Traffic Stream Characteristics: Traffice Engineering
Traffic Stream Characteristics: Traffice Engineering
Traffic Stream Characteristics: Traffice Engineering
I - Definitions
Average Annual Daily traffic ( AADT ) : Is the Average
of 24hr counts collected every day in the year .
Volume 2
Volume Studies
Volume 3
Volume Studies
Volume 4
Traffic Composition
Volume 5
Traffic Projection
Attracted traffic
Developed traffic
Generated traffic
Normal growth
Current traffic
Volume 6
Traffic Projection
ADT2010 = 4000 ( 1 + 0.62 + 0.26 ) + 2600 = 10120 vpd
Volume 7
Volume Counts Methods
1- Manual counts :-
The basic form of manual counts involves a person recording
each vehicle by making tally marks an a field sheet as shown in
Volume 8
Volume Counts Methods
2- Mechanical counts:-
The mechanical counting method involves the laying of surface detectors
such as pneumatic road tubes or any other devices on the road . these
detects the passing vehicle and transmit the information to a recorder ,
which is connected to the detector located at the side of the road junior
counter one type of these recorders .
∑ Manual counts
∑ Mechanical counts
Volume 9
Ex: Calculate the truck adjustment factor TAF for the given
dada in the table .
Volume 10
Types of volume counts
Different types are carried ant depending on , the anticipated use of the
data to be collected . they are :-
1) Cordon Counts
It is required to calculate the vehicle accumulation within an area
particularly during a specific time the area for which the data is
required is cordoned off by an imaginary loop , and the
intersection of each street crossing the cordon line is taken as a
count station . these information is useful for planning parking
facilities and updating traffic operational techniques .
2) Screen Line Counts
In screen line counts , the study area is divided into large sections by
running imaginary lines across the study area . Traffic counts are
taken at each crossing of a road and the screen line .
3) Intersection Counts :- ( collected at intersection to determine vehicle
classification which used in determining phase length and cycle
time for signalized intersections ) .
4) Pedestrian Volume Counts :- Pedestrian volume counts are made to
design the pedestrian signal at intersections .
There are other types of volume counts depends on the count period.
Periodic Volume Counts :- In order to obtain certain volume
data , such as AADT, it is necessary to obtain data continuously .
It is not feasible to collect continues data on all road because of
the cost involved . then the periodic volume counts can be
estimated for different period such Hr, or day , or week or.. .
1) Continuous Count: These counts are carried out continuously using
mechanical counter .
2) Control Count: these counts are taken at station known as control count
3) Coverage Count: these counts are used to estimate ADT using the
expansion factors developed from control counts.
Volume 11
Adjustment of Periodic Counts
Volume 12
Adjustment of Periodic Counts
1.394 MEF
Volume 13
Relation Between volume and flow rate
Volume 14