FTTH Handbook 2012 V5.0 English
FTTH Handbook 2012 V5.0 English
FTTH Handbook 2012 V5.0 English
The information in this document is provided as a basis for discussion. This information does not necessarily represent the official position of the FTTH Council Europe. Some of the content may reflect the position of members of the FTTH Council Europe and/or our partners. Reference to any products, services or technology does not constitute or imply its endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the FTTH Council Europe. The information is provided on a professional best effort basis. The FTTH Council Europe makes no guarantee of fitness for a particular purpose. No liability is accepted by the FTTH Council Europe for any consequential loss or damage whatsoever, however caused. All trademarks are acknowledged by the FTTH Council Europe as being the property of their respective owners. For further information, feedback and input please contact Natascha Weinstabl, Project Manager, FTTH Council Europe, at [email protected].
FTTH Council Europe 2012 Wettelijk Depot: D/2012/12.345/1 This document is licensed under a Creative Commons License 3.0 Attribution, Non-commercial, No Derivatives. Under the terms of this license you are free to copy and share this document, but you should not alter, transform or build upon it, or use it for commercial purposes. Third and fourth edition were edited by Pauline Rigby, freelance editor. Fifth edition was revised and edited by Eileen Connolly Bull, Connolly Communication AB.
The FTTH Handbook has been produced by the FTTH Council Europe and draws heavily on the expertise of its member companies. We thank the following individuals for their time, effort and contributions, and acknowledge their original material and graphics, which have been included in this guide: First to Fourth edition These editions were a joint work of all members of the Deployment & Operations Committee of the FTTH Council Europe. Fifth edition Cristina Deac, Reichle & De-Massari (Chair of the Deployment & Operations Committee); Eric Festraets, Alcatel-Lucent; Chris Holden, Corning Cable Systems; Daniel Moortgat, AlcatelLucent; Jim Crowfoot, Senko; Diarmuid Kelly, AND-Solution; Peter Kiesheyer, Corning Cable Systems; Lars Zllig, Huber+Suhner; Raf Meersman, Comsof; Ulrich Scheu, ScheuNetzplanung; Roland Wessly, Atesio
The FTTH Handbook is an initiative of the Deployment & Operations Committee of the FTTH Council Europe. The project was coordinated by Natascha Weinstabl, Project Manager, FTTH Council Europe.
The publications of the FTTH Council Europe play an important part in our mission to accelerate the roll out of fibre access networks to homes and businesses throughout Europe. These documents help to meet the increasing thirst for knowledge about fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) networks, particularly among the new entrants and alternative operators who form an important part of the FTTH scene in Europe. The FTTH Handbook was the first major publication produced by the FTTH Council Europe. Originally issued in 2007, its purpose was to provide an impartial source of information about the options available for deployment of optical fibre cable. The scope of the book was later expanded to include the technical options for lighting up the fibre, including passive optical network and active systems, as well as customer premises equipment. Every year the document is revised. This year the team has included two new sections addressing the subject of FTTH network planning and in-house cabling, as well as other updates to the existing content. This, the fifth edition of the FTTH Handbook, demonstrates the ongoing commitment by the members of the FTTH Council to ensure that people are kept informed on the technologies that enable the deployment and operation of FTTH networks. This document is a reference for you, the reader. Your opinion is important, so please provide us with your feedback and any suggestions for content so we can further improve the handbook. As an industry organisation, the FTTH Council Europe represents fibre, cable, equipment and installation companies all over Europe. The cooperation of more than 160 members ensures that the FTTH Handbook provides vendor-neutral information based on the latest developments in the industry. Once again the Deployment and Operations Committee has done a great job in coordinating the different contributions, thus achieving such a comprehensive document. Chris Holden, President of the FTTH Council Europe
Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 5 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 9 2 FTTH Network Description..................................................................................................... 10 2.1. The FTTH network environment ..................................................................................... 10 2.2. FTTH architecture ........................................................................................................... 12 2.3. Different fibre termination points ..................................................................................... 12 3 Network Planning ................................................................................................................... 14 3.1 The fuel of network planning: data ................................................................................. 14 3.1.1 Geo-referenced data............................................................................................... 15 3.1.2 Hardware specifications.......................................................................................... 16 3.1.3 Costs ....................................................................................................................... 16 3.2 The engine of network planning: tools ............................................................................ 17 3.3 Strategic network planning ............................................................................................. 17 3.3.1 Where will the FTTH network be deployed?........................................................... 18 3.3.2 Which order will the sub-areas of the network be deployed? ................................. 18 3.3.3 What methods, components and technologies will be used to build the network? 18 3.4 High-level network planning ........................................................................................... 19 3.4.1 Where will the POPs be located? ........................................................................... 19 3.4.2 How many fibre concentration points? ................................................................... 20 3.4.3 Which cable routes serve which distribution and feeder areas? ............................ 20 3.4.4 What is the expected bill of materials? ................................................................... 20 3.5 Detailed network planning .............................................................................................. 21 3.5.1 Detailed Data .......................................................................................................... 21 3.5.2 Generating the 'to-build' plans ................................................................................ 22 3.5.3 Documentation ........................................................................................................ 23 3.5.4 Workflow management ........................................................................................... 23 4 Active Equipment ................................................................................................................... 24 4.1 Passive optical network .................................................................................................. 24 4.1.1 PON solutions ......................................................................................................... 25 4.1.2 PON active equipment ............................................................................................ 26 4.1.3 Bandwidth management ......................................................................................... 27 4.2 PON deployment optimisation ........................................................................................ 27 4.3 Ethernet point-to-point .................................................................................................... 29 4.3.1 Ethernet point-to-point solutions ............................................................................. 29 4.3.2 Transmission technologies ..................................................................................... 30 4.3.3 RF-based video solutions ....................................................................................... 31 4.4 Subscriber equipment ..................................................................................................... 32 4.5 Future technology development ..................................................................................... 33 4.5.1 Residential bandwidth trends ................................................................................. 33 4.5.2 Passive optical networks ........................................................................................ 33 4.5.3 Next-generation PON technologies ........................................................................ 34 5 Infrastructure Sharing ............................................................................................................ 37 5.1 Business models............................................................................................................. 37 5.2 Infrastructure sharing ...................................................................................................... 37
Infrastructure Network Elements ........................................................................................... 39 6.1 Access Node .................................................................................................................. 40 6.2 Feeder cabling................................................................................................................ 40 6.3 Primary fibre concentration point ................................................................................... 41 6.4 Distribution cabling ......................................................................................................... 41 6.5 Secondary fibre concentration point .............................................................................. 42 6.6 Drop cabling ................................................................................................................... 43 6.6.1 Direct install cables ................................................................................................ 43 6.6.2 Direct buried cables ............................................................................................... 43 6.6.3 Aerial cables ........................................................................................................... 43 6.6.4 Facade cables ........................................................................................................ 44 6.7 In-house cables .............................................................................................................. 44 7 In-house Cabling ................................................................................................................... 45 7.1 In-house cabling reference model .................................................................................. 46 7.1.1 Building entry point (BEP) ...................................................................................... 47 7.1.2 Floor distributor (FD) .............................................................................................. 47 7.1.3 In-house cabling ..................................................................................................... 47 7.1.4 Optical telecommunications outlet (OTO) .............................................................. 47 7.1.5 Optical network termination (ONT)......................................................................... 47 7.1.6 Customer premises equipment (CPE) (SPE) ......................................................... 47 7.1.7 Home cabling ......................................................................................................... 47 7.1.8 User equipment ...................................................................................................... 48 7.2 In-house cabling fibre and cable general considerations ............................................... 48 7.2.1 Fibre characteristics ............................................................................................... 48 7.2.2 Bend radius requirements ...................................................................................... 48 7.2.3 Cable type .............................................................................................................. 48 7.2.4 Outdoor cable ......................................................................................................... 49 7.2.5 Indoor cable............................................................................................................ 49 7.2.6 Colour coding of fibres ........................................................................................... 49 7.2.7 Micro-duct cabling for installation by blowing ......................................................... 49 7.2.8 Cables containing flammable materials ................................................................. 49 7.3 General requirements at the BEP .................................................................................. 49 7.3.1 Fusion splice at the BEP ........................................................................................ 49 7.3.2 Connection box at the BEP .................................................................................... 50 7.3.3 Splice tray............................................................................................................... 50 7.3.4 Positioning the BEP ............................................................................................... 52 7.4 Floor distributor .............................................................................................................. 52 7.5 Optical telecommunications outlet (OTO) ...................................................................... 52 7.5.1 Fibre type and connection characteristics in the OTO ........................................... 53 7.5.2 Optical connectors.................................................................................................. 53 7.5.3 Splices .................................................................................................................... 54 7.5.4 Positioning the OTO ............................................................................................... 54 7.5.5 Testing the in-house cabling, the BEP-OTO link ................................................... 56 7.5.6 Safety requirements ............................................................................................... 56 7.5.7 General requirements ............................................................................................ 56 7.5.8 Laser safety ............................................................................................................ 56 8 Deployment Techniques ........................................................................................................ 57 8.1 Duct infrastructure .......................................................................................................... 57
8.1.1 Duct network ........................................................................................................... 58 8.1.2 Type of ducts .......................................................................................................... 59 8.1.3 Types of duct cables ............................................................................................... 59 Cable installation by pulling .................................................................................... 60 Cable installation by air blowing ............................................................................. 61 Cable installation by floating ................................................................................... 61 8.1.4 Cable de-coring ...................................................................................................... 61 8.1.5 Access and jointing chambers ................................................................................ 62 8.1.6 Cable joint closures ................................................................................................ 62 8.2 Blown micro ducts and micro cable ................................................................................ 62 8.2.1 Micro duct solutions ................................................................................................ 63 8.2.2 Micro duct tube connectors and closures ............................................................... 64 8.2.3 Micro duct cable and fibre units .............................................................................. 65 8.2.4 Micro cable/blown fibre unit installation .................................................................. 67 8.2.5 Access and jointing chambers ................................................................................ 67 8.2.6 Micro cable joint closures ....................................................................................... 68 8.3 Direct buried cable .......................................................................................................... 68 8.3.1 Installation options .................................................................................................. 68 8.3.2 Types of direct buried cable.................................................................................... 68 8.3.3 Lightning protection ................................................................................................ 69 8.3.4 Rodent protection ................................................................................................... 69 8.3.5 Termite protection ................................................................................................... 69 8.3.6 Access and jointing chambers ................................................................................ 69 8.3.7 Direct buried cable joint closures ............................................................................ 69 8.4 Aerial cable ..................................................................................................................... 69 8.4.1 Load capacity of the pole infrastructure.................................................................. 70 8.4.2 Types of aerial cable............................................................................................... 70 8.4.3 Cable pole support hardware.................................................................................. 71 8.4.4 Cable tensioning ..................................................................................................... 72 8.4.5 Aerial cable joint closures ....................................................................................... 72 8.4.6 Other deployment considerations ........................................................................... 72 8.5 Pre-terminated network builds ........................................................................................ 73 8.6 Street cabinets ................................................................................................................ 74 8.7 Other deployments options using rights of way .............................................................. 75 8.7.1 Fibre-optic cables in sewer systems ....................................................................... 75 8.7.2 Fibre-optic cables in gas pipes ............................................................................... 76 8.7.3 Fibre-optic cables in drinking water pipes .............................................................. 76 8.7.4 Canals and waterways............................................................................................ 76 8.7.5 Underground and transport tunnels ........................................................................ 77 9 Fibre and Fibre Management................................................................................................. 78 9.1 Choice of FTTH optical fibre ........................................................................................... 78 9.1.1 Optical fibre basics ................................................................................................. 78 9.1.2 Singlemode fibre ..................................................................................................... 79 9.1.3 Graded-index multimode fibres .............................................................................. 79 9.1.4 Bend insensitive fibre.............................................................................................. 80 9.2 Fibre optic termination .................................................................................................... 80 9.2.1 Optical Distribution Frames .................................................................................... 80
9.2.2 Street cabinets ....................................................................................................... 82 9.3 Connectors, patchcords and pigtails .............................................................................. 83 9.3.1 Common connector types ...................................................................................... 83 9.3.2 Return loss ............................................................................................................. 86 9.3.3 Insertion loss .......................................................................................................... 87 9.3.4 Extrinsic losses....................................................................................................... 88 9.4 Fibre optic splicing ......................................................................................................... 89 9.4.1 Fusion splicing........................................................................................................ 89 9.4.2 Mechanical splicing ................................................................................................ 90 9.5 Optical splitters ............................................................................................................... 90 9.5.1 Fused biconic taper ................................................................................................ 91 9.5.2 Planar splitter ......................................................................................................... 91 9.6 Quality grades for fibre-optic connectors ....................................................................... 92 10 Operations and Maintenance ................................................................................................ 95 10.1 Deployment planning guidelines .................................................................................... 95 10.1.1 Site control and installation operation planning ..................................................... 95 10.1.2 General management considerations .................................................................... 95 10.1.3 General considerations related to safety ............................................................... 95 10.1.4 General considerations about constructions and equipments ............................... 96 10.1.5 General considerations about cabling methods ..................................................... 97 10.2 Operation and maintenance guidelines ......................................................................... 98 11 FTTH Test Guidelines ........................................................................................................... 99 11.1 Connector care ............................................................................................................... 99 11.1.1 Why is it important to clean connectors? ............................................................... 99 11.1.2 What are the possible contaminants? .................................................................... 99 11.1.3 What components need to be inspected and cleaned? ....................................... 101 11.1.4 When should a connector be inspected and cleaned? ........................................ 101 11.1.5 How to check connectors ..................................................................................... 102 11.1.6 Inspection instructions .......................................................................................... 102 11.1.7 Tools needed for inspection ................................................................................. 103 11.1.8 Cleaning wipes and tools ..................................................................................... 103 11.2 Testing FTTH networks during construction ................................................................ 105 11.2.1 Method 1: Use of optical loss test sets ................................................................ 105 11.2.2 Method 2: Use of an OTDR.................................................................................. 107 11.3 Service activation reporting .......................................................................................... 111 12 FTTH Network Troubleshooting .......................................................................................... 112 12.1 In-home wiring issues .................................................................................................. 113 12.2 Summary of optical testing tools .................................................................................. 114 Appendix A: IEC Standards ......................................................................................................... 115 Appendix B: European Standards ................................................................................................ 117 Appendix C: Deploying FTTH today 10 most frequently asked questions ............................ 118 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................... 122
1 Introduction
The main goals of any FTTH deployment are to fulfil investor revenue expectations within the defined business parameters and provide the subscribers with the agreed bandwidth, service and content by choosing the optimal deployment process. The FTTH Council Europe issues two publications focusing on both aspects. The Business Guide focuses on business aspects while deployment and operations are covered in the FTTH Handbook. This is the 5th edition of the Handbook. Every year the Handbook grows in complexity and detail as knowledge, experience and successful implementation of deployment by the contributors and members of the Council increase. Collating this knowledge, experience and detailing the success achieved within the covers of this Handbook, while preserving the impartiality of the Council is a recurring challenge and requires the dedication of the Deployment and Operations Committee members. This edition brings to the reader two additional chapters which address important issues, such as network planning and in-house cabling as well as providing a powerful closing argument on the demystification of the deployment and adoption of FTTH. The main message of the network planning section is to bring to the readers attention the importance of the planning phase for the initial deployment of the network, however, equally crucial is to define the broad scope of the network. With regard to the in-house cabling chapter, this issue of the Handbook describes a reference model based on international standards. As in any debate on such a complex subject, it is important to determine the correct basic structure. One of the objectives of the Council is to create a professional arena which promotes FTTH based on internationally accepted standards and which have been adopted and become the common value of the members. The 5th edition of the Handbook is the first to offer a summary of the thoughts, analysis, implementation and enabling services in the form of FAQs which forms the closing chapter and can be found at the end of the Handbook. This Handbook can only be used as a reference by our readers if they are willing to submit their views and opinions and we seriously consider implementing this feedback in future releases. This Handbook belongs to all professionals within the FTTH field and the main objective, which the editors are committed to preserving, is its capacity to develop year after year to the benefit of all parties. Cristina Deac, Chair Deployment & Operations Committee
2 FTTHNetworkDescription
A fibre to the home (FTTH) network constitutes a fibre-based access network, connecting a large number of end users to a central point known as an access node or point of presence (POP). Each access node contains the necessary electronic transmission (active) equipment to provide the applications and services, using optical fibre to the subscriber. Each access node, within a large municipality or region, is connected to a larger metropolitan or urban fibre network. Access networks may connect some of the following: fixed wireless network antenna, for example, wireless LAN or WiMAX mobile network base stations subscribers in SFUs (single family units) or MDUs (multi-dwelling units) larger buildings such as schools, hospitals and businesses key security and monitoring structures such as surveillance cameras, security alarms and control devices
The FTTH network may form part of a wider area or access network.
The deployment of fibre closer to the subscriber may require the fibre infrastructure to be located on public and/or private land and within public and/or private properties.
The physical environment can be broadly split into: city open residential rural building type and density single homes or MDUs
Not only does each physical environment constitute different subscriber dwelling densities (per sq km), but country conditions must also be taken into account. The nature of the site will be a key factor in deciding the most appropriate network design and architecture. Types include: Greenfield new build where the network will be installed at the same time as the buildings Brownfield buildings are already in place but the existing infrastructure is of a low standard overbuild adding to the existing infrastructure
The main influences on the method of infrastructure deployment are: type of FTTH site size of the FTTH network initial cost of the infrastructure deployment (CAPEX) running costs for the network operation and maintenance (OPEX) network architecture, for example PON or Active Ethernet local conditions, for example, local labour costs, local authority restrictions (traffic control) and others
The choice of fibre deployment method and technology will determine CAPEX and OPEX, as well as the reliability of the network. These costs can be optimised by choosing the most appropriate active solution combined with the most appropriate infrastructure deployment methodology. These methods, which are described later, include: conventional underground duct and cable blown micro-ducts and cable direct buried cable aerial cable other right of way solutions
Key functional requirements for a FTTH network include: provision of high-bandwidth services and content to each subscriber a flexible network architecture design with capacity to meet future needs direct fibre connection of each end subscriber directly to the active equipment, ensuring maximum available capacity for future service demands support for future network upgrades and expansion minimal disruption during network deployment, to promote fibre networks gain acceptance by network owners and to provide benefit to FTTH subscribers
When designing and building FTTH networks, it is helpful to understand the challenges and tradeoffs facing potential network owners and operators. Some challenges may result in conflicts between functionality and economic demands. The FTTH network builder must present a profitable business case, balancing capital expenses with operating costs while ensuring revenue generation. A more detailed analysis of the main influences on the business case for FTTH networks is available in the FTTH Business Guide from the FTTH Council Europe.
In order to specify the interworking of passive and active infrastructure, it is important to make a clear distinction between the topologies used for the deployment of the fibres (the passive infrastructure) and the technologies used to transport data over the fibres (the active equipment). The two most widely used topologies are point-to-multipoint, which is often combined with a passive optical network (PON) technology, and point-to-point, which typically uses Ethernet transmission technologies.
Point-to-point topologies provide dedicated fibres between the POP and the subscriber. Each subscriber has a direct connection with a dedicated fibre. Most existing point-to-point FTTH deployments use Ethernet, which can be mixed with other transmission schemes for business applications (e.g. Fibre Channel, SDH/SONET). This topology can also include PON technologies by placing the passive optical splitters in the access node. Point-to-multipoint topologies with passive optical splitters in the field are deployed in conjunction with standardized PON technologies GPON is todays frontrunner in Europe with EPON being the most popular in Asia making use of time-sharing protocols to control the access of multiple subscribers to the shared feeder fibre. Active Ethernet technology can also be used to control subscriber access in a point-to-multipoint topology requiring the placement of Ethernet switches in the field.
Various access network architectures can be implemented: Fibre to the home (FTTH) Each subscriber is connected by a dedicated fibre to a port on the equipment in the POP, or to the passive optical splitter, using shared feeder fibre to the POP and 100BASE-BX10 or 1000BASE-BX10 transmission for Ethernet connectivity or GPON (EPON) in case of point-to-multipoint connectivity. Fibre to the building (FTTB) each optical termination box in the building (often located in the basement) is connected by a dedicated fibre to a port in the equipment in the POP, or to an optical splitter which uses shared feeder fibre to the POP. The connections between subscribers
and the building switch are not fibre but can be copper based and involve some form of Ethernet transport suited to the medium available in the vertical cabling. In some cases building switches are not individually connected to the POP but are interconnected in a chain or ring structure in order to utilize existing fibres deployed in particular topologies. This also saves fibres and ports in the POP. The concept of routing fibre directly into the home from the POP or through the use of optical splitters, without involving switches in the building, brings us back to the FTTH scenario. Fibre to the curb (FTTC) each switch / or DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM), often found in a street cabinet, is connected to the POP via a single fibre or a pair of fibres, carrying the aggregated traffic of the neighbourhood via Gigabit Ethernet or 10 Gigabit Ethernet connection. The switches in the street cabinet are not fibre but can be copper based using 100BASE-BX10, 1000BASE-BX10 or VDSL2. This architecture is sometimes called Active Ethernet as it requires active network elements in the field. This document will, however, concentrate on FTTH/B deployments as in the long term they are considered the target architecture due to their virtually unlimited scalability.
3 NetworkPlanning
Large investments require careful planning to minimize financial risk. A well-planned network is also the key to minimize investment and improve the average profit per connected user. In other words, careful planning can also enhance the business case. Planning refers to the complete process of preparing to deploy the FTTH network. There are three distinct phases, starting with strategic network planning, followed by high-level network planning, and ending with detailed network planning. These steps are briefly characterized as follows: Strategic network planning has two main outputs. First, the general business case decision whether and, if positive, to what extent FTTH should be rolled out. Second, the major strategic decisions are made, for instance, what architecture will be implemented, and which cable and duct technologies will be used. High-level network planning is the phase when structural decisions for a particular geographical planning area are made. These include the placement of network functions (distribution points) and connectivity decisions (which location serves which area) and a preliminary bill of materials, including the installation lengths of cables and ducts as well as quantities for the various types of hardware. The aim is to generate the lowest cost network plan within the boundaries of the strategic decisions made in the previous planning phase. Detailed network planning is as the final planning step when the to build plan is generated. This includes the network documentation that can be passed to construction companies. Further results of this planning phase include detailed connection information such as a splicing plan, the labelling scheme, or micro-duct connections.
In general, the three phases of the planning process follow each other sequentially over time. Some early decisions, however, may need to be reviewed in light of new information. For example, the assumed location for a POP may have to change after the detailed plans have been generated. In such cases, it is important to be able to go back to earlier steps in the process and review the earlier decisions ideally with software tools which provide a high degree of automation and optimization. Interplay between the planning levels is thus important by enabling a smooth and constant feed-back loop between high-level and detailed network planning.
3.1 Thefuelofnetworkplanning:data
To generate a good network plan, every decision should be based on solid information. Therefore, it is crucial to have accurate input data, particularly geo-referenced data about the project's target area. Software tools can then use this information to model different network topologies under different assumptions, so as to compare scenarios and select the best one. There are also software tools to support the efficient construction and documentation of a detailed "to build" plan. The type and the accuracy of the required data will vary according to the planning stage. The most important types of planning data can be subdivided into three categories: geo-referenced data hardware specifications and cost
3.1.1 Georeferenceddata
In all planning phases the features of the geographic area must be taken into account. Two main types of geo-referenced data are required for a planning exercise: street topology information, including sidewalks, crossings, etc; and building locations, ideally including the number of living units and/or businesses per fibre termination.
Typical data providers for street topologies are the providers of large geographical information systems (GIS) databases that are also used for car navigation systems. This data is often what is displayed on mapping and route planning websites such as http://maps.google.com. Alternative local data providers may exist. For some regions, the open source data from OpenStreetMap, www.openstreetmap.org may be a good starting point.
Purchasing address information from a government agency will ensure that you have the correct syntax. Later, these addresses can form the main address database for all related departments, including customer care, billing and marketing. Information about buildings and residents is more difficult to obtain. Sometimes it is derived from higher-level information, such as house number ranges or population densities or it can be possible to get this information from the local energy supplier. If there isnt a suitable source of information, the only way is to visit every building and count the number of dwellings. The accuracy of the planning results can be increased by using additional data, such as: The surface type of a street can help provide a better estimate of the cost of digging; this information can also be used to determine whether one- or two-side digging should be used for a particular street segment. Availability of existing and reusable infrastructure such as poles (for aerial deployments), or existing ducts with spare capacity, are helpful to decrease the respective deployment cost. Information about the existing gas, electricity, copper infrastructure in the streets can be used to determine potential routes where it is likely that permission for digging will be granted. Suitable locations for a point of presence (POP) or fibre concentration point (FCP).
This additional data may be harder to obtain. You need to consider whether it is worth the effort needed to obtain such data, taking into account the objectives of the planning task. Some detailed information may be left out at the early stage and may be approximated. More accurate data will be required in later planning stages, and therefore for the sake of better strategic and high-level decisions it is often worth gathering high-quality data in the early stages as well. For detailed network planning, as much information as possible is needed, and it can be worthwhile spending time checking and "cleaning" the data, for example using satellite images or field surveys.
3.1.2 Hardwarespecifications
The hardware used in a FTTH network deployment is described in other chapters of this Handbook. This will be taken into account and dimensioned during all phases of the planning process. It is important to take a detailed view of the hardware, even in the early stages of the planning process, since the details can have a significant impact on the optimal network topology and therefore on strategic planning. The hardware includes but is not limited to active equipment (for example Ethernet switches, OLTs and PON optical terminals) and passive components (for example optical distribution frames, fibre joint enclosures, PON splitters, conventional duct or micro duct systems, cables and fibres, and fibre termination units). Starting from the equipment specifications, a set of rules needs to be defined as a planning decision describing how the hardware can be used and in what network configuration. This includes: what cables and ducts can be installed in the feeder, distribution and drop areas; which (inner) cables and ducts fit into which outer ducts (depending on the outer and inner diameter of the associated link components or on design rules); what equipment, e.g. splitters, can be installed in buildings, distribution points and POPs; what testing should be carried out before a connection goes live.
3.1.3 Costs
One of the main planning objectives is cost control within a given set of constraints and requirements. To do this properly, it is necessary to have a clear view on the various costs of deploying and maintaining the FTTH network. These include: labour cost for civil works material cost per hardware type installation, test and measurement service costs network maintenance costs the energy cost for active equipment costs related to creating and maintaining POPs, FCPs costs related to rights of way
The cost areas are often distinguished according to whether they are capital expenditure (CAPEX) or operational expenditure (OPEX). Other important categorizations are: active equipment and passive components; outside plant and in-building cabling; homes passed and homes connected.
3.2 Theengineofnetworkplanning:tools
In the early days, network plans were generated manually by drawing objects on top of maps, first on paper, and later within CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software packages. However, the planning itself was fully manual and was therefore both time-consuming and prone to errors. As a result, the early stages of the planning process were often ignored or only treated in a theoretical or statistical way, and the planner would focus directly on the detailed planning phase. Another drawback of this approach was that the plan contained little or no intelligent data about the components of the network because there was no database behind it, which made it difficult to use these plans efficiently during later stages of the network lifetime, for example, for maintenance. Nowadays many of these issues are solved by using GIS-based software to document the network. The software links the objects on the map with database objects, thus keeping track of all kinds of data about the network components. FTTH planning tools make the network planning process much more efficient, not only in terms of time (through automation), but also in terms of the quality of network plans (through dedicated data models), and the level of optimization of the plans (through intelligent optimization algorithms). Each of the three stages in the network planning process has particular requirements in terms of speed versus complexity that available software tools are supporting. Strategic network planning has the lowest level of detailed requests from a software tool. Since it is used to analyze various network concepts, the software has to run fast enough to allow scenario comparisons. Due to the considerable impact of strategic decisions on the business case, the quality of the computations needs to be accurate enough to draw valid conclusions. High-level network planning has similar requirements. However, the level of detail needs to be high enough to generate a reliable bill of materials, and to serve as a starting point for detailed network planning. The requirements on the cost-effectiveness of the generated network designs are higher since this planning stage is used to identify the last few percentage points of potential cost saving. Detailed network planning has fewer requirements around automation. At this stage the planner must produce the to-build plan. Therefore the tools must support the handling of very accurate and detailed network specifications.
3.3 Strategicnetworkplanning
Major business decisions are made in this first planning stage. The key question is whether to make the investment in the FTTH network. To answer this question, the planner needs accurate costs, not only for deploying the network, but also for activating customers and maintaining the network during its lifetime, and some realistic predictions for customer adoption of services and the related revenues. It is important to base the cost analysis on real data, because there can be big differences between different geographical areas even those with similar population densities. Extrapolations and benchmarking should be avoided where possible. If the decision is made to proceed with the project, there will be additional questions such as:
Where will the network be deployed? (Define the geographical scope of the project.) Which order to deploy the sub-areas of the network? (Define the geographical order.) What methods and technologies will be used? (Identify design rules, components, technologies.)
3.3.1 WherewilltheFTTHnetworkbedeployed?
By comparing different regions in terms of expenditure and revenues, a decision can be made on where to deploy the FTTH network. In reality, investors in FTTH have different profiles. Private investors will put more emphasis on financial performance while public investors have to serve all potential customers equally, sometimes over huge areas, with nationwide deployment being considered. Ideally, both commercial interests and service availability are taken into consideration.
5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Figure 6: Typical development of cost per home depended on the percentage of homes passed.
It is a generally observed that the average cost per home passed varies with the percentage of homes passed in a particular area, as the figure above shows. However, the geographical distribution of buildings and the number of homes in buildings can heavily influence at what penetration (here about 60%) the lowest cost per home can be obtained.
3.3.2 Whichorderwillthesubareasofthenetworkbedeployed?
When a FTTH project covers a large geographical area, the construction can easily take several years. The longer the deployment timeframe, the more important it becomes to determine the optimal order for rolling out the network in a series of sub-areas. The selection of this order is usually based on a combination of cost and revenue estimates.
In many cases, cost is not the only consideration. To make the right decisions at this early stage, it is important to perform an in-depth evaluation of the different scenarios. The impact of a particular choice on overall deployment costs is crucial, of course, but other aspects such as quality, bandwidth and reliability should also be considered. The choices to be made are often framed along the lines: Is it worthwhile investing this extra amount for the extra quality/bandwidth/reliability it will deliver? Possible options that can be considered: Different architectures (x in FTTx, see Chapter 2), Different active technologies (PON vs. P2P vs. hybrid, see Chapter 4), Different levels of fibre concentration (see Chapter 6), Different cable deployment methods (micro-cables vs. conventional cabling, see Chapter 8), Different splitter architectures (see Chapter 6), Different in-house cabling methods (see Chapter 7), Different infrastructure sharing strategies (see Chapter 5)
3.4 Highlevelnetworkplanning
Having decided the extent of the project area, attention now turns to making detailed decisions about the structure of the network. The main outputs of this planning stage are a reliable estimate of the anticipated investment, decisions about the location for POPs and FCPs, connectivity decisions about which location serves which area, and a bill of materials. High-level network planning relies on the results of the strategic network planning phase. It starts with the following inputs: a defined planning area a budget an architecture (P2P, PON, or hybrid) a type of cabling a building connection strategy (number of fibres per building, etc.)
Not all inputs may be available. For example, there may be no clear preference about cable type or the number of fibres terminated at each customer premise has yet to be decided. In such a situation, high-level network planning must be executed across a number of different possible scenarios in order to produce a reliable prediction of the expected investment for the project. Other questions to be answered in the high-level planning phase are:
3.4.1 WherewillthePOPsbelocated?
For complex planning areas the planner must decide how many POP locations should be used, where the ODFs and active equipment will be placed. If several POPs are used, the planners must also decide which customers should be served by which POP location. There is no rule of thumb for how many customers can be served by a single POP. Generally, the more customers served by the POP, the greater the economies of scale in terms of energy, maintenance and aggregation capacity. For smaller planning areas, where it is possible to have only a single POP, its location is typically chosen from a pre-defined small set of options, which depend on the buildings available to the operator in that area.
3.4.2 Howmanyfibreconcentrationpoints?
Among the core tasks of high-level network planning is to decide where to place fibre concentration points (FCPs). The planner must also decide which customer locations will be connected to which FCP, and the fibre-optic management solution in each FCP. These decisions will be subject to constraints imposed by the technical specifications of the available solutions to manage the fibres, and the fibre counts of the cables and duct systems.
3.4.3 Whichcableroutesservewhichdistributionandfeederareas?
Cable routes, which provide connectivity between POPs, distribution points, and customer premises, must be decided. Digging and laying out cables and ducts is still very expensive, and so the selection of the routes (sometimes called trails) is one of the most business-critical decisions. It is important to maximise the use of existing infrastructure such as empty ducts, so as to avoid digging and the associated cost.
3.4.4 Whatistheexpectedbillofmaterials?
Having made decisions about connectivity, it must also be decided which cable and duct installations should be used on which routes. Together with the hardware requirements (such as closures, splitters, active switches, etc), this information can be used to generate a high-level bill of materials, and used to provide quantity indication to the hardware suppliers. The final bill of materials which includes all items in details is generated during the detailed planning phase.
The decisions above have been described as if they are individual decisions, but in practice there is a high level of interdependency. For instance, deciding which customers are served by a POP has a direct impact on the number of cables installed in a particular route, and consequently on the question of whether existing ducts have enough capacity to accommodate them or whether digging is required. Use of an automatic high-level planning tool is highly recommended because it can handle all decisions in a single integrated planning and optimization step. In such an environment, the planner is the master making decisions about planning parameters and constraints. The
automatic high-level planning tool supports the planner in designing a low-cost network that fulfils all technical constraints and which makes optimal use of the existing infrastructure.
3.5 Detailednetworkplanning
In this stage of the planning process, the results from high-level planning are converted into "tobuild" plans and the process up to the as-built network is supported. There is one major conceptual change between high-level and detailed network planning. The former creates a network plan (without the configurations decided in the detailed planning) which should be realizable apart from minor structural changes. In contrast, the high-level network planning creates a network plan which must be accurate and detailed enough to ensure that all official permissions can be granted and that working instructions can be generated. This conceptual change implies that even more emphasis on the quality of the geo-referenced data is needed software tool support is indispensable for graphical manipulation and consistency checking of the planned network database support is required for documentation, network operation, change management, troubleshooting, customer care, marketing and network registration - the official record of the position of the ducts/cable to prevent them from being damaged by other civil works.
3.5.1 DetailedData
All data that has been used in the previous planning stages should be reused in the detailed network planning, e.g. geo-referenced data about streets, buildings, addresses with living units, and other major geographical features, as well as database tables of installable components, purchase and installation costs. Also the structural decisions made in the high-level planning should be used as starting point, including the number and the geographical location of the POPs and FCPs the serving areas of each POPs and FCP (as colour-coded in Figure 7) the used routes including cable and duct installations
Ideally, the software tools should support appropriate export and import functionality to ease the reuse of the results from high-level network planning. While planning, it is useful if the planning information is directly geo-referenced and can be linked to tools like Google Street View to perform a desktop survey. This makes it easier to check surface details like trees, street types and so on. However, as this data is not always completely up to date, a field survey remains indispensable. To avoid collisions with existing infrastructure in the ground, software tools typically support the import of the positions of energy and copper telecommunication cabling as well as gas and water pipes. Additionally, it is important to know the exact specification of ducts, cables, fibres and fibre connectors to avoid incompatibility between different components during planning. This includes, for example: colour-coding of microduct systems, compatibility constraints for connectors, e.g. APC connector cannot mate with a PC connector, compatibility constraints for fibre splicing, e.g. splicing a G.652D fibre to a G.657B.
3.5.2 Generatingthe'tobuild'plans
The detailed network planning phase generates to-build plans and must add details and accuracy to the high-level network planning result. It comprises the following tasks: Labelling: each component installation gets a unique label according to a consistent, userdefined scheme which enables easy reference and identification for the component in the plan. Cable/duct in duct configuration: for each non-direct-buried cable and each inner duct it must be specified into which outer duct it is blown or pulled, e.g. by specifying the colour and label of a microduct system. Detailed drop connection: each drop connection (from the street to a building address point) must be exactly positioned and traced. Connector placement: for each duct system it must be specified at which geographical positions one or more of its ducts (in particular for microduct systems) are connected, with what type of connector and to which duct of another duct-system. Fibre and splicing planning: at ODFs, fibre concentration points and if conventional cabling is used at any other cable connection points, it is necessary to define precisely which pairs of fibres are spliced together. The splices can be marked as new, in use by a service or just existing. Since this is mass information, an appropriate graphical representation of all connections between fibres inside a fibre socket, as shown in Figure 8, is needed.
In the detailed network planning phase it is particularly important that tools support manual change of each individual configuration and for automation in case of mass data operations which should be consistent over the complete 'to-build' plan (e.g., labelling). The resulting documentation of the to-build network comprises accurate and complete information for upgrading, troubleshooting or restoring a network: documentation of the to-build network (all described configuration details described so far, but also derived information such as the port of the line card at which a home is attached) documentation of POPs including rack space and placement of active and passive equipment generation of how-to-build plans for complex objects such as an ODF (with hundreds of splices) adaptable reporting of overall summaries, material lists, cost lists and fibre blow lists generation of the tender list
3.5.3 Documentation
The network as built is not always identical to the network as planned. If any changes are made during construction, it is important that the original "to-build" plan is updated. Ideally the updated plan called the "as-built" plan should be used as basis for the complete documentation of the network. Most adjustments are caused by the civil work and situations arising in the field. The onsite surveyors can send the geographical route information as it is created. It is important to record all adjustments, and to update the software so that accurate information is held for future interventions. The documentation of the as-built network also contains information for each section and cable: name and address of the installation company laying system documentation scanned permissions under building law manufacturer and date of the used cable scanned approval documents
Eventually, scanned documents for each building connected should be included in the documentation: landlord's permission access ("walk in") protocols finishing information test and measurement data
3.5.4 Workflowmanagement
After all planning phases are complete, the basic workflow for connecting a customer to an FTTH network is: civil engineering blowing in/pulling the cable fibre splicing test and measurement activation
These steps need to be integrated with the documentation of the to-build and as-built networks. Ideally, the software system for detailed network planning interfaces with a web-based system showing all the steps in the workflow. If a workflow compose engine is available, the steps for different scenarios and the involved human resources can be configured. Such a workflow system should be accessible over wireless connections in the field, allowing civil engineering companies to report the status of their work easily. This should include the upload of measurement reports to the documentation system. Splicing information can also be sent to the field as it is required (just in time), separated by splicing cabinet or fibre distribution frame.
4 ActiveEquipment
Passive optical network (PON) and Ethernet point-to-point solutions have been deployed worldwide. The choice of equipment depends on many variables including demographics and geographical segmentation, specific deployment parameters, financial calculations etc. In particular, the solution chosen is very much dependent on the ease with which passive infrastructure is deployed. It is clear that in todays market both solutions are acceptable. In a multi-dwelling unit (MDU), the connections between end-users and the building switch can comprise of either copper or fibre, however, fibre is the only alternative that will guarantee to support future bandwidth requirements. In some deployments a second fibre is provided for RF video overlay systems; in other cases multiple fibres (2 to 4 per home) are installed to guarantee competitiveness as well as future applications.
4.1 Passiveopticalnetwork
The PON equipment comprises of an optical line terminal (OLT) in the point of presence (POP) or central office. One fibre runs to the passive optical splitter and a fan-out connects a maximum of 64 end-users with each having an optical network unit (ONU) at the point where the fibre terminates. The ONU is available in several versions, including an MDU version suitable for multiple subscribers for in-building applications and incorporates existing in-building cabling (CAT5/Ethernet). Advantages of PON includes reduced fibre usage (between POP and splitters), absence of active equipment between the OLT and ONU, dynamic bandwidth allocation capabilities and the possibility of high bandwidth bursts, which could lead to capital and operational cost savings. It is important to note that the last part of the network, between the last splitter and the end-user, is the same for a point-to-point or a PON solution: every home passed will be connected with one
(or more) fibres up to the point where the last splitter is to be installed, this is also known as a fibre concentration point (FCP) or fibre flexibility point (FFP). One of the differentiators of PON is that the number of fibres between the FFPs and the POP can be reduced significantly (splitting ratio in combination with the subscriber acceptance rate can result in a 1:100 fibre need reduction). This is especially so in Brownfield areas where some (limited) resources are already available, either dark fibre and/or duct space, which could translate in considerable cost and rollout time savings.
4.1.1 PONsolutions
There have been several generations of PON technology to date. The Full Services Access Network (FSAN) Group develops technical specifications, which are then ratified as standards by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). These standards include APON, BPON, GPON and XG-PON. GPON provides 2.5Gbps of bandwidth downstream and 1.25Gbps upstream shared by a maximum of 64 users. XG-PON offers 10Gbps downstream and 2.5Gbps upstream for up to 128 users. In 2004 the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) introduced an alternative standard called EPON with a capability of 1Gbps in both directions. Proprietary EPON products are also available with 2Gbit/s downstream bit rate. In September 2009 the IEEE ratified a new standard, 10G-EPON, offering 10Gbps symmetric bit rate. Trends for access technology over the next ten years will be towards more symmetrical bandwidth. Multimedia file sharing, peer-to-peer applications and more data-intensive applications used by home-workers will drive subscribers towards upstream bandwidth. However, it is difficult to envision complete symmetry in residential applications due to the enormous amount of bandwidth required for HDTV and entertainment services in general although small businesses could benefit from symmetric, broadband connectivity. Nonetheless, it is the high upstream bit rate of the PON that offers FTTH operators key competitive advantages over DSL or cable providers. GPON provides a 20 km reach with a 28dB optical budget using class B+ optics with a split ratio of 1:32. The reach can be extended to 30 km by limiting the splitting factor to a maximum of 1:16, or by introducing C+ optics, which add up to 4 dB to the optical link budget and can increase the optical reach to 60 km. 10G-EPON can also provide a 20 km reach with a 29dB optical budget.
As an option, an RF video overlay can be added through the use of an additional wavelength (1550 nm) which is compatible with a step-by-step build-up or time-to-market critical situations for digital TV applications. The standards have been defined to allow both GPON and XG-PON to coexist on the same fibre by using different wavelengths for both solutions.
4.1.2 PONactiveequipment
Standard PON equipment consists of an optical line terminal (OLT) and an optical network unit (ONU). The OLT is usually situated at the point-ofpresence (POP) or concentration point. The OLT boards can handle up to 8,200 subscribers (based on 64 users per GPON connection) per shelf. There are a number of different types of ONU available to suit the location: indoor applications (I-series) outdoor applications (O-series) business applications (B-series) FTTB applications
Depending on the application, the ONU can provide analogue phone connections (POTS), Ethernet connections, RF connections for video overlay and, in the case of FTTB, a number of VDSL2 or Ethernet connections. In the IEEE world, the subscriber equipment is always referred to as the ONU, however, in the context of GPON and X-GPON it was agreed that the term ONU should be used in general; ONT was kept only to describe an ONU supporting a single subscriber. Therefore, the term ONU is more general and always appropriate.
This definition is not always adhered to by all and in other (non-PON) cases; any device that terminates the optical network is also referred to as an optical network termination (ONT). In this document no preference is expressed and both terminologies are used and as such should be interpreted in their broadest sense.
4.1.3 Bandwidthmanagement
GPON, EPON, XG-PON and 10G-EPON bandwidth is allocated by TDM (time division multiplexing) based schemes. Downstream, all data is transmitted to all ONUs; incoming data is then filtered based on port ID. In the upstream direction, the OLT controls the upstream channel by assigning a different time slot to each ONU. The OLT provides dynamic bandwidth allocation and prioritisation between services using a MAC (Media Access Control) protocol.
4.2 PONdeploymentoptimisation
When deploying PON networks, active and passive infrastructures work together. It is clear that timely investment in active equipment (mainly associated with the network side) can be optimised once the correct passive splitting arrangement has been chosen. Several considerations need to be taken into account when designing the network: optimal use of active equipment assuring an (average) usage rate per PON port exceeding 50% flexible outside plant that easily adapts to present and future subscriber distributions regulatory requirements for unbundled next-generation access (NGA) networks optimizing operational costs due to field interventions
These considerations will result in a number of design rules. To make use of the inherent fibre usage advantage of PON, the location of the splitters should be optimised. In typical European city areas the optimal node size will be somewhere between 500 and 2,000 homes passed. Assuming that single-level splitting, also known as centralized splitting, is employed, the size of the node should be defined, meaning the number of homes passed, where the splitters will be installed. There is a trade-off between the cost of the cabinets and the need for extra fibre if cabinets are moved higher in the network and closer to the POP. One of the critical factors in this optimization process involves the area density; typically cost will vary with node size as follows:
Cities comprise of many MDUs, some contain a few apartments and others many hundreds. This is also an important factor when designing a network, such as how many splitters need to be installed in the basement of the buildings. Some networks employ a two-level splitting strategy, also known as distributed splitting where, for instance, 1:8 splitters are located in the buildings and a second 1:8 splitter is installed at node level. In areas where there is a combination of MDUs and SFUs (single family dwellings), the optimal node size may increase (one fibre coming from a building now represents up to eight homes passed). In some cases even higher levels of splitting, also known as multi-level splitting can be deployed.
To enable infrastructure sharing in a technology agnostic way through fibre unbundling the splitter sites closest to the end-users must be a fibre flexibility point (FFP) thus ensuring that every service provider will have the best possible access to each subscribers fibre. In the case of a multi-fibre per home deployment, some of the fibres may be dedicated to a service provider and, therefore, not be available for unbundling (the dedicated fibres may be spliced/hard-wired rather than connected). When a point-to-point outside plant is deployed at the POP level, a PON service provider will install all his splitters in the POP. This will result in a reduction in feeder fibre usage in the outside plant. An additional drawback could be the location of the POP which might be closer to the enduser (fewer homes passed) since every home will have one (or more) fibres connected into the POP. The PON service provider might even decide to aggregate a number of the point-to-point POP and only install his active equipment (OLTs) in one of these POPs and convert the others to passive (splitter) POPs.
4.3 Ethernetpointtopoint
For Ethernet architectures, there are two options available, one involving a dedicated fibre per subscriber between the Ethernet switch located at the POP and the home; or one fibre to an aggregation point and a dedicated fibre from there onwards. Implementing the first option is simple and straightforward whilst the second limits the fibre usage in the access loop and, more often than not is used in FTTB solutions.
4.3.1 Ethernetpointtopointsolutions
From a civil engineering perspective the topologies of the cable plant for point-to-point fibre deployments can appear identical to those for PON. However the number of fibres/cables between the POP and the FFP will be significantly fewer for a PON deployment. From the POP, individual subscriber feeder fibres are connected to a distribution point in the field. This is often a fibre flexibility point which is either located in an underground enclosure or in a street cabinet. From this distribution point, fibres are then connected to the homes. Large numbers of feeder fibres do not pose any major obstacle from a civil engineering perspective. However, since the fibre densities in the feeder and drop are very different, it is likely that a variety of cabling techniques will be employed in the two parts of the network. Deployment can be facilitated by existing ducts, as well as through other right of way systems such as sewers or tunnels. Fibres entering the POP are terminated on an optical distribution frame (ODF) which is a flexible fibre management solution allowing subscribers to be connected to any port on the switches in the POP. To cope with the large number of fibres in the POP and the reduced space, the density of the fibres needs to be very high. The Figure 16 shows an example of a high-density ODF that can terminate and connect more than 2,300 fibres in a single rack. For illustration purposes it is positioned next to a rack with active equipment that can terminate 1,152 fibres on individual ports.
Figure 16: High-density fibre management.
Acceptance rates in FTTH projects need time to ramp up and usually stay below 100%. Fibre management allows a ramp up of the number of active ports in synchrony with the activation of subscribers. This minimizes the number of unused active network elements in the POP.
4.3.2 Transmissiontechnologies
Recognizing the need for Ethernet in access networks, an IEEE 802.3ah Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM) Working Group was established in 2001. As well as developing standards for Ethernet over copper and EPON, the Group created two standards for Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet over single mode fibre. The EFM standard was approved and published in 2004 and included in the basic IEEE 802.3 standard in 2005. The specifications for transmission over single mode fibre are called 100Base-BX10 for Fast Ethernet and 1000Base-BX10 for Gigabit Ethernet. Both specifications are defined for a nominal maximum reach of 10km. To separate the directions on the same fibre, wavelength-division duplexing is employed. For each of the bit-rate classes two specifications for transceivers are defined; one for upstream (from the subscriber towards the POP) and one for downstream (from the POP towards the subscriber). The table provides the fundamental optical parameters for these specifications: 100BaseBX10-D Transmit direction Nominal transmit wavelength Minimum range Minimum channel insertion loss 5.5dB 6.0dB Downstream 1550nm 100BaseBX10-U Upstream 1310nm 1000BaseBX10-D Downstream 1490nm 1000BaseBX10-U Upstream 1310nm
To cope with unusual situations, the market offers optical transceivers with non-standard characteristics and for example some are capable of bridging significantly longer distances making them suitable for deployment in rural areas. As the nominal transmit wavelength of 100BASE-BX-D (1550nm) is the same as the standard wavelength for video overlays in PON systems, transceivers exist which can transmit at 1490nm. This makes it possible to use off-the-shelf video transmission equipment to insert an additional signal at 1550nm in order to carry the RF video overlay signal on the same fibre.
4.3.3 RFbasedvideosolutions
The features of IP-based video solutions are superior to that of simple broadcast solutions and have, therefore, become an indispensable part of any triple-play offering. Frequently, RF video broadcast overlays are needed to support existing TV receivers in subscriber households. PON architectures usually achieve this by providing an RF video signal, compatible with cable TV solutions, over an additional wavelength at 1550nm. Point-to-point fibre installations offer two different approaches, depending on the individual fibre installation. The first approach involves an additional fibre per subscriber which is deployed in a tree structure and carries an RF video signal which is fed into the in-house coaxial distribution network. With this option, the split factors (e.g. 128) exceed those typically used for PONs thus minimizing the number of additional feeder fibres. In the second approach a video signal is inserted into every point-to-point fibre at 1550nm. The RF video signal carried by a dedicated wavelength from a video-OLT is first split into multiple identical streams by an optical splitter and then fed into each point-to-point fibre by means of triplexers. The wavelengths are separated at the subscriber end and the 1550nm signal converted into an RF signal for coax distribution, with the 1490nm signal being operational on an Ethernet port. In both cases the CPE/ONU devices comprise two distinct parts: a media converter that takes the RF signal on 1550nm and converts it into an electrical signal that drives a coax interface an optical Ethernet interface into an Ethernet switch or router
Figure 18: RF video overlay using a second fibre per subscriber, deployed in a tree structure.
In the case of the single-fibre the signals are separated by a triplexer built into the CPE, while with the dual fibre case there are individual optical interfaces already in place for each fibre.
4.4 Subscriberequipment
In the early days of broadband, home internet connectivity was delivered to PCs through simple, low cost data modems. This was followed by routers and wireless connectivity (Wi-Fi). Today, the proliferation of digital devices inside the home, including but not limited to computers, digital cameras, DVD players, game consoles and PDA, places higher demands on home-user equipment. The digital home has arrived. There are two distinct options available in the home environment: the optical network termination (ONT), where the fibre is terminated; and the subscriber premise equipment (CPE) providing the necessary networking and service support. These options may be integrated or separated, depending on the demarcation point between service provider and end-user.
With the creation of more advanced technologies and devices, the concept of the residential gateway (RG) has emerged. CPE combines a broad range of networking capabilities including options and services, such as optical network termination, routing, wireless LAN (Wi-Fi), Network Address Translation (NAT), security and firewall, incorporating the necessary capabilities needed to support VoIP and IPTV services, and quality of service requirements. For deployment of the CPEs the service providers can choose from two scenarios: CPE as demarcation with the subscriber. CPE becomes an integral part of the service providers product range, terminating at the incoming line and delivering services to the subscriber. The service provider owns and maintains the CPE thus controlling the end-toend service delivery, which includes the termination (ONT), and integrity of the transmission as well as delivery of service. The subscriber connects his home network and devices directly to the subscriber-facing interfaces of the CPE. Network Interface as a demarcation line between the subscriber and the service provider. The ONT is provided by the service provider and the ONTs Ethernet port(s) is the demarcation line with the subscriber connecting his home network or service-specific devices (voice adapter, video set-top box, etc.) to the ONT.
A common situation where this scenario is utilized is the open access network involving different service providers for connectivity and services. The connectivity provider is responsible for the access and optical line termination, but not for service delivery/termination like voice (telephony) or video. The service-specific CPEs are provided by the respective service providers. Devices can either be drop-shipped to the subscribers for self-installation or distributed through retail channels.
To help address concerns related to home and device management, the Broadband Forum (previously the DSL Forum) created the TR-069 management interface standard, which is now available on most modern residential gateways. A standardized, open home connectivity enables a new competitive landscape in which network operators, internet service providers, IT-vendors, and consumer electronics vendors compete to capture the greatest subscriber share.
4.5 Futuretechnologydevelopment
4.5.1 Residentialbandwidthtrends
Access and backbone bandwidth requirements are expected to continue to grow exponentially which means that global peaks and average bandwidths will inexorably increase and access bitrate requirements will soon exceed 100Mbps.
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4.5.2 Passiveopticalnetworks
About the ITU standards The optical budget of 28dB with GPON technology using class B+ optics enables a reach of 30km when the splitting factor is limited to 1:16. The new class C+ optics add a further 4dB of link budget providing the option of additional distribution splitting capabilities or more reach. GPON extenders increase capabilities further to 60km reach or 128 end-users.
Although GPON is perceived to possess sufficient bandwidth for the coming years, XG-PON is already standardized. With the result that the limit has not yet been reached and PON parameters will be pushed to higher values. XG-PON is a natural continuation in the evolution of PON technologies, increasing bandwidth four-fold to 10Gbps, with a reach extending from 20 to 60 km and split from 64 to 128. It should be noted that the split and reach maxima are not obtainable simultaneously. Most importantly, these evolutionary technologies will avoid the need for significant upgrades to the existing outside plant.
About the IEEE standards The 10G-EPON (10-Gigabit Ethernet PON) standard was ratified in September 2009 under the title of 802.3av. This latest standard offers a symmetric 10Gbps, and is backward compatible with 802.3ah EPON. 10G-EPON uses separate wavelengths for 10Gbps and 1Gbps downstream, and will continue to use a single wavelength for both 10Gbps and 1Gbps upstream with TDMA separation of subscriber data. The 802.3av Task Force has concluded its work, with the 802.3av and will be included in the IEEE 802.3 set of standards.
4.5.3 NextgenerationPONtechnologies
The next step after XG-PON could involve increasing the line speed of the fibre to 40 or even 100Gbps.
An alternative already seen in early deployments is the use of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) techniques to send multiple wavelengths over the same fibre. WDM-PONs promises to combine the best of both worlds a physical PON network (sharing feeder fibres) with logical point-to-point connectivity (one wavelength per user). This architecture provides dedicated, transparent connectivity on a wavelength per subscriber basis. The result is the provision of very-high, uncontended bit rates for each connected subscriber offering the same inherent security as dedicated fibre. These architectures use wavelength filters instead of splitters in the field to map each wavelength from the feeder fibre onto a dedicated drop fibre. As a result, there is a logical upgrade path from current TDM-PON deployments to WDM-PON at the level of physical infrastructure. The key challenge for WDM-PON is to provide diverse upstream wavelengths while having a single ONU type. Communications providers consider it unmanageable to have a different ONU per wavelength, and tuneable lasers are so far not affordable. The technologies required for WDM-PON are available today, but reduction in costs is necessary if they are to be considered suitable for mass deployment.
A third possibility is stacking several TDM-PON signals on one fibre, typically a combination of four XG-PON systems running at 10Gbps each. This is called hybrid TDM-WDM-PON.
5 InfrastructureSharing
Due to the high costs of FTTH deployment, cooperation of fibre and infrastructure networks has been hotly discussed by interested parties. In addition, regulatory bodies are closely observing activities in this field with the aim of encouraging a competitive environment thus avoiding monopoly situations. There are various layered FTTH business models operating in the market today; this has paved the way for non-traditional telecom operators to become involved in this sector. These include utility providers, municipalities, real estate developers, and governments etc. all of which are looking to find the optimal way of bringing fibre access to the home. More detailed information about this subject is available in the FTTH Business Guide, accessible on the FTTH Council Europe website.
5.1 Businessmodels
Listed below are four business models operating on the market today: 1. Vertically integrated one major operator, such as infrastructure owner, network operator, service provider as well as the content provider with passive active and service layers, provides services directly to the subscriber. Traffic is conveyed on their own network and other communication providers can operate on the passive infrastructure (exclusively or wholesale). 2. Passive sharing allows the infrastructure owner to deploy passive access to the passive infrastructure allowing each to provide active and service layers to the subscriber. 3. Active sharing allows access to other service providers, who are responsible for maintaining the subscriber base. 4. Fully separated some countries operate a fully separated model involving an infrastructure owner, network operator and a number of service providers.
5.2 Infrastructuresharing
For each of these models, infrastructure has to be shared. There are four methods of infrastructure sharing, ranging from passive to active components of the network: 1. Duct - multiple retail or wholesale service providers may share the use of a duct network within a substantial region by drawing or blowing their fibre cables. They then compete with one another on available services. 2. Fibre - multiple retail or wholesale service providers may use the FTTH network by connecting at the physical layer (dark fibre) interface, and compete with one another on available services. Access to fibre can be granted at various points in the network: at the central office or POP or at some place between the building and the central office or in the basement of an MDU.
This point is known as the fibre flexibility point (FFP) and is the location point where the various service providers gain access to the subscribers. A PON service provider may install splitter(s) at these FFPs and backhaul the traffic over a reduced number of feeder fibres to the POP. A P2P service provider may install Ethernet switch(es) at these FFPs and backhaul the traffic over a reduced number of fibres to the POP, or alternatively install a cross-connect and connect his subscribers to the POP using a number of fibres equal to the number of subscribers. 3. Wavelength - multiple retail or wholesale service providers may use the FTTH network by connecting at a wavelength layer interface, and compete with one another on available services. 4. Packet - multiple retail service providers may use the FTTH network by connecting at a packet layer interface, and compete with one another on available services.
6 InfrastructureNetworkElements
Expanding outwards from the Access Node towards the subscriber, the key FTTH infrastructure elements are: Infrastructure Elements Access Node or POP (point of presence) Feeder cable Primary fibre concentration point (FCP) Distribution cabling Secondary fibre concentration point (FCP) Drop cabling Internal cabling Typical physical form Building communications room or separate building. Large size optical cables and supporting infrastructure e.g. ducting or poles Easy access underground or pole-mounted cable closure or external fibre cabinet (passive, no active equipment) with large fibre distribution capacity. Medium size optical cables and supporting infrastructure, e.g. ducting or poles. Small easy access underground or pole cable joint closure or external pedestal cabinet (passive, no active equipment) with medium/low fibre capacity and large drop cable capacity. Low fibre-count cables or blown fibre units/ ducting or tubing to connect subscriber premises. Includes external building fibre entry devices, internal fibre cabling and final termination unit, which may be part of the ONU.
6.1 AccessNode
The access node, often referred to as the point of presence (POP), acts as the starting point for the optical fibre path to the subscriber. The function of the access node is to house all active transmission equipment from the telecom provider, manage all fibre terminations and facilitate the interconnection between optical fibres and active equipment. The physical size of the access node is determined by the size and capacity of the FTTH area in terms of subscribers and future upgrades. Homes connected 2-400 400-2,000 2,000 or more Type of access structure in-house in-house street concrete
The access node may form part of an existing or new building structure. The main network cables entering the node will terminate and run to the active equipment. The feeder cables will also connect to the active equipment and run out of the building and into the FTTH network area. All other physical items are used to manage the optical fibres within the node. Separate cabinets and termination shelves may be considered for equipment and individual fibre management to simplify fibre circuit maintenance as well as avoid accidental interference to sensitive fibre circuits. The access node should be classed as a secure area. Provision for fire and intrusion alarm, managed entry/access and mechanical protection against vandalism must be considered.
6.2 Feedercabling
The feeder cables run from the access node to the primary fibre concentration point (FCP) and may cover a distance up to several kilometres before termination. The number of fibres in the cable will depend on the build type. For point-to-point deployments, high fibre-count cables containing hundreds of fibres are needed to provide the necessary fibre capacity in order to serve the FTTH area. For PON deployments, the use of passive optical splitters positioned further into the external network may enable smaller fibre count cables to be used in the feeder portion of the network. It is advisable to select a passive infrastructure capable of handling a number of different network architectures should the need arise in future. In addition, considering modularity into the fibre count in the feeder cables is necessary.
In regard to underground networks, suitably sized ducts will be required to match the cable design, and additional ducts should be considered for network growth and maintenance. If smaller ducts or rigid sub-ducts are used then the feeder capacity is provided through the use of several smaller cables, for example, 48-72 fibres ( 6.0 mm) or up to 216 fibres ( 8.4 mm) cables. If flexible textile sub ducts are used, smaller cables are not needed. A flexible sub duct (see also Chapter 8 under 8.1.1) only takes up the space of the cables hence bigger and/or more cables can be installed which maximizes the fill ratio or capacity of the duct. For example in a typical 40 mm ID HDPE duct flexible sub ducts allow for the installation of 3 x 16 mm cables/ 5 x 12 mm cables/10 x 8.4 mm cables, 18 x 6 mm cables. For aerial cable deployment, pole structures with sufficient cabling capacity will be required. Existing infrastructures may be incorporated to help balance costs.
6.3 Primaryfibreconcentrationpoint
The feeder cabling will eventually need to convert to smaller distribution cables. This is achieved at the first point of flexibility within the FTTH network and is generally known as the first concentration point (FCP). At this stage the feeder cable fibres are separated and spliced into smaller groups for further routing via the outgoing distribution cables. Note: all fibre termination points within the FTTH network should be treated as points of flexibility in terms of providing fibre routing options. The term FCP is used throughout the Handbook as a generic name for all of these points, and classified as primary or secondary depending on its position within the network. Ideally, the primary FCP should be positioned as close to subscribers as possible, reducing subsequent distribution cable lengths thus minimising additional construction costs. In principle, the location of the primary FCP may be determined by other factors such as the location of ducts and access points. The FCP unit may take the form of an underground or pole-mounted cable joint closure designed to handle a relatively high number of fibres and connecting splices. Alternatively, a street cabinet structure may be used. In either case, entry and further re-entry into an FCP will be required to configure or reconfigure fibres or to carry out maintenance and conduct fibre testing. Where possible this activity should be conducted without interference to existing fibre circuits. Although guaranteeing this is not possible, newer pre-connectorized plug-and-play solutions are available that eliminate the need to access closures, which helps to reduce faults and building errors. Underground and pole-mounted cable joint closures are relatively secure and not visible, however immediate access may be difficult as special equipment is necessary. Security and protection from vandalism should be considered for street cabinet based FCPs.
6.4 Distributioncabling
Distribution cabling that connects the FCP to the subscriber does not usually exceed distances of 1km. Cables will have medium-sized fibre counts targeted to serve a specific number of buildings or a defined area. Cables may be ducted, direct buried or grouped within a common microduct bundle. The latter allows other cables to be added on a grow as you go basis. For larger MDUs, the distribution cabling may form the last drop to the building and convert to internal cabling to complete the fibre link.
For aerial networks the arrangement is similar to that of feeder cables. Distribution cables are smaller in size than the feeder cables and have a total fibre count in the region of 48-216. Loose tube cables can be installed by blowing or pulling into conventional ducts and sub ducts, direct burial and by suspension from poles. Ducting can vary. In a Greenfield application (installation of new ducts) ducts can vary from a standard 40 mm internal diameter HDPE to micro ducts. With existing duct infrastructures, all types of ducts can be used (PVC, HDPE, concrete) sub ducted with rigid or flexible sub ducts. Cables installed in micro ducts may be blown to distances in excess of 1km. Micro ducts, such as flexible sub ducts, offer a means of deferring cable deployment.
Figure 32: Direct buried tubes with micro cables. Figure 30: High fibre count cable.
6.5 Secondaryfibreconcentrationpoint
In some instances, the fibres may need to be separated within the network before being connected to the subscriber. As in the case of the primary FCP, this second point requires flexibility to allow for speedy connection and reconfiguration of the fibre circuits. This is called the secondary FCP point. At the secondary FCP, distribution cables are spliced to the individual fibres or fibre pairs (circuits) of the drop cables. The secondary FCP is positioned at an optimum or strategic point within the network, enabling the drop cabling to be split out as close as possible to the majority of subscribers. The location of the secondary FCP will be determined by factors such as position of ducts, tubing and access points and, in the case of PON, the location for splitters. The secondary FCP is typically an underground or pole-mounted cable joint closure designed to handle a relatively small number of fibres and splices. Alternatively, a small street pedestal structure may be used. In either case, entry and additional re-entry into the secondary FCP will be required to configure or reconfigure fibres and to carry out maintenance and fibre testing. In the case of air-blown fibre, the secondary FCP may take the form of a tubing breakout device designed to allow micro duct cable or fibre units to be blown directly to the subscriber premises. This reduces the number of splicing operations. While pole-mounted secondary FCP cable joint closures are relatively secure and out of sight, access may be hindered and special equipment is required for access. Underground secondary FCP joint closures are also relatively secure and out of sight, and will require a small hand-hole for access. Secondary FCPs based on street cabinets may require security and protection from vandalism; however, immediate access to fibre circuits should be relatively simple.
6.6 Dropcabling
Drop cabling forms the final external link to the subscriber and runs from the last FCP to the subscriber building for a distance not exceeding 500m which is reduced considerably in highdensity areas. Drop cables used for subscriber connections, usually contain a number of fibres but may include additional fibres for backup or for other reasons. Drop cable normally the only link to the subscriber lacking network diversity. For underground networks the drop cabling may be deployed within small ducts, within micro ducts or by direct burial to achieve a single dig and install solution. Overhead drop cables will feed from a nearby pole and terminate at a chosen point on the building for onward routing to the termination unit. In either case, the cable assembly may be pre-terminated or pre-connectorized for rapid deployment and connection, as well as to minimize disruption during installation. Air blown cables and fibre units can enter through the fabric of the building using suitable micro duct products and route internally within the building. This will form part of the internal cabling network with the building entry device acting as the transition point for the micro duct (external to internal material grade). Drop cables come in four main types: direct install, direct buried, facade and aerial.
6.6.1 Directinstallcables
Direct install cables are installed into ducts, usually pulled, pushed or blown. The structure can be non-metallic with an external/internal sheath, or a double sheath: one internal low-smoke zero-halogen (LSZH) and one external PE. Cables are available from 1 to 36 fibres (typically 12 fibres). The fibre elements can be loose tubes, micro sheath, or blown fibre units.
6.6.2 Directburiedcables
Cables are available in two constructions: non-metal, or with metal protection (corrugated steel). The advantages of metal-protected cables are their extremely high crush resistance and high-tension loading.
New non-metal strain-relief and protective sheets have been developed to give non-metal direct buried cables Figure 34: Direct-buried drop cable without metal protection. similar performance capabilities to that of metal protected cables. On average, non-metal cables are lower in cost. Direct buried drop cables are available in fibre counts from 1 to 12 (typically 24).
6.6.3 Aerialcables
Cables are available as follows: continuation of feeder or distribution networks, e.g. optical ground wire (OPGW) or alldielectric self-supporting (ADSS) short-span drop cables, e.g. Figure-8, flat or circular
Aerial cables are designed to a specific tensile load, which is determined by span length and environmental conditions. The Figure-8 cable consists of a central tube fixed to a steel wire. Typical fibre counts are 248 and cable tensile loading will be ~6000 N. OPGW cables are mainly used in power line connections. All the above cables can be pre-connectorized. This is an advantage during installation as time spent in the home is reduced and also aid planning. The fibre elements can be loose tubes, micro sheath or blown fibre units.
Figure 36: Example of Figure-8 cable. Figure 35: Example of ADSS cable.
6.6.4 Facadecables
Faade installation is suitable for buildings such as large MDUs or terraced properties. This method can also be employed in Brownfield deployments where running cables are not suitable. The cables are stapled along the outside of the building with closures, branches or ruggedized connection points providing the drop to subscriber. However, appearance may be an issue with owners and authorities, particularly in conservation areas. Faade cables have a similar structure to direct install cables and also require UV resistance and as these cables are normally used in small buildings, the fibre count is usually low, between 1 to 12 fibres (typically just 1-2 or 4 fibres). The fibre elements can be loose tubes, micro sheath, or blown fibre units.
6.7 Inhousecables
The in-house cabling has a dedicated chapter, see Chapter 7 of this Handbook.
7 InhouseCabling
Homes today are expected to be multimedia compatible in all rooms, ready for ideal working conditions with direct access to all technical possibilities and for unlimited recreational activities. Services which today are unattainable on a large scale, including heating, lighting and alarm systems, CCTV and total home automation are expected to be online very shortly. Washing machines and refrigerators with internet connection, interactive televisions, all are already a reality. In-house installation extends from an entrance facility normally located in the basement of a building to an optical telecommunications outlet (socket) in the subscribers premises. This is a typical model for the most European MDUs. Unfortunately the residential wiring solution is rarely considered when building a network but is probably the weakest link in the delivery of service. Why are wired networks necessary in the home, when wireless solutions fulfil all the needs? Some arguments for this ongoing debate are: wired networks are more stable and dependable than wireless and channel interference in wired network from other devices is non-existent (or other access points operating in the same channel). wired networks are faster than their wireless counterparts with, multi-media, voice, video, network games and other real time applications performing better in a wired network. wired networks are more secure despite the existence of encryption in wireless networks. It is still possible for a determined hacker to access the network with the right tools or awareness of vulnerabilities in the network but wired networks can only be connected from within the home thus making it difficult for the hacker to access.
The aim of this section is to provide the best practices, from available technical guidelines, for the physical media of layer 1 of the in-house installation section of fibre to the home networks. Generally the goals of the technical guidelines are to ensure that the in-house installation can be shared by two or more fibre networks serving the same location. In addition these guidelines will also highlight the benefit that in-house installation to any given building is a one-time activity. The in-house installation extends from a building entrance facility placed typically in the basement of a MDU building to an optical telecommunications outlet (socket) in the subscribers premises. A reference model is used, based on international standards, to specify physical infrastructure elements and describe processes. While the technical guidelines describe a number of important aspects of the in-house installation, it does not represent a complete solution. Each FTTH developer plans and implements an FTTH network according to its own business case, plans and deployments methods.
7.1 Inhousecablingreferencemodel
Infrastructure elements of the reference model BEP Building Entry Point CPE Customer Premise Equipment (SPE Subscriber Premise Equipment) FD Floor Distributor ONT Optical Network Termination OTO Optical Telecommunications Outlet FCP Fibre Concentration Point POP Point of Presence Typical architectures using above mentioned basic network elements are based on these two network structures direct drop architecture (Point to Point) riser architecture with or without floor distribution boxes The interconnection between the BEP and the Floor Distributor and/or the Optical Termination Unit is known as the riser cabling. It is a typical network architecture used in MDUs.
Riser fibre cables or ducts fed with fibres are normally installed in existing cable conduits e.g. electrical installations or individually installed cable conduits for the FTTH network. It is common to install a vertical riser from the basement or the top floor of the building. The vertical riser represents the most time consuming installation part of in-house cabling, especially in the section where local fire regulations need to be taken into account as they often pass stairways used as escape routes. Depending on the architecture, the number of fibres per subscriber and the number of apartments in the building, the riser cables can have various structures: mono fibre, bundles of mono fibre, or bundles of multiple fibres. As these cables are installed in difficult conditions (e.g. low bending radius across edges) use of the new bend-insensitive fibres should be considered. This section covers aspects of the drop cabling, building entry point, in-house cabling and the optical telecommunications outlet.
7.1.1 Buildingentrypoint(BEP)
The BEP allows the transition from outdoor to indoor cable. The type of transition may be a splice or a removable connection.
7.1.2 Floordistributor(FD)
The floor distributor is an optional element which allows the transition from the vertical to the horizontal indoor cable.
7.1.3 Inhousecabling
The in-house cabling links the BEP to the OTO. The main components are an optical indoor cable or similar, blowing-based, installation of fibre elements.
7.1.4 Opticaltelecommunicationsoutlet(OTO)
The OTO is a fixed connecting device where the fibre-optic indoor cable terminates. The optical telecommunications outlet provides an optical interface to the equipment cord of the ONT/CPE.
7.1.5 Opticalnetworktermination(ONT)
The ONT terminates the FTTH optical network at the subscriber premise and includes an electrooptical converter. The ONT and CPE may be integrated.
7.1.6 Customerpremisesequipment(CPE)(SPE)
The subscriber or customer premises equipment (SPE/CPE) is any active device, e.g. set-top box, which provides the subscriber with FTTH services (high-speed data, TV, telephony, etc.). The ONT and SPE/CPE may be integrated.
7.1.7 Homecabling
The home cabling supports the distribution of a wide range of applications, TV, telephone, internet access etc. within the premises. Application-specific hardware is not part of the home cabling.
7.1.8 Userequipment
The user equipment such as TV, phone, or personal computer, allows the subscriber to access services.
7.2 Inhousecablingfibreandcablegeneralconsiderations
7.2.1 Fibrecharacteristics
At the BEP, fibres from the drop cabling (outdoor cable) and fibres from the in-house cabling (indoor cable) have to be connected. The specifications of these fibres are described in the different standard fibre categories and must fulfil certain requirements as described below: Fibre type Outdoor cables Outdoor cables Indoor cables ITU Code G.652 D G.657 A G.657 A IEC Code IEC 60793-2-50 B1.3 IEC 60793-2-50 B6a IEC 60793-2-50 B6a
Drop and in-house cabling can be realized by using blowing techniques in micro-ducts.
7.2.2 Bendradiusrequirements
Bend radius in the BEP and outdoor cable sections for standard single mode fibres G.652D or G.657A shall be 30mm and above. Bending radius in the OTO and indoor cable sections for G.657A fibres shall be 15mm and above. Mechanical reliability expectation for optical fibres related to mechanical stresses shall be at least 20 years. Cable type Outdoor cables Outdoor cables Indoor cables Fibre type G.652 D G.657 A G.657 A ITU Code IEC Code Bend radius [mm] IEC 60793-2-50 B1.3 R 30 IEC 60793-2-50 B6_a R 30 IEC 60793-2-50 B6_a R 15
7.2.3 Cabletype
Optical loose tube fibre cables according to the IEC 60794 series or micro-duct cabling for installation by blowing technique according to the IEC 60794-5 series [6] are typically used for installations at the BEP. The compatibility of other cable constructions to the standard cables at the specified interfaces is to be considered.
7.2.4 Outdoorcable
Outdoor cables are covered by IEC 60794-3-11 [7]. The operating temperature range is between 30C and +70C.
7.2.5 Indoorcable
Indoor cables are covered by IEC 60794-2-20 [8] and shall provide 4 fibres between the BEP and each OTO. The operating temperature range is between 20C and +60C.
7.2.6 Colourcodingoffibres
Fibres within buffer tubes, as well as buffered fibres, are colour coded to differentiate the fibres within the cable. This colour coding enables installers to easily identify fibres at both ends of the fibre link and also indicates the appropriate position of each fibre in the cable. Colours correspond to standard colours in IEC 60304 [5]. For fibre counts above 12, additional groups of 12 fibres should be identified by combining the above sequence with an added identification (for example, ring marking, dashed mark or tracer).
7.2.7 Microductcablingforinstallationbyblowing
The requirements for micro-duct optical fibre cables, micro-duct fibre units, micro-ducts and protected micro-ducts for installation by blowing for outdoor and/or indoor use are given below. It shall be possible to install or remove the micro-duct optical fibre cable from the micro-duct or protected micro-duct by blowing during the operational lifetime. A micro-duct suitable for installation of micro-duct cables is a small, flexible, lightweight tube with an outer diameter typically less than 16 mm. Micro-duct optical fibre cables, fibre units, micro-ducts and protected micro-ducts for installation by blowing are defined in the IEC 60794-5 series [6].
7.2.8 Cablescontainingflammablematerials
The fire performance of indoor and outdoor cables should comply with the requirements of the IEC 60332 [22], IEC 60754 [23] and IEC 61034 series [24].
7.3 GeneralrequirementsattheBEP
Requirements for in-house installations which do not exceed the normal practices, cable manufacturers recommendations have to be respected (cable tensile loading, bending radius). Installation of an optical fibre cable and connecting elements at the BEP can be influenced significantly by careful planning and preparation of an installation specification.
7.3.1 FusionspliceattheBEP
Fusion splicing is used at the BEP. The requirements for fusion splices and splice protectors to be used at the BEP are specified below. Splice protector types are heat shrink or crimp.
7.3.2 ConnectionboxattheBEP
The size of the fibre management system at the BEP depends on the size of the building and the overall complexity of the installation. Typically fibre management at the BEP uses specially designed boxes allowing the correct number of cables in/out, a required number of splices, fibre reserves and correct circuit management. In addition, fibre identification, a store of unconnected fibres, locking systems and future extension of the BEP boxes are important features to consider. The Ingress Protection is important and depends on the conditions within the space dedicated to the BEP. Typically an in-house installation would be IP20 and IP44 for outdoor. The excess lengths in the connection box and splice tray are normally 1.5m.
7.3.3 Splicetray
As the BEPs main objective is to hold the fibre management and the splices between the OSP and the indoor cables, splice trays and additional fixing, splice holders and guiding accessories are needed. Strain reliefs, spaces and rules to store over length fibres are designed mainly for future re-splicing. Bending radius protection must always receive the highest attention. Different types of splice cassettes are available, allowing handling of individual or groups of fibres, depending on the decisions taken in the design phase. The trays have to fulfil the needs for fixing or stacking.
Figure 41: Example of stacked splice trays with individual fibre management
Figure 42: Detailed view of a splice cassette equipped with splice holders and individual fibre strain reliefs
7.3.4 PositioningtheBEP
This is always a disputed detail, influenced by the conditions in the field, the building owners and physical conditions which preferably involve low levels of humidity, dust and vibrations. As previously mentioned, the Ingress Protection level has to correspond to these conditions. It is important that the BEP is positioned close to the vertical cabling path in order to permit optimal transition for the cables.
7.4 Floordistributor
The connection to the Optical Termination Outlet for large installations (where for example there is a high density of subscriber premises on one floor in an MDU) can be achieved using a floor distribution point, considered a transition and fibre management point, between the vertical cabling and the horizontal connections. The floor distributor uses the same box types and has similar functions as the BEP with sizes corresponding to the number of incoming and outgoing fibres. Ingress Protection level is typically IP20. When floor distributors are used, one option to connect the OTO to this point is the single end, pre-connectorized fibre solution. In this case the connectorized end of the cable runs to the OTO and the non-connectorized end can be spliced in the floor distribution box. The link between the floor distributor and the OTO is called horizontal drop. In the networks topology the horizontal drop links the vertical riser cable from the floor distribution to the subscriber interface with the required number of fibres. Typical fibre counts for horizontal drop cable are between one and four fibres depending on local regulations and planned future applications of the network owner. Connection between the vertical riser and the horizontal drop in the floor box can be achieved by: pre-terminated drop cable assemblies at one or both ends splicing installation of field mountable connectors
Typical issues found with cabling include lack of available space for ducts or cables to pass through walls. Since these cables are installed in difficult conditions and areas of direct access for the end subscribers, who are generally unfamiliar with handling fibre, limited, bend-insensitive fibres which are new on the market should be considered.
7.5 Opticaltelecommunicationsoutlet(OTO)
The Optical Telecommunications Outlets are designed to manage different fibre counts typically up to 4 with a minimum bending radius protection of 15mm. The fibre-optic outlets design should allow the housing of certain fibre over lengths and provide space for the splices. The outlets front plate should have cut-outs corresponding to the chosen type of adapters to hold the simplex or duplex connectors according to the network design. It is important that identification details are marked in a visible position on the OTO. Marking is important mainly for network maintenance and troubleshooting as well as in network testing. The OTO comprises, in most of the cases, of PC/ABS material and has an Ingress Protection level 20 (IP20).
Often the first outlet within the subscriber premise is called the Optical Telecommunication Outlet (OTO) with a choice of sockets for the termination depending upon the respective residential cabling: sockets with fixed fibre-optic adapters sockets with interchangeable fibre-optic adapters hybrid sockets with both fibre-optic and copper based adapters
Different sockets have different features. Some have dust and laser protected interfaces, radius protected fibre over length management as well as child proof patch cord locking features. Some of the sockets are designed for surface and some for flush mounting.
7.5.1 FibretypeandconnectioncharacteristicsintheOTO
The most common fibre used in the OTO is the G.657 A, allowing a small bending radius. The fibre connection type to the OTO can be: pre-terminated cable assemblies spliced pigtails field mounted connectors
7.5.2 Opticalconnectors
The type of optical connector used is usually defined in the design phase. See Chapter 9 for more details. The main recommendation with regard to the end face of the connectors is for APC with a clear specification for the attenuation and return loss (for example Grade B for IL and Grade 1 for the RL for further details see Chapter 9). The mechanical and climatic requirements typically used are as defined in IEC 61753-021-2 [15] for category C (controlled environment) with a temperature range of -10C to +60C.
Figure 43 Detailed view of an OTO: splice tray, bend radius guide, front plate with LC type of adaptor cut out
The fastest, simplest and most reliable way to install such an OTO is to use a pre-assembled solution, i.e. a cable already spliced as shown below.
7.5.3 Splices
The requirements for splices at the OTO are generally in a higher range as it is possible to use both technologies, fusion and mechanical, estimated typically in the design phase at max, 0.25 dB and a RL>60 dB mainly when RF overlay is considered. It is possible to use both mechanical and fusion splicing at the OTO and therefore it is often specified at the design stage that the maximum IL be 0.25dB and the RL be >60dB especially when RF overlay is considered.
7.5.4 PositioningtheOTO
House distribution boxes are typically available in newly constructed buildings and, if available, they are often used for the OTO installation. It is important a power socket is available for the ONT/CPE which also requires sufficient space and adequate ventilation. The connection between the OTO and the (SPE) CPE or ONT/(SPE) CPE respectively, has to be optimized for residential use and should feature the following: plug & play system integrated dust and laser protection sealing against dust self-release mechanism in order to protect the OTO in case of unintentional pulling of the connecting cables lowest bend-radii to prevent damage to the cable easy installation or removal by subscribers
In many cases the OTO is installed in living rooms or other spaces dedicated for work and/or entertainment.
An OTO can be installed in the home electrical distribution panel as shown in Figure 46.
7.5.5 Testingtheinhousecabling,theBEPOTOlink
The type of tests and measurements are defined in the design phase, see the Network Planning chapter for more details. However, the installer is responsible for installing the in-house cabling (BEP-OTO) according to the quality defined in the detailed planning phase and comprise of values described earlier in this section. The measurements can be carried out as follows: 1. Reference test method: bidirectional OTDR measurement between POP and OTO 2. Alternative test method: unidirectional OTDR measurement from the OTO For more details see Chapter 11, FTTH Test Guidelines.
7.5.8 Lasersafety
According to the IEC 60825 series the type of subscriber premises is unrestricted. As long as FTTH implementations respect hazard level 1 (IEC 60825 series [19]) at the subscriber premises, as well as laser class 1 or 1M (IEC 60825 series [19]) of the laser sources, no special requirements regarding marking or laser safety are necessary at the subscriber premises (from the optical cable entry point into the building through to the optical-electrical converter, including BEP and OTO). Fibre optic in-house cabling is no longer dangerous to subscribers: the newest generation of (SPE) CPE connection cables feature automatic laser protection which prevents harm to subscriber (see picture below).
Figure 47 Example of a connection cable featuring laser and dust protection and automatic self-release
8 DeploymentTechniques
This section provides a description of available infrastructure deployment techniques. More than one technique may be used in the same network, depending on the specific circumstances of the network build.
8.1 Ductinfrastructure
This is the most conventional method of underground cable installation and involves creating a duct network to enable subsequent installation of cables using a pulling, blowing or floatation technique. A conventional duct infrastructure can be constructed in several ways: 1. main duct system containing smaller, rigid flexible ducts for individual cable installations. 2. large diameter ducts allowing cable to be pulled progressively as the network grows.
Figure 48: Deploying duct infrastructure.
3. small diameter ducts for single cable installation. A duct infrastructure allows for additional access network development and reconfiguration. As with all civil works, when installing an FTTH duct infrastructure, consideration must be given to existing buried duct systems as well as inconvenience and disruption to traffic and pedestrians.
8.1.1 Ductnetwork
Multiple cables can be installed in a single duct, but need to be put in place simultaneously or alternatively, multiple draw ropes need to be pre-installed. However, a single duct system can limit the number of cables that can be installed. Entanglement of the cables and high friction between cable jackets may make it difficult to extract older cables from full ducts to allow space for new cable. It is normal for older cables to be located at the bottom of the duct. Rigid sub duct reduces the total number of cables that can be installed but also involves the need to remove the older cables. This method incorporates both cable blowing as well as cable pulling, as it helps to create an airtight connection to the sub duct. Flexible textile sub ducts maximizes the total number of cables which can be installed in a duct and at the same time allows older cables to be removed easily. In general, flexible sub ducts triples the number of cables which can be installed in a main duct.
Figure 51: 110mm main duct with four rigid sub ducts.
Figure 52: 110mm main duct with nine flexible sub ducts
Main duct sizes which can contain rigid sub ducts vary from about 60mm up to 110mm. Main duct sizes for single cable use are smaller, with a typical internal diameter of between 20 and 40mm. Smaller main ducts can also hold flexible inner ducts or micro ducts (see below). Cables can be installed into the ducts by pulling, blowing or floating. If they are pulled, then the duct must contain a pre-installed draw rope or if this is not the case then a rope would have to be pushed through using a rod. If cables are to be blown in or floated through the duct and any connections between sections of duct, the entire system needs to be airtight. The inner wall of the duct or rigid sub duct is manufactured with a low friction coating to ensure low friction with the cable sheath. Alternatively, the duct or rigid sub duct may have a low friction extruded profile or in some cases, special duct lubricants are used. Flexible sub ducts are prelubricated during manufacturing to achieve low friction. A number of factors govern the continuous length that can be pulled or blown, including coefficient of friction, bends in the duct route (vertical as well as horizontal), the strength and
weight of the cables as well as the installation equipment used. Fill ratios should be calculated as part of the planning process as should the size of cable in relation to duct. In the case of existing networks, the condition of the ducts should be checked for any existing damage and for suitability of space and capacity for future cabling.
8.1.2 Typeofducts
Main ducts underground systems The feeder ducts run from the Access Node to the FCP. The number of ducts required will be dictated by the size and amount of feeder cables used. Extra space may be allocated to allow for more than one cable to be installed in a single duct as this saves vital duct capacity (e.g. using blowing or pulling techniques). There is a limit to the number of extra cables that can be installed when using flexible inner ducts. Small main duct sizes range from 25mm to 50mm outer diameter. Larger main ducts of up to 110mm may be used and can contain smaller rigid sub ducts between 20mm and 40mm outer diameter or flexible textile sub ducts. The duct material used in the manufacture of main ducts is HDPE or PVC with rigid sub ducts being produced in HDPE. Flexible sub ducts consist of nylon/polyester.
8.1.3 Typesofductcables
There are a wide variety of cables that can be used in a duct network.
Although cable designs can vary, they are, however, based on a small number of elements. The first and most common building block is a loose tube. This is a plastic tube containing the required number of fibres (typically 12). This tube is lined with a tube filling compound that both buffers the fibres and helps them to move within the tube as the cable expands and contracts according to environmental and mechanical extremes. Other building blocks include multiple fibres in a ribbon form or a thin easy-strip tube coating. Fibres may also be laid in narrow slots grooved out of a central cable element.
Tubes containing individual fibres or multiple ribbons are laid around a central cable element that comprises of a strength member with plastic jacketing. Water blocking materials such as waterswellable tapes or grease can be included to prevent moisture permeating radially or longitudinally through the cable, which is over-sheathed with polyethylene (or alternative materials) to protect it from external environments. Fibres, ribbons or bundles (protected by a coloured micro-sheath or identified by a coloured binder) may also be housed within a large central tube. This is then over sheathed with strength elements. If cables are pulled using a winch, they may need to be stronger than those that are blown as the tensile force applied may be much higher. Blown cables need to be lightweight with a degree of rigidity to aid the blowing process. The presence of the duct affords a high degree of crush protection, except where the cable emerges into the footway box. Duct cables are normally jacketed and non-metallic which negates the need for them to be earthed in the event of lightening. However, they may contain metallic elements for higher strength (steel central strength members), for remote surface detection (copper elements) or for added moisture protection (longitudinal aluminium tape). Duct environments tend to be benign, but the cables are designed to withstand possible long-term flooding and occasional freezing. Cableinstallationbypulling
The information given below is an outline of the required installation and equipment considerations. Reference should also be made to IEC specification 60794-1-1 Annex C, Guide to Installation of Optical Fibre Cables. When cables are pulled into a duct, a pre-existing draw-rope must be in place or one installed prior to cable winching. The cable should be fitted with a swivel allowing the cable to freely twist as it is installed; also a fuse is required which is set at or below the cables tensile strength. Long cable section lengths can be installed if the cable is capable of taking the additional tensile pulling load, or by fleeting the cable at suitable section mid-points to allow a secondary pull operation, or by using intermediate assist pullers (capstans or cable pushers). Fleeting involves laying loops of fibre on the surface using figure of eight loops to prevent twisting in the cable. If spare ducts or sub ducts are installed, then further cables can be installed as the need arises (just in time). When installing cables, their mechanical and environmental performances should be considered as indicated on the suppliers datasheets. These should not be exceeded. The tensile load represents the maximum tension that should be applied to a cable during the installation process and ensures that any strain imparted to the fibres is within safe working limits. The use of a swivel and mechanical fuse will protect the cable if the pulling force is exceeded.
Cable lubricants can be used to reduce the friction between the cable and the sub-duct, thus reducing the tensile load. The minimum bend diameter represents the smallest coil for cable storage within a cable chamber. Suitable pulleys and guidance devices should be used to ensure that the minimum dynamic bend radius is maintained during installation. If the cable outer diameter exceeds 75% of the duct inner diameter the pulling length may be reduced.
www.ftthcouncil.eu Cableinstallationbyairblowing
Traditionally, cables were pulled into ducts. More recently, particularly with the growth of lightweight non-metallic designs, a considerable proportion of cables are now installed by blowing (if the duct infrastructure was designed for this action). This system can be quicker than pulling, and may allow longer continuous lengths to be installed, thus reducing the amount of cable jointing. If spare ducts or sub ducts are installed, then subsequent cables can be installed as the need arises. When cables are blown into a duct, it is important that the duct network is airtight along its length. This should be the case for new-builds, but may need to be checked for existing ducts, particularly if they belong to a legacy network. A balance must be struck between the inner diameter of the duct and the outer diameter of the cable. If the cables outer diameter exceeds 75% of the ducts inner diameter, air pressures higher than those provided by conventional compressors are required or the blow length may be reduced. Nevertheless, good results have also been obtained for between 40% 85% fill ratios. If the cable is too small then this can lead to installation difficulties, particularly if the cable is too flexible. In such cases, a semi-open shuttle attached to the cable end can resolve this difficulty. A cable blowing head is required to both blow and push the cable into the duct. The pushing overcomes the friction between the cable and duct in the first few hundred metres, and hauls the cable from the drum. A suitable air compressor is connected to the blowing head. The ducts and connections must be sufficiently air tight to ensure an appropriate flow of air through the duct. Hydraulic pressure at the blowing head must be strictly controlled to ensure no damage to the cable. Cableinstallationbyfloating
Considering that most outside plant underground cables are exposed to water over a major part of their life, floating is an alternative method to blowing. Floating can be conducted using machinery originally designed for blowing: air is simply replaced by water. Compared to blowing, floating makes it possible to place considerably longer cables in ducts without an intermediate access point. Floating can prove very efficient for over-laying cable in many situations. The performance of the process decreases when placing cables with an outer diameter exceeding 75% of the duct inner diameter. Nevertheless good results have also been obtained for higher fill factors; for example, a 38mm cable was floated over 1.9km in a duct with inner diameter of 41 mm (fill factor 93%). Floating is also a safe method for removing cables from the duct, thus making possible the re-use of such cable. Blowing out cable is, by comparison, a hazardous operation.
8.1.4 Cabledecoring
New techniques have been developed to successfully de-core cables. With this method, the core of copper cables can be replaced cost-effectively and speedily with fibre-optics. Instead of digging up the entire cable length, the cable is now only accessed at two points 50 to 400 metres apart. A special fluid is pumped under pressure into the space between cable sheath and cable core wrapping, detaching the core from the sheath.
Next, the old cable core is extracted mechanically and treated for clean, environmentally friendly disposal or recycling. Simultaneously, an empty, accurately fitted sheathing for the new fibre-optic cable is drawn into the old cable sheath. Afterwards these so-called micro ducts are connected, the pits are closed and, finally, the empty cable sheath is refilled with fibre-optics. Apart from the positive environmental aspects old cables can be recycled homogenously and the fluid is biodegradable this technique can be 40% to 90% cheaper than installing a new cable, especially as completion time is much faster and planning and building costs lower.
8.1.5 Accessandjointingchambers
Suitable sized access chambers should be positioned at Figure 56: Cable de-coring. regular intervals along the duct route and located so as to provide a good connection to the subscribers drop cables. The duct chambers must be large enough to allow for all duct cable installation operations, storage of slack cable loops for jointing and maintenance, cable hangers and bearers, as well as storage of the cable splice closure. The chambers may be constructed on site or provided as pre-fabricated units to minimise construction costs and site disruption. On site constructed modular chamber units are also available. Where existing legacy access chambers are unsuitable due to size or over population of cables/closures then an off-track or spur chamber should be considered.
8.1.6 Cablejointclosures
Cable joint closures may take the form of a track or straight-through joint, to join sequential cable and fibre lengths together, or provide a function for distribution of smaller drop cables. Closures will usually be sited in the manhole or underground chambers. Occasionally the cable joint may occur within an off-track chamber or above ground cabinet. There are no specific regulations relating to the spacing of the closures, however they may be placed as regularly as every 500m in medium-density areas and as frequently as every 250m in high-density areas. Certain networks may require the use of mid-span joints, which enable fibres to be continued through the joint un-spliced; only the required fibres are intercepted for splicing. The closure must be resistant to long term flooding and accessible if the need arises for future additions or alterations to subscriber fibre circuits.
8.2 Blownmicroductsandmicrocable
This option utilises compressed air to blow fibre unit and small diameter cables rapidly through a network of tubes to the subscriber/ premises. Fibre deployment can be deferred until subscriber requirement has been confirmed thus avoiding speculative up-front build programmes. In addition, the number of splices can be minimised by blowing long lengths of fibre through the network of tubes (which themselves are easily joined via push-fit connectors). Blown micro ducts may be used in combination with ducts, direct buried and aerial infrastructure and the tubes may be housed in constructions designed for any of these three methods.
Figure 57: Product map for blown micro ducts and micro cable.
8.2.1 Microductsolutions
Micro ducts are small, flexible, lightweight tubes usually less than 16mm in diameter and resemble smaller versions of conventional ducts (e.g. 10mm outer diameter, 8mm inner diameter) that are pre-installed or blown into a larger sub duct. Micro ducts can be used to further segment a sub duct (for example using five 10mm micro ducts). The micro ducts may be blown directly into the sub ducts. They could also be small tubes (e.g. 5mm outer diameter, 3.5mm inner diameter) manufactured as a single or multi-tube cable assembly, known as a protected micro duct. Protected micro duct assemblies (usually contain from one to twenty-four micro ducts) may be constructed in a similar fashion to the aerial, direct buried or duct cables described previously, and would be installed in a similar fashion.
Thick-walled micro ducts do not need to be placed or blown inside another duct or tube. Bundles of thick-walled micro ducts offer the most user-friendly connector solution. From a technical perspective, this is the optimal solution for near-surface needs where temperatures may vary significantly. These products can be direct buried over long distances in bundles of 2, 4, 6, 7, 12, or 24, or buried individually over shorter distances. In addition, micro ducts offer the easiest solution for branching, remove the thin outer coating and snap on a connector. Tight-bundled micro ducts offer a larger number of micro ducts pre-installed in a standard duct. They consist of a standard HDPE duct pre-sheathed around a bundle of micro ducts. Both the main duct and the micro ducts come in a variety of sizes to accommodate different types of fibre cables. Tight-bundled micro ducts are sheathed to avoid buckling which makes them less susceptible to temperature changes.
Loose bundled micro ducts are notable for their high crush resistance and record-breaking distances over which fibre can be blown. Loose bundled micro ducts are installed in two ways: Pre-installed in various size HDPE ducts suitable for laying directly in trenches and branched where necessary. Blown in after the HDPE ducts have been buried and an optimal solution for network expansion flexibility.
8.2.2 Microducttubeconnectorsandclosures
Sections of micro ducts can be joined together using specialist connectors which are available in water and gas-sealed versions. The design of thick-walled micro duct connectors allows the installer to snap together the ends of two micro ducts negating the need for a closure, Y-branch, or tube management box. Gas-tight connectors or terminations must be used at network access points to protect the integrity and safety of the design.
Tight-bundled micro ducts require a watertight closure for branching. Watertight Y-branch and wraparound connector products provide access and allow for micro ducts to be branched at any point in a network. Tube management boxes can also be used when several micro ducts branch in different directions. Straight connectors, reducers, and branching components for connecting and branching the ducting layout are widely used. Gas-tight connectors or terminations must be used at network access points to ensure the integrity and safety of the design.
Figure 64: Push-fittings (left to right): gas block tube connectors, straight tube connectors, end tube connectors.
8.2.3 Microductcableandfibreunits
Micro duct tubes house micro duct cables (e.g. 96 fibre 6.4mm diameter for use in a 10mm/8mm micro duct) or very small blown-fibre unit cables 1 to 3 mm in diameter which allows for up to 12 fibres (e.g. 4 fibres in a 1 mm cable for use in 5 mm/3.5 mm tubes). The cables used in these tubes are of a small lightweight design that needs a tube for protection. In other words, the tube and cable act together as a system. The cables are installed by blowing and may be coated with a special substance to aid blowing.
The micro duct size must be chosen to suit the cable and required fibre count. Typical combinations of cable and duct sizes are given in the following table, however other sizes and combinations can be used. Micro duct outer diameter (mm) 16 12 10 7 5 4 Micro duct inner diameter (mm) 12 10 8 5.5 3.5 3 Typical fibre counts 24216 96216 7296 4872 624 2212 Typical cable diameter (mm) 9.2 6.58.4 66.5 2.5 1.82 11.6
Figure 69: Protected cable micro duct with tight integral outer duct (not to scale).
The distance achieved through blowing will depend on the micro duct, cable and installation equipment used as well as route complexity, particularly turns in the route and vertical deviations. As the fibre reaches its final drop to the home, it may be possible to use even smaller tubes (e.g. 4mm/3mm or 3mm/2.1mm), since the remaining blowing distance will be quite short.
8.2.4 Microcable/blownfibreunitinstallation
The installation method will be very similar to that used for full-size cables, but with smaller blowing equipment and smaller, lighter and more flexible cabling payoff devices reels instead of drums and cages and pans. Under certain conditions, micro cables can be floated using smaller floating equipment
8.2.5 Accessandjointingchambers
The same principles apply as for micro duct cable normal cable. Additionally, it is possible to branch micro duct tubes at hand-hole locations using a suitable swept branch closure, rather than the need for a full-size chamber.
8.2.6 Microcablejointclosures
Micro cable joint closures have the same basic features as duct joint closures, however there are a number of different types, depending on whether the joint is being used to join together or branch fibres, or whether the tubes themselves need to be branched or jointed. These closures allow considerable flexibility with routing the ducts whilst minimising the number of installation steps. The cables or fibres may be blown through the entire route once the tubes have been connected facilitating the use of simple joints rather than full-scale joint closures. External tubing can be joined directly to suitable indoor tubing avoiding the need for joint splicing at the building entry point. Additional safety features may be required, particularly with respect to pressure relief. If a fully jointed airtight closure is required, a serious situation may arise when the fibre is blown through a joint and an air-leak occurs within the tubes housed in the joint. To prevent a build up of pressure that could result in the joint being blown apart, a reliable safety valve or other pressure relief mechanism needs to be fitted.
8.3 Directburiedcable
Direct burial offers a safe, protected and hidden environment for cables; however, before the cables are laid in a narrow trench, a detailed survey must be conducted to avoid damaging other buried services which may be in the vicinity.
8.3.1 Installationoptions
There are a number of excavation techniques that can be used to dig the trench including mole ploughing, open trenching, slotting and directional drilling. A combination of these options can be used in a deployment area.
8.3.2 Typesofdirectburiedcable
Direct buried cables are similar to duct cables as they also employ filled loose tubes. The cables may have additional armouring to protect them, although this depends on the burial technique.
Pre-trenching and surrounding the buried cable with a layer of sand can be sufficient to allow for lightweight cable designs to be used, whereas direct mole-ploughing or backfilling with stone-filled soil may require a more robust design. Crush protection is a major feature and could consist of a corrugated steel tape or the application of a thick sheath of suitably hard polyethylene.
8.3.3 Lightningprotection
Non-metallic designs may be favoured in areas of high lightning activity. However these have less crush protection than a cable with a corrugated steel tape. The steel tape can cope with a direct lightning strike, particularly if the cable contains no other metallic components and it also offers excellent crush protection.
8.3.4 Rodentprotection
Corrugated steel tape has proven to be one of the best protections against rodent damage or other burrowing animals. If the cable has to comprise of non-metallic materials then an option could be a complete covering of glass yarns which may deter rodents to some degree.
8.3.5 Termiteprotection
Nylon sheaths, though expensive, offer excellent protection against termites. Nylon resists bite damage, and is chemically resistant to the substances excreted by termites.
8.3.6 Accessandjointingchambers
Depending on the actual application, buried joints are typically used in lieu of the access and jointing chambers used in duct installation.
8.3.7 Directburiedcablejointclosures
Basic joint closures for direct buried cables are similar to those used for duct cables, but may require additional mechanical protection. The closure may also need to facilitate the distribution of smaller drop cables.
8.4 Aerialcable
Aerial cables are supported on poles or other tower infrastructures and represent one of the more cost-effective methods of deploying drop cables in the final link to the subscriber. The main benefits are the use of existing pole infrastructure to link subscribers, avoiding the need to dig in roads to bury cables or new ducts. Aerial cables are relatively quick and easy to install, using hardware and practices already familiar to local installers.
8.4.1 Loadcapacityofthepoleinfrastructure
The poles to which the optical cable is to be attached may already loaded with other cables attached to them. Indeed, the pre-existence of the pole route could be a key reason for the choice of this type of infrastructure. Adding cables will increase the load borne by the poles, therefore it is important to check the condition of the poles and their total load capacity. In some countries, such as the UK, the cables used in aerial cabling have to be designed to break if they come into contact with high vehicles to avoid damage to the poles.
8.4.2 Typesofaerialcable
Types of aerial cable include circular selfsupporting (ADSS or similar), Figure-8, wrapped or lashed. ADSS is useful where electrical isolation is important, for example, on a pole shared with power or data cables requiring a high degree of mechanical protection. This type of cable is also favoured by companies used to handling copper cables, since similar hardware and installation techniques can be used. The Figure-8 design allows easy separation of the Figure 75: Wrapped aerial cable. optical package avoiding contact with the strength member. However, with the ADSS cable design, the strength member bracket is part of the cable. ADSS cables have the advantage of being independent of the power conductors as together with phase-wrap cables they use special anti-tracking sheath materials when used in high electrical fields.
Lashed or wrapped cable is created by attaching conventional cable to a separate catenary member using specialist equipment; this can simplify the choice of cable. Wrap cables use specialised wrapping machines to deploy cables around the earth or phase conductors. If fibre is deployed directly on a power line this may involve OPGW (optical ground wire) in the earth. OPGW protects the fibres within a single or double layer of steel armour wires. The grade of armour wire and the cable diameters are normally selected to be compatible with the existing power line infrastructure. OPGW offers excellent reliability but is normally only an option when ground wires also need to be installed or refurbished. Aerial cables can have similar cable elements and construction to those of duct and buried optical fibre cables described previously. Circular designs, whether self-supporting, wrapped or lashed, may include additional peripheral strength members plus a sheath of polyethylene or special antitracking material (when used in high electrical fields). Figure-8 designs combine a circular cable with a high modulus catenary strength member. If the feeder cable is fed by an aerial route then the cable fibre counts will be similar to the underground version. It should be noted that all of the above considerations are valid for blown fibre systems deployed on poles or other overhead infrastructures. Extra consideration needs to be taken of environmental extremes that aerial cables can be subjected to including ice and wind loading. Cable sheath material should also be suitably stabilised against solar radiation. Installation mediums also need to be seriously considered (e.g. poles, power lines, short or long spans, loading capabilities).
8.4.3 Cablepolesupporthardware
Support hardware can include tension clamps to anchor a cable to a pole or to control a change of pole direction. Intermediate suspension clamps are used to support the cable between the tensioning points. The cable may be anchored with bolts or with preformed helical accessories,
which provide a radial and uniform gripping force. Both types of solutions should be carefully selected for the particular diameter and construction of the cable. The cable may need protection if it is routed down the pole, e.g. by covering with a narrow metal plate. Where there are very long spans or when snow or ice accretion has modified the conductor profile, right angle winds of moderate or high speed may cause aerodynamic lift conditions which can lead to low frequency oscillation of several metres amplitude known as "galloping". Vibration dampers fitted to the line, either close to the supporting structure or incorporated in the bundle spacers, are used to reduce the threat of metal fatigue at suspension and tension fittings.
8.4.4 Cabletensioning
Aerial cables are installed by pulling them over pre-attached pulleys and then securing them with tension and suspension clamps or preformed helical dead-ends and suspension sets to the poles. Installation is usually carried out in reasonably benign weather conditions with installation loading often being referred to as the everyday stress (EDS). As the weather changes, temperature extremes, ice and wind can all affect the stress on the cable. The cable needs to be strong enough to withstand the extra loading. Figure 77: Aerial cable installation. Care also needs to be taken to see that installation and subsequent additional sagging, due to ice loading for example, does not compromise the cables ground clearance (local authority regulations on road clearance need to be taken into account) or lead to interference with other pole-mounted cables with different coefficients of thermal expansion.
8.4.5 Aerialcablejointclosures
Closures may be mounted on the pole or tower or located in a footway box at the base. In addition to duct closure practice, consideration should be given to providing protection from UV rays and possible illegal shot gun practice, particularly for closures mounted on the pole. The closure may require a function for the distribution of smaller drop cables.
8.4.6 Otherdeploymentconsiderations
Aerial products may be more susceptible to vandalism than ducted or buried products. Cables can, for example, be used for illegal shot gun practice. This is more likely to be low energy impact, due to the large distance from gun to target. If this is a concern then corrugated steel tape armouring within a Figure-8 construction has been shown to be very effective. For non-metallic designs, thick coverings of aramid yarn, preferably in tape form, can also be effective. OPGW cable probably has the best protection, given that it has steel armour.
8.5 Preterminatednetworkbuilds
Both cables and hardware can be terminated with fibre-optic connectors in the factory. This facilitates factory testing and improved reliability, while reducing the time and the skills needed in the field. Pre-terminated products are typically used from the primary fibre concentration point in cabinets through to the final subscriber drop enabling the network to be built quickly, passing homes. When a subscriber requests service the final drop requires only a simple plug-and-play cable assembly. There are several pre-connectorized solution methods that allow termination either inside or outside the product closures, some examples are shown below.
Figure 78: First row: fully ruggedized, environmentally sealed connectors. Second row: cable assembly with rugged covers, conventional connector with rugged cover, standard connectors in thin closure. Third row: Rugged closures that take conventional connectors.
8.6 Streetcabinets
A buried FTTH network contains communication equipment that can either reside below or above ground level. Street cabinets can be installed above as well as below ground although the recognised placement is above ground. Modern street cabinets come in a variety of sizes, have lower profiles and smaller above-ground footprints, as well as being less conspicuous than the larger cabinets required for a copper or VDSL network. Although visibility is an important consideration, it is not the only one. Other considerations include: Cost Installation labour costs of FTTH deployments often dwarf the material cost of the network components. Cabinets can be a cost-effective method of providing a network access point, if compliant with the build specification and methodology. A scalable or modular cabinet solution can help moderate project costs as cabinets can easily be extended if and when the need arises. Network accessibility Depending on the geographical location, the splice closure installation will fare better and remain reasonably dirt-free if mounted above ground. Wet conditions can turn traditional hand and manholes into miniature mud pools, prolonging installation times and cold winters may make access to underground installations difficult or impossible due to ice.
Regular access to a cabinet may be required but location issues remain. The solution is an underground installation that allows the cabinet to be raised out of the ground for access and returned to its original underground placement when it is no longer needed. The only visible indication of its location is a manhole cover. The biggest concern relating to above ground installation is the relative vulnerability of cabinets to uncontrolled damage, for example car accidents and vandalism. Distances from pavements and location on streets with heavy traffic must be taken into consideration. Positioning may also be restricted by local authority regulations, for example, in historic city centres or secure public places. A typical street cabinet has three functions: 1. Duct management is placed in the root compartment to connect, separate and store ducts and cables. The same area can be used as point of access to facilitate blowing in (also midpoint blowing) of fibre units, ducts or cables. 2. Base management is where ducts, modular cables and fibre-optic cables can be fixed and managed, usually on a mounting rail. 3. Fibre management is where the fibres of the different cable types can be spliced. This construction facilitates easy and fault-free connection of different fibre types.
When protecting active components that are sensitive to extremes of temperature and/or humidity, a controlled environment is required, which can be provided by climate-controlled outdoor cabinets.
Street cabinets can also be equipped pre-stubbed and terminated. These cabinets are assembled in the factory and tested prior to delivery. The cabinets have a cable stub that is run back to the next closure with a patch panel for simple plug-and-play connectivity. This facilitates speedy installation and greatly reduces the incidence of installation faults on site. Compact pedestals and cabinets designed as the last premise distribution/termination point can be located directly in front of residents property or along the street. These cabinets are also used as an easy repair and access point in the fibre-optical network.
8.7 Otherdeploymentsoptionsusingrightsofway
In addition to traditional cabling routes, other right of way (RoW) access points can also be exploited if they are already in situ. By deploying cables in water and sewage infrastructure, gas pipe systems, canals and waterways as well as other transport systems, savings can be made in time as well as costs. Cable installations in existing pipe-networks must not intrude on their original function. Restrictions to services during repair and maintenance work have to be reduced to a minimum and coordinated with the network operators.
8.7.1 Fibreopticcablesinsewersystems
Sewers may be used for access networks as not only do they access almost every corner of the city they also pass potential subscribers. In addition the utilisation of the sewage system negates the need to seek digging approval and reduces the cost of installation. Tunnel sizes in the public sewers range from 200mm in diameter to tunnels that are accessible by boat. The majority of public sewer tunnels are between 200mm and 350mm in diameter which is a sufficient cross-section for installation of one or more micro duct cables. Various installation schemes are possible depending on the sewer cross-section. One scheme uses steel bracings that fix corrugated steel tubes, which are used to transport the cable, to the inner wall of the smaller sewer tube without the need to drill, mill or cut. This is done by a special robot based on a module used for sewer repairs.
8.7.2 Fibreopticcablesingaspipes
Gas pipelines can also be used for deploying optical fibre networks without causing major disruption and requiring extensive road works to the community which is the norm in the case of conventional cut and fill techniques. The fibre network is deployed using a specially developed I/O port which guides the cable into and out of the gas pipe, bypassing the gas valves. The cable is blown into the gas pipes by means of a stabilized parachute either by using the natural gas flow itself or by using compressed air, depending on the local requirements.
Figure 83: Gas pipeline section, including I/O ports and the bypassing of a valve defining one point-of-presence for the fibreoptic cable.
The gas pipeline system provides good protection for the optical fibre cable, being situated well below the street surface and other infrastructures.
8.7.3 Fibreopticcablesindrinkingwaterpipes
Drinking water pipes can be used for the deployment of fibre-optical cables in a similar manner as for gas pipes.
8.7.4 Canalsandwaterways
To cross waterways and canals, hardened fibre-optic cables can be deployed without any risk as fibre is insensitive to moisture.
8.7.5 Undergroundandtransporttunnels
Fibre optic cable can be installed in underground tunnels, often alongside power and other data cabling. These are most frequently attached to the wall of the tunnel on hangers. They may be fixed in a similar manner to cables used in sewers. Two key issues to consider are fire performance and rodent protection. Should a fire occur in a transport tunnel, the need to evacuate personnel is critical. IEC TR62222 gives guidance on Fire performance of communication cables in buildings, which may also be applied to transport tunnels if the fire scenarios are similar. This lists potential hazards such as smoke emission, fire propagation, toxic gas and fumes, which can all hinder evacuation.
Potential users of underground and transport tunnels should ensure that all local regulations for fire safety are considered prior to installation. This would include fixings, connectivity and any other equipment used. Cables in tunnels can also be subject to rodent attack and therefore may need extra protection in the form of corrugated steel tape, for example.
9 FibreandFibreManagement
9.1 ChoiceofFTTHopticalfibre
Several types of optical fibre are available. FTTH schemes are usually based on singlemode fibre; however multimode fibre may also be used in specific situations. The choice of fibre will depend on a number of considerations. Those listed below are not exhaustive; other factors may need to be considered on a case-by-case basis. Network architecture The choice of network architecture affects the data rate that must be delivered by the fibre and the available optical power budget of the network. Both factors affect the choice of fibre. Size of the network Network size can refer to the number of premises served by the network. However, in this context it refers to the physical distance across the network. The available power budget will determine how far the POP can be located from the subscriber. Power budgets are influenced by all the components in the optical path including the fibre. The existing network fibre type If an existing network is expanded, the optical fibre in the new network segments must be compatible with the fibre in the existing network. Expected lifetime FTTH networks are designed with a lifespan of at least 30 years. Therefore, it is imperative that investments to the FTTH infrastructure are suitable for future needs. Changes to the choice of fibre during the expected lifespan of the FTTH network are not a realistic option.
9.1.1 Opticalfibrebasics
Optical fibre is effectively a light pipe carrying pulses of light generated by lasers or other optical sources to a receiving sensor (detector). Transmission of light in an optical fibre can be achieved over considerable distances, supporting highspeed applications unsustainable by todays copper-based networks. Conceived in the 1960s, optical fibre has undergone major development and, as it is now standardised, has become a reliable and proven foundation of todays modern telecommunication transmission systems. Fibre is manufactured from high purity silica. Initially formed into glass-like rods, they are drawn into fine hair-like strands and covered with a thin protective plastic coating.
Figure 86: Singlemode optical fibre construction.
Fibre consists of a core, cladding and outer coating. Light pulses are launched into the core region. The surrounding cladding keeps the light travelling down the core and prevents it from leaking out and an outer coating, usually made of a polymer, is applied during the drawing process.
Fibres are subsequently packaged in various cable configurations before installation. Details relating to the cables are available in other chapters of this handbook. Whilst there are many different fibre types, this document concentrates on fibre for FTTH applications. The fibre core can be designed in various geometrical sizes which depending how the light pulse travels, produces different optical performances. A number of parameters determine how efficiently light pulses are transmitted down the fibre. The two main parameters are attenuation and dispersion. Attenuation is the reduction of optical power over distance. Even with the extremely pure materials used to manufacture the fibre core and cladding, power is lost over distance by scattering and absorption within the fibre. Fibre attenuation limits the distance light pulses can travel and still remain detectable. Attenuation is expressed in decibels per kilometre (dB/km) at a given wavelength or range of wavelengths. Dispersion can broadly be described as the amount of distortion or spreading of a pulse during transmission. If pulses spread out too far, the detector at the other end of the fibre is not able to distinguish one pulse from the next, causing loss of information. Chromatic dispersion occurs in all fibres and is caused by the various colours of light (components of a light pulse) travelling at slightly different speeds along the fibre. Dispersion is inversely related to bandwidth, which is the information carrying capacity. There are many other parameters, which affect fibre transmission performance. Further information can be found in IEC 60793 series of specifications.
9.1.2 Singlemodefibre
Singlemode fibre has a small core size (<10m) which supports only one mode (ray pattern) of light. The majority of the worlds fibre systems are based on this type of fibre. Singlemode fibre provides the lowest optical attenuation loss and the highest bandwidth transmission carrying capacity of all the fibre types. Singlemode fibre incurs higher equipment cost than multimode fibre systems. For FTTH applications, the ITUT G.652 recommendations for singlemode fibre are sufficient to cover the needs of most networks.
Figure 87: Light paths inside fibre.
More recently, a newer type of singlemode fibre was introduced on the market that has reduced optical losses at tight bends. This fibre is standardized in the ITU-T G.657.
9.1.3 Gradedindexmultimodefibres
Multimode fibres have a larger core size (50 or 62.5m) which supports many modes (different light paths through the core). Depending on the launch characteristics, the input pulse power is divided over all or some of the modes. The different propagation speed of individual modes (modal dispersion) can be minimised by adequate fibre design.
Multimode fibre can operate with cheaper light sources and connectors; however the fibre itself is more expensive than singlemode. Multimode fibre is used extensively in data centres and sometimes used in campus networks as well as for in-building applications. It has lower bandwidth capability and restricted transmission distance. The ISO/IEC11801 specification describes the data rate and reach of multimode fibre grades, referred to as OM1, OM2, OM3 and OM4.
9.1.4 Bendinsensitivefibre
When cabling inside buildings many areas prove difficult for conventional fibres with the result that there could be poor optical performance or very careful and skilled installation practices are required or special fibre protection is needed with ducts and cable designs. However, new fibre types described by the ITU-T G.657 standard are now available, which enable fibre-optic cables to be installed just as easily as conventional copper cables. The fibres inside these cables, which are termed bend-insensitive, are capable of operating at a bend radius down to 7.5mm, with some fibres fully compliant down to 5mm. The recommendation G657 defines two fibre sub-categories that satisfy the objectives of this recommendation: Category A contains the recommended attributes and values needed to support optimized access network installation with respect to macrobending loss, while the recommended values for the other attributes still remain within the range recommended in G.652.D. This category has two sub-categories with different macrobending requirements: G.657.A1 fibre (previously G.657 (12/2006).A) and G.657.A2 fibre. Category B contains the recommended attributes and values needed to support optimized access network installation with very short bending radii applied in fibre management systems and particularly for in- and outdoor installation restricted distance installations. For the mode-field diameter and chromatic dispersion coefficients, the recommended range of value might be outside the range of values recommended in ITU-T G.652. This category has two sub-categories with different macrobending requirements: G.657.B2 (previously G.657 (12/2006).B) fibre and G.657.B3 fibre.
9.2 Fibreoptictermination
All OPS cables used in any fibre-optic network deployments are terminated at both ends. This section covers issues related to the large fibre counts termination and management in the POPs, Access Nodes and street cabinets where the challenge of managing large fibre counts is met.
9.2.1 OpticalDistributionFrames
An optical distribution frame (ODF) is the point where all fibres from the OSP cables become available to interface with the active transmission equipment. ODFs are usually situated in the POPs, bringing together several hundred to several thousand fibres. A single ODF cabinet can connect up to 1,400 fibres; large POPs will use multiple ODF cabinets. Typically OSP cables are terminated before the ODFs and transfer cables are used, though in some cases, the ODF is used as well for OSP termination. The POPs and the Access Nodes should be classified as secure areas. Therefore provision for fire, intrusion alarm, managed entry/access and mechanical protection against vandalism must be considered.
OSP cables are terminated within an ODF using several techniques. To access each fibre of the OSP cable, a connectorized fibre pigtail is spliced to each individual fibre. In most cases, the ODF offers flexible patching between active equipment ports and the OSP fibres. Fibres are identified and stored in physically separated housings or shelves to simplify fibre circuit maintenance and prevent accidental interference. Climate controlled street cabinets can provide a flexible solution for compact ODF systems. These cabinets can be equipped with the same security measures and uninterrupted power supply as in large scale access nodes. Internal optical cables are run between the ODFs and the active equipment. A fibre-guiding platform is built between the active equipment and the ODF cabinets which provide a protected path for the internal cables to run between the two locations.
Figure 91: Combined POP/ODF with climate control.
An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) provides emergency power back-up if an external power supply fails. The Access Node may also require a second diverse external power supply, which may form part of local and statutory requirements (provision of emergency services). UPS modules are available in various sizes depending on the power requirement to be backed-up. Suitable air conditioning equipment is needed to maintain the temperature of the active equipment within environmental operating limits. The size and capacity of the unit will depend on the size of the room to be served.
9.2.2 Streetcabinets
Street cabinets are metal or plastic enclosures, which serve as distribution/access points between the distribution fibre and the drop fibre to the subscriber. These are usually located to allow for relatively easy and rapid access to the fibre circuits and are capable of handling larger capacities than fibre joint closures. Access/distribution points often serve from 24 to 96 subscribers, whilst compact pedestal cabinet alternatives typically serve 1 to 24 subscribers. Cabinets can also be used as above-ground access points for fibre closures. Where these are mounted inside the street cabinet, an easy-to-remove method is needed to enable cleaning and provide efficient access. Street cabinets are often used to store PON splitters, which also require flexible connectivity to subscriber-dedicated fibres. Street cabinets are also used in point-to-point network architectures. An important factor in the roll-out of new networks is speed. Cabinets are now being provided pre-stubbed and terminated. These cabinets are assembled in the factory and tested prior to delivery. They have a cable stub that is run back to the next closure offering a patch panel for simple plug-and-play connectivity. This provides faster installation and reduces the incidence of installation faults.
Figure 96: Pre-stubbed and terminated cabinet. Figure 95: Typical street cabinet.
Pre-stubbed and terminated cabinets can be combined with plug-and-play PON splitters which can be installed as and when required without the need for further field splicing.
9.3 Connectors,patchcordsandpigtails
After the termination of OSP cables, individual fibres need to be accessible for distribution and/or connection to active equipment. The transformation of cable bundles in individual manageable circuits is achieved by splicing each individual fibre from the OSP to one end terminated flexible cable called pigtail. Additional distribution and/or connection between these fibres to/from the active equipment require two end connector terminated patch cables. These cables are generally available in two different constructions: Pigtails are 900m semi-tight buffer with strip ability 1.5m and a typical length of 2.5m Patch cords are 1.63.0mm LSZH jacket jumper cable having aramid yarns as strength members
In contrast to their electromechanical counterparts, there is no differentiation between plug and jack with the fibre-optic connectors. Fibre-optic connectors contain a ferrule to accommodate and for the exact positioning of the fibre end, and are attached to one another via a coupler with a sleeve. A complete plug-in connection consists of the combination connector/coupler/connector. The two ferrules, with the fibre ends, must connect as precisely as possible inside the connection to hinder the loss of light energy or its reflection (return loss). Determining factors are the geometric orientation and workmanship of the fibre in the connector. The extremely small core diameters of the optical fibres demand the highest mechanical and optical precision. With tolerances of 0.5 to 0.10m (much smaller than a grain of dust), manufacturers operate at the limits of precision engineering, accessing through their processes the realm of micro systems technology. Compromises are not an option. Core diameters of 8.3m for single-mode or 50/62.5m for multi-mode fibres and ferrules with 2.5mm or 1.25mm diameter make a visual inspection of the connector impossible. Naturally it is possible to determine if a connector is correctly snapped in and locked however, for all other characteristics the intrinsic values for example insertion loss, return loss, or mechanical stability, users must be able to rely on the manufacturer's data.
9.3.1 Commonconnectortypes
ST connector (also known as BFOC, IEC 61754-2) Connectors with bayonet lock were the first PC connectors (1996) and, coupled with this design and their extremely robust design, they can still be found world-wide in LAN networks (primarily industrial). ST is the designation for straight type.
ST connector
ST adaptor/coupler
DIN/LSA ([German: fibre-optic cable connector], version A, IEC 61754-3, DIN 47256) These compact connectors with threaded couplers are commonly predominately used in Germanspeaking countries. SC connector (IEC 61751-4) This type of connector with a quadratic design and push/pull system is recommended for new installations (SC stands for Square Connector or Subscriber Connector). The compact design of the SC allows a high packing density and can be combined with duplex and multiplex connections. Although it is one of the oldest connectors, due to its excellent properties, the SC continues to gain in popularity and to this day. SC is still the most popular WAN connector worldwide, mainly due to its excellent optical properties. SC is also used widely in the duplex version, particularly in local area networks.
SC connector
SC Adaptor/coupler
MU connector (IEC 61754-6) Arguably the first small form connector, it is based on a 1.25 mm ferrule and its appearance and functionality is similar to the SC but is half the size. MPO (IEC 61754-7) The MPO (multi patch push-on) is based on a plastic ferrule capable of holding up to 24 fibres in one connector and under development are connectors capable of holding up to 72 fibres. The connector is distinctive due to its compact design and simple handling, but there are issues over its optical performance and reliability.
MPO Connector
FC (Fibre Connector, IEC 61753-13) A first generation connector that is robust and proven. This is the first true WAN connector still in use in millions of applications. However, due to its threaded coupling it is not optimal in cramped circumstances, and therefore not popular in modern racks with high packing density.
FC Connector
FC Adaptor/Coupler
E-2000 (LSH, IEC 61753-15) The LSH has an integrated protective shutter protects against dust and scratches as well as laser beams. The connector is fitted with a locking latch retention mechanism that is both colour and mechanically coded and is the first connector to achieve Grade A* performance.
E-2000 Connector
E-2000 Adaptor/coupler
MT-RJ (IEC 61751-18) The MT-RJ connector is commonly used in LANs and has a similar appearance to that of the RJ45 connector found in copper networks. It is used as a duplex connector. LC connector (IEC 61754-20) Developed by the company Lucent (LC stands for Lucent Connector), it is part of the new generation of compact connectors. The construction is based on a ferrule with a 1.25 mm diameter. The duplex coupler is the same size of an SC coupler (SC footprint) thus allowing for very high packing density and making it attractive for use in data centres.
LC duplex connector
LC duplex adaptor/coupler
F-3000 (IEC 61754-20 compatible) LC compatible connector with dust and laser cap. F-SMA: (Sub-Miniature Assembly, IEC 61754-22) Threaded connector without physical contact between the ferrules. It was the first standardized fibre-optic connector, but today is only used for PFC/HCS or POF. LX.5 (IEC 61754-23) Similar in size and design to the LC and F-3000 but its compatibility with these is limited due to variations in ferrule spacing as duplex. SC-RJ (IEC 61754-24) As the name already indicates, this product is based on the RJ45 format. Two SCs form a unit the size of an RJ45. This is equivalent to the SFF (Small Form Factor). 2.5 mm ferrule sleeve technology is used as this is more robust and reliable that the 1.25 mm ferrule. The SC-RJ impresses not only with its compact design, but also its optical and mechanical performance. Seen as an all-rounder, its versatility means it can be used in many areas, from Grade A* to M, from single mode to POF, from WAN to LAN, from laboratory to outdoors.
SC-RJ connector
SC-RJ adaptor
9.3.2 Returnloss
The return loss, RL, measures the portion of light that is reflected back to the source at the junction, expressed in decibels (dB). The higher the RL, the lower the reflection. Typical RL values lie between 35 and 50 dB for PC, 60 to 90 dB for APC and 20 to 40 dB for multimode fibres.
In the early days of fibre-optic plug-in connectors, the abutting end faces were polished to an angle of 90 in relation to the fibre axis, while current standards require PC (Physical Contact) polishing or APC (Angled Physical Contact) polishing. The term HRL (High Return Loss) is frequently used, but has the same meaning as APC.
PC (Physical Contact)
In PC polishing, the ferrule is polished to a convex end to ensure the fibre cores touch at their highest point. This reduces the occurrence of reflections at the junction. A further improvement in return loss is achieved by using the APC polishing technique. Here, the convex end surfaces of the ferrules are polished to an angle (8) relative to the fibre axis. SC connectors are also sold with a 9 angle. They possess IL and RL values identical to 8 versions, and for this reason they have not established themselves worldwide. Return loss due to reflection As a result of the junction between the two fibres, eccentricities, scratches, and contaminants, portions of light or modes are diffused at the coupling point (red arrow). A well-polished and cleaned PC connector exhibits approx. 14.7 dB RL against air and 45-50 dB when plugged in. With the APC connector, although the modes are reflected, due to the 8 or 9 angle they occur at an angle greater than the acceptance angle for total internal reflection. The advantage is that these modes are not carried back in the fibre. A good APC connector exhibits at least 55 dB RL against air and 60-90 dB when plugged in. By comparison, the fibre itself has an intrinsic return loss of 79.4dB at 1310nm, 81.7dB at 1550nm and 82.2dB at 1625nm (all values at a pulse length of 1 ns).
9.3.3 Insertionloss
For losses at the connection of two optical fibres, a distinction is generally made between intrinsic losses due to the fibre and extrinsic losses resulting from the connection. Losses due to the fibre occur, for example, when different core radii are used, with different refractive indexes or eccentricities of the core. Losses resulting from the connection occur due to various reasons including reflections and roughness on the end faces, pointing errors or radial misalignment. The following notes and information refer to connection losses; not considered are the influence of fibre tolerances and fibre-optic cable quality.
The technical transmission grade of a fibre-optic plug-in connector is primarily determined by two characteristics: the insertion loss IL and the return loss RL. The smaller the IL the larger the RL value thus the better the signal transmission in a plug-in connection. Insertion loss is a measurement of the losses that occur at the connection point. It is calculated from the ratio of the light power in the fibre cores before (PIN) and after (POUT) the connection and is expressed in decibels. The smaller the value, the lower the signal losses. Typical IL values lie in the range from 0.1 to 0.5dB. In the marketplace, specifications with the designation -dB and +dB are also used; for example, a patch cable could be specified with -0.1 dB or 0.1 dB. In both cases, the physical loss is identical.
9.3.4 Extrinsiclosses
Less light energy is lost if the fibre cores meet more precisely. For this reason, high-precision fibres are glued in precise ceramic ferrules. The connection-dependent extrinsic losses result from reflections, roughness on the end faces, angular errors (angular pointing error) or radial misalignment (concentricity). Reflections and roughness play a subordinate role in the loss. Primary causes are misalignment and pointing errors.
The ferrule hole must be larger than the fibre to allow the fibre to be inserted. As a result, the fibre always has a certain clearance in the core. This causes additional concentricity, but also a pointing error. Angular pointing error: The so-called angular pointing error should be <0.3. Greater pointing errors cause stress on the fibre that can lead to fibre breakage. Concentricity: According to IEC 61755-3-1+2, the maximum concentricity may be, depending on grade, between 1.0 m and 1.6 m (measured from the fibre axis to the ferrule exterior diameter).
If two ferrules or plug-in connectors are plugged together without taking additional steps, there is a risk that the concentricity and angular pointing error together increase the loss.
To minimise insertion loss of plug-in connections, the radial misalignment of two connected fibres
must be as small as possible. This is achieved by defining a quadrant of the ferrule in which the core must lie. Connectors which can be tuned make it possible to turn the ferrule in 60 or 90 steps. If two tuned connectors are connected to each other, the deviation of the core position is reduced in the ferrule, which leads to significantly improved performance compared with untuned connectors. An angular pointing error >0.3 should be avoided to prevent stress on the fibre. Stress loads reduce the service life and optical properties of the fibre particularly BER (Bit Error Rate), modal noise and high-power tolerance. Precision work, first-class materials and total quality control are required for the manufacture of reliable high-performance fibre-optic plug-in connectors. Stresses on the tiny components of a fibre-optic connector are highly demanding. Products should be constructed for a service life of 200,000 to 250,000 hours, or 25 years. For patching, the connectors must also withstand high sheering forces and should easily withstand 500 to 1000 plug cycles.
9.4 Fibreopticsplicing
Two technologies are common for splicing fibre to fibre: fusions and mechanical.
9.4.1 Fusionsplicing
Fusion splicing requires the creation of an electric arc between two electrodes. The two cleaved fibres are brought together in the arc, so that both ends melt together.
The optical losses of the splice can vary from splicer to splicer, depending on the alignment mechanism. Splicing machines with core alignment match up the light-guiding channel of the fibre (9m core) to one another. These machines produce splices with losses typically in the region of <0.05dB.
Some splice machines (smaller handheld versions, for example) align the cladding (125 m) of a fibre instead of the cores that transport the light. This is a cheaper technology, but can increase the occurrence of errors as the dimensional tolerances of the cladding are larger. Typical insertion loss values for these splice machines are better than 0.1dB.
9.4.2 Mechanicalsplicing
Mechanical splicing is based on the mechanical alignment of two cleaved fibre ends to allow a free flow of light. This also applies to terminating fibres onto connectors. To facilitate light coupling between the fibres, an index matching gel is often used. Manufacturers have different methods to terminate the fibres in the mechanical splice. Mechanical splices can be angle cleaved or non angle cleaved, but the former has a higher return loss. The insertion loss of a mechanical splice is typically <0.5 dB.
9.5 Opticalsplitters
Two technologies are common in the world of passive splitters: fused biconic taper and planar waveguide splitters.
9.5.1 Fusedbiconictaper
FBT splitters are made by fusing together two wrapped fibres. Common production process. Proven technology for OSP environments. Monolithic devices are available up to 1x4 split ratio. Split ratios greater than 1x4 are built by cascading 1x2, 1x3 or 1x4 splitters. Split ratios from 1x2 up to 1x32 and higher (dual input possible as well). Higher split ratios have typically higher IL (Insertion Loss) and lower uniformity compared with planar technology.
9.5.2 Planarsplitter
optical paths are buried inside the silica chip available from 1x4 to 1x32 split ratios and higher, dual input possible also only symmetrical splitters available as standard devices compact compared with FBT at higher split ratios (no cascading) better insertion loss and uniformity at higher wavelengths compared with FBT over all bands better for longer wavelength, broader spectrum
9.6 Qualitygradesforfibreopticconnectors
Approved in March 2007, the standard IEC 61753 describes application-oriented grades for connection elements in fibre-optic networks (see table below). Clear, grade identification and necessary IEC test method aids planners as well as those responsible for networks during the selection of plug-in connectors, patch cables, and pigtails. Data centre operators and telecommunications companies can determine the fibre-optic assortment according to usage and make faster and more informed purchasing decisions. This also avoids purchasing of overspecified products which do not deliver the expected loss values claimed. The current requirements list is based in part on IEC 61753 and defines loss values. Additionally, the standards IEC 61755-3-1 and IEC 61755-3-2 play a role as they define geometric parameters for fibre-optic plug-in connectors. The interaction of these three standards forms the basis for the compatibility of fibre-optic plug-in connectors from different manufacturers and for the determination of manufacturer-neutral loss values. Attenuation Grade
Grade A* Grade B Grade C Grade D
Table: Overview of performance criteria of the new performance grades for data transmission in fibre-optic connections according to IEC 61753. The definition of Grade A* has not yet been finalised. Criteria for multimode fibres are still under discussion.
Theoretically, the attenuation grades (A* to D) can be mixed at will with return loss grades. However, a Grade A*/4 would not make sense, and for this reason the following common combinations have been established:
Grade A* Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade B Grade C Grade D
() ()
Each-to-each values The loss values specified in IEC 61753 are also referred to as each-to-each (or random mate) values. Each-to-each means that the loss of a connector to a reference connector is not measured, but used in testing situations with, every connector in a lot being connected to every other connector and the loss of the combination connector/sleeve/connector is measured.
The rational for this model is: loss values generated according to the IEC specification for random connector pairs is much closer to actual operating conditions than manufacturer-specified loss values that, in many cases, are based upon a best-case measurement under laboratory conditions. In best-case measurements, the connector is measured against a reference cable. Here, the reference cable is selected so the measurement in the factory results in the lowest possible value (lower than can be achieved later in practice) Mean values A new development resulting from grades is the demand for mean values. This is an optimal basis for the calculation of link attenuation and is particularly relevant in large networks. Previously it was necessary to calculate attenuation using the maximum value, which was already noted as having low reliability for each-to-each connections. Now the stated mean values can be used for calculation and in this way, every planner uses the proper class to meet existing needs, thus guaranteeing an optimal cost/benefit ratio. Example: Specification 0.1 dB connector Grade C Grade B Grade A* Each-to-each values approx. 0.2 dB (possibly higher if different manufacturers are combined or unadjusted connectors are used) Mean 0.25 dB, Max 0.50 dB Mean 0.12 dB, Max 0.25 dB Mean 0.07 dB, Max 0.12 dB Budget for 10 connections approx. 2 dB, unclear range of tolerance 2.5 dB 1.2 dB 0.70 dB
The causes of loss are known to the IEC standardisation committees. For this reason they defined the parameters H, F, and G presented below:
Grades B and C
Grade D
Grade D Minimum 0 (NA) 0 0 (NA) Maximum 0 (NA) 0.0016 0 (NA) Remarks Degrees Radius, mm Radius, mm
0 0 0
0 0 0
Geometric parameters for fibre-optic connectors according to IEC 61755-3-1 and 61755-3-2.
Manufacturer specifications and real usage conditions The following is taken from real life and demonstrates why the use of grades is so important: A network operator uses patch cable with an insertion loss specified by the manufacturer of 0.1 dB. During measurements on the ground, the patch cables "suddenly" exhibit values between 0.2 and 0.3 dB. Where do these, often occurring real life, serious discrepancies originate? The manufacturer had determined the value found in the product specification in a best-case environment. Used in this scenario are low-loss reference or master cables to achieve the lowest possible value during insertion loss measurement. However, if the patch cables are connected each-to-each, this value can no longer be reproduced and thus it lies significantly above the bestcase measurement result. This unrealistic, but unfortunately still common, measurement method has consequences: Unaware of the precise measurement conditions for manufacturer's specifications, network planners often purchase expensive and over-specified products only to discover that the calculated insertion loss budget cannot be met. Delays in initial start-up and expensive replacement purchases are unavoidable. In this context, it is important to note the following: The installation of fibre-optics and the handling of connectors in daily practice require special expertise and an extensive training. Therefore it is recommended the appropriate certification of the specialist firm or personnel be considered.
10 OperationsandMaintenance
This section provides a brief overview of the operational and maintenance aspects of an FTTH network infrastructure. While each FTTH network design will differ and operate in different environments and conditions, operation and maintenance best practices consideration remains a common requirement. During network construction, a probable requirement of the building contract is to ensure that as little or no disturbance within the FTTH area occurs which affects the general public and the surrounding environment. This is achievable only through careful planning and execution and will ultimately encourage the deployment of efficient building methods to the benefit of the FTTH business case. Inefficient planning will result in the opposite and potentially lead to poor network and building performance. Whilst fibre has been in service over a number of decades and is a proven and reliable medium, it is still susceptible to unexpected breakdowns that require mobilisation and rapid and efficient repairs. During such times immediate access to network records is essential. All documentation and records relating to the network build should be collated and centralised to support all subsequent network analysis. Maintenance procedures must be planned in advance and contractual arrangements put in place to ensure appropriate manpower is available when needed.
10.1 Deploymentplanningguidelines
10.1.1 Sitecontrolandinstallationoperationplanning
Work with underground duct systems or sideway installations or poles require careful planning and often cause disruption to traffic therefore liaison with local authorities is necessary and suitable controls must be put in place. The following sections briefly list the main installation considerations that need to be taken into account when constructing a duct type installation.
10.1.2 Generalmanagementconsiderations
Familiarity and experience with underground, aerial duct and cable systems is necessary as is respecting best practices and conducting work flow studies. Careful planning of the installation and liaison with local authorities, will lead to an efficient and safe operation. A full appreciation of locally located power supply services must be obtained from the local authorities and also through the use of on-site confirmation detection equipment.
10.1.3 Generalconsiderationsrelatedtosafety
Proper safety zones using marker cones and traffic signals should be organised. Possible traffic disruption should be coordinated with local authorities. All manholes and cable chambers should be identified and those intended for access should be tested for flammable and toxic gases before entry. With regard to confined spaces, full air and oxygen tests should be carried out before entry and forced ventilation provided as necessary. Whilst working underground, all personnel must have
continuous monitoring gas warning equipment in operation at all times flammable, toxic, carbon dioxide and oxygen levels. In cases where flammable gas is detected, the local Fire Service should be contacted immediately. All existing electrical cables should be inspected for possibility of damage and exposed conductors.
10.1.4 Generalconsiderationsaboutconstructionsandequipments
A full survey of the complete underground duct system or aerial plant should be carried out prior to installation. Unacceptably high water levels in cable chambers and sewage/water tunnels must be pumped out. Ducts should be checked for damage and potential obstructions. Rodding of the duct sections using a test mandrel or brush is recommended prior to installation. Manholes should be checked to ensure their suitability for coiling slack cables, provision of cable supports and space for mounting splice joint closures. A plan should be established for the optimal positioning of the cable payoff, mid-point fleeting and cable take-up/ winching equipment. The same also applies to those cables that are to be blown into the duct and which might require a blowing head and compressor equipment. Allowances for elevation changes should be taken into consideration. Fleeting the cable at mid sections using a figure of 8 technique can greatly increase the pulled installation section distance using long cable lengths. Preparation is needed to make sure these locations are suitable for cable fleeting. The duct or inner duct manufacturer should be contacted for established cable installation guidelines. Ribbed, corrugated ducts and ducts with a low-friction liner are designed to reduce cable/duct friction during installation. Smooth non lined ducts may require a suitable cable lubricant. Pulling grips are used to attach the pulling rope to the end of the cable. These are often mesh/weave based or mechanically attached to the cable end minimising the diameter and thus space of duct used. A fused swivel device should also be applied between the cable-pulling grip and pulling rope. The swivels are designed to release any pulling generated torque thus protecting the cable. A mechanical fuse protects the cable from excess pulling forces by breaking a sacrificial shear pin. These pins are available in different tensile values. A pulling winch with a suitable capacity should be used and fitted with a dynamometer to monitor tension during pulling. Sheaves, capstans and quadrant blocks should be used to guide the cable under tension from the payoff, to and from the duct entry and to the take-up equipment to ensure that the cables minimum bend diameter is maintained. Communication radios, mobile phones or similar should be available at all locations of the operation.
Uses of midpoint or assist winches are recommended in cases where the cable tensile load is approaching its limit and could expedite a longer pull section. Use of a cable payoff device, a reel or drum trailer, is also recommended. For aerial applications, appropriate equipment such as bucket trucks should be foreseen. Specific safety instructions for working at height need to be respected. Specific hardware is available for cable and closure fixture.
10.1.5 Generalconsiderationsaboutcablingmethods
Duct and microduct cabling Duct installation and maintenance is relatively straightforward. Occasionally cables may be dug up inadvertently; hence maintenance lengths should be available at all times. Duct and buried cables can have similar constructions, with the latter having more protection from the environment in which it is to be installed. When calculating the route length, make allowance for jointing: typically 3-5m per joint will suffice. Space cable spare/slack loops at chamber positions of typically 20m. This will allow for mid-span access joints to be added at a later date. Minimum bend radii (MBR) and maximum tensile load values for the cables must not be exceeded. MBR is usually expressed as a multiplier of the cable diameter (e.g. 20xD) and is normally defined as a maximum value for static and dynamic situations Static MBR is the minimum allowable bend value for the cable in operation, i.e. coiled within a manhole or chamber. The dynamic MBR value is the minimum allowable bend value for the cable under installation pulling conditions. Pulling load (or pulling tension, N; or force, Kgf) values are normally specified for short and longterm conditions. Short-term load values represent the maximum tension that can be applied to the cable during the installation process and long-term values represent the maximum tension that can be applied to the cable for the lifespan of the cable in service. In cases where cables are to be installed by blowing, the cable and duct must be compatible for a blowing operation, therefore cable and duct supplier/s must be contacted for installation guidelines. Direct buried cable Installation techniques for burying cables can include trenching, ploughing, directional drilling and thrust boring. Reference should also be made to IEC specification 60794-1-1 Annex C.3.6 Installation of buried cables. Confirm minimum bend radii of cable and maximum pulling tensions for installation and long-term service conditions. Ensure cable tension is monitored during burial and cable maximum limits are not exceeded. A full survey of the buried section will ensure an efficient installation operation. Cross over points with other services and utilities must be identified.
All buried cables must be identified and marked for any future location. Backfilling must ensure the cables are suitably protected from damage from large rocks e.g. sand. All back filling must be tamped to prevent future ground movement and settlement. All surfaces must be restored to local standards. Aerial cable Reference should be made to IEC specification 60794-1-1 Annex C.3.5 Installation of aerial optical cables. Cables used in aerial installations are different in construction to those for underground applications, and are designed to handle wind and snow/ice loads. Requirements may differ according to geographic area, for example, a hurricane region will experience higher winds. Cables need a defined amount of slack between poles to reduce the cable loading due to its own weight. On-pole slack needs to be stored for cable access or closure installation. Sharing of poles between operators or service providers (CATV, electricity, POTS, etc.) is common practice and will require specific organisation.
10.2 Operationandmaintenanceguidelines
Consideration should be given to: measurements fibre cable and duct records marking key infrastructure items complete documentation identification of infrastructure elements subject to maintenance operations minor maintenance list plan for catastrophic network failure from external factors, such as accidental digging of cable or duct spare infrastructure items to be kept on hand in case of accident location and availability of network records for the above provision of maintenance agreement(s)
11 FTTHTestGuidelines
11.1 Connectorcare
11.1.1 Whyisitimportanttocleanconnectors?
One of the first tasks to perform when designing fibre-optic networks is to evaluate the acceptable budget loss in order to create an installation that will meet the design requirements. To adequately characterize the budget loss, the following key parameters are generally considered: transmitter launch power, temperature and aging fibre connections connectors and splices quality cable fibre loss and temperature effects receiver detector sensitivity others safety margin and repairs
When one of the above variables fails to meet specifications, network performance can be affected; in worst case scenario, degradation can lead to network failure. Unfortunately, not all variables can be controlled with ease during the deployment of the network or the maintenance stage; however, one component that is often overlooked is the connector, sometimes overused (test jumpers). This can be controlled using the proper procedure. CONNECTOR CONTAMINATION IS THE FIRST SOURCE OF TROUBLESHOOTING IN OPTICAL NETWORKS A single particle mated into the core of a fibre can cause significant back reflection (also known as return loss), insertion loss, and equipment damage. Visual inspection is the only way to determine if fibre connectors are truly clean. By following a simple practice of proactive visual inspection and cleaning, poor optical performance and potential equipment damage can be avoided. Since many of the contaminants are too small to be seen with the naked eye, it is important that every fibre connector is inspected with a microscope before a connection is made. These fibre inspection scopes are designed to magnify and display the critical portion of the ferrule where the connection will occur.
11.1.2 Whatarethepossiblecontaminants?
Connector design and production techniques have eliminated most of the difficulties in achieving core alignment and physical contact. However, maintaining a clean connector interface still remains a challenge. Dirt is everywhere; a typical dust particle as small as 215m in diameter can significantly affect signal performance and cause permanent damage to the fibre end face. Most field-test failures can be attributed to dirty connectors; the majority are not inspected until they fail, when permanent damage may have already occurred.
If dirt particles become attached to the core surface the light becomes blocked, creating unacceptable insertion loss and back reflection (return loss). Furthermore, those particles can permanently damage the glass interface, digging into the glass and leaving pits that create further back reflection if mated. Also, large particles of dirt on the cladding layer and/or the ferrule can introduce a physical barrier that prevents physical contact and creates an air gap between the fibres. To further complicate matters, loose particles have a tendency to migrate into the air gap.
Figure 99: Increased insertion loss and back reflection due to dirty fibre connection.
A 1m dust particle on a singlemode fibre core can block up to 1% (0.05 dB loss) of the light, a dust particle the size of 9m can incur considerable damage. An additional factor for maintaining end faces contaminate free is the effect high-intensity light has on the connector end-face: some telecommunication components can produce optical signals with a power up to +30dBm (1W), which can have catastrophic results when combined with an unclean or damaged connector end face (e.g. fibre fuse). Inspection zones are a series of concentric circles that identify areas of interest on the connector end face (see Figure 101). The inner-most zones are more sensitive to contamination than the outer zones.
Dust, isopropyl alcohol, oil from hands, mineral oils, index matching gel, epoxy resin, oil-based black ink and gypsum are among the contaminants that can affect a connector end-face. These contaminants can occur on their own or in combinations. Note that each contaminant has a different appearance and, regardless of appearance, the most critical areas to inspect are the core and cladding regions where contamination in these regions can greatly affect the quality of the signal. Figure 102 illustrates the end face of different connectors that have been inspected with a video-inspection probe.
11.1.3 Whatcomponentsneedtobeinspectedandcleaned?
The following network components should be inspected and cleaned: all panels equipped with adaptors where connectors are inserted in one or both sides test patch cords all connectors mounted on patch cables or pigtails
11.1.4 Whenshouldaconnectorbeinspectedandcleaned?
Connectors should be checked as part of an inspection routine to prevent costly and time consuming fault finding later. These stages include: after installation before testing before connecting
11.1.5 Howtocheckconnectors
To properly inspect the connectors end face, a microscope designed for the fibre-optic connector end face is recommended. The many types of inspection tools on the market fall into two main categories: fibre inspection probes (also called video fibrescopes) and optical microscopes. The table below lists the main characteristics of these inspection tools: Inspection tool Fibre inspection probes/ video fibrescopes Main characteristics Image is displayed on an external video screen, PC or test instrument. Eye protection from direct contact with a live signal. Image capture capability for report documentation. Ease of use in crowded patch panels. Ideal for checking individual connectors mounted on patch cords or pigtails and multi-fibre connectors (e.g. MPO/MTP). Different degrees of magnification are available (100X/200X/400X). Adapter tips for all connector types are available.
Safety filter* protects eyes from direct contact with a live fibre. Two different types of microscopes are needed: one to inspect patch cords and another to inspect connectors in bulkhead patch panels. * Never use a direct magnifying device (optical microscope) to inspect live optical fibre. A fibre inspection probe comes with different tips to match the connector type: angle-polished connectors (APC) or flat-polished connectors (PC).
Optical microscopes
11.1.6 Inspectioninstructions
Visual fibre interconnect inspection is the only way to determine the cleanliness of the connectors prior to mating. A video microscope magnifies an image of a connectors end face for viewing on a laptop or a portable display, depending on the product used.
Select the appropriate tip for the connector/adaptor to be inspected. Inspect both connector end faces (patchcord/bulkhead/ pluggable interface) using the microscope. No. During inspection defects are found on the end face; clean the connector using a designated optics cleaning tool. Yes. If non-removable, non-linear features and scratches are within acceptable criteria limits according to operators thresholds or standards, the fibre interfaces can be connected.
11.1.7 Toolsneededforinspection
There are two methods for fibre end face inspection. If the cable assembly is accessible, insert the connector ferrule into the microscope to conduct the inspection; this is generally known as patch cord inspection. If the connector is within a mating adaptor on the device or patch panel, insert a probe microscope into the open end of the adaptor and view the connector inside; this is known as bulkhead or through adaptor connector inspection. Patch cord inspection Select the appropriate tip that corresponds to the connector type under inspection and fit it on to the microscope. Insert the connector into the tip and adjust focus to inspect. (Last line in drawing: single-mode fibre)
Bulkhead/through adaptor connector inspection Select the appropriate tip/probe that corresponds to the connector type under inspection and fit it to the probe microscope. Insert the probe into the bulkhead and adjust focus to inspect. (last line in drawing: singlemode fibre)
11.1.8 Cleaningwipesandtools
Dry Cleaning Simple dry cleaning wipes, including a number of lint free wipes and other purpose-made wipes, are available. This category also includes purpose-made fibre-optic connector cleaning cassettes and reels, e.g. Cletop cartridges. WARNING! EXPOSED WIPES CAN EASILY BECOME CONTAMINATED IN THE FIELD. Cleaning materials must be protected from contamination. Do not open until just prior to use.
Wipes should be used by hand or attached to a soft surface or resilient pad. Applied using a hard surface can cause damage to the fibre. If applying by hand, do not use the surface held by the fingers as this can contain finger grease residue.
Figure 102: Examples of dry cleaning wipes and tools for fibre-optic connectors.
Damp cleaning Cleaning fluids or solvents are generally used in combination with wipes to provide a combination of chemical and mechanical action to clean the fibre end face. Also available are pre-soaked wipes supplied in sealed sachets, e.g. IPA mediswabs. Caution: some cleaning fluids, particularly IPA, can leave a residue that is difficult to remove. Cleaning fluid is only effective when used with the mechanical action provided by a wipe. The solvent must be fast drying. Do not saturate as this will over-wet the end face. Lightly moisten the wipe. The ferrule must be cleaned immediately with a clean dry wipe. Do not to leave solvent on the side walls of the ferrule as this will transfer onto the optical alignment sleeve during connection. Wipes must be used by hand or on a soft surface or resilient pad. Applied using a hard surface can cause damage to the fibre.
Bulkhead / through adaptor connector cleaning tools Not all connectors can be readily removed from a bulkhead/through adaptor, and are, therefore, more difficult to access for cleaning. This category includes ferrule interface (or fibre stubs) and physical contact lenses within an optical transceiver; it does not however include non-contact lens elements within such devices. Sticks and bulkhead cleaners are designed to reach into alignment sleeves and other cavities to reach the end face or lens, and aid in removal of debris. These tools make it possible to clean the end face or lens in-situ, within the adaptor or without removing the bulkhead connector. When cleaning transceiver or receptacles, care must be taken to identify the contents of the port prior to cleaning. Take care to avoid damage when cleaning transceiver flat lenses.
Recommendations when manipulating fibre-optic cables: When testing in a patch panel, only the port corresponding to the fibre being tested should be uncappedprotective caps should be replaced immediately after testing. Unused caps should be kept in a small plastic bag. Lifespan of a connector is typically rated at 500 matings. Test jumpers used in conjunction with test instruments should be replaced after a maximum of 500 matings (refer to EIA-455-21A). If using a launch cord for OTDR testing, do not use a test jumper in between the OTDR and launch cord or in between the launch cord and the patch panel. Launch cords should be replaced or returned to manufacturers for re-polishing after 500 matings. Do not allow unmated connectors to touch any surface. Connector ferrules should never be touched other than for cleaning. Clean and inspect each connector using a fiberscope or, preferably, a videoscope, after cleaning or prior to mating. Test equipment connectors should be cleaned and inspected (preferably with a videoscope) every time the instrument is used.
11.2 TestingFTTHnetworksduringconstruction
During network construction, some testing occurs in the outside plant. When fibre is laid down new splices have to be done and tested using an OTDR. For accurate measurements, bidirectional OTDR measurements should be performed. For acceptance testing, it is important to test each segment of the construction. There are several testing methods, some of which are presented here. Each has specific advantages and disadvantages. Selecting the most appropriate method depends on the constraints faced: labour costs, budget loss, testing time combined with service activation time, maximum acceptable measurement uncertainty, etc. An additional factor that must be considered when determining extent of testing is the skill levels of the technicians. Employing unskilled fibre-optic technicians during construction phase is very costly if mistakes need to be rectified ahead of and after service is added.
11.2.1 Method1:Useofopticallosstestsets
This first method involves using an optical loss test set (OLTS), comprising two test sets that share data to measure insertion loss (IL) and optical return loss (ORL). First, the units should be referenced prior to measuring IL.
Next, ORL sensitivity is set by calibrating the minimum ORL that the units can measure. The limitation comes from the weakest part of the test setup, which is most likely to be the connector between the units and reference test jumper. Follow the manufacturers instructions to set the ORL sensitivity on both units and to reference the source and the power meter. Measurements can now be taken on the end-to-end network or any individual installed segment, such as the fibres between the FCP and the drop terminal. The purpose of the test is to identify any transposed fibres and to measure the IL and ORL to guarantee that the loss budget has been met.
Figure 106: Measuring distribution fibre IL and ORL using two OLTSs.
Results table for IL and ORL (Pr = premises, CO = central office): Fibre 001 (nm) 1310 1490 1550 002 1310 1490 1550 Loss (Pr CO) Loss (CO Pr) Average ORL (Pr CO) ORL (CO Pr)
The following table illustrates the expected ORL values for the network: Length (metres) 50 300 500 1000 1310nm (dB) 53 46 44 41 1490nm (dB) 56 50 47 45 1550nm (dB) 57 50 48 46
These values only take into account two connections. FTTH networks often comprise of multiple connection points and, as reflectance values are very sensitive to dust and scratches, these values can easily be influenced by bad connections. For example, a single connector may generate an ORL of 40dB, which would exceed the expected value for the entire network. For point-to-multipoint network, the ORL contribution of each fibre is attenuated by 30 to 32 dB due to the splitters bidirectional loss.
Disadvantages of Method 1: OLTS Two technicians required (however with a point-to-multipoint network, a single OLTS close to the OLT can be used for all subscribers within the same network) Communication required between technicians (when switching fibres) A point-to-multipoint network requires, one technician to move from drop terminal to drop terminal In the event of a cut fibre or macrobend, an OTDR is required to locate the fault
Macrobend identification during testing is performed at 1550 and 1310 nm or another combination of wavelengths including the 1625 nm wavelength Transposed fibre identification on point-to point networks Fast testing
11.2.2 Method2:UseofanOTDR
This method uses an optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR). Unlike an OLTS, the OTDR can identify and locate the position of each component in the network. The OTDR will reveal splice loss, connector loss and reflectance, and the total end to end loss and ORL. All fibres between the OLT and before the first splitter (transport side) may be tested to characterize the loss of each splice and locate macrobends. The test can be conducted to cover both directions. Post-processing of the results will be required to calculate the real loss of each splice (averaged between each direction). The engineer can measure the loss of the splitter and the cumulative link loss, as well as identifying whether any unexpected physical event has occurred before, or after, the splitter. Construction testing can significantly reduce the number of problems that occur after subscriber activation by certifying end-to-end link integrity.
Figure 108: Using a launch fibre makes it possible to characterize the first connector on any segment of the network. A pulse width of 300-500m will be sufficient for this test.
Figure 109: PON optimised OTDR test from the ONT to the OLT.
Disadvantages of Method 2: OTDR When testing after the splitter on the ONT side, the ORL is not measured in the right direction (opposite from the video signal). The technician needs to move from drop terminal to drop terminal. A skilled technician is required to interpret the trace.
Possible to test every distribution fibre. Macrobend identification during testing is performed at 1550 and 1310nm or another combination of wavelengths involving the 1625nm wavelength. In case of a cut fibre or macrobend, the fault can be located. Only one technician required. Fast testing
Service activation The service activation phase may seem very straightforward initially, however this task should not be underestimated as this is the moment at which the subscriber experience begins. The service activation scheme can be different depending on topology of the fibre network. The trend is for pre-engineered plug-and-play components with multiple connection points, rather than an allspliced approach, particularly for deployments in MDUs. In terms of handling data relating to test and measurements in PON, the service activation brings two new dimensions: Results should be linked to subscribers or ONUs instead of fibres. More than one test location may be required, typically two or three.
Since the service-activation phase is often performed by subcontractors, reporting and data authenticity protection are important, especially in PON deployments where hundreds of results may be generated for a single PON activation. Following the right steps in daily activity ensures a smooth workflow and high productivity. Multiple testing locations Verifying optical levels at various locations along the same fibre path assists the test engineers in pinpointing problems and/or defective components before activating a subscribers service. Since FTTH network problems are often caused by dirty or damaged connectors, component inspection greatly reduces the need for troubleshooting, as power levels are verified for each network section. It is also strongly recommended that inspection of each connection point be conducted using a fibre inspection probe before each power measurement.
Testing points 1. By performing a power-level certification at the splitter, or more specifically at the output, enables users to verify if the splitter branch is working properly. This simple assessment makes it possible to confirm whether all network components from the CO (including the feeder fibre) to the splitter output are in good condition. Typically, the FDH includes SC/APC or LC/APC connectors but may also include fusion splices. 2. Conducting a power-level certification at the drop terminal, engineers can characterize the distribution fibre and the drop terminal ports. Usually, a splice tray is included within the drop terminal which can cause macrobend problems. 3. The fibre connecting the drop terminals and the subscribers premises is generally installed during service activation. To ensure reliable services to the subscriber, the network and the subscriber ONU must meet their specifications. The best method of guaranteeing this is to perform a pass-through connection to fully characterize all operating wavelengths (upstream and downstream) in the PON. This can only be achieved at the service-activation phase using a dual-port PON power meter with a passthrough connection; a normal power meter can only certify downstream signals from the CO.
11.3 Serviceactivationreporting
From the office, engineers will have to generate reports to keep track of test results from the service activation phase. These results can later be used to pinpoint problems such as power degradation. Operators dealing with subcontractors may also use this information to keep track of activated subscribers. A service activation report will typically include: customer name and/or phone number power level for each wavelength and each location time stamp for each measurement pass/warning/fail status compliant to standards such BPON, GPON or EPON thresholds used to perform the pass/warning/fail assessment
Once the service activation report has been received from the installer, the operator can activate and validate the services.
12 FTTHNetworkTroubleshooting
Troubleshooting on an out-of-service network (i.e. on a point-to-point network or when the entire PON network is down) can be conducted simply with the use of a power meter or OTDR. A live PON network requires the use of a PON power meter to investigate when signals are out of tolerance. To pinpoint any fibre breaks, macro-bending, faulty splices or connectors, an OTDR with a live testing port must be used from the subscribers location.
The test engineer will connect an OTDR at the output of the drop cable and perform an upstream test using a short pulse width (i.e. 3/5ns). Due to the high loss observed at the splitter location and the relatively low measurement dynamic range provided by a short pulse, the end of the fibre link will be identified at the splitter location. Ensure the fibre length corresponds to the length in between the drop cable output and the splitter location. If not, this indicates a problem (break or macrobend) is present at this location. If the length measurement is correct, every splice point should be checked to see it does not exceed the normal splice values. Any point exhibiting an excessive loss value will indicate the presence of a macrobend, kink in the fibre or a bad splice. The fibre is terminated at the home by an ONU that provides interfaces to serve analogue and digital video over coaxial cable; video, VoIP, or data over Ethernet; as well as phone services over twisted pair wiring. Service providers may wish to provide digital video through quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) or IPTV or a combination. Premises architecture incorporating both QAM for broadcast video and IPTV for on-demand, the IPTV video shares the coaxial cable with the QAM digital video and is typically delivered using the Multimedia over Coax Alliance (MoCA) standard. The HPNAv3 protocol can also be used to deliver IPTV and data since it can run on existing twisted pair telephone lines or coaxial cable.
12.1 Inhomewiringissues
In addition to loss, latency, and jitter emanating from the fibre network, a number of in-home issues can combine to degrade the subscribers quality of experience, including problems with phone lines, Ethernet wiring mis-configuration or faulty termination, poor coaxial cabling integrity, and noise impairments. Phone line issues Phone lines (twisted pair) in the premises often carry both voice service and data services using HomePNA (HPNA) standards. The ONU emulates the POTS network by providing all of the battery voltages, ring tones, and dial tones that were previously provided by the central office. Consequently, troubleshooting VoIP covering phone wiring is very similar to troubleshooting POTS. Common errors affecting in-home wiring installations include: opens shorts crossed wires broken wires
Identifying Ethernet wiring issues Many homes are now pre-wired with twisted-pair wiring suitable for Ethernet data services. Verification of proper termination is very important. Between 75% and 85% of the time in-home technicians dedicate to troubleshooting can be attributed to improper terminations. The most common termination faults can be located using a wiring verifier. Continuity tests include: verification of pin-to-pin connections wire capability to carry a signal shields voltage on line
This is a basic connectivity test, not a stress test. Locating and resolving coax problems Existing coaxial home networks present a variety of challenges. Constructed by the home builder, the owner, or perhaps a previous service provider, the quality and routing of the network is rarely known. A high-quality coaxial installation should provide at least 30dB of noise isolation to the outside world (noise immunity). However, these networks often contain: splitters pinches breaks bad cables un-terminated ends bad connections amplifiers
Any of these may lead to network problems and quality of service issues. Proper grooming to repair or replace portions of the network to meet the triple-play service provider standards is critical in providing reliable services.
12.2 Summaryofopticaltestingtools
The following is a list of optical testing tools used for FTTH networks: Test Equipment Inspection scope VFL (visual fault locator Function Visual inspection of connectors Continuity check up to 5km, break/bend visual identifier for fibre along patch panel/hub areas Enables communication between engineers using cable link Measures fibre link insertion loss, return loss and tests continuity Measures power output of equipment Estimates optical power in link Use Fibre connector assembly check and troubleshooting Fibre link construction and troubleshooting at locations where fibres are accessible When two engineers are required for end to end test Fibre link construction, acceptance testing and troubleshooting Equipment and fibre link turn up and troubleshooting Equipment and fibre troubleshooting at any location where fibres are accessible, even when connectors cannot be accessed Equipment and fibre troubleshooting at any location where fibres are accessible, even when connectors cannot be accessed Fibre link and equipment (ONT/OLT) turn-up and troubleshooting Fibre link construction and troubleshooting Fibre link construction, acceptance, troubleshooting
Light source/ power meter or bidirectional loss test set Power meter only Power meter with clip-on device
Identify and track traffic on fibre, may also estimate power output along link
1310/1490/1550 selective power meter with through mode ORL meter OTDR
Measures power levels of equipment and fibre link when OLT/ONT connected Measures overall optical return loss Measures fibre link characteristics
OverviewofopticalfibreandcablerelatedInternationalElectrotechnicalCommission(IEC)international standardsfortheaccessnetwork: IEC6079311Ed.2 IEC607932Ed5 IEC6079411Ed2* IEC6079412Ed2* OpticalfibresPart11:Measurementmethodsandtestprocedures:General andguidance OpticalfibresPart2:ProductspecificationsGeneral OpticalfibrecablesPart11:GenericspecificationGeneral OpticalfibrecablesPart12:GenericspecificationBasicopticalcabletest procedures
IEC60794210Ed3.0 OpticalFibresPart210:Productspecificationssectionalspecificationfor categoryA1multimodefibres IEC60794250ED2.0 OpticalFibresPart250:Productspecificationssectionalspecificationfor classBsinglemodefibres IEC607942Ed3* IEC60794210Ed1* IEC60794211Ed1 IEC60794220Ed1 IEC60794221Ed1 IEC60794230Ed1 IEC60794231Ed1 IEC60794240Ed1* OpticalfibrecablesPart2:IndoorcablesSectionalspecification OpticalfibrecablesPart210:IndoorcablesFamilyspecificationfor simplexandduplexcables OpticalfibrecablesPart211:IndoorcablesDetailedspecificationfor simplexandduplexcablesforuseinpremisescabling OpticalfibrecablesPart220:IndoorcablesFamilyspecificationformulti fibreopticaldistributioncables OpticalfibrecablesPart221:IndoorcablesDetailedspecificationfor multifibreopticaldistributioncablesforuseinpremisescabling OpticalfibrecablesPart230:IndoorcablesFamilyspecificationforoptical fibreribboncables OpticalfibrecablesPart231:IndoorcablesDetailedspecificationfor opticalfibreribboncablesforuseinpremisescabling OpticalfibrecablesPart240:IndoorcablesFamilyspecificationfor simplexandduplexcableswithbufferedA4fibre
IEC60794240Corr.1 Corrigendum1OpticalfibrecablesPart240:IndoorcablesFamily Ed1* specificationforsimplexandduplexcableswithbufferedA4fibres IEC/PAS60794250 Ed1* IEC607943Ed3 OpticalfibrecablesPart250:IndooropticalfibrecablesFamily specificationforsimplexandduplexopticalfibrecablesforuseinterminated cableassembliesorforterminationwithopticalfibrepassivecomponents OpticalfibrecablesPart3:SectionalspecificationOutdoorcables
IEC60794310Ed1* OpticalfibrecablesPart310:OutdoorcablesFamilyspecificationforduct anddirectlyburiedopticaltelecommunicationcables IEC60794312Ed1 OpticalfibrecablesPart312:OutdoorcablesDetailedspecificationfor ductanddirectlyburiedopticaltelecommunicationcablesforuseinpremises cabling OpticalfibrecablesPart320:OutdoorcablesFamilyspecificationfor opticalselfsupportingaerialtelecommunicationcables OpticalfibrecablesPart321:OutdoorcablesDetailedspecificationfor opticalselfsupportingaerialtelecommunicationcablesforuseinpremises cabling
IEC60794320Ed1* IEC60794321Ed1
OpticalfibrecablesPart330:OutdoorcablesFamilyspecificationfor opticaltelecommunicationcablesforlakeandrivercrossings OpticalfibrecablesPart4:SectionalspecificationAerialopticalcables alongelectricalpowerlines OpticalfibrecablesPart5:Sectionalspecificationformicroductcablingfor installationbyblowing OpticalfibrecablesPart510:Familyspecificationforoutdoormicroduct opticalfibrecables,microductsandprotectedmicroductsforinstallationby blowing OpticalfibrecablesPart520:Familyspecificationforoutdoormicroduct opticalfibrecableductopticalfibreunits,microductsandprotectedmicro ductsforinstallationbyblowing
OverviewofopticalfibreconnectivityproductsrelatedEuropeanStandardsfortheaccessnetwork: EN507331 Connectorsetsandinterconnectcomponentstobeusedinopticalfibre communicationsystemsProductspecificationsPart1:Generaland guidance ProductspecificationPart2FCconnectors ProductspecificationPart4SCconnectors ProductspecificationPart7LCconnectors ProductspecificationPart8LSHconnectors ProductspecificationPart10MUconnectors ProductspecificationPart14Patchcords Fibreorganisersandclosurestobeusedinopticalfibrecommunication systemsProductspecificationsPart1:Fibreorganisers Fibreorganisersandclosurestobeusedinopticalfibrecommunication systemsProductspecificationsPart2:Generalandguidanceforoptical fibrecablejointclosures,protectedmicroductclosures,andmicroduct connectors ProductspecificationPart22:SealedpanfibrespliceclosuresType1,for categoryS&A ProductspecificationPart23:SealedinlinefibrespliceclosuresType1,for categoryS&A ProductspecificationPart24:SealeddomefibrespliceclosuresType1,for categoryS&A ProductspecificationPart25:Sealedclosuresforairblownfibremicroduct, type1,forcategoryS&A ProductspecificationPart28:Microductconnectors,forairblownoptical fibres,type1 ProductspecificationsPart32:Singlemodemechanicalfibresplice ProductspecificationsPart33:Singlemodeopticalfibrefusionsplice protectors
AppendixC:DeployingFTTHtoday 10mostfrequentlyaskedquestions
Demystifying the deployment (and adoption) of Fibre-To-The-Home Today, telecommunication market players such as traditional operators, municipalities, utility companies or organisations leading individual initiatives, all of them are seeking to offer high speed access to their end-customers, be it in residential or enterprise environment. This document intends to give more guidance on the main activities one encounters with the deployment of Fibre-To-The-Home. Successful FTTH deployment and adoption encompasses a stepwise approach of thinking, analysing, implementing and enabling, starting from the initial business case (justifying the Return on Investment (financially or socially speaking)) and ending by the final adoption of the service by the end-customer. Issues and solutions are illustrated by means of 10 main questions with respective answers and cover FTTH deployment and clarification of some topics with practical examples. Let this document be a first introduction and sanity check on your ideas for FTTH. Below are the 5 steps of FTTH deployment: 1. Prepare and keep detailed documentation of all decisions (go or no go?) Design the business case, specify the geographic market, concretise your business model, choose a network architecture and check regulatory obligations and requirements. 2. Deploy your outside plant (put your fibre in) Perform the dimensioning of your passive infrastructure, select your components, perform cost synergies, implement your fibre termination 3. Implement your connectivity (light your fibre) Deploy your active technology, respond your time to market needs, perform interoperability and end to end testing, and implement your management solution 4. Enable your service directly to the end-customer (retail?) Launch your service bundles, organise your customer support, manage your end-customers home environment 5. Enable service models with third parties (wholesale?) Expand beyond your traditional 3play services, negotiate quality of service agreements, and promote application stores
Step 1: Prepare and keep detailed documentation of all decisions (go or no go?) Ensure all parameters are specified, for making a sound judgement. Why, when, where and how do we go for it? Only the best plan will lead to the better outcome. Some questions: Question: Which geographical area(s) do you consider for the FTTH deployment?
Different criteria (socio economics, expected take rate) can be used to select the geographical areas for the FTTH roll-out. Given a certain investment budget, one can opt, for instance, to maximize revenue generation or to realize maximal coverage. For that purpose, geo-marketing techniques, based upon socio-economic data within a geographical context, are used for the initial network design and for calculating the related business case. Question: Do you consider partnerships? Which partners can you engage with? Partnerships are established to deal with the huge investment costs in fibre infrastructure and/or to meet the challenge of the successful exploitation of an FTTH network. The big difference in investment budget, -life cycle and -risks between the active and passive fibre infrastructure, requires long-term partnership agreements on the operational and business aspects. More specific a fair revenue sharing model has to be worked out, to come to a sustainable business model for all involved partners. Additional questions: Question: What is a reasonable pay back period for FTTH investments? Question: Can you benefit from an open network and how do you concretise? Question: What basic network design and modelling should you do?
Step 2: Deploying the outside plant (put your fibre in) The passive infrastructure is the foundation of the FTTH rollout. Consider the best options and anticipate cost-effective implementation. Additional questions: Question: Are cost synergies possible (imposed or not by regulation) with other infrastructure operators in the public domain? In general, considerable cost savings can be realized through a better coordination of civil works in the public domain. For that purpose, infrastructure builders are incorporating GIS (Geographical Information Systems) -based network design together with planning and documentation tools. This facilitates the exchange of public infrastructure information and offers a more synchronized workflow management between the various infrastructure builders. Field practices have shown that the cost per Home Connected/Passed can be further decreased with improved OSP project management. After the deployment phase, a well documented as-built outside plant leads to less fibre cuts, helpdesk calls and better trouble shooting in case of failure. Question: What criteria should be used for the selection of passive components such as ODF, cables, enclosures, splices etc? As the lifecycle of the passive infrastructure is a multiple of the active technology lifecycle, it is essential to select qualitative passive components which meet future technology requirements (e.g. NG PON). A trade off should be made between the cost, quality and the labour related aspects (intensiveness and skills/tools required) of the components. Other questions: Question: What are the hurdles for in-house fibre wiring?
Question: What is the impact of local regulation? Question: What dimensioning rules should be considered for the passives?
Step 3: Implementing connectivity (light your fibre) Connecting subscribers involves employing the necessary bandwidths within the FTTH infrastructure. The active network and related technologies will cover that area. Additional questions: Question: Choosing active technology? Although fibre technology is subject to rapid evolution, the reality is the market wants the right technology at the right time and at the right price. This should be in line with a realistic view of the services evolution and future bandwidth demands. The need for fibre-to-the-most economical point implies the coexistence and use of different and hybrid fibre technologies. Independent of the technology choice, technology continuity should be guaranteed to avoid future interoperability issues, the need for truck roll-outs and modifications of the outside plant. Question: How green is FTTH? Independent studies show that fibre technology, in comparison with legacy systems, significantly reduces the amount of carbon dioxide which is produced by communication activities. Fibre-optic systems can transport different types of data over one cable and one network, thus eliminating the need for parallel infrastructures and power provisions for CATV, fixed telephony and fixed line Internet. Furthermore, fibre-optic systems can transport data over much greater systems at lower power utilization rate. Additional questions: Question: How can technology continuity be assured? Question: How can truck roll be minimised? Question: How can interoperability, standardization and end-to-end testing be embedded?
Step 4: Enable services directly to end-customer (retail?) If the intention is to become involved in the retail market, then potential subscribers need to be convinced and choose this system. Additional questions: Question: Why choose FTTH? What is the best application for FTTH in the residential environment? Video? In what form? What is assured is that any offering, providing faster access and delivering an enriched experience, is certainly a good candidate for sales. FTTH is perfectly aligned to provide this. FTTH brings unprecedented reliability and guaranteed bandwidth to the home, ensuring a more personalized touch for all. FTTH brings a richer service offering to the connected home, in a multi-room and multi-screen approach. This will increase the demand for service assurance and remote management solutions for in-home devices and services. Question: How to move end-users from legacy to enhanced services?
End-users need the visual richness offered by FTTH based access. Adding a visual component to legacy communication services (e.g. video telephony) and to future communication and entertainment services (e.g. immersive communication) is considered one of the key elements for creating an enhanced end-user experience. Furthermore, policy makers consider FTTH a motor for socio-economic development as well as providing the opportunity to introduce services such as e-health, e-learning, e-government to citizens. Providing services relevant to personal lifestyle and bringing added value to society will further accelerate the mass market acceptance of FTTH. Additional questions: Question: How to market the enhanced value offered by FTTH? Question: What service definitions and assurance procedures should be put in place? Question: What is the target audience?
Step 5: Enable service models with third parties (wholesale?) It is not a requirement to implement the entire vertically integrated model and enter the retail market alone. Partnerships, agreements, working cooperation, etc., can all be incorporated to bring about successful FTTH systems. Additional questions: Question: How to attract Application, Content and Service Providers? To build a sustainable business model for FTTH, it is necessary to attract innovative third-party application, content and service providers. This requires dedicated service delivery platforms. Essentially, these platforms, based upon open APIs, hide the complexity of the underlying infrastructure and facilitate a more rapid and transparent service delivery. Exposure of network capacity in a managed, quality-controlled manner is of special interest to trusted parties such as businesses, energy providers and (semi-) public organizations; these groups are willing to pay a premium for this service. Following on from a guaranteed bandwidth and QoS, the service level agreement (SLA) may cover a wide range of managed common services, such as hosting facilities, app stores, application life cycle management etc. This approach may attract new market entrants, lacking the scale and expertise, but enriching the FTTH ecosystem with innovative applications, services and content. Question: How to expand beyond traditional triple play offerings? Moving beyond the traditional commercial triple play offering requires partnerships between Network Service Providers (NSP), Consumer Electronic (CE) manufacturers and Application & Content Providers (ACP). For example, innovative business models are needed for over-the-top video delivery to coexist with managed IPTV services. Additional questions: Question: How to build a business case for service providers? Question: How to manage multiple service providers (Quality of Service, Bandwidth, etc)? Question: What role does advertising have in these business models?
More information about deployment and operation of FTTH is available in the FTTH Handbook. The FTTH Business Guide provides information about FTTH financing and business cases.
ADSS APC ATM CATV alldielectricselfsupporting Anglepolishedconnector AsynchronousTransferMode cabletelevision
CWDM CoarseWavelengthDivisionMultiplexing DWDM DenseWavelengthDivisionMultiplexing FCP FBT FDH FTTC FTTB FTTH FTTN FTTx FWA G.650 fibreconcentrationpoint fusedbiconictapered fibredistributionhub(anothertermforFCP) fibretothecurb fibretothebuilding fibretothehome fibretothenode generictermforallofthefibretothexabove fixedwirelessaccess ITURec.G.650Definitionandtestingmethodsforsinglemodefibres
G.651.1 ITURec.G.651.1Characteristicsofa50/125mmultimodegradedindexopticalfibrecablefor theaccessnetwork(G.651isobsolete) G.652 G.655 G.657 Gbps HDPE IEEE IL ISO IEC ITUT LAN LI LSZH Mbps MMF MDU MDU ODF OLT OLTS ITURec.G.652Characteristicsofasinglemodeopticalfibreandcable ITURec.G.655Characteristicsofanonzerodispersionshiftedsinglemodeopticalfibreand cable ITURec.G.657Characteristicsofabendinglossinsensitivesinglemodeopticalfibreandcable fortheaccessnetwork Gigabitspersecond highdensitypolyethylene InstituteforElectricalandElectronicsEngineers insertionloss InternationalOrganisationforStandardisation InternationalElectrotechnicalCommission InternationalTelecommunicationUnitTelecommunicationsStandards LocalAreaNetwork localinterface lowsmoke,zerohalogen Megabitspersecond multimodefibre maindistributionunit multidwellingunit opticaldistributionframe opticallinetermination opticallosstestset
opticalnetworkunit opticalnetworktermination opticalpowergroundwire opticaltimedomainreflectometer polyethylene polarisationmodedispersion passiveopticalnetwork pointofpresence pointtopoint polyvinylchloride returnloss rightofway singlemodefibre shieldedtwistedpair ultrapolishedconnector uninterruptiblepowersupply unshieldedtwistedpair WavelengthDivisionMultiplexing wirelessLAN(LocalAreaNetwork)
FTTH Council Europe Excelsiorlaan 91 B-1930 Zaventem Tel +43 699 1908 1622 Fax +43 2855 71142 [email protected] www.ftthcouncil.eu