Adrenal Gland 111
Adrenal Gland 111
Adrenal Gland 111
and Cortisol
Renz Jethro M. Ortega III BS in Medical Technology Emilio Aguinaldo College Manila
De ine the adrenal gland Di!cu!! the anatomy and "hy!iology o adrenal gland Identi y the hormone! and location! they are "roduced in the adrenal gland E#"lain corte# !teroidogene!i! and $io!ynthe!i! o catecholamine E#"lain the hormone corti!ol
Adrenal Gland
A multi unctional endocrine organ that "roduce! !teroid hormone! and neuro"e"tide! e!!ential or li e. Su"rarenal gland% ound ato" the &idney!. A "yramidal !tructure 'eighing a""ro#. ( gram!.
htt"-..'''!.image!.anatomy0Adrenal2l and0coronal.1"g
Right !u"rarenal *ein drain! into the in erior *ena ca*a. :e t !u"rarenal *ein drain! into the le t renal canal o the le t "hrenic *ein.
Clinical Chemistry @Michael :. Bi!ho" MS MT <ASCA> C:S <BCA>) Ed'ard A. /ody MD) :arry E. Schoe MS MT <ASCA>C Dth edition
"ona Glomerulosa
Synthe!ize aldo!terone <mineralocorticoid!>. Critical or !odium retention <*olume>) "ota!!ium and acidE$a!e $alance. =a*e lo' cyto"la!micEtoEnuclear ratio and !mall nuclei 'ith den!e chromatin 'ith intermediate li"id inclu!ion!. 2 cell! con*ert chole!terol to "regnenolone.
"ona Fasciculata
Synthe!ize glucocorticoid! !uch a! corti!ol and corti!one) critical or $lood gluco!e homeo!ta!i! and $lood "re!!ure. Cord! o clear cell!) 'ith high cyto"la!micE toEnuclear ratio and li"id! laden 'ith oamy cyto"la!m. 2enerate androgen "recur!or D=EA <dehydroe"iandro!terone>
"ona #eticularis
Sul ate D=EA to D=EAS) the main adrenal androgen. Andro!tenedione and dehydroe"iandro!terone Shar"ly demarcated 'ith li"idEde icient cord! o irregular) den!e cell! 'ith li"o u!cin de"o!it!.
Cortex Steroido!enesis
Bio!ynthe!i! o hormone! occur *ia !u$!trate a*aila$ility) enzyme acti*itie! and inhi$itory eed$ac& loo"!.
Stored LDL Use Acetyl-CoA Cortisol Primary !eedbac" #egulator$
Clinical Chemistry @Michael :. Bi!ho" MS MT <ASCA> C:S <BCA>) Ed'ard A. /ody MD) :arry E. Schoe MS MT <ASCA>C Dth edition
/ 0 % /pinephrine ./ % .orepinephrine
Clinical Chemistry @Michael :. Bi!ho" MS MT <ASCA> C:S <BCA>) Ed'ard A. /ody MD) :arry E. Schoe MS MT <ASCA>C Dth edition
A glucocorticoid "roduced $y zona a!ciculata o the adrenal corte#. Main unction i! to control hemodynamic! <$lood "re!!ure> and gluco!e homeo!ta!i! <antiEin!ulin e ect>. Regulated $y ACT=% only hormone inhi$iting ACT= Diurnal% high le*el! in morning <DEF am> and lo'e!t at night <84 "mE87 am> 345 in inacti*e and $ound to "rotein <tran!cortin> Re erence *alue- FE8G mg.d:
Clinical Chemistry @Michael :. Bi!ho" MS MT <ASCA> C:S <BCA>) Ed'ard A. /ody MD) :arry E. Schoe MS MT <ASCA>C 6th edition #evie7er for Clinical Chemistry @Maria Tere!a RodriguezC 8nd edition $enry9s Clinical (ia!nosis and Mana!ement by )aboratory Methods @Richard A. McAher!on) MD and Matthe' R. Aincu!) MD) AhDC 88nd /dition htt"-..'''.ouh!!tology.2la!! 574!lide!.93049.1"g
'han: you