Karam-12 Unsecuring Program

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From: BO, BO1 , OD , OD/1 , BE, DBE
Date: 15 / 09 / 2022
Subject: Karam-12 Unsecuring & SBHPS Program
Karam-12 is a new well and need to be unsecured.
KARAM-12 was drilled to produce oil from upper ARC reservoir, secondary well objective was to
produce oil from upper ARG reservoir, however, the carbonate FM (Khoman) was logged over 12 ¼”
hole based on the exploration request. The well spudded by Rig EDC-52 on 29/07/2022 & reached TD of
4660 MBDF on 25/08/2022. The 8.5in open hole was covered by W/L Triple-Combo & based on TC
results, total 16 points proposed & 2 firmed samples in U-ARG & L-ARG as well as one optional sample in
Bahariya. During RIH with RDT in the open hole, tool slacked & couldn’t pass depth 4475md (U-ARG) &
had overpulls with cable while moving up. Several trials were made to pass that depth with no success
most likely due to differential depletion with cable against ARC which supposed to have about 5000-
6000 psi differential pressure less than hydrostatic pressure. So, as per drilling team recommendation
pressure & sampling acquisition were cancelled. ARC4 encountered total about 6.5 meters hydrocarbon
bearing sands with average porosity about 15%, which relatively more developed than offset wells
GPAA-3 & GPAA-4,. Reservoir pressure expected to be depleted due to production from GPAA-3 which
it’s last available pressure survey acquired against ARC was around 5700psi. U-ARG1_Sand1
encountered about 3 meters hydrocarbon bearing sand body with about 17% average porosity. U-
ARG1_Sand2 encountered about 11 meters hydrocarbon bearing sand body with about 19% average
porosity. U-ARG formation pressure could be initial up to 10700psi or depleted to 6600psi due to
production from KARAM-1 & KARAM-2ST, (pressure values are the realistic high & low PPP in well

Estimated Cost:
Services Company Cost, 1000 USD
Slick Line unit and crew SLB 10
Fluid pump SAPESCO 5
Total Cost 15
Well Data:
Ann. “A” MAASP 1700 psi Ann. “B” MAASP 900 psi

Reservoir data:
Perforation Absolute Realistic Realistic
BHT Expected Maximu
Formation Interval Fluid Minimum Low BHP High BHP
(def.) BHP (psi) m BHP
(mbdf) BHP (psi) (psi) (psi)
ARC 4124 4133 295 Oil 1690 4862 5600 9744 10274
U.ARG 4456 4460 310 Oil 2197 6642 10556 10726 10888

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L.ARG 4556 4565 315 Oil 2344 6763 10662 10821 10977

Job operation:
The next procedures are a basic guideline of what is to achieve in the field. Operational changes to
this program expected based on the best judgment available for the situation. Please consult ODW
before making any changed who will take the management verbal approval for any changes
Note: LSR sheet to be signed by both WSS & each Contractor's Supervisor.

1. Issue the PTW and be sure it is available on location during all operation.
2. Hold a safety meeting to discuss all the planned operations.
3. Record WHSIP & annulus "A" & "B" pressures and report it to ODW.
4. Perform function test for TR-SCSSSV by open and close it several time, Keep TR-SCSSSV open
by applying 6000 psi in the control line using hand pump. Monitor hand pump during all next
operations. Confirm the pressure below the plug from hand pump strokes.
5. R/U SAPESCO fluid pump & P/T its surface lines to 8000 psi for 15 min.
6. Prepare 10 bbl. 50/50 Glycol/water for all P/T operation to prevent hydrate formation.
7. R/U the slick line equipment & PCE (with liquid chamber) X-Over adapter required for 10k
wellhead & pressure test to 8000 psi. P/T BOP individual’s rams. Pressure tests the same to
8000 psi for 15 min.
8. Fill TBG and apply 7400 psi on plug. (Maximum expected SIWHP is 7400 psi and last SIWHP
reading was 6800 psi)
9. RIH W/RB retrieving tool, Latch prong @ SCSSV profile, retrieve prong, POOH to surface, Close
Swab valve, close SSV, bleed all pressure.
 If not successful to retrieve the PRONG slowly, reduce the pressure 200 psi each time to
retrieve the PRONG.
 Monitor any change in WHP after retrieval.
10. Make sure you have WHP enough for equalizing, RIH with GR and retrieve 3.813" Lock mandrel,
POOH to surface, record WHSIP.
11. R/D S/L equipment.

 Karam -12 wellbore diagram (will be sent later)

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