Indah Ramahati BR Bangun - 2192421004 - CBR
Indah Ramahati BR Bangun - 2192421004 - CBR
Indah Ramahati BR Bangun - 2192421004 - CBR
Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd.
Arranged By:
Name : Indah Ramahati Br Bangun
Nim : 2192421004
Class : English Education 19A
Praise the presence of God Almighty who has given mercy and blessings to every
human being. So that the Critical Book Review (CBR) assignment for the "English Language
Assessment And Evaluation" course can be completed properly. I did this CBR to fulfill my
college assignments with the aim of gaining insight and deepening knowledge about
evaluation and assessment in teaching.
In writing this CBR, I realized that there were still many shortcomings and for the
writing of this CBR. I as a writer looking forward to your comments and suggestions to help
improve my CBR work for the better. Finally, I wish you a happy reading and I hope you will
gain additional insight by reading this Critical Book Review.
Preface....................................................................................................................... i
Table List Of Content.............................................................................................. ii
A. Background.............................................................................................. 1
B. Purposes................................................................................................... 1
C. Benefits.................................................................................................... 1
D. BooksIdentity........................................................................................... 1
II.SUMMARY OF BOOK....................................................................................... 2
A. StrenghtsandWeaknesses......................................................................... 4
A.Conclusion.................................................................................................. 5
B.Suggestion.................................................................................................. 5
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 6
1. Background
In this day , many people are lazy to read or write directly in books. So criticizing
books is one way that can be done to increase reading interest. Critical Book Review is the
activity of reviewing a book and its related contents, which aims to make readers know and
understand according to the content or problems in the book. The description of the contents
of the book contains the scope of the problem that is discussed critically, the way the author
explains and the theory is developed.
Thus a book report or book review is very useful for knowing the contents of the book
as well as knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the contents of the book that has
been read. Therefore, we expect readers to know and understand the report or book review so
that they can properly assess the contents of the book and not only read the book but can
understand what is in the book in depth. therefore also here I will review books on evaluating
and assessment in teaching that can help us to teach and later and can be used as a reference
if you want to teach.
2. Purpose
The purpose of writing a critical book review is to fulfill the assignments of the
English Language Assessment and Evaluation course and is expected to be a useful reference
for adding insight to writers and readers in knowing the strengths and weaknesses of a book.
3. Benefits
1. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the book being reviewed
2. Test the quality of the book by criticizing the book to see its strengths and weaknesses
and Provide input to the author of the book in the form of criticism and suggestions
for the writing, content and substance of the book
3. Book Identity
Main Book
Title : Language assessment: principles and classroom practices
Writer : H. Douglas Brown
Publisher : Pearson Education
Publication year : 2004
ISBN : 0-13-098834-0
Comparison Book
Title : Educational Testing And Measurement
Writer : Tom Kubiszyn and Gary Borich
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Publication year : 2013
ISBN : 978-1-118-46649-0
One of the problems with prevailing attitudes toward testing is the view that all tests
(quizzes, periodic review tests, midterm exams, etc.) are summative. At various points in
yo~r past educational experiences, no doubt you've considered such tests as summative.You
may have thought, "Whew! I'm glad that's over. Now I don't have to remember that stuff
anymore!" A challenge to you as a teacher is to change that attitude amo~g your students:
Can you instill a more formative quality to what your students might otherwise view as a
summative test? Can you offer your ~tudents an opportunity to convert tests into "learning
experiences. ?
In addition to being designed for a wide variety of specific content areas (e.g.,
assessing reading vocabulary, comprehension, spelling, mathematics, algebra, general
science), educational tests also can be designed for the more general purposes of formative
and summative assessment. Summative tests/assessments have been and continue to be the
most commonly administered tests in education .Summative tests are administered after some
period of instruction (this can vary widely, e.g., a unit on vertebrates in biology, a semester of
physics, a year of algebra) and are intended to provide a measure or gauge of student learning
following the completion of a unit of instruction. Summative tests are lengthy and are used to
assign grades, evaluate curriculum effectiveness, assess annual gains in student, school, and
district academic improvement (i.e., to meet state and federal accountability requirements),
and for a variety of other purposes. Summative tests/assessments can be very useful if the
purpose of testing is to inform us about broad achievement trends after instruction has been
completed. However, summative tests/assessments may not be very useful if the purpose of
testing is to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction on a day-to-day basis. Summative tests
are simply not designed to be sensitive to such small, specific changes in achievement; rather,
they are designed to measure larger and broader changes in achievement.
After I analyzed the book "Language assessment: principles and practice in class" and
the book "TESTING AND MEASUREMENT OF EDUCATION" I found a weakness in the
main book, namely in the main open the explanatory material regarding summative and
formative explanations is only given without many examples because I think it will be easier
to understand. material by offering examples.
1. Conclusion
The conclusion that I got after reviewing these two books is that reviewing this book
will improve our critical thinking skills as students. then the material from the books that we
review will also add to our insight. For example, in this book, summative assessment and
formative assessment and many explanations about the material so that I understand the
material better because when I review the book I read the book and the material I will review.
after reading it, I began to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the book, which trains us
to think critically as students.
2. Recommendation
My hope as the author of this review is that the assignment I have done can be used as
evaluation material for the author in refining this book and can be a useful reference for
others who want to study the same material.
Borich, T. K. (2013). Educational Testing Measurement. John wiley and Sons, Inc.
Brown, H. D. (2004). Language Assessment : Principles and Classroom Practices. united states:
Pearson Education.