King of Pathology 5
King of Pathology 5
King of Pathology 5
(ar)inogeni) agents .
A-@adiation is also associated e' leu(emia $ osteosarcoma.
# "echanism of action of radiation: ,- Chromosomal !rea(age.
--1ranslocation. .-7oint mutation.
/-Acti%ation of @as oncogen A-6nhi!ition of @! suppressor gene.
/-(hemi)al )ar)inogens ( /.,H,N 7 8A)
-7 7olycyclic hydrocar!ons !en+opyrine cause Cancer scrotum.
1o!acco products cause oral ca%ity8 laryn4 8oesophagus cancer
7esicide cause cancer s(in.
,H hea%y metals as chromium cause cancer lung.
,: :itrosamine cause cancer stomach.
Aromatic amines cancer urinary !ladder.
A+odyes li%er tumors.
AA Aflato4in hepatoma.
As!estos !ronchogenic carcinoma.
Anticancer agents as al(ylating agents leu(emia.
# "echanism of action: ,-"itogenic cause permanent change in :A.
--Affectinf @A0 suppressor gene. .-"ore effecti%e in case of a!sence of :A repair en+ymes
3-6iral )ar)inogens
a)@:A %iruses:
# mechanism of action: they produce en+yme called FF @e%erse transcriptaseFF w' transcri!e :A
=rom %iral @:A $ this new %iral :A share in *Host cell genoma) 1ransformation.
# E.g: H13< *human t-cell leu(emia %irus) cause adult 1-cell leu(emia.
!):A %iruses: they form sta!le association e' host genome 1ransformation. =or e4amples:-
6-Human papilloma %irus *H7<):- 2 a!out AG genetically distinct type.
2types *,$-$/)H) cause !enign squamous papilloma *wart) in human.
2types *,I ) ,J) are in%ol%ed in cancer cer%i4.
21he proteins of these genes !ind to and neutrali+e the product of @! * loss of @!
gene ma(e child suscepti!le to tumor) ) 7A. * pA. stimulate apoptosis of a!normal cell ).
2the products of types *,I$,J).,) !ind to @! and 7A. e' high affinity.
2the products of types *I ) ,,) !ind to @! and 7A. e' lo0 affinity.
66-Epstein Barr %irus *EB<):
2 EB< cause Bur(ittFs lymphoma and nasopharngeal carcinoma.
2 EB< infect the B-cells and infect many cells causing them to proliferate.
666-Hepatitis B %irus:
6n%ol%ed in Hepatocellular carcinoma . %irus act on li%er !y:-
,-cause li%er cell in>ury e' su!sequent regeneration .the cells are predisposed to throm!us.
--"utation moti%ation to 7A. in li%er e4posed to HB< and Aflato4in.
.-HB %irus encode regulatory elements called E-proteins cause distur!ance to normal growth
control !y transcriptional acti%ation of se%eral proto-oncogen.
/- 1he %iral integration cause -ry re-arrangement of chromosome and inacti%ation of 7A..
Chemical carcinogens
com!ine to :A .
6<-H<J: cause &aposi sarcomas &' ()
Tumor 9 Neoplasia 9 4n)ology 9 Ne0 gro0th
ef: Automonus !rr"ersi#le .urposeless proliferation of )ells to form a#normal 2ass$
,-:omenclature:- named !y attaching the suffi4 FFCmaFF to the cell type from w' the tumors arise
E.g: fi!roma $ chondroma.
--"onoclonal in origin: But it is more e' la!ile cells and sta!le cells and less e' permanent cells.
.-=ormed of - elements: *+ .aren)hyma & :troma
Beha%iour Consistency
Benign "alignant ) firm soft.
/-@ate of growth e4ceeds and is un-coordinated e' that of surrounding tissue .
A-6ts growth is progressi%e.
I-6t is un-controlled !y the normal growth control of the !ody.
H-6t compete e' normal cells for their meta!olic needs.
J-1umor arises as a result of mutation acquired either !y en%ironmental factors or inherited in
germ cell line.
K-1umors are lia!le to -ry pathological changes as infection $cell in>ury and He55..etc.
(lassifi)ation of tumors*- A))ording to *
,- Beha"iour*- /-Tissue of origin 9 Histogenous )lassifi)ation*-
1 Benign$
1 Lo)al malignant$
1 2alignant$ (is)ussed later)
2Benign $ malignant tumors !"
1Lo)al 2alignant tumor
,-ef: 1umors capa!le of local infiltration But :o distant metastasis.
--Characters: 0lower than malignant tumors
2@ate of growth is
=aster than Benign tumors.
2 "ode of growth By infiltration ; non-capsulated. "alignant characters.
2 "icroscopicaly Cells show "g criteria ,-.
2 "ay turn malignant.
2 High incidence of recurrence.
2:o distant spread. Benign character.
.-1ypes: # Adamantinoma. # Craniopharyngiomas.
0ome tumors can
!e controlled !y
the !ody E.g:
cancer !reast .
E4amples :
2 carcinoma
/ *' * 0 1
pla)enta $ 23 45
2 "alignant
1umor in supra-
renal gand can
destroy patient life .
- 3eu(emia not a mass .
- "alignant leu(ocytes
in !lood