Banking System. The Alliance, Which Includes: Off-World
Banking System. The Alliance, Which Includes: Off-World
Banking System. The Alliance, Which Includes: Off-World
RV Background.
1. Zim Redemption Rate at $500,000 USN per Zim Bond
Note: If you have people already in place that you will use,
you might include three or four resumes to establish
Closing thoughts
Once you have gone through the requests and the bullet
points, there is very little for you to talk about. The QFS
Agent. will probably not want to read through pages of
information, He/She will only scan to see what you are
presenting. Have it available to read if he/she wants but
leaving the binder with them should help in case they want
more information. Understand that the way you organize
your request will be a show of your intent. Be positive and
respectful but expect your requests to be fulfilled. Have
some questions written down about how to interface with
the QFS to transfer and access your funds. The QFS
Agent should give you a website address where it will
explain the QFS and how to use it in support of your
projects, so put some extra sheets of paper in your binder
to take notes. They may just give you a packet of
information. Unless you have not been honest in wanting
to participate in the RSS program, your requests for the
higher rates should be granted.
Ron Giles