7 The Dition Standards and Indicators

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01 on 24 June 2003

>> SECTION A: PHILOSOPHY AND OBJECTIVES << Section A: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD ONE 1a 1b 1c 1d The Philosophy and Objectives Statement defines the core values and mission of the school. The Philosophy and Objectives Statement addresses the needs of students, and some indication of the ways in which the school intends to meet them. The Philosophy and Objectives Statement establishes expectations for high quality education. The school's admissions policies and procedures require that adequate information be obtained, and that appropriate evaluations be carried out, to ensure that there is a reasonable match between a student's needs and the programme offered. On-going assessment procedures monitor the extent to which any given student is benefiting from school programmes. If a student is not benefiting from the programme, clear and effective procedures assist such an individual to find a more appropriate education.


Section A: STANDARD ONE The school shall have a clear and effective written statement of its philosophy and objectives, appropriate for the students it serves Section A: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD TWO 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e The Philosophy and Objectives Statement was created by a process involving input from the broad school community. The Philosophy and Objectives Statement is widely published in all major school documents, and is appropriately displayed on school premises. Promotional documents and activities project a realistic picture of the school. Promotional documents and activities provide parents with an adequate basis for appraising the suitability of the school for their children. There are periodic reviews of the Philosophy and Objectives which involve the broad school community.

Section A: STANDARD TWO The schools philosophy and objectives shall be generally known, understood and accepted by the governing body, school management, staff, parents, and students.

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Section A: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD THREE 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e Appropriate action planning procedures are in use to translate the Philosophy and Objectives into practice. Appropriate procedures are used to monitor the effectiveness of the Philosophy and Objectives in the life of the school. Appropriate reference is made to the Philosophy and Objectives in decision-making processes. Effective procedures are used to collect and analyse hard data and opinions to determine the school's degree of success in achieving the aspirations expressed in its Philosophy and Objectives. Effective procedures are used to enable the school to react positively if evidence shows that the aspirations expressed in the Philosophy and Objectives are not being achieved.

Section A: STANDARD THREE There shall be procedures which enable the school to determine its degree of success in putting its Philosophy and Objectives into practice. Section A: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FOUR 4a 4b The Philosophy and Objectives Statement is consistent with the spirit of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In practice, the school operates within the spirit of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Section A: STANDARD FOUR The schools Philosophy and Objectives shall lead the school to act within the spirit of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Section A: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FIVE 5a 5b The Philosophy and Objectives Statement clearly states the school's commitment to promoting international and intercultural experiences for its students. In practice, all students at all levels are receiving experiences in internationalism and interculturalism through the formal curriculum and/or activities programme offered at the school.

Section A: STANDARD FIVE The Philosophy and Objectives shall commit the school to promoting international and inter-cultural experiences for its students.

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>> SECTION B: CURRICULUM << Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD ONE 1a 1b Curriculum design and delivery are consistent with the schools philosophy, objectives, and policies. The curriculum reflects school policies on: i. admissions and placement ii. student assessment iii. student records iv. reports on student achievement

Section B: STANDARD ONE The curriculum, in its content, design, implementation, assessment and review, shall reflect the schools philosophy, objectives and policies. Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD TWO 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f Written curriculum materials indicate the scope and sequence for each course/grade. Written curriculum materials specify expected learning outcomes in terms of what students should know, understand and be able to do. Written curriculum materials include references to the methodologies that are used. Written curriculum materials include information about teaching materials and resources. Written curriculum materials indicate assessments to be used to measure student progress. Written curriculum materials include references to links within and across disciplines.

Section B: STANDARD TWO The curriculum shall be comprehensively documented. Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD THREE 3a 3b 3c 3d The curriculum is appropriately balanced. The curriculum ensures that all students can profit from school offerings. All students are challenged by the content of their courses. The professional staff demonstrates a thorough understanding of the patterns of physical, intellectual, social and emotional growth of students.

Section B: STANDARD THREE Curriculum design shall provide for the varied developmental, academic, social, physical and emotional needs of students.

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Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FOUR 4a 4b 4c 4d Teachers meet regularly with colleagues in other school divisions to strengthen vertical curriculum articulation. Teachers meet regularly with colleagues in other disciplines to strengthen links across disciplines. The curriculum includes multi-disciplinary experiences and/or activities, where appropriate. There is clear designation of responsibility for over-seeing effective curriculum planning, design and implementation.

Section B: STANDARD FOUR The curriculum shall be articulated vertically and horizontally throughout the school to ensure continuity within and among divisions and disciplines. Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FIVE 5a Local cultures are incorporated into the curriculum in appropriate ways.


he cultural diversity of the community is used to enrich the curriculum.

Section B: STANDARD FIVE The curriculum shall utilise the cultural diversity of the host country and the school community to enhance the educational experiences of students. Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD SIX 6a 6b 6c The curriculum emphasises the processes of gathering, organising, presenting and applying ideas and information. The curriculum provides experiences in critical thinking and problem solving skills. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop awareness of their own learning styles.

Section B: STANDARD SIX The curriculum shall develop those skills and abilities which will prepare students for lifelong learning. Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD SEVEN 7a 7b 7c The school provides relevant professional development to assist teachers in designing and developing curriculum. The school provides professional development in content areas relevant to teachers assignments. The school provides professional development to assist teachers in improving pedagogy.

Section B: STANDARD SEVEN The school shall provide ongoing professional development to improve implementation of the curriculum.

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Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD EIGHT 8a 8b 8c 8d Teaching methods vary according to the nature of the subject matter. Teachers create stimulating learning environments to engage students. Teachers use varied methods, materials and technology to address individual student needs, abilities and learning styles. Teaching methods provide appropriately for students for whom English is not the first language.

Section B: STANDARD EIGHT The teaching staff shall implement the curriculum through a range of approaches and teaching strategies that recognise diverse learning styles. Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD NINE 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 9g Assignment of teachers reflects expertise and qualifications in the appropriate subject/content area(s). Appropriate paraprofessional support is assigned to assist teachers. Class sizes are appropriate to the subject or grade. The school provides appropriate texts and/or other print materials for curriculum implementation. Appropriate technology resources are available to enhance teaching and learning. Appropriate specialized equipment is available to support implementation of the curriculum. Teaching, storage and work spaces are appropriate to the subjects and students taught.

Section B: STANDARD NINE The school shall provide appropriate support and resources to implement the curriculum. Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD TEN 10a Expected learner outcomes are shared with parents and students. 10b Grading standards and criteria are clearly stated. 10c Lesson planning reflects clearly defined learner outcomes and previously communicated expectations. Section B: STANDARD TEN Teachers shall establish and communicate clear expectations to students and parents.

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Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD ELEVEN 11a Teachers prepare and apply assessment materials which ascertain students achievement of desired outcomes. 11b Teachers analyse student performance through a variety of assessment models, such as: formal testing, self-assessment, peer review, projects, etc. 11c The school provides sufficient means to secure assessment instruments that compare student achievement with similar students elsewhere. 11d The school regularly monitors the quality of student assessment procedures. Section B: STANDARD ELEVEN The school shall regularly assess the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD TWELVE 12a Staff members develop, review and revise the curriculum on a regular basis. 12b The school encourages pilot curriculum innovations, monitored by appropriate assessment techniques. 12c Staff members consider current educational thinking in revising curriculum and instruction. Section B: STANDARD TWELVE Curriculum revisions shall be made on a regular basis after consideration of current educational thinking and pedagogy. Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD THIRTEEN 13a Teachers use the results of student assessment to modify teaching and to improve learning. 13b Teachers use the results of student assessment in curriculum planning. Section B: STANDARD THIRTEEN Administrators and teachers shall use the results of student assessment to evaluate and revise curriculum and methodology on a continuing basis. Section B: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FOURTEEN 14a The school provides regular information on student achievement to help parents remain advised of their childs progress. 14b The school has a thorough, effective system of reporting on school and student performance. 14c The overall results of any standardised achievement tests are shared with the school community. Section B: STANDARD FOURTEEN The school shall record, analyse and report to appropriate members of the school community the results of school and student performance.

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>> SECTION C: GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT << Section C: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD ONE 1a 1b 1c 1d The governing body restricts its actions to the determination and the funding of policy, and the selection, retention and formal appraisal of the Head of School. The governing body provides appropriate training for its members in the understanding and performance of their duties. The governing body uses a clear evaluation system to regularly and rigorously appraise its own performance against its duties and pre-determined goals. The governing body is so constituted that it can provide continuity for the school in the event of sudden change.

Section C: STANDARD ONE The governing body shall be so constituted, with regard to membership and organisation, as to provide the school with sound direction, continuity and effective support. Section C: INDICATORS RELATING TO STANDARD TWO 2a 2b 2c 2d There is a clear understanding by the governing body and the Head of School of their respective functions which are set out in written form. The governing body makes policy decisions only after consideration of the Head of Schools recommendations. The governing body has developed a clear, written job description for the head. The governing body and the head of the school enjoy a good working relationship.

Section C: STANDARD TWO There shall be a co-operative and effective working relationship between the governing body and the Head of School. Section C: INDICATORS RELATING TO STANDARD THREE 3a 3b 3c The Head of School is suitably qualified and experienced in education. The Head of School provides leadership for the total school programme. The governing body utilises a clearly defined appraisal system for the Head of School, conducted with his/her full knowledge. Appraisal outcomes are reported in writing to the head who has the opportunity to discuss and appeal any aspects of the appraisal. The Head of School has direct access to the governing body. The Head of School has total responsibility for the recruitment, selection, assignment, orientation, deployment and appraisal of all the school staff. The Head of School delegates the above functions, where appropriate, to the staff of the school.

3d 3e 3f

Section C: STANDARD THREE The Head of School, although accountable to a higher authority, shall be the responsible leader of the school.

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Section C: INDICATORS RELATING TO STANDARD FOUR 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e The school has educational and financial plans for the short, medium and long term. All plans have the financial implications clearly stated. There are procedures to involve the staff in educational and financial planning. Educational and financial plans are made known to the school community. All plans are periodically reviewed and updated.

Section C: STANDARD FOUR The school shall have educational and financial plans for the short, medium and long term, with strategies for accomplishing the schools goals and for assessing the effectiveness of the actions taken. Section C: INDICATORS RELATING TO STANDARD FIVE 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f The governing body and the school management comply with all applicable statutes, government laws and regulations. The governing body ensures that the school respects all local codes, fulfils its contracts, and settles its debts promptly. The governing body avoids conflicts of interest, thereby setting an example for the school community. The governing body provides protection for the school staff from community exploitation and unjust criticism. All statements and representations relating to programmes, services and resources are clear, factually accurate and current. The governing body pursues all relationships with the school or staff members only through the Head of School.

Section C: STANDARD FIVE The school shall observe legal and ethical principles in all its dealings with the school community. Section C: INDICATORS RELATING TO STANDARD SIX 6a 6b 6c The governing body has a comprehensive and up-to-date policy manual. Orientation and training sessions take place so that all members of the governing body understand policies and their implications. The governing body arranges to publicise its decisions and deliberations by, for example, open meetings, newsletters, publication of the Governing Body minutes, etc.

Section C: STANDARD SIX The governing body shall have clearly formulated policies set out in a policy manual to give consistency and order to its operations, and it shall ensure that these policies are understood by the school community.

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Section C: INDICATORS RELATING TO STANDARD SEVEN 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f 7g After appropriate consultation and debate, the governing body sets fee levels which ensure the ongoing financial stability of the school. The Governing Body establishes the schools annual budget after appropriate consultation with the relevant constituents. Any endowment funds are under the management of qualified financial managers, and the Governing Body supervises the endowment management. The school regularly considers culturally appropriate means of raising additional funds. The Head of School submits to the governing body, appropriate reports on financial matters. The school maintains an adequate forecast of monthly cash flow to anticipate and provide for its obligations. An annual external audit is performed by an independent auditing firm.

Section C: STANDARD SEVEN The financial resources of the school shall be capable of sustaining a sound educational programme, consistent with its stated philosophy and objectives, and of providing for long-term stability. Section C: INDICATORS RELATING TO STANDARD EIGHT 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f The financial affairs of the school are competently managed, and published budgets shall be made available to duly authorized persons. The financial management of the school ensures that sound business and accounting practices are followed on the management and disbursement of funds. School obligations for goods received, services rendered and debts incurred are discharged promptly in accordance with agreements, contracts and/or sound business practice. The schools insurance programme is comprehensive and provides for necessary risk and liability coverage for employees and members of the governing body/ownership. Insurance coverage is reviewed periodically with respect to risks, liabilities and obligations. Personnel handling institutional funds are bonded.

Section C: STANDARD EIGHT The management of the schools finances shall be, at all times, in accordance with the standards which operate in the host country and shall be consistent with best practice in international schools.

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Section C: INDICATORS RELATING TO STANDARD NINE 9a 9b Normally, changes in fees are communicated to parents early enough to allow parents to make arrangements to change schools if necessary. Total servicing of long-term debt, including both interest and principal payments, is apportioned to both present and future beneficiaries. Parents are informed of the percentage of tuition allocated for debtservice. Billing procedures to parents are orderly, timely, and carried out in accordance with sound business practice.


Section C: STANDARD NINE Parents or others enrolling students shall be informed in advance of the precise nature and scope of the financial obligations and be given an estimate of the total expenses.

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>> SECTION D: STAFF << Section D: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD ONE 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f The teacher-student ratio is adequate to provide meaningful learning experiences. The Head of School assigns professional staff to those areas of teaching, and other work with students, for which they have professional competence. The Head of School assigns reasonable work loads to members of staff. There are procedures for identifying all staffing needs to ensure that the school can carry out its Philosophy and Objectives. The Head of School ensures that all members of staff have adequate supervision. The Head of School recruits and assigns a well-qualified staff.

Section D: STANDARD ONE The school shall have management, teaching and support staff, sufficient in numbers and with the qualifications and competencies to carry out satisfactorily the schools programmes, services and activities. Section D: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD TWO 2a 2b Staff members work co-operatively to establish and maintain a positive school climate. There are opportunities for the staff to be consulted on professional matters.

Section D: STANDARD TWO The Head of School shall ensure that there is a co-operative working relationship with all staff to facilitate proper utilisation of their abilities. Section D: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD THREE 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e The staff utilises methods and practices which are consistent with the schools Philosophy and Objectives. Staff members comply with all applicable statutes, government laws and regulations. Members of the staff maintain a high level of preparation in their areas of responsibility. Members of the teaching staff foster teaching-learning situations to meet the needs of the individual students. Teaching staff are involved in the review of teaching and learning.

Section D: STANDARD THREE Staff shall act professionally in carrying out all their duties and responsibilities.

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Section D: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FOUR 4a School policies include: i. a statement on non-discrimination ii. provision for adequate staff development iii. provision for the evaluation and accountability of staff iv. a statement on Governing Body/staff relationship v. procedures on recruitment, appointment, promotion and retirement Written and available personnel policies and practices are in place which provide for: i. reasonable workloads ii. acceptable working conditions iii. ethical treatment iv. professional satisfaction v. good general morale among all segments of the staff. An updated staff handbook is available to all.



Section D: STANDARD FOUR There shall be written and available personnel policies and practices for all staff. Section D: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FIVE 5a 5b 5c The school makes clear the factors which are taken into account in calculating individual staff members remuneration. Compensation is paid to staff members promptly and in accordance with a pre-determined schedule made known to members in advance of employment. The school provides to each member of staff a written contract or employment agreement in which all the basic controlling factors of salary, benefits, assignments, length of term of initial service, date during which re-employment will be decided, and conditions of termination or abrogation are stated. (Note: if legal requirements or school convenience dictate that not all these items be in the contract, then each individual is furnished with a supporting document which is part of the contract by reference). There are appropriate guarantees for the employee of job security for the term of employment, including procedures for appeals. Ethical practices of employment, including the handling of confidential personal information, are observed with respect to both individuals and other employers. Remuneration levels are adequate, enabling the school to recruit and retain appropriate staff.

5d 5e 5f

Section D: STANDARD FIVE All staff shall be employed under written contracts which state the principal terms of agreement between members of staff and the governing body, and which provide for adequate salaries, and fringe benefits.

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Section D: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD SIX 6a 6b 6c 6d The school utilises an effective performance appraisal system for all staff. The appraisal is conducted with the full knowledge of the staff member and is reported in writing in a document accessible only to defined individuals. Members of the teaching staff assess their own performance on a number of factors including individual student growth and development. The staff member has the opportunity to discuss and appeal against any aspect of the appraisal.

Section D: STANDARD SIX There shall be a clearly defined and effective system of appraisal of staff, based on pre-determined and explicit criteria. Section D: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD SEVEN 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e The school provides staff development for all employees. Staff members share responsibility with the schools management for the planning of programmes for heir professional growth. Members of the academic staff develop and participate in innovative programmes designed to improve teaching and learning. Members of the teaching staff participate in curriculum development, the goals for which are identified annually by the school. Prior to the opening day of school, the management provides for the orientation of new staff members to acquaint them with the schools Philosophy and Objectives, its programme and facilities, and the host country. The school provides for induction and mentoring of staff wherever appropriate.


Section D: STANDARD SEVEN The school shall have a programme of professional development for staff related to appraisal procedures and other priorities identified by the school.

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>> SECTION E: STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES << Section E: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD ONE 1a 1b 1c Identification of students who will benefit from support services is accomplished through referral by teachers, counsellors or parents, or by screening programmes within the school. As part of the admissions process, the school secures relevant diagnostic information about individual student's abilities/disabilities and learning styles. The school has a clearly defined referral system through which teachers are able to refer students experiencing academic difficulties.

Section E: STANDARD ONE There shall be effective procedures for identifying the learning needs of students, both at admission and thereafter. Section E: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD TWO 2a 2b The roles of management, teachers, and other personnel providing services to special needs students are defined and understood by the professional staff. The special needs programme ensures that all relevant professional staff, parents, and where appropriate, the student, are involved in the collaborative development of an Individualised Education Plan (IEP) or equivalent.

Section E: STANDARD TWO If children with learning or other disabilities or remedial needs are admitted, the school shall provide specific curricula and programmes to meet those needs. Section E: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD THREE 3a The number of special needs personnel is appropriate to the number of identified special needs students.

Section E: STANDARD THREE The school shall have the trained special needs personnel needed to serve students with identified learning disabilities. Section E: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FOUR 4a 4b 4c The school solicits information about unique talents and achievements of new students. The curriculum and teaching practices include opportunities for high ability students to extend and enrich their learning. The school offers specialized programmes, or provides referral information about local community resources and programmes, that accommodate exceptional talents and interests.

Section E: STANDARD FOUR There shall be effective practices to address the needs of students of exceptionally high ability, achievement, and/or talent.

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Section E: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FIVE 5a 5b 5c 5d ELS staff has specific preparation in the teaching of English as a Second (or Other) Language. All staff members are assisted with strategies to accommodate students who need English language support. The programme of studies in ELS is so designed that students learn the skills necessary to participate fully in mainstream classes. There is a programme of assessment of student development and accomplishment in the English language, the results of which are used for placement and exit decisions as well as for analysing and strengthening the ELS curriculum. Emphasis is placed on the use of the English language as the means by which other subjects may be learned, while encouraging students to maintain skills in their native language whenever possible.


Section E: STANDARD FIVE If students whose native or first language is not English (and whose English is not sufficiently developed to follow the full school curriculum) are admitted, the school shall provide English Language Support ELS. Section E: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD SIX 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g The school has an appropriate number of qualified and/or experienced guidance personnel. Counselling and help are available to students with academic problems. Counselling and help are available to students with personal problems and emotional needs. Career and college counselling and assistance with application procedures are available to secondary students. Guidance records are adequate, accurate, up-to-date, and limited to items that are important to the guidance function. School records are stored in a secure manner. Student records, under proper safeguards, are available to the students, teachers and other staff members who need to use them

Section E: STANDARD SIX The school shall provide appropriate guidance services, including academic and personal counselling as well as career/tertiary education advice for secondary students.

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Section E: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD SEVEN 7a 7b 7c The school has a schedule of regular reporting of student progress to parents. The school includes parents, and students as appropriate, in decisions about student placement, progress, and post-secondary planning. The atmosphere in the school encourages parental and student participation in the all-round educational process.

Section E: STANDARD SEVEN The school shall work cooperatively with parents and keep them informed of the academic and social development and progress of their children. Section E: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD EIGHT 8a 8b The school administers appropriate assessments upon admission to assist in the proper placement of a student. The school facilitates access to the testing required for post-secondary planning and applications.

Section E: STANDARD EIGHT The school shall provide opportunities for students to take all appropriate tests, including those for admission to institutions of higher education, and shall assist parents and students in processing required application materials. Section E: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD NINE 9a 9b 9c 9d Governing Body policies and school practices demonstrate a concern for the health of building occupants. The school has procedures for providing first aid in case of accident or illness on school premises or during school functions away from the school. First aid supplies are readily available and easily accessible. The school has effective protocols for securing assistance in more serious cases, including emergencies, and these are clearly communicated to students, parents, and all staff.

Section E: STANDARD NINE The school shall provide adequate health care, and shall insure provisions for emergencies on-site and at school functions which take place away from the school premises.

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Section E: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD TEN 10a The school requires medical information for all students and staff members on entering the school, with regular updating thereafter. 10b Health information is shared on a "need to know" basis while respecting mandated confidentiality. 10c The school meets all local authority health requirements. Section E: STANDARD TEN The school shall have health policies which includes collection of medical information for all staff and students, immunisation against common diseases and the maintenance of comprehensive records.

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>> SECTION F: RESOURCES << Section F: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD ONE 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g 1h 1i 1j 1k 1l The dining room is large, clean and bright enough to provide a comfortable, attractive setting. The kitchen is well designed and equipped; it is clean, bright and safe. Food served at the school is nutritious, safe and appetising. Menus for school meals are well planned in accordance with sound dietary standards, and menus are readily available for inspection. Adequate toilet and washing facilities are provided for food service personnel. Adequate supervision is provided for dining facilities. Suitable arrangements are made to cover threats to security. Vehicles used in student transportation are modern, clean, well-maintained, properly licensed and insured. Adequate supervision is provided on all school trips, including daily trips to and from school. School trips are planned with due consideration for student comfort, welfare and safety. There are carefully developed procedures and effective supervision of pupils in bus-loading areas and of all other students in transit. School premises are kept in an acceptably clean state at all times of the school day.

Section F: STANDARD ONE The school shall provide or arrange for such services as are required in support of its programme offerings, and shall ensure that food, security, transportation, cleaning, and other services meet acceptable standards of safety and comfort. Section F: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD TWO 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f Staff function effectively in accordance with their assigned duties and job descriptions. Staff are suitably qualified and experienced to carry out their duties. Staff are appropriately attired, courteous and well-trained. Staff are well supervised. The functions of all staff are carried out with a minimum of disruption to the school as a whole. Staff who prepare and serve meals undergo regular medical examinations to ensure that they are free from communicable diseases.

Section F: STANDARD TWO Personnel employed to provide student services shall be adequate in number, have appropriate qualifications, and receive sufficient training to perform their functions effectively.

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Section F: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD THREE 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g The school shall have satisfactory procedures for evacuating the school buildings and for summoning assistance in case of fire or other emergencies. Parents and teachers understand the procedures for emergency evacuations. The school premises shall be maintained in a safe and healthy condition. An adequate number of fire extinguishers and other safety devices shall be available, including a satisfactory fire alarm system. Buildings and facilities used to provide instruction and services meet the health and safety codes of local government authorities and the accrediting association(s). The school meets all safety requirements of the local government authority responsible for health and safety in schools. Facilities for preparing and serving meals meet appropriate standards of safety and cleanliness. Certificates of inspection and regulations required by law are posted in prominent places as appropriate.

Section F: STANDARD THREE The school shall meet safety requirements of the local authorities and of the accrediting association(s). Section F: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FOUR 4a 4b The Governing Body has established rules and policies governing access to and use of school resources. The above mentioned policies are in written form and available to students, parents, and student services personnel.

Section F: STANDARD FOUR Written rules and policies governing access to and use of school resources shall be available to the school community.

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Section F: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FIVE 5a 5b Governing Body policies contain references to the adequacy, maintenance and improvement of school facilities. There are sufficient and appropriate instructional spaces to support properly the instructional programme of the school: i. classrooms ii. laboratories iii. studios iv. physical education and sports facilities v. other All instructional spaces are appropriately furnished and equipped. Instructional and service areas that involve noisy activities are isolated from quieter areas. Adequate storage areas are readily accessible for individual and general use. The school site provides for present and future flexibility as the student body, educational programme and/or technology changes. Provisions are made for accommodating the handicapped. The design of the building(s) facilitates the efficient movement of students. The physical plant provides for an appropriate atmosphere for learning. The administrative offices are well located, and provide appropriate spaces, both private and for the general public, for the total administrative function. Heating and cooling systems of the buildings meet code requirements, and are regularly cleaned and inspected for operating efficiency and safety. Permanent outdoor equipment is provided as needed, and is attractive and well-maintained.

5c 5d 5e 5f 5g 5h 5i 5j 5k 5l

Section F: STANDARD FIVE The school grounds, buildings, technical installations, basic furnishings, and supporting equipment shall be adequate for effective support of the total school programme. Section F: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD SIX 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e ICT provision is sufficient to support the curriculum. ICT provision is sufficient to support the management functions of the school. Computers are adequate in number and location to permit use by individuals and groups. There is adequate maintenance and up-grading of all ICT hardware and software. The school is equipped for networking and internet access.

Section F: STANDARD SIX The school's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) shall appropriately support the school's operations.

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Section F: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD SEVEN 7a 7b 7c The location, space, lighting, furnishings and organisation of the library/media centre make it an attractive and effective facility for students and staff. Materials and equipment for the library/media centre are selected on the basis of their contribution to school programmes. The collection of books, periodicals, reference materials and equipment, including information technology, is adequate in quantity and quality to meet the goals of the educational programme and the particular needs of an international school. Materials are catalogued and well maintained. The library collection includes books and periodicals to enhance the professional growth of staff. Responsibilities for library/media centre management and related teaching are clearly designated. Library/media centre staff have appropriate training. The library/media staff is appropriate in size to encourage staff and student use of the facility and its resources

7d 7e 7f 7g 7h

Section F: STANDARD SEVEN The library/media centre shall be conveniently accessible, be of adequate size, and have sufficient staff and resources to meet the educational needs of students and staff. Section F: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD EIGHT 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 8g 8h Teachers and students are given orientation in the usage of materials and equipment in the library/media centre. The librarian is involved in curriculum review and development. The school curriculum includes a sequence of lessons in library use and research skills. Library policies include a selection policy and policy for challenged materials. Library guidelines promote faculty input as part of the selection process. Policies and rules for library/media centre use are clearly posted and enforced. There are mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of library services. Logs and library records document the amount and nature of library use.

Section F: STANDARD EIGHT The library/media staff shall provide an ongoing programme of instruction in effective use of resource materials and equipment, and shall apply appropriate policies for library use and the means of assessing effectiveness.

Extract from 7th Edition CIS/NEASC Guide to School Evaluation and Accreditation Version 7.01 (UK Spelling)


Section F: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD NINE 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 9g 9h 9i 9j The electrical and any other power installations are adequate, and are regularly inspected and checked for operating efficiency and for safety. Water and the sanitation systems are hygienic, well planned and maintained. Buildings are of durable, fire-resistant material. Fire-protection materials and equipment throughout the buildings, and especially in the boiler room, kitchens, and science laboratories, are adequate. There is an adequate and accessible hydrant water supply for fire fighting in case of need. Effective fire-alarm systems are installed, and are regularly tested to ensure they are in working order and audible throughout the premises. Suitable emergency facilities and escape arrangements exist, and are maintained in working order. Serious safety problems are reported to the Head of School with recommendations for action. The school has a Health and Safety Committee which carries out an effective monitoring role. The school has an effective system for the maintenance and repair of buildings, grounds and equipment.

Section F: STANDARD NINE The facilities shall be maintained and operated in a manner that assures the safety and comfort of students and staff.

Extract from 7th Edition CIS/NEASC Guide to School Evaluation and Accreditation Version 7.01 (UK Spelling)


>> SECTION G: STUDENT AND COMMUNITY LIFE << Section G: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD ONE 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e A climate of collaboration, mutual respect and friendship prevails at the school. A range of activities which promote positive staff-student relationships is in operation. The school's methods of supervision and its way of handling problems with individual students are well understood. Decisions on student conduct are based upon published statements of expectations for behaviour which also indicate the consequences of non-compliance and a mechanism for appeal. Student information is treated with an appropriate degree of confidentiality.

Section G: STANDARD ONE Relationships among the school management, staff and students shall be ethical, and shall be characterised by fairness and mutual respect among individuals and between groups. Section G: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD TWO 2a 2b Effective publications are used to facilitate the flow of useful information from the school to students and parents on all appropriate issues of school life. Effective forums exist for the two-way exchange of information between the school and students and parents.

Section G: STANDARD TWO The school shall have processes and forums to enable students and parents to remain well informed on all appropriate issues of school life. Section G: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD THREE 3a 3b 3c Effective forums exist for the interchange of opinions between the school, students and parents. The Governing Body and school management demonstrate an awareness of and sensitivity towards reasonable opinions held in all school sectors. Parents and students have opportunities to provide input into decisions concerning the curricular and extra-curricular programmes.

Section G: STANDARD THREE The school shall have effective processes which enable students and parents to offer appropriate input before important decisions are made.

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Section G: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FOUR 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e The curricular and/or co-curricular programmes address the need to develop the "whole person". The student activities programme is appropriate in size and variety to serve the interests expressed by students. The student activities programme takes advantage of opportunities afforded by the school's location. The student activities programme takes advantage of the diversity of backgrounds of school managers, staff and students. Students have opportunities to acquire and exercise social responsibility within and beyond the confines of the school itself through activities such as: i. student government ii. student publications iii. community service The curricular and/or co-curricular programmes address issues of health and well-being. The curricular and/or co-curricular programmes address issues of respect for the environment.

4f 4g

Section G: STANDARD FOUR The curricular and/or co-curricular programme shall serve the broad needs and interests of the student body. Section G: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD FIVE 5a 5b The school promotes positive interaction among members of its own community who have differing cultural, linguistic, and national backgrounds. The school offers a variety of practical ways in which students can acquire and express intercultural and international awareness (Please see Appendix for more details).

Section G: STANDARD FIVE The school shall actively promote intercultural and international awareness.

Extract from 7th Edition CIS/NEASC Guide to School Evaluation and Accreditation Version 7.01 (UK Spelling)


Section G: INDICATORS RELATED TO STANDARD SIX (For Boarding Schools only.) 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g There is a residential life philosophy and curriculum which takes full advantage of the opportunity to create a twenty-four hour, seven day a week educational environment. A full programme of activities is in place for weekends. A residential orientation and training programme exists for dormitory parents. There is sufficient presence of adults in the dormitories so as to ensure a safe and well-supervised environment as well as to provide the opportunity of ever-deepening teacher/student relationships. The programme takes advantage of the ample opportunity to teach trust, respect of persons and property, and honesty in all matters. Residential life takes advantage of the culture of the local community and promotes the international mission of the school. The physical plant is appropriate for: i. ii. iii. iv. 6h 6i the number and nature of the boarding students the number and nature of the boarding staff the range of organized and casual activities undertaken in the residence the delivery of important additional services (e.g. laundry, meals, technology, etc.)

The dormitories and living spaces are warm and inviting, and therefore they create a sense of home and family. Day and boarding students are well-integrated with one another.

Section G: STANDARD SIX (For Boarding Schools only.) Residential services shall serve the best interests of all boarding students and staff.

Extract from 7th Edition CIS/NEASC Guide to School Evaluation and Accreditation Version 7.01 (UK Spelling)


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