Clip Name Shot Type Detail Length Good/No Good? Why?

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Clip Name Shot Type Detail

Name: Grace Wilson

Length Good/No Good? Why?

Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 4

Mid to low Shot of George practising lyrics in his 28.20 seconds This was a good shot I angle shot garage would use it in a fast cutting section of the video as it is very short. Low angle This is a low angle shot looking up at 51.09 seconds It was a good shot as it shot George in the garage. added variety to what we had, but I didnt use it as I didnt feel it was that relevant. This is a shot of George lip syncing 52.20 seconds This shot wasnt to good Mid shot to the song in the garage as all of the words werent being sung correctly. Mid shot Tracking shot Shot of George in the garage giving instructions This shot was good but we didnt use it as it had no relevance to our piece. Shot of George singing song whole 3 minutes This shot was good and i way through 17.20 seconds cut it up in various different sections of the piece. George lip sinking, shot was taken as 2 minutes This shot is a good and I it looked like George was high up 04.08 seconds used it to add a variety of (worms eye view) angles into the video. 10 seconds

Clip 6

Clip 7

Clip 8

Close up

Clip 9

Tracking mid shot

This was a shot of George walking towards the camera and miming to the song

2 minutes This was a good shot and 12.19 seconds I used it to cut to throughout the video. 1 minute 55.17 This shot was good due to seconds the way in which we filmed it, I used it in the video to add movement and variety. This was a good shot the emotion used in Georges face helped to make the story line believable. This was also a good shot but I didnt use it as it was a little too shaky for my liking. This shot is fine but I feel it is to short so doesnt explain much of the story line.

Clip 10

Mid shot The camera followed Georges roll to side movement from side to side as he to side mimed to the track.

Clip 11

Close up

Shot of George lip sinking to the beat 1 minute 22 seconds 1 minute 15 seconds

Clip 12

Mid shot Similar shot to clip 10 roll side to side Close up This is an acting scene so no lip sinking

Clip 13

6.06 seconds

Clip 14

Close up

This is an acting scene so no lip sinking Shot of George walking out of door different angle Acting shot

8.04 seconds

This shot is good as it captures the emotion in Georges face well. This shot worked well due to the good angle Good angle

Clip 15

Mid shot

9 seconds

Clip 17

Mid shot

3.21 seconds

Clip 18 Clip 19

Close up Close up shot

Acting shot Acting shot of George leaving the house, this works as it is needed for the storyline Shot of George walking down the stairs to walk out the house Shot of George leaving his bedroom

8.04 seconds

We did not use this shot as it was too short

15.09 seconds This shot was good and I used it in the story line section of the video. 8.16 seconds 12 seconds This is a good shot and is a key part of the story line. This shot was a little shaky near the beginning but once cut it was fine.

Mid shot Clip 26 Clip 27 Close up

Clip 28

Close up Close up

Shot of George trying on clothes Same shot as 28 but a mistake was made This is a shot of George packing to go on my holiday

Clip 29 Clip 31 Mid to close up shot Close up Clip 33 Clip 35 Clip 36 Clip 37 Long shot Mid to long shot Close up

13.23 seconds This shot is good as it was intended to bring a humorous element to the video and it does this well. 7.05 seconds The camera was far to shaky. 1 minute 48 seconds Some parts were shaky but there are some parts that look very good and I cut these out into my video. 1 minute 48 This was a good shot I seconds just needed to cut out the bits I didnt want. 10.02 seconds Good shot that fits with the story line section of the video. 22.02 seconds This is a very good shot due to the use of angles and lighting. 15 seconds This shot is a little shaky but there is a good bit I cut out and added to the video.

Shot of George packing Shot of George walking along the road Shot of George walking and lip sinking Plane flying past

Clip 38 Clip 39

mid shot Close up

Walking through airport Going up elevator

20 seconds 10 seconds

A good shot I used this in the story line section of the video. Good shot a little shaky at the end but I cut it before it started to shake.

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