Promotion Mix: Mahesh P IPE
Promotion Mix: Mahesh P IPE
Promotion Mix: Mahesh P IPE
Mahesh P
• Promotion involves disseminating information
about a product, product line, brand, or
• To generate sales and profits, the benefits of
products have to be communicated to
customers. In marketing this is commonly
known as “promotions”.
Promotion Tactics
Six main Promotion Tactics
Objectives of Promotion
• Objections of Promotion include:
• Building awareness (A)
• Building Interest (I)
• Building Desire (D)
• Create Action (A)
In short to create AIDA in target market.
Promotion Mix
• Specific combination of promotional methods such as
print or broadcast advertising , direct marketing ,
personal selling , point of sale display , merchandising ,
etc., used for one product or a family of products .
The factors that guide a marketer’s decision in selecting a
promotion mix are :-
• Nature of the product market.
• Overall marketing strategy.
• Buyer readiness stage.
• Product life cycle stage.
Promotion Mix elements explained
• Advertising: Advertising is any paid form of non-
personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods
and services through mass media such as newspapers,
magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor.
• SALES PROMOTION “ An activity designed to boost the
sales of a product or service. It may include an
advertising campaign, increased PR activity, a free-
sample campaign, offering free gifts or arranging
demonstrations or exhibitions, setting up competitions
with attractive prizes, temporary price reductions,
door-to-door calling, telemarketing, personal letters on
other methods”.
• Public Relation: “ The planned and sustained
effort to establish and maintain goodwill and
mutual understanding between an
organisation and its publics”.PR activities
include, press releases. company literature,
videos, websites and annual reports.
• PERSONAL SELLING: Personal selling is oral
communication with potential buyers of a
product with the intention of making a sale.
• PUBLICITY: Publicity refers to nonpersonal
communi-cations regarding an organization ,
product , service , or idea not directly paid for or
run under identified sponsorship .it usually
comes in news releases , press conferences ,
feature articles , photographs , films , and
• DIRECT MARKETING: Direct marketing is
concerned with establishing an individual
relationship between the business offering a
product or service and the final customer.
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)