City of Alhambra Agenda Alhambra City Council MAY 14, 2012: Mission Statement

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MISSION STATEMENT The City of Alhambra is dedicated to responsive, creative leadership and quality services, ensuring desirable neighborhoods and a supportive business environment, while being sensitive to the diversity of our community.

VISION STATEMENT The City of Alhambra shall be the premier family-oriented and economically prosperous community in the San Gabriel Valley.

Addressing the Council: Section 2.04.210 of the Alhambra Municipal Code establishes the procedures for addressing the Council. Any person wishing to address the Council during the meeting must complete a Speaker Request Card and submit it to the City Clerk. When called upon by the Mayor, please step to the podium and give your name, address and organization or other party you represent, if any, in an audible tone of voice for the record. Remarks are limited to 5 minutes. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member thereof. No person, other than the Council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the Council, without the permission of the Mayor. No question shall be asked a Councilperson except through the Mayor. Standards of Decorum: Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous while addressing the Council shall be forthwith, by the Mayor, barred from the meeting. Enforcement of Decorum: The Chief of Police, or his designee, shall be Sergeant-at-Arms of the Council meetings. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the Mayor for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the Council meeting. Persons Authorized to be Within Rail: No person, except City officials, their representatives, and newspaper reporters, shall be permitted within the rail in front of the Council Chamber without the express consent of the Council.

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AGENDA Regular Meeting ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL City Council Chambers 111 South First Street May 14, 2012 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: COUNCIL: FLAG SALUTE:

Sham, Messina, Yamauchi, Placido, Ayala Led by Mayor Ayala

READING OF ORDINANCE TITLES Government Code Section 36934 requires that all ordinances be read in full prior to City Council taking action on the ordinance. By listing the ordinance title on the Council agenda, Council may determine that the title has been read. Recommended Action: By motion, determine that the titles to all ordinances which appear on this public agenda have been read, and waive further reading.

ACTIVITIES OF THE CITY AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENTS: ALHAMBRA MOTORS, INC., (GOUDY HONDA) & CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP OF LOS ANGELES F2M12-20, F96-520, F92-33, F86159, C96-521, C96-522, M2M12-47 Staff wishes for the City Council to consider an assignment of agreements between the former Alhambra Redevelopment Agency and The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles and the former Redevelopment Agency and Alhambra Motors, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, dba Goudy Honda for a ground lease to the City of Alhambra. Recommended Action: City Council consent to the assignment of agreements to the City, and that the City, acting in its capacity as the Successor Agency, recommend to the Alhambra Oversight Board that the assignments be approved; and authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute any and all documentation necessary to effectuate the assignment of the lease (Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles) and sublease (Goudy Honda). (M2M12-47)


PUBLIC PROPERTY ASSETS OF THE FORMER ALHAMBRA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY F2M12-20, M2M12-48 Staff requests that the City Council confirm that ten property assets that at one time were owned by the Alhambra Redevelopment Agency are being used for a governmental public purpose and that title to these properties should remain with the City of Alhambra without the requirement for any payment or compensation to the 2


Successor Agency and forward such decision to the Alhambra Oversight Board for their concurrence. Of the sixteen properties that were formerly owned by the Redevelopment Agency, ten properties are used for governmental public purpose, and title to these properties is currently held by the City. These properties include: Six parcels making up to two public parking lots at 100/104 South Monterey Avenue; a public parking structure at 120 North Garfield Avenue; Renaissance Plaza at the northeast corner of Garfield Avenue and Main Street; a planting area at the south most property line of Costco; and a landscape area at the southeast corner of Commonwealth Avenue and Palm Avenue. Recommended Action: City Council confirm that ten property assets that at one time were owned by the Alhambra Redevelopment Agency are being used for a governmental public purpose and that title to these properties should remain with the City of Alhambra without the requirement for any payment or compensation to the Successor Agency and the Successor Agency requests that such decision be forwarded to the Alhambra Oversight Board for their concurrence. (M2M12-48)

CLOSED SESSION & CITY ATTORNEY ANNOUNCEMENT re SAME - F2M12-14 The City Council will move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec. 54950, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the Citys Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section 54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the Citys Labor Negotiators as follows; provided, however, prior to so moving into closed session, the City Attorney shall make any announcements required by the Brown Act pertaining to such closed session matters: Conference with Real Property Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 54956.8): Property: 1000 & 1100 South Meridian Avenue, Negotiating parties: The Charles Company and City Manager Julio J. Fuentes & Interim Director of Development Services Swink, Under Negotiation: Instruction to negotiators will concern price, terms of payment or both. Conference with Legal Counsel--Existing Litigation (Govt. Code Section 54956.9(a): None Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(b): 1 matter. Initiation of litigation pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(c): 1 matter. Discussion of Personnel Matters (Govt. Code Section 54957): None Conference with Citys Labor Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 54957.6): Richard Bacio, Assistant City Manager/Personnel Director, re Management Employees, Alhambra Police Miscellaneous Association, Alhambra Police Association, Alhambra Fire Fighters Association, and the Alhambra City Employees Association.

RECONVENE & CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: In the event the City Council move into a closed 3 5-14-12

session, the City Council shall reconvene at 7:00 p.m. and the City Attorney shall report upon the closed session if required.

PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) F2M5-41, F2M5-41, N2M12-55, M2M12-39 This is the time and place set by Notice No. N2M12-55 for the City Council to hold a public hearing to receive community input concerning the use of funds received under the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program. Uses being proposed include, but are not limited to, the purchase of technology equipment and continued participation in the Foothill Air Support Team (FAST) program. Recommended Action: After receiving public testimony, the Mayor should close the public hearing and the Council should adopt Minute Order No. M2M12-39 as follows: RESOLVED by the Alhambra City Council that this Council hereby authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to apply for United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance -- Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program funds in the amount of $18,128; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Alhambra City Council that this Council hereby ratifies the action of the City Manager in designating the Chief of Police as the administrator for said Grant.


PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT & POLICE FACILITY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2012-2013 RENEWALS - N2M12-56, F2M12-39, R2M1214, R2M12-15 This is the time and place set by Notice No. N2M12-56 for the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the following: A. The Public Works Maintenance and Improvement District No. 1 - Zone A assessment will be used to pay for the cost of maintaining, operating, and improving street lights, decorative sidewalk planters, landscaping and other public improvements in the vicinity of Main Street and Garfield Avenue (Downtown). This assessment is proposed to be unchanged from the 2011-12 level; and, The Public Works Maintenance and Improvement District No. 1 - Zone B assessment will be used to pay for the cost of maintaining, operating and improving street lighting systems, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and municipal parking lots and structures; the maintenance of median landscaping and street trees; and street sweeping, weed and graffiti abatement. This assessment is 4



proposed to be unchanged from the 2011-12 level; and, C. The Public Works Maintenance and Improvement District No. 1 - Zone C assessment will be used to pay for the cost of maintaining and operating decorative lights, landscaping and other public improvements on Main Street between Atlantic and Palm Avenue, and Palm Avenue between Main Street and Commonwealth Avenue (Auto Row). This assessment is proposed to be unchanged from the 2011-12 level; and, The Alhambra Police Facilities Assessment District (PFAD) assessment will be continued at the 1996-97 level to fund the debt service on the bonds that were sold in 1991 to finance the facility, and any proceeds in excess of those needed to fund such debt service will be used to retire some of the bonds early. This assessment is proposed to be unchanged from the 2011-12 level.


Recommended Action: After receiving public testimony, the Mayor should close the public hearing and the City Council, by one motion, should adopt the following: 1) Resolution No. R2M12-14 entitled: A Resolution of the Alhambra City Council ordering the renewal of the City of Alhambra Police Facilities Assessment District No. 91-1 for Fiscal Year 2012-2013, confirming the Assessment Diagram and Assessment therefor and providing for the Assessment Levy in connection therewith; and, Resolution No. R2M12-15 entitled: A Resolution of the Alhambra City Council ordering the renewal of the City of Alhambra Public Works Maintenance and Improvements District No. 1 for Fiscal Year 2012-2013, confirming the Assessment Diagram and Assessment therefor and providing for the Assessment Levy in connection therewith



2012-2013 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR CDBG AND HOME PROGRAMS - F2M1235, N2M12-39, M2M12-43 This is the time and place set by Notice No. N2M12-39 for the City Council to hold a public hearing regarding Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME funding for the City of Alhambras proposed 2012-2013 Annual Action Plan to receive comment pursuant to and in compliance with the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) pre-submission requirements as outlined in Section 24 Part 91 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

On April 4, 2012, the City of Alhambra made available its draft 2012-2013 Annual Action Plan for 30 day public review and comment. The document was available for review during normal business hours until May 4, 2012 at 111 South First Street, Alhambra, CA 91801 (City Hall), 101 South First Street, Alhambra, CA 91801 (Civic Center Library) and/or on the Citys website at One comment was received and is included in the final version of the Plan which will be submitted to HUD. For Fiscal Year 2012-2013, HUD has notified the City that it has an allocation of $766,087 in CDBG Funds and $366,011 in HOME Funds. This represents a decrease in CDBG Funds of $485,070 and a decrease in HOME Funds of $390,480, or 38.7% and 51.6% 5 5-14-12

respectively, from FY 2011-2012. The following programs are proposed to be funded from CDBG and HOME during fiscal year 2012-13: Section 108 CDBG Admin Fair Housing Housing Rehab Code Enforcement Case Management CDBG Total CHDO HOME Admin Home Buyer Program Housing Rehab HOME Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 432,934 128,217 25,000 10,000 55,023 114,913 766,087 54,902 36,601 81,000 193,508 366,011

The HCDA Citizen Advisory Committee reviewed the plans and voted unanimously to recommend approval to the City Council at their April 3, 2012 meeting. Recommended Action: After receiving public testimony, the Mayor should close the public hearing and, at the City Councils discretion, approve the 2012-2013 Annual Action Plan and authorize staff to submit the plan to the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). (M2M12-43)

CONSENT AGENDA (Item Nos. 6 13) All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion unless a citizen or Council member requests otherwise; in which case, the item will be removed for separate consideration. 6. AGREEMENT FOR FAIR HOUSING SERVICES F2M6-64, C2M4-47, M2M12-40 Staff is requesting that the City Council amend the agreement with the Housing Rights Center for Professional Fair Housing Services for Fiscal Years 2012-2014. The Housing Rights Center has served the City of Alhambra by providing our residents with quality fair housing services since 1998. The Housing Rights Center proposes to provide the City of Alhambra with Fair Housing Services for FY 2012-2013 and FY 2013-2014 with the Citys annual CDBG allocations in the amount of $25,000 each fiscal year. Recommended Action: City Council approve that certain Fifth Amendment to Agreement, dated effective July 1, 2012, by and between the City of Alhambra and the Housing Rights Center for Professional Fair Housing Services for FY 2012-2013 and FY 2013-2014 at a cost of $25,000 annually, a copy of which Amendment is on file in the office of the City Clerk as Contract No. C2M4-47 and by this reference incorporated 6 5-14-12

herein and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein; and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councils action. (M2M12-40)


ACCEPT GIFT: ROTARY CLUB OF ALHAMBRA F2M12-12, M2M12-42 Staff requests that the City Council accept a gift of $2,497.80 from the Rotary Club of Alhambra to purchase books for the Civic Center Library that promote life-long learning. Rotary Club of Alhambra actively promotes literacy through a program that presents a book to the Alhambra Library in honor of their weekly speakers. Recommended Action: City Council accept with gratitude the gift of $2,497.80 from the Rotary Club of Alhambra to purchase books for the Library that promote lifelong learning; direct the Director of Finance to amend the Librarys services budget accordingly; and direct the City Clerk to send a copy of the resolution accepting the gift to the Rotary Club of Alhambra. (M2M12-42)


RENOVATION OF ALHAMBRA GOLF COURSE GOLF SHOP, DRIVING RANGE OFFICE & ADJACENT EXTERIOR AREAS F2M10-74, M2M12-44 Staff requests City Council approval of the proposed Golf Shop and Alhambra Driving Range Office remodel and improvements to the exterior area adjacent to the Golf Shop. The Alhambra Municipal Golf Course Golf Shop was built in 1986 and the Driving Range office was built in 1991. Both interior areas were configured and furnished, per the contractual agreement, by the Golf Pro, Golf Wisz Corporation. Neither area has been remodeled since their respective openings. Therefore, Golf Wisz Corporation requests approval to remodel the facilities and provide exterior improvements to the adjacent areas. Recommended Action: City Council approve the interior renovations of the Alhambra Municipal Golf Course Shop and Alhambra Diving Range office and the exterior renovation of the areas adjacent to the Golf Shop and Alhambra Driving Range office as proposed by Golf Wisz Corporation. (M2M12-44)


AWARD CONTRACT: HEATING VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE SERVICES CITY HALL, LIBRARY, POLICE DEPARTMENT- F2M441, RFP2M12-5, C2M12-15, M2M12-45 Staff requests that the City Council award a contract to Johnson Controls, Inc. for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Maintenance Services for City Hall, Police Department and the Library. The contract is for the period beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2014 with the potential for two additional one-year extensions.

Recommended Action: City Council approve that certain Agreement (Contract No. C2M12-15), dated effective July 1, 2012, by and between the City of Alhambra and Johnson Controls, Inc. for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Maintenance Services City Hall, Library and Police Department and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein; and, direct staff to 7 5-14-12

undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councils action. (M2M12-45)


AWARD CONTRACT: 2013 TOURNAMENT OF ROSES PARADE FLOAT - F2M1-51, F2M1-89, C2M12-14, M2M12-46 Staff is requesting that the City Council appropriate $95,000 in Art in Public Places funds for the City of Alhambras 2013 Rose Parade Float and approve a contract with the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce to oversee the construction and decoration of the Citys Rose Parade Float for the 2013 Tournament of Roses Parade at a cost of $95,000. Recommended Action: City Council a) appropriate $95,000 in Art in Public Places funds in Account 101.12.1210.97001 for the City of Alhambras 2013 Rose Parade Float; b) approve that certain Agreement (Contract No. C2M12-14), dated effective May 15, 2012, by and between the City of Alhambra and the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce, for oversight of the construction and decoration of the City of Alhambras 2013 Rose Parade Float at a cost of $95,000 and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein; and, c) direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councils action. (M2M12-46)


APPROVAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR TREE PLANTING GRANT FUNDS FROM THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL PARK & OPEN SPACE DISTRICT F2M11-63, R2M12-16 Staff requests that the City Council approve the submittal of a grant application to the 2012 Competitive Tree Planting Grant Program sponsored by County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. Supervisor Antonovich is making available funding for a competitive tree planting program in the Fifth Supervisorial District. The program offers funding to communities that suffered unprecedented tree losses as a result of the windstorms in the San Gabriel Valley in late 2011. The Department of Public Works and the Community Services Department will be submitting a joint application to help in funding the trees that were lost in the parks, golf course and parkways of Alhambra. The total grant application is $60,000. Recommended Action: City Council adopt Resolution No. R2M12-16 entitled: A Resolution of the City of Alhambra City Council approving the application for tree planning grant funds from the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District for Fifth Supervisorial District Excess Funding for the Windstorm 2011 Tree Replacement Project.


PERSONNEL ACTIONS F2M12-2 Recommended Action: City Council ratify the actions of the City Manager set forth in that certain Personnel Actions document dated May 14, 2012 showing the various appointments, classifications, salary changes, etc., since the last City Council meeting.

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DEMANDS - F2M12-1 Recommended Action: City Council approve as submitted Final Check List (135503 thru 135680) in the amount of $936,032.17 for the period ending April 20, 2012, Schedule of Wire Transfers in the amount of $313,402.14 for the week ending April 13, 2012 and Schedule of Wire Transfers in the amount of $1,653,046.17 for the week ending April 6, 2012; Final Check List (135681 thru 135817) in the amount of $468,024.69 for the period ending April 27, 2012; Final Check List (135818 thru 135874) in the amount of $22,819.92 for the period ending May 1, 2012; and, Final Check List (135875 thru 136066) in the amount of $504,815.50 for the period ending May 4, 2012 and Schedule of Wire Transfers in the amount of $1,334,618.89 for the week ending April 20, 2012.

ORDINANCE SECOND READING 14. REPEAL SECTION 3.08.115 FROM ALHAMBRA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX ORDINANCE F92-33, O2M12-4598 Staff requests that the City Council consider for Second Reading an Ordinance to repeal in full Section 3.08.115 of the City of Alhambra Municipal Code. This section currently grants a credit against the sales and use tax due the City for payment of a sales and use tax established by and paid to the former Alhambra Redevelopment Agency. With the Agency having dissolved on February 1st of this year, it will no longer have any use for sales tax and so the credit is no longer necessary. Recommended Action: City Council direct the City Attorney to give second reading by title only to the following ordinance entitled: Ordinance No. O2M12-4599: An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Alhambra Repealing Section 3.08.115 from the Alhambra Municipal Code Relating to the Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Ordinance to Terminate the Existing Credit for Payment of Sales and Use Taxes Paid to the Alhambra Community Redevelopment Agency after which the Council, by motion, may adopt Ordinance No. O2M12-4599.

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (TIME LIMITATION - 5 MINUTES) Citizens wishing to address the Council on any matter which is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council not on the Agenda may do so at this time. Please state your NAME and ADDRESS CLEARLY for the record. Please note that while the City Council values your comments, pursuant to January 1, 1987 amendments to the Brown Act, the City Council cannot respond nor take any action until such time as the matter may appear as an item on forthcoming agendas.

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COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (ANNOUNCEMENTS & FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS) F2M12 -7 Each Councilmember at his discretion may address the Council and public on matters of general information and/or concern, including announcements and future agenda items.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business for the Council to transact, the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, shall adjourn their meeting to 5:30 p.m. on May 24, 2012, in Ruth Reese Hall (Community Room) of the Alhambra Civic Center Library, 101 South First Street, Alhambra, California. (Notice No. N2M12-66).

NOTICE Agenda Items: Copies of the staff reports or other written documentation relating to the items listed on this agenda are on file with the City Clerk in Alhambra City Hall, located at 111 South First Street, Alhambra, California, and are available for inspection during regular office hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Broadcast of Meeting: The regular meetings of the Alhambra City Council are recorded and are broadcast on Charter Channel 3 at 7:30 p.m. on the Thursdays and Mondays following the meeting. Recordings are also available for viewing by the public at the Alhambra Public Library and, upon appointment, in the Administrative Services Department. Americans with Disabilities Act: If you require special assistance to participate in any City meeting (including assisted listening devices), please contact the City Clerk's Office (626) 5705090. Notification of at least 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.


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