This document discusses marketing channels and channel design. It defines marketing channels as interdependent organizations that make products available for consumption. It also discusses push and pull strategies to market products through intermediaries or directly to consumers. The document outlines different channel levels from zero-level to three-level and decisions around channel design such as identifying alternatives and objectives. It also summarizes vertical and horizontal marketing systems as well as integrated multichannel systems.
This document discusses marketing channels and channel design. It defines marketing channels as interdependent organizations that make products available for consumption. It also discusses push and pull strategies to market products through intermediaries or directly to consumers. The document outlines different channel levels from zero-level to three-level and decisions around channel design such as identifying alternatives and objectives. It also summarizes vertical and horizontal marketing systems as well as integrated multichannel systems.
This document discusses marketing channels and channel design. It defines marketing channels as interdependent organizations that make products available for consumption. It also discusses push and pull strategies to market products through intermediaries or directly to consumers. The document outlines different channel levels from zero-level to three-level and decisions around channel design such as identifying alternatives and objectives. It also summarizes vertical and horizontal marketing systems as well as integrated multichannel systems.
This document discusses marketing channels and channel design. It defines marketing channels as interdependent organizations that make products available for consumption. It also discusses push and pull strategies to market products through intermediaries or directly to consumers. The document outlines different channel levels from zero-level to three-level and decisions around channel design such as identifying alternatives and objectives. It also summarizes vertical and horizontal marketing systems as well as integrated multichannel systems.
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Marketing Channels
Marketing Channels
Marketing channels—sets of interdependent
organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption. Push and Pull Strategies
Push strategy—uses the manufacturer’s
sales force and trade promotion to induce intermediaries to carry, promote, and sell the products to end users. Pull strategy—manufacturer uses advertising and promotion to persuade consumers to ask intermediaries for the product, thus inducing the intermediaries to order it. Role of Marketing Channels
Performs the work of moving products from
producers to consumers, overcoming time, place, and possession gaps. Forward flow functions Backward flow functions Both directions Commonalities Among All Channel Functions They use up scarce resources. They can often be performed better through specialization. They can be shifted among channel members. Channel Levels
levels Establish objectives and constraints Identify major channel alternatives Evaluate the major alternatives Analyzing Customers’ Desired Service Output Levels Lot size
Waiting and delivery time
Spatial convenience Product variety Service backup Establishing Objectives and Constraints State channel objectives in terms of targeted service output levels. Objectives vary with product characteristics. Environmental factors: Competitors’ channels Economic conditions Legal regulations and restrictions Identifying Major Channel Alternatives Types of intermediaries Terms and Merchants responsibilities of Facilitators channel members Number of Price policy intermediaries Conditions of sale Exclusive Distributors’ territorial rights Selective Mutual services and Intensive responsibilities Evaluating the Major Alternatives Determine whether own sales force or a sales agency will produce more sales. Estimate the costs of selling different volumes through each channel. Channel-Management Decisions Selecting channel members Training and motivating channel members Evaluating channel members Modifying channel arrangements Channel Integration and Systems Vertical marketing system Horizontal marketing system Multichannel marketing system Vertical Marketing System (VMS) Producer, wholesaler(s), and retailer(s) acting as a unified system. Types: Corporate VMS Administered VMS Contractual VMS Wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chains Retailer cooperatives Franchise organizations Horizontal Marketing Systems Two or more unrelated companies put together resources or programs to exploit an emerging marketing opportunity. Integrated Multichannel Marketing Systems Multichannel marketing—a single firm uses two or more marketing channels to reach one or more customer segments. Integrated marketing channel system—the strategies and tactics of selling through one channel reflect the strategies and tactics of selling through other channels. Benefits: Increased market coverage Lower channel costs More customized selling