Constructivism Jesse Delia
Constructivism Jesse Delia
Constructivism Jesse Delia
By Jesse Delia
OVERVIEW I. Interpersonal constructs as evidence of cognitive complexity II. Scoring the RCQ for construct differentiation III. Person-centered messages: the interpersonal edge IV. Message production: crafting goal-based plans or action V. Beneficial effects of person-centered messages VI. Socializing a new generation of sophisticated speakers
A communication theory that seeks to explain individual differences in peoples ability to communicate skillfully in social settings
1. Pick 2 people you know well one you dont like, one you do like. 2. Take a moment to mentally compare and contrast them in terms of personality, habits beliefs and the way they treat others. Think about them all. Do not limit yourself to just the similarities and differences. 3. 5 minutes explain the person you like so that a stranger would understand what he or she is like. DO NOT do physical characteristics. List attributes, mannerisms, defining characters etc. 4. 5 minutes DO the same thing for the person you do not like. FLIP PAPER OVER
The core assumption of Constructivism is persons make sense of the world through systems of personal constructs. Constructs: The cognitive template or stencils we fit over reality, to bring order to our perceptions. Contrasting features we have available to classify other people. (warm, cool) People with large set of interpersonal constructs have better social perceptions skills, than those whose set of mental templates is relatively small.
There are two kinds of people in the worldthose who think there are two kinds of people in the world and those who dont.
COGNITIVE COMPLEXITY is shown by the combined # of Constructs, for both descriptions. ^ score more elaborate is the structure within your mind. Any score over 25: Considered reliable indicator of a high interpersonal cognitive complexity.
Differentiation the main component of cognitive complexity as measured by the number of separate personal constructs used on the RCQ
Individuals who are more cognitively complex in their perceptions of others have the mental capacity to construct sophisticated message plans that pursue multiple goals. They then have the ability to deliver person-centered messages that achieve the outcomes they desire.
Consider the workplace of a woman named Laura, whose married male boss suggest a sexual affair.
- is outlined by James Dillard which can be used to explain the link between cognitive complexity and message production.
Awkward. Tsk.Tsk.Tsk.
Weve got a great working relationship now, and Id like us to work well together in the future. So I think its important for us to talk this out. Youre a smart and clear-thinking guy and I consider you to be my friend as well as my boss. Thats why I have to think you must be under a lot of unusual stress lately to have said something like this. I know what its like to be under pressure. Too much stress can really make you crazy. You probably just need a break.
*Moderately comforting messages express sympathy, yet try to shift attention away from the others loss or offer explanations for why it occurred.
Sophisticated communication is more comforting than clumsy Similarity of communication skill may be important for durable relationships Skills of sophisticated communication may be transmitted from parent to child, and may enhance socio-economic privileges Too much reliance on RCQ Socio-psychological tradition (Communication as Interpersonal Interaction and influence) Rhetorical Tradition (Communication as art of persuasion)