Small-Scale Farmers' Role in Ensuring Food and Nutrition Security and Responses To Zero Hunger Challenge: AFA's Perspective
Small-Scale Farmers' Role in Ensuring Food and Nutrition Security and Responses To Zero Hunger Challenge: AFA's Perspective
Small-Scale Farmers' Role in Ensuring Food and Nutrition Security and Responses To Zero Hunger Challenge: AFA's Perspective
AFA Members
Taiwan Philippines
Women are frontline service provider for education, health, nutrition and agriculture extension First teachers, First doctors / nutritionist. First to respond to disasters Despite these crucial role, women farmers oftentimes zre deprived of access to land, credit and other support services
bio-digester program encourages farmer to use power source by using cattle and pig dung. It can produce biogas from cattle- and pig manure. This yields gas for the stove and for lighting. And it reduces emissions of methane, which would otherwise be produced by the decomposing manure.
Building Cooperatives
Small scale farmers cooperative engaged in sustainable agriculture production, processing, and marketing & distribution
Local cooperatives extended technical training support and production loan/credit to support members for their production requirements (capital and inputs) Establish processing facilities to add value to farm produce and sell as processed product (Mindoro, PAKISAMA Member)
Marketing Initiatives
Served as consolidators of farmers produce and directly link to market/marketing organization who distributed goods to institutional, industrial and retail markets e.g. case of Pecuaria (Philippines) and Boyolali (Indonesia) Farmers group/association initiated to organize Savings and credit group which facilitated savings for emergency needs, building-up own capital for future investment opportunities/plan Developed Tools for cooperative
Highly vulnerable to extreme climate variability
Absence of accurate early warning system and effective crop & livestock insurance (drought, flood, pests, diseases, etc)
Lack of access and control to productive resources (land, water, seed, energy) viz land conversion,food/feeds vs fuel Lack of extension services and other support services which discourages young farmers to engage in sustainable agriculture
Crop &, information and access to biosafety measures, technical advice on endemic diseases Pre & post harvest facilities, road (to minimize losses, preserve food quality) Marketing support ( market information, fair policies in contract arrangements-PPP)
Un-institutionalized participation in key decision-making bodies and processes (particularly women farmer)
No strong representation / influence in consultations viz chambers High cost of participation (traspo ,language barriers, too long and technical 10 papers, etc)
Food Waste
Food losses occurring at the end of the food supply chain and is largely associated with the behavior of retailers, the food service sector and consumers.
Food losses and wastes reduce food availability and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. They also represent the wastage of inputs - water, energy, fertilisers, labour and capital - used in food production, distribution and disposal.
Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security by small-scale farmers: key to ending hunger
1. Access to key productive resources (land, water, seeds, energy, etc) 2. Public and Private investment in small-scale food producers (particularly women) including fishers, pastoralist 3.Meaningful participation of small-scale farmers in governance
STRENGTHEING LOCAL INITIATIVES 1.advocacy/campaign for land rights (water, seed, etc) for both men and women 2.Capacity building for Sustainable Agricultural productivity and marketing 3.Cooperative Enterprise Devt 4.Constructive engagement with government,business other stakeholders
Concluding message
We feed the world and care for the earth but we are highly vulnerable We are big part of the solution, Let us be part of the discussion table Together we can build a healthy, just, sustainable, caring and sharing community of nations THANK YOU