Water Distribution Master Plan

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Report As50ciated


Town of Hinton

Water Distribution System

2007 Master Plan

August 2008


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A Appendix A - Technical Memorandum - Water

Modelling Software Evaluation

~~ '"oci.",

B Appendix B - Water Consumption Records

~~ '"oci.",
Town of Hinton

Watar Con9umpUon Record (Wa9t Fraser Watar Tf1Iatmanl Plflnt Meter Readings)

Avemgs Avarage
o..erfDtlon 1994 1995 1996 1997 199B 1999 2000 2<101 2002 2003 2004 2006 (1994 • 2006) (2002·2006)

Annu.1 ConaurnpUon (m3) 2,753,092 2,B7B,752 2,259,4B1 1,895,993 2,014,570 2,133,364 2,330,740 2,068,496 2,063,170 2,189,636 2,191,466 2,326,153 2,279,453 2,192,606

Avemge Day 7543 7887 6190 5195 5519 58<5 6388 5667 5653 5999 S004 6373 6,245 6,007

Estimated POEIulation 9341 9651 9961 9847 9735 9624 9514 9405 9477 9549 9622 9769 9,630 9,604

Per Capita Per Day (Ue/d) 807 817 621 528 567 607 671 603 596 628 624 652 644 625

C Appendix C - Pipe and Node Numbers

~~ '"oci.",
.. P.2/16

Rev. 4
May 8, ;1997


.1 Water supply to the main mqtcr vault is supplied from the Weldwood
Mill by a 250 HP pump with a rated capacity of 158 LIsee (2,500
USGPM) at 88.3 m (290 ft.) TDH. The pump is equipped with a
bypass valve which can be set to maintain a discharge pressure between
S80 - 650 kPa (84 - 94 pSi) .

.2 The water supply from the Mill is the only source for the Town ,
therefore, the Town relies on Sllfficient water storage capacity in case of
supply intenuptions.

.3 Operators at the Mill observe the 4-20 rnA level signal from the
Hardisty reservoir, as their means of monitoring the water. supply to the
) Town .

.4 Discbarge pressure of the Town supply pump is to be set to selected

pressure. Operation of the· system will provide the operator with
infonnRtion such that this preS$ure may vary between times of th.e year.
n is anticipated that a constaJlt 625 KPA (92 psi) will be adequate for
nonnal operation. This pressu!'C can be increased during periods of high
demand and lowered during low water demand periods. The 625 KPa
(92 psi) pressure level at the Mill wilt provide approximately 600 KPA
(87 psi) at tbe main meter vall It.


.1 Water supply through the main meter vault is measured by a 250 mm

turbine flow meter FE-O 1 with totalizerlflow indicator, FlT-01 .

FIT-Ol provides a 4-20 rnA output signal for remote flow rate
monitoring and a pulsed sign", for remote .flow totalization.

.2 Operating range of a 2S0 mm turbine meter is approximately 3.5 - 350

Usee (55 - 5,500 USGPM) ¢us 25 % over range protection.
fSlf711 CIt,
' .. MAY 138 '97 11: 56AM FlSSOC ENG ALBERTA

Calibration range for the metfr is 0 . ISO Lisee (0 - 2,380 USGPM).

.3 FIT-01 provides a 50 msec puJt;e output for flow totalization. The pulse
output is set to Olle pulse whejn 1,000 L (1 m') is passed by the meter.

.4 A check valve, downstream qf the flow meter, prevents reversed flow

to the Mill in case of a water supply interruption from tbe Mill.

.5 Supply line pressure, from cpe Mill, at the main meter vault will be
approximately 600 KPA (87 p4i) for normal operating parameters. The
Hardisty reservoir and Valle)! distribution system "floats" on the main
meter vault supply pressure.

.6 Water pressure at the m:t' meter vault is measured by pressure

transmitter PT-Ol. The ou ut signal is transmitted to the Central
, Control Facilities (CCF) lac . ed at Town Maintenance Shop:

.7 Water supply into the HardiSty distribution systein is measured by a

• second 250 mOl turbine flow keter FE-02 with high speed pick up and
flow converter FIT-02. Opellting range of the flow meter is 3.5 • 350
) Usee (55 - 5,500 USGPM) ~us 25 % over range protection.

Calibration range is 0 - 150 Ij/sec (0 - 2,380 USGPM) ..

.8 The flow converter provides a 4-20 rnA flow rate output signal and a 50
msec pulse output for flow to!3ls. The pulse output is set to provide one
pulse/l ,000 L or 1 m' .

.9 Motori.ted control valve Fcv.p1 will open and dose based OD the level
in the Hardisty reservoir. TIle valve will close when the level rises to
the CCF Reservoir Full Set ppint. The valve will open when the level
drops to the CCF Rese.rvoir '!fill Set Point. The operator can establish
the Set Points levels as best su~s the operation of the system. The valve
will also close when a level signal is lost, loss of power, or loss of
supply from the Mill occurs .

. 10 The 4-20 rnA level signal frolIl the Hardisty reservoir is used as an input
into an analog module of the ~C located in the meter vault. The level
signal is scaled in the PLC and is used to open/close motorized valve


.11 When the Mill supply is int,rrupted, water will flow back from the
Hardisty reservoir and the flow rate registered on FB-Ol will go to zero.

Ifthe flow rate registered on Fp-Ol is less than the CCF Low Flow Rate
Set Point and the pressure in tIJe Main Meter Vault is less than the CCF
Low Pressure Set Point for 15 !SeCOnds then the following conditions will

.1 Close motorized contrpl valve FeV -01 .

.2 Lock-outpumps in Switzer and Timber pumping stations .
.3 Hillcrest service pU1n1i is started .
.4 When the supply pres~re returns to the CCF Pressure Reset Set
Point for 60 seconds the original operating conditions will be

.12 Flow back to the Mill is rnea!fIred by a 7S mm turbine flow meter FE-
03 with totalizer/flow indictor FIT-03.

Operating range of flow m~ter FE·03 is 0.3 • 22 Usee (S • 3S0
USGPM) plus 25% over range protection.
~ The meter Is equipped with a ljigh speed picker and flow converter FIT·
03. Converter outputs will be 4·20 rnA for flow rate and SO msec pulses
~ for flow totals. Proposed calibration range for flow rate is 0 - 20 Usec
(0·320 USGPM) and for totals one pulse per 100 L (.1 m3).
li .13 If the water supply from the !Mill is interrupted, water pressure to the
Mill and Valley Pressure Zon~No. 1 will be maintained by the Hardisty
=--i7reservoir via flow meter 11);·03. s,timated water demand for the mill
is 12.6 Usee (200 USGPM) aid 1.85 LIsee (30 USGPM) for the River

.14 The following status and al4nn functions are transmitted to Central
Control Facility (CCF) via tI:je Master PLC:

.1 Hardisty ReselVoir, F)lll Status

.2 Hardisty ReselVoir, Fill Status
.3 Hardisty Reservoir, lpw Level Alann
.4 Hardisty Reservoir, ~gh Level Alarm
.5 Hardisty Reservoir, level. Sigual Loss
.6 Meter Vault, FeV-OJ Open Status
.7 Meter Vault, FCV-Ot Closed Status
'. MAY 08 '97 11 : 57AM ASSOC ENG AL8ERTA P.5/16

.8 Meter Vault, FCV-Ol!Alann
.9 Meter Vault, Low )?reissuee Alann
.10 Meter Vault, Flow to ~ill Alaml
.11 Meter Vault, lIlegal ~try Alarm
.12 Meter Vault, Fire Alarm
.13 mILO Building Teml1CIature Alann
.14 Sutnp Level High A1ann
.15 Power Failure
.16 UPS Failure

.15 Communication Failure bet~een the main meter vault to the Switzer
Booster Station Master pL¢ affects tbe control functions and the
following is included in. the programming logic:

.1 Flow Iate status frolll; flow meter FE-03 (reversed flow to the
mill) will be interrupt¢.

The variable speed ppmp in the Switzer Booster Station will

continue to operate as ~ong as the suction pressure is above 450
KPA (65 psi). If th~ suction pressure drops to 310 KPA (45
) psi), the pump will be $hutdown and an alarm will be initiated to
the CCF. The pumP!' are locked out for a pre-set amount of
time, as set in the Nematron. When the lockout time has expiml
and the suction presslIre restores to 450 KPA, the pump will
automatically resume operation.

.2 Communication intem;:>tion will shutdown the service pumps in

the Timber Pumping ~tation. If the water level in the wet well
. drops, the pumps will 4\1utdown on low water level and an alarm
signal will be transmitted to the CCF. The pumps will resume
operation wben the water level rises to nonnal.

.3 The fill valve for the ¥£ardisty reservoir will not be affected by
a communication lossi since the level signal is carried over an
existing cable.

Hardisty reservoir level: indication will be interrupted during the

communication loss ~ut will resllme when communication is
restored .

.4 Refer to item 8.0 COllllmunic;ations for communication alanns.

~AY 08 '97 11 : S8AM ASSOC ENG AL8ERTA


.1 This pumping station is prpvided with two horizontal split case

centrifugal booster pumps 4ischarge header and control valve for
Thompson reservoir. Each p~p has a rated capacity of 47 Usee (750
USGPM) at 61 m (200 ft.) TPU.
.2 The speed of each pump is variable by means of an adjustable frequency

.3 Water pressure is provided !by the Mill via the main meter vault.
Minimum suction pressure i~ 310 KPA (45 psi) at tbe Switzer pump
suction line. The pumps will restart after an adjustable time delay or
maybe restarted from the Nematron by lowering the Lockout Time Set

.4 If the Mill supply water is shlltdown as described in Section 2.11, the

variable speed pumps will be shut down and locked alIt.

.S Both adjustable frequency dri\ollS are controlled from the PLC logic and
) a separate 4-20 rnA output signal from the PLC is wired to each drive.

.6 The controlling pressllre fqr the pumps is provided by pressure

transmitter located on the di,charge header of tbe Hillcrest Pumping
Station. Calibration range is 0 • 2,000 KPA. A 4-20 rnA output signal,
proportional to the pressure range, is inpllt to the PLC, located in the
Hillcrest Pumping Station.

If VSD is Nnning at minimllm speed and

and Thompson reservoirs) is less than ~
t ;;,1 ;:&f.,vl
total flow out (to Hillcrest
(32.5 USgprn) for4 r5
minutes. then variable speed RUmps are shutdown and locked out. The
pumps will restart after t1le eX9iration of an adjustable time delay or the
pumps can be restarted from the MMI Nematron by lowering the
Lockout Time Set Point.

.7 The PLC is configured to *,ovide two CCF adjustable pressure set

points. Initially these set poin!!> were set at 275 and 320 KPA (40 . 46.5
psi) and system operation is as detailed below.

\,\l!:s When the Hillcrest reservoir i~ not in the fill mode, a pressure set point

of 275 KPA is selected. If th4 reservoir is filling, a 320 KPA set point
) \ ~ is selected.
. NAY 08 '97 11 : S8AM ASSOC ENG ALBERTA P.7/16

Refer to item 4.0 Hillcrest Pumping Station for fill modes .

.9 Only one variable speed pump is allowed to operate at any time .

. 10 A lead/lag selector switch is provided for manual alteration of the lead

pump. The lag pump will aut()matically start upon a failure of the lead
pump .

. 11 Each adjustable frequency drive will bB provided with a speed reference

output for input into the local PLC, This signal will be configured into
a speed l1Illge of the pump. A pre-determined low speed output will be
used for a shutdown function of the Hillcrest pump.

Refer to item 4.0 Hillcrest Plpnping Station.

. 12 The following status and alum signals will be tr.uJsmitted to the CCF .

.1 VS Pump #1 ON/OFF Status

.2 VS Pump #2 ON/OFF Status
.3 VS Pump #1 Common Alann
) .4 VS Pump #2 Common Alarm
.5 VS Pump #1 Speed Indication (Analog)
.6 VS Pump #2 Speed Indication (Analog)
.7 Suction Pressure Indication (Analog)
,g Illegal Entry
.9 Fire Alarm
.10 Power Failure
.11 UPS Fail Alarm
.12 lUILO Building TemJ!(lrature Alarm
.13 Communication failulle between Master PLC and Main Meter
Vault .
. 14 Communication failure between Master PLC and Hillcrest.
. 15 Communication failure between Master PLC and Thompson .
. 16 Communication failur,: between Master PLC and Timber .
. 17 Low Suction Pumps Locked Out Status
. I8 Low Flow Pumps Locked Out StanIs
.19 VSD Lead/Lag Pump Selection

". MAY 0S '97 11 : 59AM ASSOC ENG ALBERTA P.S/16

) . I

.13 A conunllnication failure alanh will be detected at the CCF and sent to
the alann dialJer. The fOllov.jmg progtam logic is included: .

.1 Hillcrest discharge prpsure and reservoir level signals will be

interrupted .

.2 Timber pumps will notlfill Hillcrest reselVoir at flll set point #1.
Pumps will shutdown on low level protection .

.3 Variable speed pump ~ Switzer Booster Station will continue to

operate if suction preSj5ure is above 320 KPA .

.4 Transfer set point of ""riable speed pumps to 275 kPa .

. 14 Communication failure from $e Master PLC to the CCF located in the

Town shop will interrupt all monitoring functions with the system.


) .1 This pumping station is Pc:;v idf1.7;th two ,,.:tica11iiIbine service pumps

with a rated capacity of s ee-{-45e tTSGPM) at 3~ m (113 ff.)
IDH and a fll'6 pump .

.2 Reservoir level is measured ~ an ultrasonic level transmitter •

.3 A 75 mm, angle type globe ~ valve with pressure pilot Bnd float till
valve provides water from the,dlscharge header into the reservoir. The
solenoid valve is used to disaJ>le opening of the valve wh~n the engine
pump is in operation (this solenoid is not wired at the present time) .

.4 A pressure IIansmitter is locatep on the discharge header. The 4-20 rnA

output signal is transmitted tej the PLC in Switzer Pumping Station for
pressure set point control of tf\e variable speed pumps. 0 r 2.AfXJ Ic(J"'-

.5 The Hillcrest reservoir had the following initial level set points:

.1 High Level Alarm Mllitronics Relay (LAH) (4.0 reset @

3,g m)
.2 Reservoir Full CCF Adjust. SP (3.80 m)

MAY 08 ''37 11 : 5'3AM ASSOC ENG ALBERTA P. '3/16

) vvl(/t~~l
.10 As the service pump is shutting down through the~ve, the
variable speed pump increase it's speed to maintain a pressure set point
of 27' lO'A. .

.11 Both service pumps will alternate after each cycle and both pumps will
be standby to back other.

Continuing from section .8 from above. «ti,e demand jnmase.y

beyond tlK cll/Iacil; of I HiUcresl "'vic« pump and the VFD pump til
$wf1uC 41' detccted by 60th 4 reduced pr,S'"r, at Bruer's( (pressure
drops to 265 kPAl and 4 ap««4 increau pfthe Switzlr PW7l/l to 100%
(60 Hr.\. The .tcc:wulpump pi RjIImu (Service Pump 11 or 12. (one
pf the,« DUmn fs ODerrllizu~1l lhall It« started.
Th, .rvrtcm dzall connulII to Ollerale with bo,h ....lVic' pumps at
RUlered QRCrqJjng AS weD 4! 4 fED pump 01 Swflw: qp,rgting.
- ....~ '31~ 1-r.P/f\

A drop in reservoir level to fill set point #1 will start a service pump in
the Timber Pumping Station.

If the reservoir level continuous to drop to fill set point #2 the followln,
will occur:

.2 -A.ftcJ:..tI!e 1"111111" lias i!ltut~ewft, a signal will be transmitted to the

Switzer PLC to transfer set points from 275 kPa to 320 kPa.
.3 ~ ..... Variable speed pump #1 or #2 will increase speed to maintain a
320 kPa set point at the discharge header .

.4 Increased pressure at the discharge header of Hillcrest Pumping

Station will open the fill valve via the pressure relief pUot.
· MAY 08 '97 12'00PM ASSOC ENG ALBERTA P.1El/16

.5 Timber Sueet pump Ilaintains opecation .

.1Z If the re&ervol.r level continuo" to drop, an intermediate low level aIann
(LAL) will be transmitted tQ the CCF. Operator's attention will be
required to maintain adequate fu:e water storage.

aM A continuous level drop to the (LAlL) set point will shutdown the
service pumps (if turuting) and transmit an alaml signal to the CCF .

.J.J. If the reservoir is full, the {onowing will occur:

.1 Switzer PLC will receive a set point transfer to 275 kPa .

.2)..-\V' Variable speed pump #1 or #2 will decrease speed to maintain a
215 kPa set point .
.3 Fill valve will close .
.4 Timber pump is shutdowQ,

~ The following status and alarm functions will be transmitted to the CCF
via the Master PLC:

) .1 Service Pump #1 ON/OFF Status

.2 Service Pump #2 ON/OFF Status
.3 Service Pump #1 Overload Temperature Alarm
.4 Service Pump 112 Overload Temperature Alarm
.5 Service Pump #1 Bypass Valve Open/Close Status
.6 Service Pump #2 Bypass Valve Open/Close Status
.1 Fire Pump ON/OFF Status
.8 Fire Pump Common Alann
,9 Fire Pump Bypass Valve Open/Close Status
.10 Pressure Set point #1 Status (275 kPa)
.11 Pressure Set point #2 Status (320 kPa)
,12 High Level Alarm (LAB)
.13 Reservoir Full Status
.14 . Reservoir Fill - SP I Status (Timber Pumping Station)
,15 Reservoir Fill - Sl' 2 Status (Hillcrest Fill Valve)
.16 Intermediate Low te\lel Alarm (LAL)
.17 Pump Shutdown and Alarm (LAll.)
.18 Discllarge Healkr Prl!!!lsurc (Analog)
.19 Reservoir Level (Analog)
.20 Illegal Entry Alaon
.21 Fire Alarm
.22 HI/LO Building Temperature Alarm
.' MAY 013 '97 12: 01PM ASSOC ENG ALBERTA P .11--'16

.23 UPS FaU AIatm
.24 Power Failure Alann
.25 Discharge Low Presstjrc
.26 Discharge High Press,re
.27 Manhole level High

.ll A water supply interruption frqm the Mill will start one Hillcrest service
pump to maintain dlstribuliorv pressure. A resumption of water supply
from the Mill will shutdown the pump. "l~tA o#-'
.1l Communication failure betwqen the Hillcrest reservoir and the Master
PLC will affeet the followini control functions and is included in tbe
programming logic as follows:

.1 Discharge pressure arw:I reservoir level signals to the master PLC

will be interrupted.

Transfer set point of \fariable speed pumps to 275 kJ'a. tv. F. c..
Variable speed pump will maintain distribution pressure at 275

Hillcrest level set poi~t #1 will not be used to start the Timber .
pump during a comm$nication fallure.

A communication faUJre alann will be transmitted to the CCF

and alann dlaller.


.1 This pumping station consists of a pump room with wet well below and
the following vertical turbine pumps:

.1 Service Pump #1, 31.5 Lisee (500 USgpm) 61 m TDH

.2 Service Pump #2, 31.5 Lisee (500 USgpm) 61 In TOH

.2 Water supply to the wet well i, from the main meter vaUlt. The level in
the wet well is controlled by a float opernted fill valve.

.3 A .high level alarm from a Fir
to close. Alann back to CC .
level switch is"when the fill valve fails
MAY 08 '97 12:01PM ASSOC ENG ALBERTA P.12/16

) i
.4 A capacitance low level prob~. hardwired to the pumps, will shutdown
the pumps at a pumpwell ele~ation of 1.0 m.

.5 Both Timber pumps will bejshut down and locked out if the mill is
shutdown as .per description if Section 2.11.

.6 Distribution pressure in the ~ountain View Pressure Zone No.2 is

maintained by the water leve~ in the Hillcrest Reservoir.

.7 Bach pump will be automaticjally controlled from level set point #1 in

the Hillcrest Reservoir. Punfs will alternate after each cycle.

.8 A Milltronics mtrllsonic LeveijTransmitters inputs a 4·20 rna si,nal into

the PLC to transmit the pu1Pwelllevel to the CCF. When the level
drops to 1.1 m the pump is shljtdown. When the level rises to 2.0 m the
pump is able to restart. A low level alann is transmitted to the CCF.

.9 The following status and a1arpt functions are transmitted to the CCF:

.1 Service Pump #1 pNJOFF Status

) .2 Service Pump #2 ON/OFF Status
.3 Service Pump #1 J<ault Alarm
.4 Service Pump #2 ~ault Alarm
.5 Wet Well, High Level Alarm
.6 UPS Fail Alarm
.7 HIILO Building Temllerature Alarm
.8 Power Failure Alarm
.9 Firo Ala,nn
.10 Illegal Entry Alann
.11 Wetwell Low Level IiJarm
.12 Welwell Level Analot Signal


.1 The water level in the reservoir is floating on the Thompson Lake

Pressure Zone #3.

A distribution pressure of 2~ KPA (Hillcrest non-fill mode) and 320

KPA (Hillcrest fill mode) is! maintained by the variable speed pump
located in the Switzer Pumpi.lJg Station.
" ~AY e9 '97 12:e2PM ASSOC ENG ALBERTA P.13/16

.2 The function of the resenroir~ to store water for peak demand perio:is
and fire protection In the Tho Ipson Lake Distribution Zone No. 3 and
a water supply shutdown fro the mill.

.3 Water supply to the resenroi~ and distribution system is provided by a

control valve located at the 4ischarge header of the Switzer Pumping

.4 Reservoir level Is controlled il' a level IllInsmilter and is hardwired via

a telephone line to Switzer pic.

.5 An output card of the PLC in f;witzer Pumping Station is conflgured to

open and close tbe fill valve.

.6 The fill valve will open anyti"o when the level set point reaches 2.4 m
and loses on a level increase I1t 2.9 m. Set points are adjustable at the

.7 At 2:00 am (~~~!6Ia*~l\t CCP) of each day, the fiU valve is

automatically forced open 10 fill the reservoir. The fill valve will close
) when the reservoir Is full at 2. 9 m.

.8 The valve can be manually operated from a Selector Switch at Switzer

Booster Station .

.9 The following status and alarm functions are displayed at the CCF:

.1 Reservoir Level Indication (Analog)

.2 Fill Valve Open Statu~
.3 Fill Valve Close Status
.4 Fill Valve Alann
.S Loss of Signal from Thompson Level Transmitter to the Switzer


.1 The level in the reservoir is ~sured by an ultrasonic level transmitter.

.2 The level transmitter sends a 4-20 mA SigDal back to the meter vault via
dedicated lines.
MAY 08 '97 12:a2PM ASSOC ENG ALBERTA P.14/16

.3 Motorized control valve FeV-p 1 will open and dose based on the level
in the Hardisty reservoir. TJIe valve will close when the reservoir is
full. The valve will also close iwhen a level slgnal is lost, loss of power,
or loss of supply from the' Mill occurs. All level set points are
adjustable at the CCF.

.4 The following status and alaJ1l1 functions are displayed at the CCF.

.1 Reservoir leVel .
.2 Loss of sigllal.
.3 Reservoir Filling/FullStatus


.1 The CCF will be located in th\\ Town Shop and consists of the following

.1 Personal Computer (~)

.2 Monitor (15")
\ ) .3 Keyboard
.4 Printer
.5 Portable Lap Top Corpputer
.6 Leased Line Modem
.7 Dial Up Modem
.8 UPS
.2 A 4-wlre leased telephone lineiand leased line modem at Switzer Booster
Station maintains communication between the Town shop and Switzer.

.3 An alarm dialler software package (Specter Win911) at the CCF

automatically dials pre·detertnined telephone numbers upon an alarm
condition .

.6 The PC operates with thp Windows 3.1.1 software including

"Wonderware Intouch" graptiics software,

The master softwaIl) provide~ the following features:

• Windows 3.1.1 Software

• High Detail Graphics
• Alann Logging
.. 'MAY 08 '97 12:e3PM ASSOC ENG ALBERTA P.1S/16

• Historical A1ann Dispjay
, Real Time Trending
• Historical Trending
, Real Thne Display
• Built-In Security
, Remote Access to System
• On-Line Help
• A\ltomatic Report Generation


.1 Communication lines to all rexpote sites and master are supervised. All
communication failures to any remote station are transmitted to the CCF
and alann dialler.

.2 Communication failures are sepsed at both ends, master and remote site .
Communication alanns are iIjitiated after an adjustable time period by
the operator.

.1 All status and aJanns from the entire system are configured in the CCF
and displayed on graphics of each station .

.2 Alanns are stored in an alaJin summary in which they are tagged as

essential or non-essential.

Essential alanns are dialled opt on the alarm dJaller .

.3 Operators are able to be setrup with passwords and access levels to

protect system integrity.

,MAY 09 '97 l2:03PM ASSOC ENG ALBERTA P.16/l6

) II
,3 Reservoir Fill # I ~CF Adjust. SP (3.55 m) (For
I 'timber Pump to
start) vJO
.4 Reservoir Fill 112 bCF Adjust. SP (3.50 m) or
crest Pump to
op SD )'eJPOI.ttt-
-=-320 KPA)
. -\
.S Intennedlate Level J ,1 ; & 2(- i€
Alann Low }JiIltronics Relay (LAL)(:kS"m fl!
reset @ 2-:'( m . J:! r j

.6 PLC Logic Pump Sh~down (USm '--

reset @ 2.1 m)
.7 Hardwired Low LeveD
Pump Shutdown Milltronics Relay (LJ.AL)(l .S m
reset @ 2.0 m)
.8 Level Low Low
Engine Shutdown. Mi1ltronics Relay (LALL)(l ,0 m
reset @ l.2 m)

Level set points No, I, 5, 7 aj1d 8 are hardwired from auxiliary output
) contacts from the multi rangej: level transmitter,

,6 Distribution prtl$sure in the ~'crest Pressure Zone is maintained by

variable speed pump #1 _ 1f2. A pressure of 275 kPa or 320 kPa
is maintained at the discharg neader of the Hillcrest Pumping Station
depending on the level of tne iHillcrtl$t reservoir.

.7 An increase in demand beyonihC ~pacity of the VSD pump will result

in a pressure drop. When the ressure has dropped to 26S kPa and after ,
a time delay of 30 seconds, illerest service pump #l.41Qr 112 will
start up through the bypass v ve.
.8 When the mucrest pump co.pes on-Iinc, tbe VSD pump backs off to
maintain it's pressure set poi$ of 275 KPA.

.9 I
An increase in demand, will increase the speed of the variable speed
pump to maintain it's pressll~ set point of 275 KPA.

5 a d
~;~d aytl e)miIo/n~m
y f 6 s ~,thtJi1IcreVe(rviccl. ptfmp
sJ1BCfi of
/will '
ut n rou eb sa.
,$ 11'111 LeAl

D Appendix D - Control & Instrumentation Philosophy

~~ '"oci.",
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T .e"~. LEGEND:
,/. '.~

'" . •

_ _ _ _ _

Ib·~ • - - - EXIST. 150mmtI PWP.l~

- - - EXIST.

2OO'mI' p~()P_ 2OChIm.
PRoP. 250 ........


• EXIST. 350InnII EXIST. 3i5Orrrn.

....' .'
",," EXIST. 400""",,
EXIST. 401l'mI1!
EXIST. 45lltrnol EXIST. 4.'iOmmli
- - - - - EXIST. ~O!JrTm • EXIST. 500rnnII
- - - EXIST. 6000rm • - - - - EXIST. 6Ocrrm.

f .,.~
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AUGUST, 2008

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