CHEMISTRY, Visual Aids

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is the study of matter its composition, structure, properties, transformation from

one form to another and the energy that accompanies its transformation.

Branches of Chemistry Organic Chemistry: It deals with substances that contain the element carbon.

Inorganic Chemistry: It deals with all elements and compounds other than organic compounds.

Analytical Chemistry: It is concerned with the identification of substances through a systematic determination of their composition.

It is concerned with the chemistry of life processes and living organism.


It deals with the application of physical laws to chemical change and chemical systems.
Physical Chemistry:

The Philippine coconut industry provides livelihood to 1/3 the countrys population. Sixty

eight out of 79 provinces are coconut areas. Coconut is among the top 10-export

produce of our and we have 59% share in world coconut exports.

1. What is the composition of each part of the coconut fruit, leaves, trunk and roots?

2. What are the boiling point and melting point of coconut oil? 3. What is the best processing procedure

and conditions that will yield high quality and quantity of oil? 4. Why does oil become rancid?

5. What changes take place in copra during storage? 6. How much energy is derived from the

burning of coconut oil, shell and husk? 7. What are the uses of many chemicals derived from the different parts of the coconut tree?

Which branch of chemistry might work in the following situations? a. determining mercury level in fish.

b. improving the fuel characteristics of gasoline. c. developing new blood clotting agents.

d. determining the properties of sulfur & oxygen. e. nutritional studies of indigenous food and legumes.

f. calculating the energy needed to break a single bond. g. understanding the mechanisms of enzymes

Make a collage out of the cut out pictures from newspaper, labels of commercial products or magazine

by pasting them on Oslo paper to depict the Impact of Chemistry on Society.

Activity 1

Chemistry In Our Midst

I. Objective: To determine the role of chemistry to society.

II. Materials: Cut out pictures of chemical products, pair of scissors, paste, oslo
III. Observation:

Chemical Products

Area of Human Needs


Guide Questions: From the collage you made,

name the chemical products. Give their uses and the area of human needs in which they are used.

___________________________________________ _________________________________.

V. Application: Describe the role/s played by chemistry on each area of human needs.

The principles of chemistry are needed to understand the nature of matter so that we will be able to deal with it and use it for the

improvement of life and the environment. Knowledge of the properties, structure of, and changes in matter guides in designing new

compounds or copying known structures, developing new processes or chemical products and improving on those changes that occur naturally.

Chemistry serves societys needs. Through chemistry many new materials have been developed and produced for our use and enjoyment.

Most of the products around us depend on the chemical industry. The world around us is made of chemicals. Our food, clothing, the

building in which we live are all made of chemicals.

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