Highly Confidential: BP-HZN-2 1 7eMDL0 1 7e0670
Highly Confidential: BP-HZN-2 1 7eMDL0 1 7e0670
Highly Confidential: BP-HZN-2 1 7eMDL0 1 7e0670
prospect have beenfinalized.A reporton for MC Well parameters the upcoming 252 #1 Macondo basedon preliminary data. The updated AnnularPressure Buildup(APB)was issuedin February parameters or alterthe analysisbut do not changethe overallmessage conclusions.Ratherthan rework here. all sections the report,the mostrelevant of changesare highlighted the The changewith the biggestimpactcomesfrom increasing TD mud weightfrom 14.2ppgto 14.6ppg. the brinewas communicated; therefore net collapse No changeto the planned12.8ppg completion pressure shoe, has casingTOC is well abovethe previous acrossthe 9-718" increased.The production so the B annuluswill be trappedand subjectto APB. B annulus mitigation must be revisitedif either the TD mud weight increases above 14.6 ppg or ff the packer fluid is less fhan 12.8ppg. remainessentially same: the The recommendations collapse disksrun in is 1. PrimaryC annulusmitigalion achievedvia new 1,600psi inward-acting well designparameters. 16"subs. The disksmitigate collapseloadsunderthe updated 16" burstdisks run in the same 2. PrimaryB annulusmitigation comesfrom 7,500psi outward-acting have lower9-718' collapse designfactorsthan before. With 16"subs. The new well parameters methanol the mudlineand 12.8 ppg brinebelow, at a worst caseA annulusprofileof hydrostatic designfactor. the highestAPB that couldoccurpriorto disk ruptureresultsin a 1.03collapse but if This worstcasescenario marginally is accepiable mustbe revisited well parameters change. APB resultsin 3. Secondary annulusmitigation B comesfrom the strength the 9-718".Predicted of designfactorwith synthetic 14.6ppg mud on the backside and an unmitigated 1.05collapse mitigation marginal. is hydrostatic 12.8ppg packerfluidinside. This secondary 4. Secondary annulusmitigation comefrom pumping nilrified C can a spaceraheadof the 16" for cement. This analysis has not been updated the new well parameters. to Figure2 is updated showthe new well parameters.Table 1 is updated showWellCatoutputfor the to APB loads new well parameters.The magnitude APB does not changemuch. Table2 summarizes of casingcollapse designfaclorswithoutmitigation. The loadschangedue to different and the resulting different APB levels. fluidweightsratherthan substaniially
Exhibit No. Worldwide C-ourt Inc.
1 6 ' @1 2 , 5 m ' 13-54" 15,300' @ contingency expandable @ 17,000' +7t8" @20,200', UPDATED Figure2 - Simplifled Well Schematic with Mitigation Alternatives DefaultMud PW c16C18PVT APB Volume APE Volume 0 psi 1 3 . 1b b l s 0 psi 13.1bbls psi 30.8 bbls 7,961 psi 28.8 bbls 10,098 psi 19,5bbls 7 865 osi 19.4bbls 9.842 0 psi 13.1 bbls 0 psi 13.1bbls 0 psi 30.8bbls 0 psi 28.8 bbls 6 62O nsi 19.5bbls 5.590 osi 'l9 4 hhls a b l e 1 - A P B w i t h o r r l itigation Default Mud APB DFc
psi 10,098 6,620psi 0.87 0.38
A annulusventd
A&B annulivented
g-7t8" 62.80 0.125 16"97.0P,110
p 11,140 si 2,340psi
Pressure Loads
Pi: hydrostatic 12.8ppg Po:APB on 14.6ppq Pi, hydrostatic 14.6ppg Po:APB on 11.8ppq
7,961psi 5,590psi DFc 1.05 0.46
UPDATED LoadswithoutMitigation Table2 - APB Collapse Figure5 showsthe controlling collapsedisk calculations the 16"casing. Figure7 has updated for burst disk calculations mitigation 9-718" for of collapse loads.
tt"" "":;;
g Anndus is hydrostatb tutd '16' 16" 16' Po Pi Pc 5,6/9 3,89 2,102 6,292 4,612 6,068 6,825 7,509 2,012 t,837 t,i$ 1,664
I Amuhgq@tz6 16" 16" PO Pi 5,204 3,379 5,8f7 6,993 7,607 8,!58 4,137 5,59J 6,351 1,O34
to 12-8ppg A Annulus 16' 10' Pc DFc 2,0 1.02 1,917 1,803 1,7.,2 1,53C
6"7.0 P-l10
6,920 2,106
'1o,o3o a,eoo]
r:,ero tr,rlol
27.4 I,6C0 pst dbk limk APB lo 2,089 Fi
*7/8" C:c
1.3 1 33 1 31
P-110 16"S7.0
,a,* ,'r,,,ool
ff li:::,
1,,,... I
AY^sd. .*h^
\ Amulus is 6.7 ppg d tE mudine 16" $.718" 9-718' 9-7113' 9-7B' Po Po Pi Pc DFc 1.21
18,?24 1A,174
Attached the originalTechnical is Reportwithoutmodification. Descriptions calculation of methodsand assumotions stillcorrect. are
BP-HZN-217 9MDL01790672
Title: Macondo Prospect APB Mitigation PreparedBy: Approved By: lssued To: Team Rich Miller - EPT Integtity Management P. David Pattillo ll - EPT IntegrityManagementTeam Mark Hafle
1.0 Recommendations the loadsthatthreaten Macondocasing can Buildup(APB)duringproduction generate AnnularPressure ways: can throughthe following strings. APB mitigation be achieved disksin the 16". lf the rig schedule with C mitigation accomplished collapse is 1. Primary annulus permits10 weeksof leadtime,then a new disk designis recommended with 1,600psi t 57o sooner,thenthe of backpressure 7,000psi. lf disksare required collapse ratingand a minimum collapseratingsand a with 1,800psi t 5olo existingHES 406240-7 disksare acceptable, of minimumbackpressure 7,000psi. with burstdisksin the 16'. HES A06239-3disks is 2 . PrimaryB annulusmitigation accomplished of with are recommended a 7,500psi + 5% burstratingand a minimumbackpressure 5,250psi.
two burstdisks and two collapse Eachsub shouldcontain Four 16"subs are recommended. 500' to 800' above 1,000'belowthe mudline, disks. The subsshouldbe locatedapproximately as the 'lE" shoe,and 500' to 700' belowthe 18"shoe. The fourthsub is included a back-up.
of 62.80Q-125, resistance the 9-718" B comesfrom the collapse 4 . Secondary annulusmitigation mud. Boththe final casingstring for whichexceedsthe APB load predicted synthetic-based and designation the actualmud basefluid shouldbe confirmed. a spaceraheadof the 16" C can Secondary annulusmitigation come from pumping nitrified conditions. cement. The spacervolumeshouldbe sizedto place60 bblsof nilrogenat downhole 2.0 Background and Input Data for rig. lt is a drilllocations the Marianas MC The Macondoprospect, 252 #2, is one of the possible properties, and casingseats,formation stage,so dataon mud weights, wildcatwell still in the planning pay, so APB mitigation production to ratesis subjectto change. This well is expected find commercial effort. as must be considered partof the overallwell engineering for will The BP TubularDesignManualstatesthat two mitigators be designed each annulusof concern for is in With thisobjective mind,the strategy Macondo to circumstances. operational barringextenuating withintime and mitigation and come up with back-up APB mitigation designrupturedisksfor primary foam,and foam spacers, syntactic physical with rupturedisks,nitrified constraints.BP has experience BP tubing(VlT)for APB mitigation.In addition, has viewedcasingstrengthas a vacuuminsulated collapse designfactorsexceed but mitigator whereAPB loadsthrealenwell integrity unmitigated
usinga 1.'1 multiplier on minimumvalues. For APB loadcases,the TubularDesignManualrecommends prediction uncertainty.Sincethe standard the standard designfactorsto accountfor temperature prediction temperature shouldsatisfya 1.1 collapse collapse designfactoris 1.0,APB loadsthat involve designfactor. are this data provided January on Sincewell parameters still beingrefined, work usesthe best available and 29tn. Wellboregeometrywas providedin the file Macondo-MC252 #2 Schematic012909-RevA.x/s, parameters properties and The formation were containedinMacondo_PP_MW_FG_BOD.xls. production engineer assignedto Macondo.The wellbore were providedby the completion tubingassumplions schematic included the end of this reportfor reference. is at 2.1 Thermal Model the duringproduction.Temperatures are A Wellcat modelwas builtto analyrze thermalcharacteristics are for from 18,816'.The bottomholeconditions 245'F and calculated 25kbopdsteadystate production 12,350psi. Production fluidsare 33"APloil, 0.6 SG gas,and a gas-oilratioof 1,300scf/bbl. Figure1 for fluidand the affected annuli. showstemperatures the produced
Figure1 - Predicted Temperatures 25kbopd for 2.2 APB without Mitigation changein a trappedannulus. Forthis analysis, The primarydriverfor APB is the averagetemperature usesthe is to temperalures. the final condition and the initialcondition assumed be undisturbed whereal levelsof APB are calculated the scenario for temperatures shownin Figure1. The highest pressure pressures highest, are differential loadsacrossa annuliare sealed. Although absolute lhe pressures from only one occurwhenAPB is relieved casingare typically benign.Worst case differential will APB focuseson collapse loading, thus designscenarios involve side of the string. This analysis condition inside. outsidea stringand a definedpressureboundary
4 BP-HZN-21 79MDLO17e067
methods. APB loadsand miligation well schematic assistin discussing to Figure2 showsa simplified assumesthat the A designscenarios.The firstscenario ditferent Table1 showsAPB levelsfor several fluid gradient. equalthe hydrostatic such that pressures will annulus be bleddown duringinitialproduction casing. The secondscenario provides screening collapse loadsacrossthe production for a This scenario APB. This fluid pressures with no additional assumes that boththe A and B annulihave hydrostatic loadsacrossthe 16"casing. APB is calculated collapse for condition servesas a baseline determining (PVT) fluid one mud pressure-volume-temperature correlations; is the WellOatdefaglt for two different basefluid data.' diesel,land the otheris a secondordercurvefit of C16C18synthetic reflecting
16" @ 11,500' 13-5/8"@ 13,650' r-78" @17,OOO', (or expandable) 9-718"@ 20,600',
vented A&Bannuli
c 1 6 C 1 8P V T Default Mud PW Volume APB APB Volume bbts bbls 0 psi 't3.1 0 psi 13..1 A bbls 1 0 , 0 1p s i 3 1 - 0b b l s 7,876psi 31.0 3 B psi 18.0bbls 7.939psi 't8_0 bbts 9,842 0 psi 13.1 bbls b A 0 psi 1 3 . 1 b l s bbls b 0 psi 31.0 0 psi 3 1 . 0 b l s B psi 18.0 bbls bbls 5.691 6.712 osi 18.0 Table 1 - APB without M itigation
APB is The APB valuesin Table 1 are usedto createcasingdesignloads. For the first scenario, 12.8ppg casing. Insidethe casingis hydrostatic the on superimposed 14.2ppg mud outside 9-718" for so packerfluid,i.e.a fluid columnextending from surface. No gradewas specified the 9-718', collapse loads. The APB collapse calculations reflectan API ratingof 11,140psi for Q-125. Table2 summarizes to collapse designfactorbasedon defaultmudAPB is 0.89. The designfaclorimproves a 1.08 9-718" for to mud PW is used. Thesedesignfactorsare not adequate justifyno APB mitigation whensynthetic for may be marginal that the casingstrength basedAPB load indicates the B annulus.The synthetic mitigation. as consideration secondary
'Mathematical DensityChangein Static Downhole FieldModelPredicts J.R.: A., Sorelle, R.R.,Jardiolin, Buckley,P , and Barrios, 1 F D r i l l i n g l u i d s . 'S P E 1 1 1 1 8 , 9 8 2 . ' "TheTop 10 Mud-Related Drilling Operations.'SPE concernsin Deepwater and M.P. Slephens, zamoq. M.. P.N. Broussard 59019,2000. '
9-7l8',62.80 Q-125 16',97.0 P-110
Collapse Rating p 11 , 1 4 0 s i
2,340 psi able
Loads Pressure
12.8PPg Pi: hydrostatic Po:APB on'l4.2pw 14.2ppg Pi: hydrostatic Po:APBon 11.3 opq
Default Mud
cl6C 8
6 , 7 1 2p s i
t r-c
1 0 , 0 1p s i 0.89 3
DFc '1.08
0.38 5,691psi
14-2ppg are loadswithoutmitigation alsoshownin Tabte2. Loadsassumehydrostatic The 16"collapse designfactorsare on mud insidethe casingand APB superimposed 11.3ppg mud outside. Collapse for is of regardless which fluidmodelis assumed.Mitigation required this string. insufiicient 3.0 Rupiure Disks tightt 5olo subs and provide disksprovidea one-timereliefof APB. They are run in engineered Rupture rupturedisksmay be of on tolerances ihe pressureresistance a casing, Bothinwardand outward-acting to diskscan providea leak pathfor pressures ventto the APB. Outward-acting usefulfor mitigating annulipriorto the threatof reliefbetweenadjacent disks can providea pressure formation.Inward-acting loadscollapse 16' for collapse.gotn typesof diskswereconsidered mitigating and 9-718" mechanical disksare selected and does not dependon temperature APB prediction.Instead, disk selection Rupture ratings. Muchof the uncertainty casingcollapse thatthreatens to limitAPB belowthe threshold disks,suchas usingworst-case when designing can be eliminated with APB prediction associated of all and investigating combinations fluidgradients.Becausemanyof the tolerances manufacturing disksdo not requirelargesafetyfactorsto accountfor with certlinty,rupture .rn-b" determined variables the unknown. how high APBcouldreachpriorto the disk to reflectworstcase disk tolerances consider Afl cafculations pressure. venting 3.1 C Annulus ilitigation via22" Burst Disks ratingis only2,340 C for 22" burstdisksdo not look feasible mitigating annulusAPB. The 16" collapse disk (MIYP)of 6,360psi. An outward-acting yieldpressure psi,a fractionoI lhe 22"minimuminternal rating. Figure3 wouldcut the 22' ratingin half in orderto limitAPB collapseloadsbelowthe 16' collapse a that reflects 3,000psi burstdisk. 22" disksare not recommended. showsone designscenario
AnnLtB k hydrosldic tud 16" 15" 22' MIYP CollaNel lAl B I c f/ | 4,889' 16" 16'
z" bu6l disk 3,000
1.8001 Hl
| | |
L/ I l"K'
I 6.0C0'
| 7,m0' 1o 2
3,e701| I
| 7'al0' 1o.3
18,5c0. 11.3
6.s20 z,r+olI I
1zs 111.550'
o/t 27.8 dtsk lhits APg to 2,763 Psi
| 208C0'
?3,840 1t.14ol
Figure3 - 22" BurstDisksfor C AnnulusAPB Mitigation 3.2C Annulus Mitigationvia 18" Burst Disks Similarly, burstdisks havethe same shortcoming 22" disks. The 18"disk would haveto be set far 18" as belowthe casingMIYP in orderto rupturepriorto loadsexceeding 16"collapse the rating. Figure4 showscalculations a 2,600psi disk. This mitigation for alternative not recommended. is
Annldre is hydrcstdic rud '13' 16" 16" IVIYP Collapecl lAl lo'collacse disk | 8001 l-:l B I c l', | 4,889'
*: /? n- L/
| 6.000, 6,852 7,146 7,733 4,202 5.164 5.533 6270 6.E6t 2,060 2.0fi 1,9.13 1.835 1. 1. 1 1
j6'97.0p-1 10
6,e20 z :col J I
I r r soo. rzs
I re.oso. t+o
117,000. | 20.630' D/t 27.A 2,600 psi disk lidits APa b 2.743 psi
Figure4 - 18" BurstDisksfor C AnnulusAPB Mitigation 3.3 C Annulus Mitigationvia 16" CollapseDisks 16"collapse diskscan be designed equalize pressure priorto APB loadsexceeding casingrating. to the The disksoperateon differential pressure, they are closely so tiedto collapse loadsregardless fluid o1 gradients and pressureboundary conditions.Figure5 showsdisk calculations two different for design scenarios.The firstscenario assumesthatthe B annuluscontains hydrostatic 14.2 ppgmud with no additional APB. The secondscenario assumesa leak in the production casing,causingthe 14.2ppg mud to equalize with 12.8ppg packerfluid. ln eithercase,an 1,800psi disk ruplurespriorto tne nFB loadexceeding casingcollapse ratings.
3 Annilus is hydtustatb mud 16' 16' 16' 16Po Pi Pc DFc c,@ 3,60/ 2,317 6,316 r0.2 10.0 11.3 1't.0 6,903 7.197 7,784 8,253 4,426 5,164 5,533 6,2fO 6,861 2,2AA 2,110 2,062 1,964 1,886 1.06 '1.11 113 '1 19 124 J Amulus Nualizes to 12.8 ppg A Anndus 16" 16" 16" 16' Po Pi Pc DFc s,JU! J,151 t.291 1_42 5,961 6,548 6,84'1 7,428 7,896 4,071 4,S0 5,177 5,915 6,505 2,183 2,085 2,036 1,938 1,860 1.07 1.12 1 15 1.21 1.26
Mudlne 16'cdlape dtsk 22" buFt disk 22"2243X-AO 13" burstdtsk 18" 117P-110
3,870 2,'110
M with Original r
BP-HZN-2 7eMDL017e0677 1
but with for are The calculations repeated baritesettling.Figure6 showsthe same two designscenarios the priorto loadsexceeding casingcollapse lowerfluid gradients.Again,the 1,800psi dis( ruptures rating.
vrve corracsel
5,901 {2.9
iAnnulur APB 3 Aanulusis 14.2EMW il 7.0W9 16' 16' 16' 16' DFC Po PI Pc 1 09 2,149 5,497 4,011 4,314 4,556 4,920 5.211 2,178 2,204 2,217 2,244 2.265 1.O7 1.06 1.06 1.04 1.03
: Annuluc fB , Amulus equai?es to 12.8 ppg A Anndus 16" 16" 16" 16" OFC Pi PC PO
1sool ''{ :,:* 6,6E0 .,tl '*rl 6,920 . *.1 1o,o3o ,r,*o ,,,rool
:,I .,.,,
s,909 4,019 2,1i9 G,ogo 4,200 2.192 6,454 4,564 2,2'8
1.07 1.07 1.05
I I |
16" E7.0P-l 10
27.8 1.800 psi disk fmit6 APB lo 2,627 Psi
with Figure6 - 16' CoilapseDiskCalculations Mud Degradation psi has Hunting/Fike an existing'1,800 disk: HESA06240-7 pressureat 150'F collapse 1,800psi ! 5olo 7,000PsiminimumbackPressure ratingexceedsthe 16" 97.0 P-110MIYPof 6,920psi, so this diskwillnot limit The minimumbackpressure procurement disk subs of pressure Sincethl disk designhas alreadybeenqualified, ratings. casing one placed1,000'belowthe for in could-obcur 4-6 weeks. Two subsare recommended this application; abovethe 18"shoe. A thirdsub shouldbe orderedas a back-up. mudlineand the other 5OO-8OO' of resistance 2340 psi. The 16"casingwill be collapse all calculations reflecta nominal The preceding has of drilledthroug[, so the possibility casingwearshouldbe considered.Experience shownthat wear groovewill lowerratingsby the same with wear,thus a 10olo iinearly collapse,"ji"tan"" decreases a io are 10%. lf the calculations updated include 10%marginfor wear,thenthe idealdisk specification pressure with the same 7,000psi minimumbackpressure. collapse would be 1,600psi + 5olo of backpressure only 4,500psi. A new the Unfortunately, existing1,6b0p;i disk designhas a minimum testing,and finalmanufacturing. disk des!7nmay take 8-10weeksfor design, and APB loadsfor a varietyof fluiddensities against disksin the 16"casingmitigate collapse In summary, a ordering new disk designwith a 1,600psi collapserating conditions-lf time permits, boundary fr"""ur" wear in the 16". lf the well is scheduled wouldpiovidea marginfor drilling and a 7,000psi bickpressure within4-5 weeks,thenthe existingHES A06240-7is recommended. to spud 3.4 B Annulus Mitigationvia 16" Burst Disks are burstdiskscan be run in the 16"to vent B annulusAPB. Calculations shownin Outward-acting to outsidethe disk is assumed be the designscenarios.In eachcase,pressure two different Figure7 tor the outside disk to the fluid pressurebuilding considers foimationfrac gradient.This designassumplion limitoutsidethe disk resultsin the highest highestpru"suiuallowedby the formation, Usingthis pressure on B lnnulus ApB that couldoccurpriorto the disk rupturing.B annulusAPB is then superimposed 14-2 inside for are scenarios considered pressure production casing. Then,two different the ppg mud outside assumesthe 12.8ppg packerfluid. The secondscenario uses hyJrostatic ifijs-Zla". The firstscenario
packer density places ppgequivalent same fluid but 6.7 pressure themudline model methanol at to a linedictating lowest annulus the pressure. either A In psi case, 7,500 diskwillrupture a prior 9o1!rol to APBloads exceeding casing the collapse rating 9-7lg" for 62.g0 e-125.
tAnnulur APB I Annulus is hydbstatE pekq iluid 16" 9-7A' 9-713. g-7l3' 97/8" Po Po Pt Pc -F. 10,217 7,388 t &nutug fE \ Amulus is 6 7 ppg at the mud]ine 16" S-7;8' 9-718" S-7/8' .t pc Po Po
6,360 6,6E0
7,5oO 10.6
oepm 4,889
9.300' 1 1 . 8 10,000'
I ,,",,:,,,,
I s,zor ra,+rr 4,63e 9,438 6,r12 r3,e87 5,10c e,54e 'r*, 6,oea e,788
15,093 7,647 8/4 1 32 114
1 1 5 m ' t2.g
13.650',14.0 17,000
8,782 D/1
1 27
Figure - 16' BurstDisks B Annulus 7 for ApB Mitigation Hunting/Fike an existingdisk designfor this application. has HESA06239-3 7,500psi + 5% burstpressure 200.F at 5,250psi minimum backpressure
Since 16"collapse disks are also recommended this string,it is strongly for recommended burstand that collapse disksare placedin each sub and a totalof four subs are ordered.Two subswouldbe run in the casedhole;one at 1,000' BMLand the other5OO' EOO' to abovethe 18"shoe. A thirdsub should run be 500' to 700' belowthe 18' shoe in the open hole. The fourthsub is recommended a back-up. as gradewas not specified the provided The 9-718" on wellboreschematic.This burstdisk is recommended provided that the 9-718" a collapseratingthat meetsor exceeds11,140 has psi. lf a weakerproduction casingis specified this well,then the 16' burstdisk calculations needto be revisited. for will 4.0 Nitrified Foam Spacer The C annulushas primarymitigation 16"collapse via disks. A nitrogen spacerpumpedaheadof the 16" cementis analyzed consideration secondary for of mitigation. Nitrogen can be introduced an annulus providea compressible into to medium. The benefit nitrogen of is it acts as a pressure regulator.As the mud expands, nitrogencompresses the with a muchsmaller increase pressure, in therebyreducing overallApB. The downside nitrogenis a concernfor gas migration.After placement, nitrogen of the may coalesce and rise. lf the annulusis sealed,then the risingbubblehas no room to expand, therebymigraiing bottom holepressure back to the mudline. Gas migration can negateany benefitprovided'by corirpressible the medium. Calculations made usingtwo differenlassumptions gas migration.The first set assumesa worst are for casescenario whereihe nitrogenpressure placement at fully migrates the mudlinein a sealed to annulus.The secondset assumesthat nitrogen coalesces and risesagainstthe exposed formation frac gradient the 18" shoe. A thirdscenario at couldinvolveno nitrogen migration, this case is not as but
risk the recognizes placement of losingthe nitrogento the severeas the two shown. A finalscenario APB shownin Table 1' duringcementing.This case reducesto the unmitigated formation underthe Figure8 showsresultsfor the two primaryscenarios.The graphon the leftdepictsmitigation the lineshowshow increasing volumeof nitrogen of more onerouscondition full gas migration.The which collapsepressure, the resultsin lowerAPB. However, red lineshowsthe mudlineequivalent the and APB outsidethe string. Addingthe first barrelof nitrogenincreases bothgas migration includes giventhat the 16" is by 2,60b psi due to gas migration.This downside insurmountable load collapse designfactorsare shownby the greenline and remain ratingis only 2,340psi. 16"collapse collapse below1.0. the against 18' frac gradient.Here,the gas The graphon the rightof Figure8 depictsgas migration provides 1.22collapse a conditions 60 migrition penaltyisnot prohibitive. bbls of nitrogenat placement designfactor.
APBMitigationwilh C AnnulusNitrogen ftom tullgas migration theTOC 9,000
-Welcat AFB
1.2 r.o t
0_9 0.8 g
3,ooo 2,000 1p00 0
0.7 .9 o o ^^o
^4 A -E
! s,ooo a z,ooo 1,000
o o -n { o
o 0.,1
with Nitrogen Figure8 - C AnnulusMitigation A nitrifiedfoam spacer is includedhere to illustrateits potentialas a secondarymitigator. lt is preferred '18"strings;however there is a riskthat it may not be burstdisksin the 22" or over outvvard-acting backto the mudlinein a closedannulus. if effective nitrogenmigrates
5.0 Appendir
{ I I
tF,2lts.1tpt X$
TOC@ -80tX'L4UWD
9.8-tal F*g
{f @ 9|c
l|o/ruf 1
16.$xg Fdd!sr.& 16"97* P-110,ffiJ11 t0.1-fi.3 SOEi,
ICt.11r00' t6 fi,5am|/Ivo
tttl r l
11.3- 12"4
TI tl
Re&cdo C6:*!g
B P - H Z N -7 e M D L 0 1 0 6 8 1 21 7e