Saman Waseem Saud I Khan Nabila Siddiqui Omar Fahmeed Sana Ashraf

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Presented by

Saman Waseem Saud I Khan Nabila Siddiqui Omar Fahmeed Sana Ashraf

Introduction National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was established by an Act of the Parliament on 12 July1982. The agriculture credit functions of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and refinance functions of the then Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation (ARDC) were transferred to NABARD on its formation. NABARD was set up by Government of India (GoI) as a development bank with a mandate for providing and regulating credit and other facilities for the promotion and development of agriculture, small scale industries, cottage and village industries, handicrafts and other allied economic activities in rural areas with a view to promoting integrated rural development and securing prosperity of rural areas.

Management Structure The management of NABARD is vested with a Board of Directors comprising the Chairman, Managing Director, representatives of RBI, GoI, State Governments, and Directors appointed by the GoI Organizational setup NABARD has its Head Office at Mumbai, 30 Regional Offices located in the states, a Cell at Srinagar, Training Establishments at Bolpur, Hyderabad, Mangalore and Lucknow and 395 District Development Managers functioning at district level. NABARD has 2887 officers supported by other staff.

Mission Promote sustainable and equitable agriculture and rural prosperity through effective credit support, related services, institution development and other innovative initiatives. Objectives Facilitate credit flow for agriculture, rural infrastructure and rural development, Promote policies, practices and innovations conducive to rural development, Strengthen rural credit delivery system through institutional development, Supervise Rural Financial Institutions(Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks). Consultancy services

Major projects of NABARD Rural Infrastructure Development Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Watershed Development Rural Housing/ Rural Habitat and refinance support to banks Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP) District Rural Industries Project (DRIP)

Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP) Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP) is one of the important NFS promotional programmes supported by NABARD for creating sustainable employment and income opportunities in a cost effective manner for the benefit of educated unemployed rural youth. Objective Developing entrepreneurial and activity-oriented skills among unemployed rural youths willing to set up small/ micro-enterprises by assisting Voluntary Agencies (VA)/ Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)/ Development Agencies (DA)/ RUDSETIs etc. with good track record in conducting REDPs.

Features and Coverage of REDP REDP comprises 3 distinct phases, viz., pre-training, training and post-training phase. The success of the programme depends on the strict adherence to these phases. i) Pre-training Detailed survey for identifying potential business activities/ market, publicity, awareness creation and motivational campaign, Coordination with various agencies especially banks, Govt. Dept.. Formation of Selection Committee, Project Monitoring Committee, Selection of trainees etc. ii) Training The duration of the programme is 6-8 weeks. Training module comprises : Achievement motivation, Opportunity identification and guidance, Knowledge on supporting agencies and schemes, Preparation of project reports/profiles, Management of resources (men, material, money), Marketing aspects, Bookkeeping/Accounting. In case of technical/ activity based REDP, inputs on technical aspects/ skill development/appropriate technology will be included. Case-studies on potential activities, field visits, practical work, visit to successful units, etc., to be integral part of training programme. iii) Post-training Facilitating credit linkages for setting up units and Escort services to trainees for at least two years.

Eligible Institutions NGOs / Voluntary Agencies / Development Agencies and RUDSETI type institutions. NABARD provides promotional assistance to capable agencies with good track record and professional competence to successfully implement REDP.

Recent Initiatives in REDP With a view to accelerate the process of REDP and to achieve the desired objective at a faster pace, NABARD has initiated the following steps : Institutionalization of REDP In order to have a focused direction in the implementation of REDP, NABARD has decided to forge long term collaboration with 3 or 4 selected VAs / NGOs in each State. Technical REDP With a view to ensure setting up of units as well as their successful management, it has been decided to encourage Technical / activity based REDP. Consequently, select ITIs have also been included as eligible institution for conducting REDP. Incentive based REDP To ensure continued follow-up/ monitoring and escort services to the trainees, an incentive scheme has been evolved whereby the REDP implementing agencies will be suitably rewarded with cash incentives based on the number of trainees setting up their own units, preferably with bank loan.

Progress and impact : During 2008-09, 2083 REDPs were supported benefiting 50264 rural youth and involving grant assistance of Rs.1303.60 lakh. As on 31 March 2009, the cumulative grant assistance of Rs. 6039.54 lakh has been extended for conducting 11905 REDPs covering 3 lakh persons. Besides an amount of Rs.88.03 lakh was sanctioned to RUDSETIs for Capital expenditure.

Financial Assistance - Components NABARD provides promotional assistance to select agencies to meet the recurring expenditure in conducting REDP. Under institutionalization of REDP, the select institutions are provided with need-based capacity building support and long-term assurance by way of continued financial assistance, for conducting REDP. Some of the major items that are covered under grant assistance include : Cost of pre training survey Publicity Selection of candidates Inauguration and valediction Rent for training hall Reading material for trainees Stationery, tool kit Stipend in exceptional cases Raw material Hire charges, electricity charges Honorarium for trainer-motivator, guest faculty, coordinator Exposure visit of trainees Overhead cost Expenditure on follow up/escort services.

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