SI3000 Lumia: The High-Performance Broadband Access and Aggregation Node

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Iskratel Access Plane 201

SI3000 Lumia
The High-Performance Broadband
Access and Aggregation Node
Iskratel is setting the access infrastructure offer onto a higher level
Make the Right Access
Network Decision
Access networks have advanced a great deal over the
past 10 years. The ability to have a last-mile fiber and
hybrid FTTx subscriber access has become a reality.
Widely available networking equipment is realizing the
once distant dream of overall connectivity. The number
of subscribers with insufficient broadband connectivity
is rapidly decreasing due to widespread deployments
of FTTH and FTTx.
Iskratel believes that the main driving force behind
Modern business and private communications no access-network innovation consists of four factors:
longer have to suffer line interruptions or insufficient 1. Deployment of fiber access closer to the subscribers.
bandwidth. The SI3000 Lumia is introducing gigabit
access as a premium in subscriber connectivity. The last 2. Combining access and aggregation functions in a
mile is the contact point between the communication single node.
infrastructure owner and the subscribers. It is the only 3. Moving the network intelligence to the access
true monetization source and is therefore essential for segment.
healthy growth and development. 4. An open-access infrastructure.

Standard broadband access

Passive content consumers
Inadequately supported business users
Operator as a vertically integrated service provider
Focus on technology and capabilities
Pure DSL access
Asymmetrical access
Centralized edge intelligence
Mix of PPPoE & IP
See the main results of
Static amount of traffic per user – typically up to 10 Mb/s
the access evolution in VLAN-based traffic awareness
single device -> single service
the table:
Aggregation of long-distance DSL access lines
Why Choose the
Iskratel SI3000 Lumia?
/High Capacity/ The Iskratel SI3000 Lumia is an access such as video distribution over the web are already
node, designed to provide high-capacity broadband becoming an interesting new revenue source.
fiber, DSL and hybrid (fiber+DSL) subscriber access. What
makes it different from currently available access nodes is /Software independence/ The SI3000 Lumia uses a
a focus on three access-scenario deployments: single suite of software, regardless of the technology used
• FTTH with P2P and GPON in the access network. This results in easier and faster
• FTTx hybrid access upgrades and simplified deployment of the SI3000 Lumia
• VDSL2 from CO nodes in the network.

/Combination of open access and aggregation/ The The Iskratel SI3000 Lumia access node
Iskratel SI3000 Lumia is the next evolutionary step in last- ensures higher infrastructure profitability.
mile access and aggregation. Its role in the access network
expands beyond the combined access and aggregation • New revenue ensured by the most competitive
node. service offering: HDTV, VoD, Video conferencing,
peer-to-peer transfers.
The SI3000 Lumia acts as an open-access enabler that • Churn reduction. By giving subscribers the optimum
makes it possible for subscribers to choose their service
amount of required bandwidth.
provider. Open access has for a long time been desired by
users and is becoming widely requested by governments • Lower TCO. By reducing the need for expensive IP
in the EU and other countries. Furthermore, the SI3000 edge network elements.
Lumia makes wholesale and open-access business models • Secure investment. By offering an end-to-end SI3000
possible. It turns the last-mile access infrastructure into an Lumia and Innbox fiber/DSL CPE solution
asset that is offered on the open market.
• Reduced ROI time.
/Flow awareness/ Session-flow awareness enables
distributed data-flow processing. The SI3000 Lumia /Compatibility/ The SI3000 Lumia is equipped with a
introduces a BRAS-free access-network architecture, technology-agnostic feature set and is consequently easy
known as the Intelligent Service Architecture (ISA). Due to to deploy. The subscriber boards are compatible with the
flow awareness, the SI3000 Lumia is ready for services that SI3000 MSAN access nodes.
require QoS on demand. Payable, over-the-top services,

Iskratel SI3000 Lumia high-performance access

Active subscribers that produce and share content
Dedicated business-subscriber policies and support, certified by MEF
Building access
Wholesale and open-access models
networks with
Focus on OPEX cuts while surpassing the highest level of end-user experience
Iskratel guarantees
FTTH and FTTx hybrid access options
the use of modern
Symmetrical communications determines the needs of today’s subscribers
networking concepts,
Distributed edge intelligence
high capacity future-
All-IP based on DHCP
Increasing amount of bandwidth per user – flirting with gigabit speeds oriented infrastructure

Flow-based traffic awareness development and

single device -> multiple services existing equipment
Aggregation of subtending FTTx access nodes compatibility.
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SI3000 Lumia: the High Performance Composition


SI3000 Lumia
The high-performance access node

The SI3000 Lumia is a next-generation,

broadband-access node that brings
tomorrow’s technology into your network

The modular design of the SI3000 Lumia

allows multiple housing options. It offers a
selection of different central blades, which act
as the node’s brain and network-connectivity
interface. Various subscriber-connectivity
blades connect the end-users via P2P and
GPON fiber, VDSL2 and POTS.

• 18.432 GPON users per shelf (1:64) SI3000 LUMIA HOUSING
• 40 Gb/s per slot connectivity
• 2,56 Terabit backpannel
• 960 Gb/s switching capacity
• GPON blade, with 16 OLT ports
• GE Fiber blade, with 24 ports
• POTS blade, with 64 ports
• MEF-certified business-users connectivity
The SI3000 Lumia is the optimal building block for various FTTH The GPON blade (SFJ) has 16 OLT ports. There are three variants
deployments. An operator can choose from all the mainstream of the P2P fiber blade. The first variant (FE Fiber blade – SFE)
fiber access technologies – GPON, FE P2P and GE P2P. is a double-slot price-optimized version with 24 FE ports. The
Subscribers can get the most bandwidth-demanding services second variant (FE Fiber – SFD) is a compact single-slot version
in the field of real-time data streaming, such as 3D HDTV, VoD, that offers 24 FE ports and uses Compact SFP transceivers to
Online Video Gaming, Video Conferencing and more. allow a doubled port density and quick diagnostics of the
optical lines. The third version, the GE Fiber blade – SFH, is a
compact single-slot version with 24 GE/FE dual-rate ports. All
the P2P fiber blades include a network processor that provides
Intelligent Service Access (ISA) features.

The SI3000 Lumia is the optimal building block for effective The POTS blade (SAK) has 64 ports. If offers the widely
copper-reuse deployments. Both VDSL2 broadband and POTS interoperable H.248, MGCP and SIP protocols and rich
narrowband applications are available. supplementary services. A wide choice of all mainstream voice
codecs and voice processing methods is available for optimal
The VDSL2 blade (SGR) has 32 ports. It includes a powerful voice quality. A line testing functionality is integrated for better
network processor that enables Intelligent Service Access troubleshooting.
(ISA) features. ADSL2+ fallback is available per each port
independently, allowing for a smooth migration to VDSL2. SRA,
Physical Layer Retransmission, G.INP and other methods are
built-in for excellent noise protection, resulting in high data-
transfer rates and undisturbed streaming.

The SI3000 Lumia is the optimal building block for various switching connectivity and up to eight 10-GE or GE interfaces
network deployments. All typical network topologies – star, for network connectivity.
ring, chain and full-mesh can be implemented.
All the central blades support EAPS functionality, which
Two types of central blade are available. The first (IDI) offers ensures high network resiliency in large rings, with a recovery
up to two 10-GE plus 8 GE interfaces for network connectivity. time of 50 ms. The blades feature advanced multicast and
Intelligent Service Access (ISA) and MEF-compliant Business selective Q-in-Q features. IPMI Shelf management provides
Connectivity features are supported. The second (IDK) with temperature management of the system and can power
its 40-GE interfaces to each subscriber blade is ideal for GPON down or remotely restart the subscriber blades selectively.
and XGPON applications. The IDK blade offers 640 Gb/s of

The SI3000 Lumia comes with an ETSI 300/19’’-compatible enclosure available in four different versions:

All SI3000 Lumia housings are suitable for both Central Office
and Street cabinet applications. The SI3000 Lumia backplane
has 2x40 Gb/s connectivity per each service slot and it offers 20-slot 18-slot 10-slot 6-slot
a staggering 2.56 Terabits/s capacity. The housing is provided enclosure enclosure enclosure enclosure
with a shelf-management unit that ensures different for ETSI 300 for 19’’ rack for ETSI 300 for ETSI 300
hardware-related parameter measurements, configuration of rack mounting (9U) and 19’’ rack and 19’’ rack
the system functions and the appropriate temperature for a mounting mounting (6U) mounting (4U)
fully equipped shelf during operation.
Start offering new services in the shortest possible time
SI3000 Lumia Management
The SI3000 Lumia introduces a new approach to managing
complex network environments with the next-generation
management system SI3000 MNS 2.0.

The SI3000 MNS 2.0 eases network management with an effective

Web 2.0 GUI and full compatibility with different product
versions. The system enables the fast and easy deployment of
new network elements and supports mass upgrades. Unified
management enables network administrators to manage the
complex networking parameters centrally in a very simple way by
managing user- and service-centric profiles and focusing on fast
and reliable service provisioning.

The SI3000 MNS 2.0 can be run inside a virtual machine and
enables operation in the cloud. Hierarchical integration into
external OSS/BSS systems is provided via open north-bound

In small deployments the SI3000 Lumia can be managed using

the embedded Element Manager GUI, via CLI or via third-party
systems using SNMP, without the need for the SI3000 MNS 2.0. For
larger networks the use of the SI3000 MNS 2.0 is recommended as
it effectively lowers the OPEX.

SI3000 Lumia Deployment Options

Fiber-to-the-Home Suitable for: Incumbents, alternative operators, municipal
networks, power utilities, green-field deployments

When building a fiber-access network to

every subscriber (residential and business), it
is critical to select a long-term future-proof
investment. A combination of P2P and GPON
fiber last-mile technology is the ideal choice
for the delivery of Gigabit speeds to different
users at different geographies.

Choosing the FTTH deployment:

• Readiness for today’s and future ultra-high-
speed internet access and video services like
3D HDTV, Quad HDTV, Ultra HDTV, etc.
• Symmetrical bandwidth for high-
speed business VPN connectivity, HD
videoconferencing, cloud computing, user-
content sharing and collaboration
• Unsurpassed reliability via fiber media and
a reduced number of active locations nearly
eliminates OPEX
FTTx Hybrid Access Suitable for: Incumbents, alternative operators

The deployment of FTTx-oriented access Why FTTx:

solution results in a quickly gained advantage • Reduced demand for all-fiber connections results in lower
over competitive wireline- and wireless-network CAPEX and a shorter ROI
operators. The FTTx access re-uses the existing • Faster deployment of the high-bandwidth service offer
copper infrastructure, optimizes the capital • Less digging and in-house wiring interventions
expenditure and speeds up the new service offering
and return on investment.

If it is there, why not use it? Past deployments

and recently unveiled global plans of FTTx-
based network access deployments prove that
copper connections are going to represent a very
significant share of end-user connections for the
next couple of decades. FTTx boosts the unused
potential of the copper access network and turns
it into a highly capable and future-proof access
solution for residents and business users.

Intelligent Service Access (ISA) Suitable for: Incumbents, alternative operators,

Deployment green-field deployments

Building FTTx networks requires substantial capital • Lower investment in smart aggregation and L3 edge (BNG)
investments. Today’s competitive environment prevents an by triple-A functions and policy enforcement inside the
increase of ARPU for ISPs, as existing business models favor SI3000 Lumia access node
application providers who utilize the internet infrastructure • Better control, provisioning and QoS for upstream intensive
without reimbursing for infrastructure usage. By introducing application like HDTV video conferencing
intelligence to the access part of the network, operators • Reduced risk by stopping attacks at the entrance of the
(investors in FTTx) gain the possibility to increase the ARPU network
with added-value service package offerings for specific user
groups (gamers, movie fans, specific businesses, etc.). ISA
also offers operators the opportunity to charge application
providers for the guaranteed quality delivery transport of
payable services.

After building FTTx last mile access, bottlenecks move to

another part of the network (IP-edge and aggregation), where
the number of expensive aggregation and core elements
(BNG/BRAS) has to be replaced or upgraded. In order to
lower the investment, the SI3000 Lumia with the ISA and
policy enforcement function offers the ability to authenticate,
authorize, account/charge (triple-A function) and manipulate
subscriber flows within the last mile.

Benefits of using Intelligent Access:

• Increase of ARPU by offering a differentiated added-value
service offer for specific user groups
• Increase of ARPU by charging for guaranteed QoS and
delivery of payable services

Business Services Suitable for: Incumbents, alternative operators

With support for the Intelligent Service • MEF-9 and MEF-14 compliance
Access (ISA) functions, the SI3000 Lumia • Profile-based management and assignment of services
serves as a universal service-delivery • End-to-end provisioning, monitoring and maintenance
platform, providing business customers • Transparent auto-logon (TAL) for seamless authentication
with Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF)- and activation of services
compliant carrier Ethernet services. • SLA enforcement with ingress and egress policing and
• Standards-based E-Line and E-LAN Ethernet services • FE/GE/VDSL2 subscriber ports
Published: April 2012 © Designed by

20 slots 18 slots 10 slots
duplication duplication duplication 6 slots
no yes no yes no yes
No. of slots for service blades, with IDI 19 18 17 16 9 8 5

No. of slots for service blades, with IDK 18 16 16 14 8 6 4

Max. GPON fiber-access users (1:64)
with SFJ and IDK, GPON OLT users (ports) 18.432 (288) 16.384 (256) 16.384 (256) 14.336 (224) 8.192 (128) 6.144 (96) 4.096 (64)
Max. P2P fiber-access ports
with SFE and IDI, FE ports 216 216 192 192 96 96 48
with SFD and IDI, FE ports 456 432 408 384 216 192 120
with SFH and IDI, GE/FE ports 456 432 408 384 216 192 120
Max. VDSL2 ports, with SGR and IDI 608 576 544 512 288 256 160
Max. POTS ports, with SAK and IDI 1216 1152 1088 1024 576 512 320
Max. GE uplink ports, with IDI 8 16 8 16 8 16 8
Max. 10GE uplink ports, with IDI 2 4 2 4 2 4 2
Max. GE uplink ports, with IDK 8 16 8 16 8 16 8
Max. 10GE uplink ports, with IDK 6 12 6 12 6 12 6
Local Management interface over Ethernet Switch Blade
Console RS232, RJ-45
Giga Ethernet 1000 BaseT, RJ-45 – Management port for whole chassis
Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) features
Service-blade identification Position in chassis, serial number, service contact person
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

Identification of chassis Geographical, topological position, role of application

Blade status information Power-consumption, temperature, voltage
Blade management Active, standby and fail status reading, activation, remote reset and shutdown
Fan management Status of fans, rotation speed configuration and automatic adaptation
20-slot chassis (H x W x D) 622 x 500 x 233 (*) mm – ETSI rack
18-slot chassis (H x W x D) 622 x 450 x 233 (*) mm – 19” rack
10-slots chassis, 6U (H x W x D) 267 x 450 x 233 (*) mm – ETSI rack, 19” rack
6-slots chassis, 4U (H x W x D) 178 x 450 x 233 (*) mm – ETSI rack, 19” rack
* 233 mm without cables, 275 mm with cables
Environmental conditions
Safety IEC 60950-1:2001, UL 60950-1
EMC EN 300 386:2001 v1.3.1, EN55022 Class A, FCC Class A (Class B for 1U chassis)
Storage As in ETS 300 019-1-1, class 1.2 , temperature -25 to 55°C, rel. humidity 5–100%
Transport As in ETS 300 019-1-2, class 2.3
Operation As in ETS 300 019-1-3, class 3.1E, temperature -5 to 55°C, rel. humidity 5–90%
Supply voltage -48V or -60V DC

Iskratel, d.o.o., Kranj

Ljubljanska c. 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia
Phone: +386 (0)4 207 2000, Fax: +386 (0)4 207 2712

e-mail: [email protected]

Iskrabel, Harkovskaya str. 1/601, BY - 220073 Minsk, Belarus, phone: +375 17 213 03 36, fax: +375 17 251 74 59, e-mail: [email protected],
Iskracom, Naurizbay batyra 17, office 213, 050004 Almaty, Kazakhstan, phone: +7 727 244 82 22, fax: +7 727 244 82 19, e-mail: [email protected],
Iskratel, Ljubljanska cesta 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, phone: +386 (0)4 207 20 00, fax: +386 (0)4 207 27 12, e-mail: [email protected],
Iskratel MMC, Fazail Bayramov str. 2, kvartira 2, AZ1025 Baku, Azerbaijan, phone: +994 12 496 73 71, e-mail: [email protected],
Iskratel Poland, Legnicka str. 55/4, 54-203 Wroclaw, Poland, phone: +48 (71) 349 29 05, fax: +48 (71) 349 29 02, e-mail: [email protected],
Iskratel Tashkent, pr. Amira Temura, 99 »A«, 100084 Tashkent, Uzbekistan, phone: +998 (71) 300 31 08, e-mail: [email protected],
Iskratel Ukraine, Artema str. 72a, 04050 Kiev, Ukraine, phone: +380 44 363 01 00, fax: +380 44 363 01 00, e-mail: [email protected],
Iskrauraltel, Komvuzovskaya str. 9a, 620137 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, phone: +7 343 210 69 51, fax: +7 343 341 52 40, e-mail: [email protected],
ITS Iskratel Skopje, Kej 13 Noemvri, Kula 4, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia, phone: +389 2 323 53 00, fax: +389 2 323 53 99, e-mail: [email protected],

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