Chapter 11 Evaluating Broadcast Media-2

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Evaluation of Broadcast Media


2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Television Advantages
Creativity and Impact
High Impact Sight-Sound-Motion

Coverage and Cost Effectiveness

Mass Coverage High Reach

Captivity and Attention

Attention Getting Favorable Image

Selectivity and Flexibility

High Prestige Low Exposure Cost

This TV commercial gives viewers the sensation of driving a sports car

Television Disadvantages

Lack of Selectivity
Fleeting Message Clutter Limited Viewer Attention Distrust and Negative Evaluation

Use Television Advertising When...

The budget is large enough to produce high quality commercials. The media budget is sufficient to generate and sustain the number of exposures needed. The market is large enough and reachable efficiently through a specific network, station, or program. Theres a genuine need for a medium with high creative potential to exert a strong impact.

Broadcast Networks
$ High dollar Network commercial
Station Station Network


Station Station High dollar Entertainment, News, sports

Local commercial

$$ $

Cable Networks


Cable System

Cable System

Cable System

Cable System

Cable Networks

$ $ $ $

$$ $ $


Cable System

Cable System

Cable System

Cable System

Cable Networks

High dollar Network commercial

Network Local commercial

Cable System

Cable System

Cable System

Cable System

Buying TV Time
Network Versus Spot
Affiliated stations are linked Purchase transactions are simplified Commercials shown on local stations May be local or national spot commercials

Spot and local

Syndicated Programs
Sold and distributed station by station Advertiser-supported or bartered
Off-network syndication are reruns First-run syndications are also featured
Programs sold to stations in return for air time

Methods of Buying Time

Advertiser assumes responsibility for the production and perhaps the content of the program Sponsor has control and can capitalize on the prestige associated with a show

Multiple advertisers buy spots on a program May participate regularly or sporadically Advertiser isnt responsible for production Participants lack control over content

Spot Announcements
May be purchased by daypart or adjacency

Three TV Buying Decisions

Network Versus Spot

National Versus Local Spot

Reach is the primary consideration but ease of purchase is important. Spots purchased by national advertisers are known as national spot.

Sponsor, Participate, or Spot Specific Daypart and Weeks

Scheduling depends on reach and frequency requirements.

Method of buying affects cost, commitment, and identification.

TV Dayparts

Daytime Early fringe Prime-time access Prime time Prime time Sun.

7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Mon. - Fri.

9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Mon. - Fri. 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM Mon. - Fri. 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM Sun. - Sat. 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM Mon. - Sat. 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Sun.

Late news
Late fringe

11:00 PM - 11:30 PM Mon. - Fri.

11:30 PM - 1:00 AM Mon. - Fri.

Other TV Vehicles
Cable / CATV
Offers opportunity for narrowcasting, economy, and flexibility.

They send their signals directly to CATV operators for rebroadcast.

Video Cassette Recorders

They permit delayed viewing but also allow ZIPPING of commercials.

Personal Video Recorders (PVRs)

Personal Video Recorders such as TIVO may change the way people watch television

Cable Television (CATV)

Characteristics of Cable

National, regional, and local available. Targets specific geographic areas.

Advantages of Cable

Highly selective narrowcasting. Reaches specialized markets. Low cost and flexibility.

Limitations of Cable

Overshadowed by major networks. Audience is fragmented. Lacks penetration in some markets.

Measuring TV Audiences
Audience Measures

Measured by rating services Size and composition indicated Number of HH that own a TV Percentage of TV HH tuned to a show

Television Households Program Rating

Households Using TV (HUT) Share of Audience

Percentage of homes in an area watching TV at a given time

Percentage of HUT tuned to a show

TV Audience Measures
Program Rating

Rating =

HH tuned to show Total Indian HH

Share of Audience

Share =

HH tuned to show Indian HH using TV

Advantages of Radio

Cost and Efficiency Selectivity

Mental Imagery

Integrated Marketing Opportunities

Limitations of Radio

Creative Limitations

Audience Fragmentation
Chaotic Buying Limited Research Data Limited Listener Attention Clutter

Dayparts for Radio

Morning Drive Time Daytime Aft./Eve. Drive Time Nighttime All Night

6:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 12:00 AM 12:00 AM 6:00 AM

Buying Radio Time

Network Radio

Three national networks A multitude of syndicated programs About 20% of all spot announcements Allows great flexibility and targeting Purchase transaction can be difficult Nearly 80% of advertisers are local Local CATV is becoming competitive

(National) Spot Radio

Local Radio

Radio diary formats

Around the world, the most common type of radio listening diary runs for one week, and is filled in by one person. Usually there's one page opening for each day, with quarter-hour units down the page, and one column for each station. When there aren't very many radio stations in the area being surveyed - less than about 10 stations - the station name is usually printed at the head of each column. To indicate listening to a station during most of one quarter hour, the respondent just ticks box for one station (choosing the appropriate column) on one quarter-hour (choosing the appropriate row on the page).

When there are many radio stations in the area, a common method is to use a system that I understand was first developed in Canada. Each diary comes with a set of stickers, and each sticker has a station name on it. If it's a 7-day diary, there are 7 stickers for each station in the area. When the interviewer is explaining the diary to the respondent, she (the interviewer) asks him (the respondent) which radio stations he normally listens to, finds the stickers for those stations, and sticks them in the blank column headings for each day of the diary. The respondent is asked, if he listens to any other stations during the week, to stick the sticker for that station at the head of a spare column.

Radio Differs from TV

Radio Broadcasting . . .
Offers only an audio message. Is more limited communication. Costs much less to produce. Costs much less to purchase.

Has less status and prestige.

Radio and TV Similarities

Both Media . . .
Are time oriented media Are sold in time segments Have some network affiliates Have some independents Use the public airway Are regulated by the F.C.C. Are externally paced media Are passive, low-involvement

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