Documentation of Structured Analysis For Reviewing Scientifically-Based Research: Instructional Strategies and Programs
Documentation of Structured Analysis For Reviewing Scientifically-Based Research: Instructional Strategies and Programs
Documentation of Structured Analysis For Reviewing Scientifically-Based Research: Instructional Strategies and Programs
Reviewed by: The Iowa Math Content Network Date Reviewed: 1/29/04 and 4/04
Title of Study/Meta-analysis: Acquisition and transfer effects of classwide peer-assisted learning strategies in mathematics for students with varying learning histories Author(s): Lynn Fuchs, Douglas Fuchs, Norris Phillips, Carol Hamlett and Kathy Karns Source (publication, date, pages): School Psychology Review, Vol. 24 No. 4, 1995, pp.604-620 Is this source (journal or book) refereed? Yes Details (edited book, refereed journal, etc.): No
1. What is the name or title of the instructional strategy/model, program, material, or intervention? What was the research question? Who were the subjects? Strategy/Model Name/Title: Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) Research Question(s): The purpose of this study was to extend the populations and outcomes for which classwide peer tutoring in mathematics. Specifically, this study extended research with regard to tutoring in three ways: (1) It examined a form of tutoring called PALS, (Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies). PALS looked at average and low achieving students with learning disabilities. Previous studies had demonstrated superior achievement with classwide tutoring structures for students at risk for poor learning outcomes due to their SES or teacher concerns. (2) It included the use of a curriculum-based measurement for acquisition and transfer learning. Previous research had measured the acquisition of basic facts and computational problems. (3) It extended research by including an examination of the collateral effects of the PALS treatment on the classroom learning environment, specifically how these methods affect teacher planning. Description of subjects: (Include number of participants, age, SES, etc.) The study was conducted in nine schools in an urban school district. Heterogeneous populations of learners across these nine schools were represented. Forty general educators teaching grades 2-4 participated. These forty teachers were stratified by grade level and randomly assigned to two groups. Twenty teachers were randomly assigned to the PALS treatment group and twenty were assigned to the contrast group. Each teacher identified three students from their class for which treatment effects were assessed. Assessed students were selected as follows: (a) One student chronically low-achieving in mathematics and who had been classified as being learning disabled according to state regulations (LD) (b) One student who was chronically low-achieving, as judged by the teacher but never referred for special education assessment (LA) Page 1 of 5
Iowa Content Network Review (c) One student who mathematics performance was average, as judged by the teacher (AA). Therefore, one hundred twenty students participated in this study and forty classroom teachers. 2. Describe the strategy/model, program, material, or intervention. (Provide a clear description, including information about the factors listed below, as available from the article.) Description A peer-assisted learning strategy (PALS) is a peer-tutoring method which simultaneously pairs all students within a class to work on academic material in structured ways. Key characteristics and/or strategies: Classwide instructional strategy Mathematics topics/areas addressed: Basic facts and procedural content Grade level: Grades 2-4 Subgroups of students addressed: Learning-disabled (LD), Low-achieving (LA) and Average-achieving (AA) students in grades 2-4 Technology required: Computer software was used to summarize each pupils performance in terms of (a) a graph displaying the total number of digits correct over time and (b) a skills profile. Implementation considerations (e.g., Cost? Extensive staff development? etc.): An implementation consideration is the amount of teacher time necessary to train and assist LD and LA students in tutoring AA and high-achieving students. Other relevant descriptive information: a. Coordinated use of acquisition and transfer measures with a curriculum based measurement b. Identification of skills for explicit instruction c. Achievement tests were administered immediately before and after the treatment in small groups by doctoral students. 4. Describe the design of the study (sample selection, assignment to treatment, controls, length of intervention, etc.) This study used stratified and random sampling. Sample selection and assignment to treatment are described above in #1. The unit of analysis is the classroom because teachers implemented their respective treatments with all students in their classroom. The PALS intervention was implemented in the classroom over a period for 25 weeks.
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Iowa Content Network Review 5. What was measured, what instruments were used to collect data, and what measures (effect size, tests of significance, etc.) were used to report results? Pretest and Posttest of mathematics operations curriculum (i.e. acquisition) and concepts/applications (i.e. transfer) Teacher planning was measured One-way ANOVA Chi-squared tests 6. Briefly describe and summarize the results of the study. This description should provide the reader with a self-contained summary of the study and the results. In addition to the summary of results, it includes a brief summary of the information above. Thus, this description includes brief summary information about: (a) overall goal/focus research question, (b) subjects, (c) design, (d) instruments, (e) results, (f) limitations i.e. issues strengths/other results (optional, as relevant and appropriate) The overall goal of this research was to extend the populations and outcomes for which classwide peer tutoring in mathematics have been studied. The subjects of the study were forty classroom teachers and one hundred twenty LD, LA and AA students grade 2-4. The research design for the study was a pretest-posttest control group design. Student achievement and teacher planning were measured in the study. Two types of mathematical achievement measures were used; an acquisition and transfer measure. The instrument used to measure acquisition learning was the Math Operations Test Revised. The instrument used to measure transfer learning was the Mathematics Concepts and Applications Test. In addition to student achievement, instructional planning was also measured. The instrument used to measure instructional planning was the Teacher Planning Scale. The results of the study indicated gains in student achievement when PALS is implemented. The main effect of treatment showed that across the types of learners and types of measures students in the PALS treatment outperformed those in the contrast group. However, across treatment groups and types of learners students grew more on the operations or acquisition measure than on the concepts/applications transfer measure. Specifically, growth on the acquisition measure exceeded growth on the transfer measure for LD and LA students in the PALS group. The results for instructional practice revealed that on the two subscales of the Teacher Planning Scale instrument ; PALS teachers scored higher than contrast teachers on efficient classroom organization and responsiveness to individual needs. Strengths/Importance: 1. The results of this study appear to be generalizable beyond the sample. 2. The authors used standard methods appropriately during research investigations and analyzed research data in a sophisticated manner. Finally, instructional strategies that improve the student achievement of LD, LA and AA students is of interest to a wide research audience. Weaknesses/ Limitations: 1. The third purpose of this study is to examine the effect of PALS on teacher planning. Even though this is an interesting and important aspect of the study, the authors do not Page 3 of 5
Iowa Content Network Review provide adequate theoretical underpinnings for including this as a purpose. A research purpose should be developed and clearly stated as to how it is derived from theory. 2. Each teacher identified three students for whom treatment effects would be assessed. The selection of students by the teacher is a threat to the internal validity of the study because the teacher is biased and may assign students to be assessed based on various criteria. 3. The PALS treatment requires all students trade off the role of tutor and tutee. Having students trade roles can have a tremendous social benefit for all students, however the average and high achieving students may not benefit academically from being tutored by a LD or LA student. In addition, the PALS treatment requires the tutor to (1) model and gradually fade or lighten a verbal rehearsal routine laying out the steps for completing the problem type (2) provide step-by step feedback to confirm and praise or to explain and model behavior and (3) have frequent verbal and written interaction with the tutee. These tutor requirements involve sophisticated practices that expect too much from a second grade student. In particular, when LD and LA students play the role of tutor they may find it difficult to construct and provide explanations; which may require more teacher time to help students.
4. The PALS program concentrates on learning basic math facts and procedural content.
5. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM) have laid out a vision for instructional practice. The Number and Operations Standard for Pre-2 includes that practice should be purposeful and should focus on developing thinking strategies and knowledge of number relationships rather than drill isolated facts. 6. Did the study include an evaluation of how the intervention was implemented? Yes: If yes, briefly describe: Did implementation data address both the frequency of use as well as the fidelity of the implementation? Yes: If yes, briefly describe. The Research Assistants 7. Were gains in student achievement reported? Yes: If student achievement gains were reported, were they sustained over time? Not studied: 8. Replication: Did the study cite previous tests of this treatment? No Is this study a replication of an earlier study? No: Yes: If yes, briefly describe.
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Iowa Content Network Review 9. Numerical Rating of Quality of Research (scale: 1-5): I rate the quality of research as a 4 because the authors tell us what research activities were done but pay little attention to how they are carried out. 10. Brief 1-3 sentence summary of the study: (This is a very brief description that will follow the title of the study.) This study examined effects of classwide peer-assisted learning strategies (PALS) in mathematics. An average-achieving student, a low-achieving student, and a student with an identified learning disability were pre- and posttested on acquisition of the mathematics operations and on transfer via concept applications. In this study, when general educators implemented PALS with strong treatment fidelity, they effected superior mathematics achievement for students with varying learning histories.
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