t s sliced root 1 7epper 1t s 1 $osemary 1t s 1 .age 1t s 1 ,arragon 1t s 1 .autGed mushrooms B cup 1 .our cream 2t s Net Carbs -.? -.< -.-.-.-.1.1.2
.alad &ressings ! %ny prepared salad dressing with no added sugar and no more than two net car s per ser"ing H1 ! 2 ta lespoons is a ser"ingI 1 3lue +heese 1 +aesar 1 Italian 1 4emon juice 1 6il and "inegar 1 $anch 2t 2t 2t 2t 2t 2t s s s s s s 2.: -.5 :.2.< 1.1.;
2ats and 6ils J Ao net car s here, ut keep in mind the ser"ing si(e is appro)imately 1 ta lespoon. 1 3utter 1 /ayonnaise J make sure there is no added sugar 1 6li"e oil 1 5egeta le oils J especially good if they are la eled Kcold pressedL or Ke)peller pressedL 6ne of the est oil to use is oli"e oil. 1 +anola 1 Malnut 1 .oy ean# 1 .esame 1.unflower# .Do ot allo/ these oils to reach hi&h te'perat!res /he coo0i &1 2se oli(e oil for sa!t3i &1 %rtificial .weeteners 1 .plenda J one packet e@uals 1 car 4e(era&es 1 +lu soda 1 +ream J hea"y or light, e sure to note the car count 1 &ecaffeinated or regular coffee and tea# 1 &iet soda ! e sure to note the car s
1 Her tea Hno arley or fruit sugar addedI 1 Mater J at least < eight ounce glasses per day includingN
It is recommended that you stay on this phase of the diet until you are near your weight goal or are already there.
The Po/er of $i(e In the recommended portions, these foods each contain roughly 5 grams of Aet +ar s Htotal car s minus fi erI. Dairy +ottage cheese 1O Hea"y cream /o((arella cheese $icotta cheese N!ts a d Seeds %lmonds 3ra(il nuts +ashews Hulled sunflower seeds /acadamias 7ecans 7istachios Malnuts $r!its 3lue erries HfreshI +antaloupe or honeydew $asp erries HfreshI .traw erries HfreshI 8!ices 4emon juice 4ime juice ,omato juice Ser(i & Si)e P cup P cup 5 ounces P cup Ser(i & Si)e :- nuts 1- nuts ? nuts > ta lespoons 12 nuts 1- hal"es 5- nuts 1; nuts Ser(i & Si)e E cup E cup E cup E cup Ser(i & Si)e E cup E cup E cup Net Carbs ;.D ;.< :.5.D Net Carbs 5.2 ;.;.; 5.;.:.5.5.Net Carbs 5.1 :.5 :.> 2.> Net Carbs 5.2 5.> ;.?
The Pro&ra': Phase 4 T-E 'A& 62 ,H' &I', #S :52 ;N56 IT1
7hase four of this &iet is called 4ifetime /aintenance. ,his is when you maintain your weight loss and are a le to determine how much of which foods you can eat and which ones you enjoy eating the most. 'ach meal in this phase will contain anywhere from 1to 2- g of car ohydrates, so you can choose what to eat more freely and from a wider "ariety of foods. 3reakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in this phase can e anything from eggs to meat and cheese to pasta, as long as the car ohydrates are counted and you do not gain much weight ack. <5= Net Carbs Daily The Pro&ra': Phase 4 6hat :o! Ca Eat i this Phase ,he name 4ifetime /aintenance says it all. ,his is not so much a phase as a permanent lifestyle. 7re!/aintenance is designed to make the transition from 7hase : to Qthe so!calledR 7hase ; practically seamless, so you should ha"e no fears a out mo"ing on once your goal weight is sta le. 2irst of all, the #cceptable $oods for Phase 3 are the same as those for 7hase ;. 6f course, you may not ha"e reintroduced all the foods youll try in the months and years to come, ut as long as youre alert to the potential of any indi"idual food to cause weight regain, cra"ings, unreasona le hunger or any of the other symptoms of car intolerance, you know what to do. which may re@uire some 'odificatio s as you get older or make some lifestyle changes youll e a le to maintain your healthy new weight and say good ye to on!again, off! again diets once and for all.