Lock Wallace
Lock Wallace
Lock Wallace
describes the degree of happiness, everything considered, of your present marriage. The middle point "happy" represents the degree of happiness which most people get from marriage, and the scale gradually ranges on one side to those few who are very unhappy in marriage, and on the other, to those few who experience extreme joy or felicity in marriage.
Very Unhappy
Perfectly Happy
State the approximate extent of agreement or disagreement between you and your mate on the following items. Please check each column. Always Agree Handling Family Finances Matters of Recreation Demonstrations of Affection Friends Sex relations Conventionality (right, good, or proper conduct) Philosophy of Life Ways of dealing with in-laws Almost Always Agree Occasionally Disagree Frequently Disagree Almost Always Disagree Always Disagree
Circle one letter in each statement: When disagreements arise, they usually result in: (a) husband giving in, (b) wife giving in, (c) agreement by mutual give and take. Do you and your mate engage in outside interests together? (a) All of them, (b) some of them, (c) very few of them, (d) none of them. In leisure time do you generally prefer: (a) to be "on the go", (b) to stay at home? Does your mate generally prefer: (a) to be "on the go", (b) to stay at home? Do you ever wish you had not married? (a) Frequently, (b) occasionally,(c) rarely, (d) never If you had your life to live over again, do you think you would: (a) marry the same person, (b) marry a different person, (c) not marry at all? Do you ever confide in your mate: (a) almost never, (b) rarely, (c) in most things, (d) in everything?