Skills Approach: Theory and Practice, 3/e
Skills Approach: Theory and Practice, 3/e
Skills Approach: Theory and Practice, 3/e
Skills Approach
Leadership Theory and Practice, 3/e
Peter G. Northouse, Ph.D. William Kritsonis, PhD Presenter
SAGE Publications
Skills Approach Perspective Three-Skill Approach Skills-Based Model How Does the Skills Approach Work?
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Leader-centered perspective Emphasis on skills and abilities that can be acquired and developed
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Three-Skill Approach
Technical Skill Human Skill Conceptual Skill
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Technical Skill
Technical skill - is having knowledge
about and being proficient in a specific type of work or activity. Specialized competencies Analytical ability Capability to use appropriate tools and techniques Technical skills involve hands-on ability with a product or process Most important at lower levels of management
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Human Skill
Human skill - is having knowledge about
and being able to work with people.
Awareness of ones own perspective and others perspectives at the same time People skills allow a leader to assist group members in working cooperatively to achieve common goals Creates an atmosphere of trust where members feel they can become involved and impact decisions in the organization Important at all levels of the organization
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Conceptual Skill
Conceptual skill - the ability to do the
mental work of shaping the meaning of organizational policy or issues (what the company stands for and where its going)
Works easily with abstraction and hypothetical notions Central to creating and articulating a vision and strategic plan for an organization Most important at top management levels
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Skills-Based Model
Problem-Solving Skills Social Judgment Skills Knowledge
Leadership Outcomes
Effective Problem Solving
Competency Skills
Problem Solving
Social Judgment
Creative ability to solve Capacity to understand The accumulation of novel, ill-defined people and social systems information & the mental organizational problems - Perspective taking structures to organize the information - Social perceptiveness - Social performance
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Individual Attributes
Individual Attributes
General Cognitive Ability Crystallized Cognitive Ability
Three aspects of motivation - Willingness - Dominance - Social good
Any characteristic that helps people cope with complex organizational situations is probably related to leader performance
Persons intelligence Intellectual ability - Perceptual processing learned or acquired - Information processing over time - General reasoning - Creative & divergent thinking - Memory
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Leadership Outcomes
Leadership Outcomes
Problem Solving
Originality & quality of solutions to problem situations - Logical
Degree to which a leader has successfully performed his/her assigned duties
- Effective
- Unique - Go beyond give information
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Career Experiences
Career Experiences
Challenging Assignments Appropriate Training Hands-on Experience With Novelty
solve complex problems Leaders learn and develop higher levels of conceptual capacity if they progressively confront more complex and long-term problems as they ascend the organizational hierarchy
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Environmental Influences
Environmental Influences
Factors Outside of Leaders Control
Factors in a leaders situation that lie outside of the leaders competencies, characteristics, and
- Outdated technology - Subordinates skill inadequacies
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Skills Approach
Focus Focus is primarily descriptive - Describes leadership from a skills perspective Provides a structure for understanding the nature of effective leadership Principal Research Perspectives Katz (1995) suggests importance of particular leadership skills varies depending where leaders reside in a management hierarchy Mumford et al. (2000) suggest leadership outcomes are a direct result of a leaders skilled competency in problem solving, social judgment & knowledge
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SAGE Publications
First approach to conceptualize and create a structure of the process of leadership around skills Describing leadership in terms of skills makes it available to everyone Provides an overarching view of leadership that incorporates a variety of components (i.e., problemsolving skills, social judgment skills) Provides a structure consistent with leadership education programs
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Breadth of the skills approach appears to extend beyond the boundaries of leadership Skills model is weak in predictive value Skills model is partially trait-driven
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The Skills Approach provides a way to delineate the skills of a leader It is applicable to leaders at all levels within the organization The skills inventory can provide insights into the individuals leadership competencies Test scores allow leaders to learn about areas in which they may wish to seek further training
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