Classroom Management Plan

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Richard Hunsperger EDSS 511 October 1, 2012 Classroom Management Plan Introduction: My classroom management strategies will reflect

my basic educational philosophy of postmodernism. My preventative approaches mainly involve implementing support methods for students and creating a healthy classroom environment. My supportive approaches involve giving students a voice in the classroom, something that we have rarely seen in the past. This idea, presented by Kohn in Beyond Discipline, is crucial for a classroom to be a respectful, professional workplace for students. Last, my corrective approaches involve disciplining students while focusing on the positives of each situation. Preventive Approach: My preventative approach with regards to classroom management will involve creating a positive learning environment where a classroom community is present. Students will feel comfortable in the community and hold respect for themselves, the teacher, and other students. In turn, I plan on having students become responsible for their own actions and take ownership over their misbehavior. This strategy is rooted within the postmodern philosophy, where students are given the power to take their own actions but must own what they act. The preventative approach to classroom management is very powerful and I plan to use the following strategies to inhibit student misbehavior while supporting student learning and motivation: 1. Develop rules to guide the class (Gordon, 1989). Having a set of rules provides a foundation for disciplinary actions. In my educational philosophy, a strong foundation of high expectations motivates students to behave and positively engage in the classroom. When students are exposed to set of rules to follow (especially via visual aid), they are more likely to remember to stay on task and do the work. 2. Concentrate on removing the causes of misbehavior (Charles, 2000). Removing the causes of misbehavior is almost always the best solution in the category of preventative approach. This strategy is more abstract and much harder to achieve than many of the other strategies. A concrete example for this is not allowing students to use any electronic devices (such as iPods and

Richard Hunsperger EDSS 511 October 1, 2012 cell phones) during class time. This will keep students on task and prevent distractions. 3. Develop a sense of community in the classroom (Kohn, 1996). Developing a sense of community in my classroom will promote positive, healthy interactions between students. These interactions will in turn promote respect, dignity, and diversity. Students will then feel less of an urge to misbehave and my classroom will be less disruptive as a result. 4. Motivate a sense of responsibility, self-control, and inner discipline (Gordon, 1989). Students who have a sense of responsibility and self-control are often much more academically successful than student who do not. I will give students the opportunity to volunteer for classroom tasks that support responsibility. I will also put students in groups often during my lessons and require each student be responsible for one role within the group. These students will not want to let their classmates down and become motivated to behave and stay on task. 5. Help students understand that there are no excuses for misbehavior and that they must take ownership for their actions. Misbehavior will not be an option in my classroom; there will be consequences for certain actions. I will tell students that there is no excuse for misbehavior and that they will be required to take ownership for their actions. One such example is swearing; students today seem to swear regularly and I will not tolerate it. Those students will be held accountable for punishments. Supportive Approach: My supportive approach to classroom management will involve treating the students with respect and giving them a voice in the classroom. It will also involve polished lesson plans and activities where I place a focus on the diversity of all learners in the classroom. All students will be supported when they need help and I plan to have a support structure in place before I start teaching. The postmodern education philosophy supports these ideas because it is concerned with truth and the languages/messages sent by the teacher. I am interested in sending positive signals to students and expressing to them that I am always truthful and never deceptive. The following strategies will implement my supportive approach:

Richard Hunsperger EDSS 511 October 1, 2012 1. Hold class meetings where students can express their opinions on the class (Albert, 1996). Using regular classroom meetings I will create a supportive environment where students are given the opportunity to express their opinions on the way the classroom is run. Giving students a voice allows them to feel more like they belong in the classroom and will support their good behavior. 2. Provide a secure, positive learning environment where students can experience a safe haven. A secure, positive learning environment is crucial to the success of all students. Students must feel comfortable and secure in the classroom so that they are able to pay attention and are not easily distracted. The safe haven part of the strategy involves creating an environment where students are open to talk with any time about any subject. Having this opportunity will help students feel at ease in my classroom and keep them motivated to succeed without worrying about some outside factors. 3. Ensure that students needs are met through polished lesson plans that address students from all walks of life. By creating polished lesson plans that support diversity, I will have implemented a network of support for diverse students through which I can recognize the needs of each student and take tangible steps toward meeting those needs. These polished lesson plans are difficult to create, however, and I do not expect to have all of them in place right away. 4. Use the idea of constructive teaching where students are allowed to make and learn from their mistakes and the teacher provides constructive feedback (Charles, 2000). Mistakes are essential to learning and it is time that students are taught this idea. Students will be allowed to make certain mistakes, both academic and nonacademic. There will be a limit to the nonacademic mistakes so that students do not take advantage of the system. The academic mistakes will be much more lenient and students will be encourage to view their mistakes as learning experiences. This will provide the support necessary for all students to experience academic growth.

Richard Hunsperger EDSS 511 October 1, 2012 5. Use getting to know you activities often so that students build bonds with their peers and kindness and collaboration are promoted regularly (Kohn, 1996). Building bonds in the classroom is essential to a supportive learning environment. Students need to have relationships with their peers so that they themselves have a support structure to fall back on. I will give activities that develop these relationships and allow students to build bonds with their classmates that will hold long after class has ended. 6. Create a learner-centered classroom (Kohn, 1996). A learner-centered classroom plays a key role in supporting student behavior. I will cover the walls with student work, position chairs and desks to maximize collaboration and provide comfortable areas for students to work. I will work with students on an individual level and use a respectful tone with students at all times. I will differentiate by having different students do different things throughout the lesson and class period. 7. Take steps to encourage students to play the game (Towbin, 2010). Motivating students to participate in class and play the game of school is extremely important. I will not use referrals and detention as a first line of defense, but rather implement strategies that motivate students to avoid misbehavior. Some strategies include making connections between what happens in school and happens in life, focusing on inquiry where I get to know students and discover who they are, and negotiating and compromising with students to find common ground where students are motivated to work. Corrective Approach: The corrective approach to classroom management is crucial to the efficiency of the way that the classroom runs. From the time students enter class to the time they leave they are expected to adhere to rules set by the teacher/students and the school. To maintain this, students must be corrected when they violate any of the rules. With postmodernism, I will demonstrate power over the students to reduce the amount of opposition. The following strategies outline what I consider to be proper ways of correction. 1. Use eye contact and polite words to inform students of what you want from them and what the consequences are for disobedience (Coloroso, 1994).

Richard Hunsperger EDSS 511 October 1, 2012 Many students are still children and the school system does not view them as adults. In my classroom, I will lay out in plain and polite words what I expect from students at all times while they are in my classroom. Eye contact will play a key role in doing this, it will show students that I am serious without me having to raise or change my tone. 2. Practice consistency when implementing corrective approach strategies (Canter 1976). Consistency is a big factor for corrective approach in every classroom. The teacher must consistently give punishments and consequences to each student who misbehaves. This consistency promotes fairness and structure in the classroom and extends the idea to students that each student is treated equally and no one is given special treatment. Consistency is where I will place most of my effort with regards to the corrective approach. 3. Develop a hierarchy of discipline where an equal amount of effort is present for both good and bad behavior (Mendler, 1983). By developing a hierarchy of discipline, I plan to use a no questions asked approach where bad behavior is punished and good behavior is rewarded. This approach relates to the supportive approach where I tell students that there are no excuses for bad behavior. The lower levels of the hierarchy will be for small misbehavior and warnings will usually be given. The extreme would be for reportable misbehavior involving violence or other acts. Good behavior will be rewarded mostly with praise from me in front of the class, hopefully motivating other students to behave and stay on task. 4. Implement a systematic approach of discipline where student dignity and hope are left intact (Mendler, 1983). Disciplining students with dignity is important to me. It is my goal not to berate students and call them out in front of the class. A systematic approach to discipline will help with this. Students who misbehave will be dealt with using a system of approaches that support dignity and hope. These approaches will give students the opportunity to realize that there is always hope for improvement. 5. Amidst punishments, find opportunities to recognize positive behavior.

Richard Hunsperger EDSS 511 October 1, 2012 Recognizing positive behavior is the best way to show students that there is hope for them to succeed and do well. Students who receive punishments and consequences for their actions must be shown the good in their behavior so that they have some motivation to do better next time. Each time I discipline a student I will try to remember a different time where that student did better behaved, and was engaged in the classroom. I will then remind that student that they were good at one time and can do it again. Conclusion: The management plan I have created will be ready to deal with students from all backgrounds and experience levels. From the very first day of class students will know that I am in charge but am giving them a voice in the classroom. Students can express their opinions to me in classroom meetings and together we will collaborate to create an ideal learning environment. Any misbehavior will be dealt with quickly and the positives of each situation will exploited. My postmodern philosophy fits in well with this plan, my students will be able to freely express themselves and use their creativity to solve problems while I send positive signals and lend support.

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