Adult Case History Form
Adult Case History Form
Adult Case History Form
File No.
Name Sex
Present address
Permanent address
4 5 6 7 8 9
Information address/phone
Referenced By
Assigned to: (for assessment)
(for therapy)
Fee Payer
Intake by:
Other information: -
Tentative Diagnosis
Case History Sheet
Chief complains (nature of problem precipitating events, patient’s feelings and thoughts about problems).
History of complaints (duration of present problem changes in nature, intensity, and/or frequency of
problem over time, prodromal manifestations, other past problems of a psychological nature no of attacks).
Prior psychiatric history (details of treatment sought for presenting problems and form whom; when and for
what duration treatment undergone, nature of treatment methods; name and dosages of drug, taken; ECTs
faith healing etc; response to treatments including adverse reactions and/or side effects).
Medical history (most recent physical exam data and results current medications health condition since
childhood including details of serious illnesses/disabilities suffered and surgery under go; eating and
sleeping habits if remarkable and any change of some use of stimulants, alcohol and drugs).
Family History (migrations, births, marriages, serious illnesses, deaths, jobs on earning members,
relationship with family members).
School history (Academy academic, school changes school problems relationships with peers and
teachers, extra curriculum activities.
History of friendships (nature and extent of relationships, recreational activities degree of religiosity sexual
history premarital, martial and extramarital sexual relationships).
Job history (nature of jobs held and remuneration reasons for job changes relationships with juniors
colleagues, and bosses.)
Personal history (merits and demerits, hobbies, sports, daily routine and ambitions.)
Degree of religiosity
Sleep (insomnia, nightmares, sleepwalking)
Obsession compulsions
Though content (unusual contents including suspiciousness and delusions conceptual disorganization
including lessening of associations)
Affects (crying spells, depression guilt feelings suicidal, excitement, hostility, grandiosity, blunted affected)
Behavior (speech: mute, talkative, abusive, motor rest lessens, assaultive destructive, excited, motor
Psychosomatic (obesity, headaches, painful menstruation, skin disrobers, asthma, ulcers, nausea and
Addictions (prescribed and non prescribed medication, narcotics use smoking pan/tobacco chewing alcohol
use gambling)
Family psychopathology (nature, history and treatment of mental disorder in members of patients family)
Personality traits (paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, antisocial borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, avoidant,
dependent, obsessive compulsive, passive aggressive)
Interview behavior (open, secretive, anxious, relaxed withdrawn, cooperative, timid, aggressive compliant)
Strengths (degrees of insight, motivation, intellectual level, mitigating circumstances, other talents and
Tentative diagnosis
Differential Diagnosis