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National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD)

Prepared By Chandra Sekhar J

Presented To : MBA STUDENTS


Introduction to NABARD
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was established by an Act of the Parliament on 12 July1982. Mission: Sustainable growth in Agriculture and Rural Prosperity

Facilitate credit flow for agriculture , rural infrastructure and development Promote policies and practices conducive for rural development Institutional development for rural credit system Supervise Rural Financial Institutions E.g. ( Cooperative banks and Regional Rural Banks) Consultancy Services.

Short term credit
Seasonal Agriculture OperationsNABARD provides refinance to SCB and RRB at concessional Rates.

Co-operative Banks for financing

Marketing of Crops , Pisciculture , Procurement of Agriculture Inputs .

Weavers's Finance
Financing working Capital Requirement for Production and Marketing to -Primary weavers Co-operative societies - Individual Weavers - Handloom Weaver Groups

Medium Term Credit

Coversion of Short Term Loans to Medium Term Loans in case of Crop loss in Natural Calamities

Investment Credit
Technology Upgradation Technical Feasibility

Thrust Areas (Schemes)

Launch of Kishan Credit Cards( KCC) in 1998 Impact of Wadi Project Farmers Technology Transfer Fund Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP) District Rural Industries Project (DRIP) Rural Mart Cluster Development Swarozgar Credit Card (SCC) Scheme

Women Development Cell (WDC)

To take up activities for promoting increased credit flow to women, organize gender sensitization meets and awareness programmes.

Farmers Club Programme

Mission- Development of rural areas through credit, technology transfer, awareness and capacity building. Motivate farmers to adopt methods and technologies which are most suitable to their soil and geographical situation.

Umbrella Programme on Natural Resources Management (UPNRM)

Improving livelihood situation in rural areas through promoting and funding sustainable use, management and conservation of natural resources.

SHG-Bank linkage programme( Self Help Group)

Objective is to link the poor in large numbers to the formal banking sector in a sustainable and cost effective manner.

Micro-Enterprise Development Programme

Skill up gradation and development of sustainable livelihoods/ venturing into micro-enterprises by matured SHG members

NABARD-GTZ Rural Finance Programme

Working on family as a unit concept, to provide financial assistance for multiple activities of rural families.

Village Development Programme

To develop villages in a holistic and integrated manner by involving local public, governmental agencies, banks, and NGOs etc

Tribal Development Fund (TDF)
Assistance from the fund is available for Horticulture , Soil and Water conservation Social Intervention such as women development , health and sanitation

Financial Inclusion Fund

To support developmental activities to secure greater financial inclusion of weaker sections.

Financial Inclusion Technology Fund (FITF)

To enhance Information communication Technology To increase the technological absorption capacity of financial service providers

Micro Finance Development and Equity Fund

Promoting micro finance through scaling up the SHG-Bank linkage program Capital Support to MFIs and supporting various promotional initiatives/activities

Farmers Technology Transfer Fund

promoting transfer of technology in agriculture and farm related activities like Animal Husbandry, Fisheries.

Farm Innovation and Promotion Fund

To promote innovative and feasible concepts/ projects in Agriculture and allied activities

Rural Infrastructure Development Fund

NABARD extended 90% of the eligible project cost for roads and social sector projects.

Cooperative Development Fund

Supporting various developmental activities like infrastructure development PACS , human resource development, publicity to KCC scheme.


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