Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Chethana R Murthy, Dept of ISE, RVCE JAVA & J2EE (Global Elective)
WEEK NO. UNIT NO. TOPIC SUB-TOPIC Java Language introduction, Java features, why Java is important to internet, Java Language Introduction- Hello World, Lexical Issues, Java class Libraries Simple Java programs Variables, Data Types- Simple Types, Type conversion, Arrays. Operators, Flow Control-Branching, Looping, Sample programs to illustrate variables, Data Types, Type conversion, Arrays, Operators, Branching, Looping Classes-Object References, Instance Variables, The new operator, The Dot(.) Operator, Method Declaration, Method Calling, Constructors, Sample programs to illustrate class object, reference, new, constructors, methods Method Overloading, Inheritance, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Abstract, Packages and Interfaces- Packages, Interfaces Sample programs to illustrate method overloading, overriding, inheritance, abstract, interfaces String handling- Constructors, String syntax, Character Extraction, Comparison, String Copy Modifications, Sample programs to illustrate Constructors, String syntax, Character Extraction, Comparison, String Copy Modifications, Exception Handling-Exception Types, Uncaught Exceptions, Try and catch, Multiple catch Clauses, Nested try Statements, Exception sub Classes Sample programs to illustrate Try and catch, Multiple catch Clauses, Nested try Statements Threads and Synchronization- Single Threaded Event Loop, The Java Thread Model, Thread class, Runnable Interface, Thread Priorities Sample programs to illustrate Thread class, Runnable Interface, Thread Priorities Synchronization, Inter-Thread Communication, Thread API Summary Sample programs to illustrate Synchronization, InterThread Communication Utilities- Enumerations, Simple type Wrappers, runtime Sample programs to illustrate Enumerations, Simple type Wrappers, runtime Input/ Output- File, Input Stream, Output Stream, File Streams Sample programs to illustrate File, Input Stream, Output Stream, File Streams Applets: Applet Basics, Architecture, Applet Lifecycle, repaint ( ), update, HTML APPLET Tags Sample programs to illustrate Applet Lifecycle, repaint( ), update, HTML APPLET Tags Passing parameters to Applets. AWT: AWT classes, Window fundamentals. Sample programs for Passing parameters to Applets REMARKS
Swings: Introduction to Swings, JApplet, JFrame and JComponent Sample programs to illustrate Swings Icons & labels, Handling Threading issues, Text Fields, Buttons. Sample programs to illustrate Icons & labels, Handling Threading issues, Text Fields, Buttons. Overview of J2EE and J2SE, J2EE best Practices Enterprise Application strategy, Enterprise Application clients, session Management Web Tier & JSP, EJB Tier The Concept of JDBC; JDBC Driver Types; JDBC Packages A Brief Overview of the JDBC process Database Connection; Associating the JDBC/ODBC Bridge with the Database JDBC/ODBC db connectivity demonstration Statement Objects; Result Set Sample programs to illustrate Statement Objects; Result Set Transaction Processing; Metadata, Data types; Exceptions. Sample programs to illustrate Transaction Processing; Metadata, Data types; Exceptions. Background, The Life Cycle of a Servlet; Servlet configuration, Reading/Sending data Sample programs to illustrate Servlets Working with Cookies Cookie class and its methods Sample programs to illustrate Cookie class and its methods Session Tracking- methods used in session tracking. Sample programs to illustrate methods used in session tracking Java Server Pages (JSP) installation, JSP Tags, Tomcatstarting and stopping server Sample programs to illustrate JSP Request String, User Sessions Sample programs to illustrate Request String, User Sessions Cookies, Session Objects Sample programs to illustrate Cookies, Session Objects