Saint Valentine
Saint Valentine
Saint Valentine
ngela Molina Luna Beatriz Carrillo Cubero Mara Garrido Roldn Jess Jimnez de los Ros
The story of Saint Valentine has two different versions. Both versions agree upon Saint Valentine being a bishop who held secret marriage ceremonies of soldiers in opposition to Claudius II who had prohibited marriage for young men and was executed by the latter.
When Claudius became the emperor, he felt that married men were more emotionally attached to their families, and thus, will not make good soldiers. He believed that marriage made the men weak. So he issued an edict forbidding marriage to assure quality soldiers
The ban on marriage was a great shock for the Romans. But they dared not voice their protest against the mighty emperor. The kindly bishop Valentine also realized the injustice of the decree. He saw the trauma of young lovers who gave up all hopes of being united in marriage.
He planned to counter the monarch's orders in secrecy. Whenever lovers thought of marrying, they went to Valentine who met them afterwards in a secret place, and joined them in the sacrament of matrimony. And thus he secretly performed many marriages for young lovers. But such things could not remain hidden for long. It was only a matter of time before Claudius came to know of this "friend of lovers," and had him arrested.
However, Valentine refused to agree with the emperor regarding the ban on marriage. This angered Claudius II who gave the order of execution of Valentine.
A deep friendship had been formed between Valentine and Asterius' daughter. It caused great grief to the young girl to hear of his friend's imminent death. It is said that just before his execution, Valentine asked for a pen and paper from his jailor, and signed a farewell message to her "From Your Valentine," a phrase that lived ever after
Cupid, Roman God of Love and perhaps the most famous of all Valentine symbols, has always played a role in the celebration of romance. He is Venus and Aphrodite's son. When people receive Cupid's arrow they fall in love.
According to legend, Cupid's arrows come in two varieties: the Golden Arrow, which generally signifies true love, and the Leaden Arrow, which represents wanton and sensual passion
A woman wrote the name of the people that she loved on small pieces of paper which would be placed on clay balls. The balls were dropped into water. She believed that the first scrap of paper on the surface would be the name of her future husband.
By tradition, a young girl was supposed to marry the first man that she met on Valentine's Day
In some countries, a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a suitor. If she accepts the gift, it means she has accepted his proposal.
One of the most ancient of Valentine's Days rituals was the practice of writing the names of young ladies on pieces of paper and placing them within a jar or bowl. The lady whose name was drawn by an eligible bachelor became his valentine and he wore the name on his sleeve for one week.
If an apple is cut in half, the number of seeds found inside the fruit will be an indication of the number of children that individual will have. Who is awoken by a kiss on Valentine's Day is considered lucky.
In Austria it is customary that a young man present his girlfriend with a bunch of flowers on DENMARK February 14. The Danish valentine card is known as a "lover's card. One custom in Denmark is to send pressed white flowers called Snowdrops to their friends.
The poets of Britain have probably penned the majority of the best-loved romantic verses associated with Saint Valentine. Different regions of the nation celebrate their own customs to honor this day, although the sending of cards and gifts of flowers and chocolates is standard procedure throughout the entire country. One uniform custom is the singing of special songs by children, who then receive gifts of candy, fruit or money. In some areas, valentine buns are baked with caraway seeds, plums or raisins.
Only seven couples are chosen to get married that day, from the viewpoint of the floor 80 of the Empire State Building. And always have free admission for the day of its anniversary
Cakes and biscuits are cooked with heart shapes INDIA made from caraway seeds, India have come to publicly burn Valentine's cards, but new generations have celebrated plums, or raisins. with music and gifts.
February 14 women delivered a present to them. March 14 give back up to them to care for them in some detail. Thousands of lovers come to Mount Fuji, just at the point located in Valentine Izu, to play the "Hood Love" three times while saying the name of your beloved to make your love last forever.
In Italy, Valentine's Day is celebrated as a Spring Festival, in the open air, where young people would gather in arbors or gardens to listen to music and the reading of poetry. However, over the course of the years, this custom ceased and has not now been celebrated for centuries. In Turin, it was custom betrothed that couples to announce their engagements on February 14.
UNITED STATES In United States are famous the familiar "valentines", is greeting the children made that day and exchanged with friends.
In this country people give presents in Saint Valentines Day. The most typical presents are flowers, chocolates and sweets. In some schools, students change cards, flowers and sweets.
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