rcc wall 350mm

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Design of Basement Wall:

Design constants:
Cantilever retaining wall
fy= 500 N/mm2
fck = 25 N/mm2
Safe bearing capacity (p) = 119 kN/m2
Specific wt. of soil (γs) = 19 kN/m3
Unit wt. of concrete (γc)= 25 kN/m3
Angle of repose of soil (Ø) = 30 °
Specific wt. Of water (γw) = 10 kN/m3
Surcharge (ws)= 20 kN/m2 (Floor Load)

Since foundation depth of wall is provided same as that of building, stability analysis
(check against overturning, sliding and shear) was not done, as foundation width
provided for wall is much more than required

Detail of Design:
Height of wall (H) = 6.30 m
Adopt overall depth of wall (D) = 475 mm
Load Calculation:
Weight of wall per unit length = 74.8125 kN
Since weight of wall gives the insignificant moment, this can be neglected in design

Coeff. of active earth pressure (Ka) = (1-sinØ/1+sinØ)
= 0.333
Considering 1m length of wall
Horizontal force due to soil (Ps) = 0.5*Ka*γs*H2*1
= 125.685 kN
Lever arm, Z1 = H/3
= 2.100 m
Horizontal force due to surcharge (Pq) = Ka*ws*H
= 42 kN
Lever arm, Z2 = H/2
= 3.150 m
Total resultant horizontal force, P = Ps + Pq
= 167.685 kN per unit length

Point of application of resultant

Z = (Ps*Z1+Pq*Z2)/(Ps+Pq)
= 2.363 m from the base of wall

Total moment at base = P*Z

= 396.2385 kN-m

Taking partial FOS = 1.5

Mu = 594.3577 kN-m

Effective depth
Effective depth required (d) = Mu
0.134 * b * f ck
= 421.2128 mm
Adopt, d = 435 mm
Total Depth (D) = 475 mm
Limiting MOR per unit length
Mu,lim = 0.134 *fck*bd2
= 633.9038 kN-m per m
Mu > Mu, lim (Thus ,section can be designed
as singly reinforced section)
Calculation of Main reinforcement bar
Area of steel required per m length is given by
 f y * Ast 
M u 0.87 * f y * Ast *  d  
 f ck * b 
Ast required= 3810 mm2
Adopt , 25 mm dia @ 100 mm C/C
Ast provided= 4908.739 mm 2

Hence, Ast Provided > Ast Required

Minimum required Ast = 0.12%*b*D (Clause 32.5.a (1))
= 570 mm2
Hence, Ast Provided > Ast Minimum

Maximum Diameter (Clause

Max. dia. = D/8
= 59.375 mm
Max. dia. > dia. Provided

Spacing (Clause 32.5.b)

Maximum Spacing = 3*d or 450 mm
= 450 mm
Max. Spacing > Spacing provided
Distribution bar (i.e, Horizontal reinforcement)
Area of distribution bar = 0. 2% *d*h ( IS 456-2000 CL.32.5.C(1))
= 5481 mm2
Adopt , 10 mm dia @ 125 mm C/C
Ast provided= 3958.407 mm2
Hence, Ast Provided < Ast Required

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