Ch04 Traffic Engineering Studies

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Chapter 4

Traffic Engineering Studies

Traffic Engineering Studies


studies may be grouped into three main categories:

Inventories, (2) Administrative studies, and (3) Dynamic studies.

Traffic Engineering Studies

(1) Inventories: provide a list or graphic display of existing information, such as:

street widths, parking spaces, transit routes, traffic regulations.

Traffic Engineering Studies

(2) Administrative studies use existing engineering records, available in government agencies and departments. include the results of surveys, which may involve:
field measurements and/or aerial photography.

Traffic Engineering Studies

(3) Dynamic traffic studies involve the collection of data under operational conditions and include studies of:

speed, traffic volume, travel time and delay, parking, and crashes.

They are described in detail in this chapter.

Traffic Engineering Studies


Spot speed studies are conducted to estimate the distribution of speeds of vehicles in a stream of traffic at a particular location on a highway. carried out by recording the speeds of a sample of vehicles at a specified location.

Traffic Engineering Studies

SPOT SPEED STUDIES Used to: Establish parameters for traffic operation and control, such as:
speed zones, speed limits (85th-percentile speed)

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.1.1 Locations for Spot Speed Studies Represent different traffic conditions on a highway for basic data collection. Mid-blocks of urban highways and straight, level sections of rural highways for speed trend analyses. Any location may be used for solution of a specific traffic engineering problem.

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.1.1 Locations for Spot Speed Studies

Should be selected to achieve the following:

Unbiased data Drivers be unaware Equipment concealed from the driver, Observers inconspicuous.

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.1.1 Locations for Spot Speed Studies statistical analysis, statistically adequate number of vehicle speeds be recorded.

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.1.2 Time of Day and Duration of

Spot Speed Studies

depends on the purpose of the study. recommended when traffic is free-flowing, during off-peak hours. typically:

the duration is at least 1 hour and the sample size is at least 30 vehicles.

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.1.3 Sample Size for Spot Speed Studies

The larger the sample size, will give an estimated mean within acceptable error limits.
Average Speed Median Speed Modal Speed The ith-percentile Spot Speed Pace Standard Deviation of Speeds

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.1.4 Methods for Conducting Spot Speed Studies

manual and automatic manual method is seldom used automatic devices

1. 2.


road detectors radar-based the principles of electronics.

Traffic Engineering Studies

Road Detectors

pneumatic road tubes & induction loops collect data on speeds & volume at the same time Advantage:

Human errors are considerably reduced


expensive may, affect driver behavior,

Traffic Engineering Studies

Pneumatic road tubes

laid across the lane in which data are to be collected. When moving vehicle passes over, an air impulse is transmitted to the counter. two tubes are placed across the lane, 2 m apart. An impulse is recorded when the front wheels of a moving vehicle pass over the first tube;

Traffic Engineering Studies

Pneumatic road tubes

a second impulse is recorded when the front wheels pass over the second tube. The time elapsed between the two impulses and the distance between the tubes are used to compute the speed of the vehicle.

Traffic Engineering Studies

inductive loop

a rectangular wire loop buried under the roadway surface. It operates on the principle that a disturbance in the electrical field is created when a motor vehicle passes across it.

Traffic Engineering Studies

Radar-Based Traffic Sensors Electronic-Principle Detectors

traffic characteristics, such as speed, volume, queues, and headways are computed. Using video image processing

Traffic Engineering Studies

(a) RTMS Deployed in the Forward Looking Mode

Traffic Engineering Studies

(b) RTMS Deployed in the Side-fire Mode

Traffic Engineering Studies

(a) Schematic Illustration of the Auto scope

Traffic Engineering Studies

(b) The Auto scope Deployed

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.1.5 Presentation and Analysis of Spot Speed Data

Statistical methods Analyzing data frequency histogram cumulative frequency distribution curve

Traffic Engineering Studies

Example 4.2 Determining Speed Characteristics from a Set of Speed Data.

Table 4.2 shows the data collected on a rural highway in Virginia during a speed study. Develop the frequency histogram and the frequency distribution of the data and determine:

Traffic Engineering Studies

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The arithmetic mean speed The standard deviation The median speed The pace The mode or modal speed The 85th-percentile speed

Traffic Engineering Studies

Solution: The speeds range from 34.8 to 65.0 km/h, giving a speed range of 30.2.

For eight classes, the range per class is 3.75 km/h; for 20 classes, the range per class is 1.51 km/h. It is convenient to choose a range of 2 km/h per class which will give 16 classes. A frequency distribution table can then be prepared, as shown in Table 4.3.

Traffic Engineering Studies

Table 4.2 Speed Data Obtained on a Rural Highway

Traffic Engineering Studies

Figure 4.4 Histogram of Observed Vehicles' Speeds

Traffic Engineering Studies

Table 4.3 Frequency Distribution Table for Set of Speed Data

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Figure 4.5 Frequency Distribution

Traffic Engineering Studies

Figure 4.6 Cumulative Distribution

Traffic Engineering Studies

The median speed 49 km/h,

the 50th-percentile speed.

85th-percentile speed is 54 km/h

Traffic Engineering Studies


1. Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) the average of 24-hour counts collected every day of the year. 2. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) the average of 24-hour counts collected over a number of days greater than one but less than a year.

Traffic Engineering Studies


3. Peak Hour Volume (PHV) the maximum number of vehicles that pas a point on a highway during a period of 60 consecutive minutes. 4. Vehicle Classification (VC) with respect to the type of vehicles for cars, two-axle trucks, or three-axle trucks. 5. Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT)

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.2.1 Methods of Conducting Volume Counts

Manual Method Automatic Method

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Figure 4.7 Jamar Traffic Data Collector TDC-1 2 Hooked to a Computer

Traffic Engineering Studies

Figure 4.9 Apollo Traffic Counter/Classifier

Traffic Engineering Studies

Figure 4.10 Example of Counters that Require the Laying of Subsurface Detectors

Traffic Engineering Studies

Figure 4.11 Traffic Eye Universal System

Traffic Engineering Studies

Figure 4.12 Example of Station Locations for a Cordon Count

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.2.2 Types of Volume Counts

Depending on the anticipated use of the data to be collected. vehicle classifications, through movements, turning movements.

Intersection Counts

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.2.2 Types of Volume Counts

Pedestrian Volume Counts Periodic Volume Counts (AADT)

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.2.3 Traffic Volume Data Presentation Traffic Flow Maps: volume of traffic on each route is represented by the width of a band.
Figure 4.13 shows a typical traffic flow map.

Figure 4.13 Example of a Traffic Flow Map

Traffic Engineering Studies

Intersection Summary Sheets:
Figure 4.14 shows a typical intersection summary sheet.

Figure 4.14 Intersection Summary Sheet

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.2.3 Traffic Volume Data Presentation

Time-Based Distribution Charts: see Figure 4.15

Traffic Engineering Studies

Daily variations: see Figure 4.15b

Figure 4.15 Traffic Volumes on an Urban Highway (A&B)

Traffic Engineering Studies

Hourly variations in traffic volume:

Figure 4.15 Traffic Volumes on an Urban Highway (C)

Traffic Engineering Studies

Summary Tables: PHV, Vehicle Classification (VC), and ADT. See Table 4.4
Table 4.4 Summary of Traffic Volume Data for a Highway Section

Traffic Engineering Studies

Adjustment of Periodic Counts Expansion Factors from Continuous Count Stations. Hourly expansion factors (HEFs) are determined by the formula

Traffic Engineering Studies

Daily expansion factors (DEFs) are computed as

Monthly expansion factors (MEFs) are computed as

Traffic Engineering Studies

Table 4.5 Hourly Expansion Factors for a Rural Primary Road

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Table 4.6 Daily Expansion Factors for a Rural Primary Road

Traffic Engineering Studies

Table 4.7 Monthly Expansion Factors for a Rural Primary Road

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Traffic Engineering Studies

Traffic Engineering Studies


Travel time: time required to travel from one point to another on a given route. the locations, durations, and causes of delays. good indication of the level of service identifying problem locations,

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.3.1 Applications of Travel Time and Delay Data

efficiency of a route locations with relatively high delays causes for delays before-and-after studies relative efficiency of a route travel times on specific links economic studies

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.3.2 Definition of Terms Related to Time and Delay Studies



Travel time: time taken by a vehicle to traverse a given section of a highway. Running time: time a vehicle is actually in motion

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.3.2 Definition of Terms Related to Time and Delay Studies



Delay time lost due to causes beyond the control of the driver. Operational delay: delay caused by the impedance of other traffic. (for example, parking or unparking vehicles),

Traffic Engineering Studies

5. 6.


Stopped-time delay Fixed delay: caused by control devices such as traffic signals, regardless of the traffic volume Travel-time delay: difference between the actual travel time and the travel time obtained by assuming that a vehicle traverses at an average speed equal to that for an uncongested traffic flow

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.3.3 Methods for Conducting Travel Time and Delay Studies

Methods Requiring a Test Vehicle: floating-car, average-speed, and movingvehicle techniques.

Traffic Engineering Studies

Table 4.8 Speed and Delay Information

Traffic Engineering Studies

Moving-Vehicle Technique (moving observer): the observer makes a round trip on a test section Figure 4.16, The observer starts at section X-X, drives the car eastward to section Y-Y, turns the vehicle around drives westward to section X-X again

Traffic Engineering Studies

Figure 4.16 Test Site for Moving-Vehicle Method

Traffic Engineering Studies

Moving-Vehicle Technique.

following data are collected as

The time it takes to travel east from X-X to Y-Y (Te), in minutes The time it takes to travel west from Y-Y to X-X (Tw), in minutes The number of vehicles traveling west in the opposite lane while the test car is traveling east (Ne)

Traffic Engineering Studies

Figure 4.16 Test Site for Moving-Vehicle Method

Traffic Engineering Studies

Moving-Vehicle Technique. The number of vehicles that overtake the test car while it is traveling west from Y-Y to X-X, that is, traveling in the westbound direction (Ow) The number of vehicles that the test car passes while it is traveling west from Y-Y to X-X, that is, traveling in the westbound direction (Pw)

Traffic Engineering Studies

Moving-Vehicle Technique.

The volume (Vw) in the westbound direction can then be obtained from the expression:

Traffic Engineering Studies

where (Ne Ow Pw) is the number of vehicles traveling westward that cross the line X-X during the time (TeTw). Similarly, the average travel time in the westbound direction is obtained from

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Traffic Engineering Studies

Traffic Engineering Studies

Traffic Engineering Studies

Traffic Engineering Studies

Traffic Engineering Studies

Methods Not Requiring a Test Vehicle License-Plate Observations: observers at the beginning and end of the test section. Each observer records the last three or four digits of the license plate of each car that passes, together with the time at which the car passes.

Traffic Engineering Studies

in the office by matching the times of arrival at the beginning and end of the test section for each license plate recorded. difference between these times is the traveling time of each vehicle. average of these is the average traveling time on the test section.

Traffic Engineering Studies

a sample size of 50 matched license plates. Interviews: obtaining information from people who drive on the study site regarding their travel times, experience of delays, requires the cooperation of the people.

Traffic Engineering Studies

ITS Advanced Technologies:

Advanced technologies Cell phones GPS satellite system technology is used to determine average speeds and travel times along highways

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.4 PARKING STUDIES Any vehicle will at one time be parked short time or longer time, provision of parking facilities is essential need for parking spaces is usually very great in areas of business, residential, or commercial activities. park-and-ride

Traffic Engineering Studies

Providing adequate parking space to meet the demand for parking in the Central Business District (CBD) This problem usually confronts a city traffic engineer. solution is not simple, Parking studies are used to determine the demand for and the supply of parking facilities.

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.4.1 Types of Parking Facilities On-Street Parking Facilities

also known as curb facilities. Parking bays are provided alongside the curb on one or both sides of the street. unrestricted parking unlimited and free Restricted parking facilities

Traffic Engineering Studies

On-Street Parking Facilities

limited to specific times for a maximum duration. may or may not be free. handicapped parking bus stops loading bays.

Traffic Engineering Studies

Off-Street Parking Facilities

privately or publicly owned; surface lots and garages. Self-parking garages attendant-parking garages

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.4.2 Definitions of Parking Terms 1. A space-hour is a unit of parking that defines the use of a single parking space for a period of 1 hour. 2. Parking volume is the total number of vehicles that park in a study area during a specific length of time, usually a day.

Traffic Engineering Studies

3. Parking accumulation is the number of parked vehicles in a study area at any specified time. 4. parking load the number of space-hours used during the specified period of time. 5. Parking duration length of time a vehicle is parked at a parking indication of how frequently a parking space becomes available.

Traffic Engineering Studies

6. Parking turnover rate of use of a parking space. Obtained by dividing the parking volume for a specified period by the number of parking spaces.

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.4.3 Methodology of Parking Studies Inventory of Existing Parking Facilities

detailed listing of the location and all other relevant characteristics of each legal parking facility, private and public. The study area includes both on- and offstreet facilities.

Traffic Engineering Studies

Type and number of parking spaces at each parking facility Times of operation and limit on duration of parking, if any Type of ownership (private or public) Parking fees, method of collection Restrictions Other restrictions, loading and unloading zones, bus stops, taxi ranks Permanency

The inventory should be updated at regular intervals of about four to five years.

Traffic Engineering Studies

4.4.3 Methodology of Parking Studies Collection of Parking Data


by checking the amount of parking during regular intervals on different days of the week. Carried out on an hourly or 2-hour basis used to determine hourly variations of parking and peak periods of parking demand.

Traffic Engineering Studies

Collection of Parking Data

Turnover and Duration:

collecting data on a sample of parking spaces in a given block. recording the license plate of the vehicle parked on each parking space in the sample at the ends of fixed intervals during the study period. The length of the fixed intervals depends on the maximum permissible duration.

Traffic Engineering Studies

Turnover and Duration:

For example, if the maximum permissible duration of parking at a curb face is 1 hour, a suitable interval is every 20 minutes. If the permissible duration is 2 hours, checking every 30 minutes would be appropriate. Turnover is then obtained from the equation

Traffic Engineering Studies

Figure 4.17 Parking Accumulation at a Parking Lot

Traffic Engineering Studies

Parking Demand

by interviewing drivers at the various parking facilities Interview all drivers using the parking facilities on a typical weekday between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Information include (1) trip origin, (2) purpose of trip, (3) drivers destination after parking. the location of the parking facility, times of arrival and departure, vehicle type.

Traffic Engineering Studies

Parking Demand

Parking interviews also can be carried out using the postcard technique, about 30 to 50 percent of the cards distributed are returned.

Traffic Engineering Studies

Traffic Engineering Studies

Traffic Engineering Studies

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