Mr. Rahul Agrawal - Mr. Rishi Agrawal- Sanepa Soil Test Report
Mr. Rahul Agrawal - Mr. Rishi Agrawal- Sanepa Soil Test Report
Mr. Rahul Agrawal - Mr. Rishi Agrawal- Sanepa Soil Test Report
Prepared For
Mr. Rahul Agrawal / Mr. Rishi Agrawal
Sanepa, Lalitpur
Prepared By
Feb. 2018
Pashupati Drilling & Geo- Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., Lokanthali is very much
grateful to Mr. Rahul Agrawal/Mr. Rishi Agrawal, Sanepa, Lalitpur on behalf of
Design Cell Pvt. Ltd., Kathmandu for entrusting the job of soil investigation works
for the proposed Residential Building Construction Site at Sanepa, Lalitpur to reveal
the facts and figures relating to the sub–soil exploration of that site for the foundation
We hope this report will bring some useful parameters for a safe design of proposed
Structures. This report shall also be useful in positioning the depth of foundation, in
assuming the size of the foundation and corresponding safe bearing capacity.
Last but not the least, we hope for an early and successful completion of that
Page No.
2.1 General Geology, Geomorphology 1
4.1 Field Work Procedure 2
4.1.1 In-situ Tests 2
4.1.2 Sampling 3
4.2 Laboratory Tests 3
5.1 Strata 4
5.2 Moisture Content and Density 5
5.3 Water Level 5
5.4 Bearing Capacity 5
5.4.1 Stress Distribution in Soils 5
5.4.2 Bearing Capacity Analysis 6
5.5 Settlement 9
5.6 Subgrade Modulus 9
6.1 Peak Ground Acceleration 10
6.2 Liquefaction 10
Bore Hole Location Map
Bore Hole Logs
Bearing Capacity Analysis
Design Parameters
Soil Dynamic Parameters
Laboratory Test Result Summary Sheet
Soil Investigation Works for
Residential Building Construction Site
at Sanepa, Lalitpur
Stability of every structure is achieved by providing suitable foundation. The suitability of the
foundation depends upon the ground strata and corresponding strength property of the soil.
So, soil exploration works are conducted prior to the design. The objectives of current
exploration work are however concentrated to determine the foundation type & their safe
bearing capacities with considering the seismic behavior of soil strata. Here a short
geotechnical investigation program for soil parameters and strata have been attempted to
determine the safety assessment of newly constructing building during earthquakes in the
premises. This program included both the field and laboratory investigation in order to get
reliable information on:
a) General information of the site.
b) The stratification of sub soil.
c) The bearing capacity of soil pertaining to settlement and shear.
d) Liquefaction analysis of the building site.
This Building Site is located at Sanepa of Lalitpur District. It is by the side of the city road.
This site has developed as residential building in its boundary region.
The Kathmandu Valley is an ultramontane basin located in the Lesser Himalayan region in
Central Nepal. Bedrocks are exposed mainly in the hill slopes around the basin and only at
few places in the valley floor. The Valley is filled with the fluvio-lacustrine sediments of
Quaternary age. These sediments were derived from the surrounding hills. The thickness of
the valley fill sediments varies according to the undulated pattern of the basement (from 78 m
in Bansbari up to 549m in Bhrikuti Mandap as confirmed by deep bore holes
(HMG/UNDP/UNCHS, 1994). The thickness of the valley fill sediments also varies
according to the undulated pattern of the basement.
As a matter of fact, the project site is in a flat area formed by lacustrine deposits with plastic
clayey silts, slight plastic sandy silts and gravel, pebbles etc. are found in their textures in the
vicinity of the site. The deposits are in medium to stiff and medium dense in state.
Moreover, the different data of epicenter and magnitude of the historical earthquakes shows
that Nepal is located on high seismic zones. However, for this site from the figure of
seismicity map of Nepal (attached in annexes) lies relatively in the risky zone from the past
seismic records and also the MCT lies nearer to the site. The epicentral distance is nearer
from minor to major earthquakes. So, we may conclude that the proposed site should be made
safe from the devasting earthquake.
The scope of work includes drilling of three nos. of boreholes having 11.0m depths, with
standard penetration test, dynamic cone penetration test, retrieving samples from the
boreholes and evaluation of allowable bearing capacities of the foundation based on field and
laboratory test results considering liquefaction analysis.
4.1 Field Work Procedure
Field works involved Percussion Drilling Method for drilling and sampling of the boreholes
in side the building area where it was applicable to the maximum depth of 11.0m from the
ground levels and SPT observations were taken at every 1.5m intervals and are recorded.
Borehole logs were prepared at the site on the basis of the visual observation of the soil
obtained from the boreholes. The bore hole logs are attached to the annexes are later verified
by lab test results.
Percussion Drilling Method:-
Percussion Drilling Method is carried out by using heavy chisel bits and bailers with casing.
In which heavy chisel bits is used to drill in clayey to gravelly soils. The soil samples are
retrieved from bailer and SPT Tubes.
4.1.1 In-situ Tests
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) IS 2131: It consists of driving a Split Spoon sampler with
an outside dia. of 50 mm into the soil at the base of borehole. Driving is accomplished by a
drop of hammer weighing 63.5 kg falling freely through a height of 750 mm onto the drive
head. First of all the spoon is driven 150mm into the soil at the bottom of the borehole. It is
then driven further 300mm and the number of blows (N values) required to drive this distance
is recorded.
Dynamic Cone penetration Test (DCPT) IS 4968 part I & II: it was performed using a 50
mm cone. The cone was driven with 63.5 kg hammer falling through a height of 75 cm. The
recorded number of blows required to penetrate the least 300 mm is taken as DCPT values.
These values are presented in the log sheets. The dynamic cone resistance value can be
changed to SPT value as given below:
Ncr = 1.5 N for depths upto 3.00 m
Ncr = 1.75 N for depths 3.00 m to 6.00 m
Ncr = 2.00 N for depths greater than 6.00 m
Ncr = recorded DCPT values
N = SPT values
The field values of SPT (N) are mentioned in the attached log sheets which are used for
bearing capacity (B.C.) analysis.
Cohesion (c) & Angle of Internal Friction () :-
The cohesion (c) and angle of internal friction () of the cohesive and semi cohesive layers
are found by lab test results. Whereas, for the cohesionless and semi cohesionless soils having
sands, gravels, cobbles, pebbles, boulders and jointed rockmass; the value of () could be
found by using relationship developed by Halanakar & Uchida (1996);
() = 20 N cor 17 degree (i)
Ncor = corrected (N) value.
But, in actual the field condition of sub- surface layers could not be found homogenous and
identical. So, the approximate 90% of the above value will be used for the general design
() = 0.9 ( 20 N cor 17 ) degree (ii)
4.1.2 Sampling
Before any sample was taken, the borehole was cleaned up of loose disturbed soil deposited
during drilling operation. The samples that were obtained from bailer and the SPT tubes were
preserved as representative disturbed samples for finding out physical properties. The samples
thus obtained were placed in airtight double plastic bags, labeled properly for identification
and later transported to the laboratory for analysis.
Briefly Description:-
Atterberg’s Limit
Liquid Limits (LL) and plastic limits (PL) could be done on fine grained soils by standard
methods. Casagrande’s Plasticity Chart will be used to classify the fine grained soil according
to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).
Natural Moisture Content and Bulk Density
The natural water content and bulk density was determined from samples recovered through
the split spoon sampler and the corrected SPT values.
Consolidation Test
The consolidation tests were performed on disturbed samples of 75mm diameter and 22mm
height as per laboratory requirements. Two way drainages system could be provided and each
increment of load is maintained until sufficient period beyond the primary consolidation has
been reached.
5.1 Strata
All bore hole locations are taken in flat area of naturally deposited soils formed by lacustrine
Bore Hole – 2
Depth (m) Soil Type Soil Description
1. 0.0 – 1.5 ML Yellow brownish stiff low plastic clayey silts with fine sands
2. 1.5 – 4.5 ML – SM Whitish stiff non plastic sandy silts
Grayish medium dense slight to non plastic gravelly silts/silty
3. 4.5 – 9.5 ML – GM
gravels with appreciable amount of fine sands
4. 9.5 – 11.0 ML Gray blackish stiff low plastic clayey silts with fine sands
Bore Hole – 3
Depth (m) Soil Type Soil Description
1. 0.0 – 1.5 ML Brownish stiff low plastic clayey silts with gravels
Gray very stiff/medium dense slight plastic gravelly clayey silts
2. 1.5 – 3.5 ML – GM
with fine sands
3. 3.5 – 9.0 ML Gray medium slight plastic clayey silts with fine sands
Gray stiff slight plastic clayey silts with appreciable amount of
4. 9.0 – 11.0 ML
fine sands
The natural moisture contents are found medium in the cohesive soil layers whereas lower to
medium in semi-cohesionless soil layers; that give medium voids with medium to stiff and
medium dense in state respectively.
5.3 Water Level
During the field investigation water table was observed after 24 hrs, the completion of each
borehole. The seepage ground water levels are found around 4.5m depths in all bore holes
which are shown in the bore hole logs in the annexes.
5.4 Bearing Capacity
There are different rules and empirical equations to calculate bearing capacity of soil for
settlement and shearing characteristics considering depth of water table, type of foundation etc.
5.4.1 Stress Distribution in Soils
The Boussinesq’s approximate method can be used to get stress distribution analysis for stress
at any depths below the foundation level. In which the vertical pressure at any depth z below
the soil surface can be determined approximately by constructing a frustum or pyramid or
cone of depth z having side slopes (2 : 1). The pressure distribution is assumed to be uniform
on a horizontal plane at that depth. The average vertical stress σ z depends upon the shape of
the loaded area as given below :
qB 2
Square Area (B x B), σz =
( B L) 2
q ( B L)
Rectangular Area (L x B), σz =
(B z) (L z)
q D2
Circular Area (Dia. D), σz =
(D z) 2
This gives fairly accurate values if the z is less than 2.5B.
The investigation work was carried out upto 11.0m depth. The stress distribution at a depth of
11.0m below ground level will be abruptly reduces the stress developed at the foundation level
and seems very low below that depth. So, assuming there will not be any major geotechnical
changes in the strata below the depth of foundation to the depth of investigation. Ultimately, a
spread or mat/raft foundation could be suitably provided to transfer the required load.
Correction for overburden pressure,
From Peck, Hansen and Thornburn (1974)
Ncorr = 0.77 Nr log (2000/')
Nr = SPT value from field after dilatancy correction
' = effective overburden pressure in KN/m2
(ii) Using Meyerhof's (1956, 1974) Correlation
For 25mm Settlement
qsafe = 8.1 N60 KD2 ((B+0.3)/B)2 Rw2 KN/m2 for B 1.2m …….(II)
KD1 = 1+0.33 (D/B) ≤ 1.33
B&D= Breadth and depth of foundation
Rw2 = Water correction factors
= 0.5
If soils have loose to medium denseness and soft to medium consistency then the foundation
fails according as the local shear failure (LSF) otherwise fails in general shear failure (GSF)
(ii) Using Meyerhof's (1965) & Bowles (1977) Correlation
3.28 B 1
qsafe = 11.98 N60 f d x Rw 2 KN/m2 ……(II)
3.28 B 25
N60 = Standardrize Standard Penetration Value
B = width (m)
S = Settlement (mm)
fd = 1+0.33 (D/B) ≤ 1.33
Rw2 = water correction factor = 0.5
The B.C. values from field and lab test results for Spread and Mat/Raft Foundations are
presented as a tabulated form in the annexes within permissible settlements.
5.5 Settlement
As described above ground strata are dominated by plastic silty soil and silty soil with gravel
layers just below the proposed foundation depth. The strata are generally compressible for
general loading condition thus; settlement analysis should be considered for the building site.
So, the settlement of the foundation could be checked for maximum permissible values of
65/100 mm for cohesive layers and 40/50 mm for semi cohesionless soil layers respectively.
For Cohesive Layer:
For heavier and important structures consolidation settlement should be predicted by the
following equation;
SOc = Hi * Cc/(1+eo) log {(P'o+P)/P'o}
Where, SOc = long term settlement, cm
Hi = thickness of each layer
P'o = effective overburden pressure at the middle of each layer
Cc = compression index
eo = initial void ratio
P = the excess pressure at the middle of each layer due to superposition of
Now, with average pore pressure coefficients for the clayey soil,
= 0.7
Sf = *SOc
This total amount of settlement that will takes place continuously for hundred of years and
should be lie within the ranges of permissible value (65/100 mm).
For the study, scenario of three earthquakes of different magnitude and setting are selected.
Based on the seismic, seismotectonic and geological condition, scenarios of these three
earthquakes are compared with the large Bihar state of India- Nepal earthquake of 1934 (Ms -
8.4). The scenarios considered are Mid Nepal earthquake (Ms - 8.0), North Bagmati
earthquake (Ms - 6.0) and KV Local earthquake (Ms - 5.7).
6.2 Liquefaction
Soil liquefaction is the major cause of damage to the building foundation during an
earthquake. Liquefaction potential depends upon factors, like the nature of shaking intensity,
duration and material susceptibility to liquefaction. Liquefaction potential assessment is
carried out in the following steps.
where cyc = average cyclic shear stress developed in horizontal sand layer due
to earthquake
vo = effective overburden stress at a depth under consideration
vo’ = total overburden pressure
amax = peak horizontal ground acceleration by the earthquake at ground
g = acceleration due to gravity
rd = stress reduction factor (function of depth and rigidity of soil
The estimation of cyclic strength of soil deposit is based on the empirical correlations with
Standard Penetration Test value. N value is corrected for effective overburden pressure of 1
ton/ft2 and for further correlation to energy ratio of 60%, the following equation is used :
N 1 60 N m C N
0 . 60 E ff
Based on the cyclic loading imposed by an earthquake, and liquefaction characteristics of soil,
the liquefaction potential is evaluated. Liquefaction at any depth is expected where the
loading by earthquake exceeds the resisting capacity of soil to liquefaction. The factor of
safety against liquefaction is expressed as the ratio of cyclic shear stress required to cause
liquefaction and equivalent cyclic shear stress induced by earthquake.
cyc ,L L
cyc CSR
In the present study for building site, the computation of the liquefaction susceptibility could
not be seen due to the presence of plastic clayey silts and medium dense silty soils with
gravels, pebbles etc. just below the foundation depth upto the depth of investigation. FSL
indicates the factor of safety for liquefaction at corresponding depth. Liquefaction is expected
when FSL is less than 1.0 but in this case the FSL values are greater than 1 in most cases. So,
the sub surface layers of the building site could not be liquefy.
The sub-soil strata with field observations below the foundation depth is mentioned in the
bore hole log in the annexes. Thus, based on field and laboratory tests following inferences
have been made.
i) Adopt a safe allowable bearing capacity for Isolated Spread or Mat/Raft Foundation at
different depths of site location as given in the annexes.
Recommended Allowable
96.73 104.61 113.63 133.13 152.11 189.29 215.39
B.C. Values (KN/m2)
Recommended Allowable
106.87 117.19 128.98 153.56 237.17 252.38 282.68
B.C. Values (KN/m2)
ii) Change in size and depth of foundation is subjected to change in bearing capacity.
iii) The allowable B.C. value for different foundation size should be easily fulfilled the
design loads for the foundation design.
v) The upper layer about 1.5m depth seems soft or loose soils in all locations. So, any
foundation structure would not be considered up to that depth.
vi) The bearing capacity (B.C.) values are obtained for worst water conditions.
viii) All the assumed geotechnical values, relationships etc. are directly used as per
requirements from the relevant codes, different papers, author’s books and published
Bowles, Joseph E. ‘Foundation Design and Analysis’ fifth Edition. The Mc Graw-
Hill Companies, Inc. 1996.
Peck, R. B., Hanson, W.E. and Thornburn, T.H. (1974), 'Foundation Engineering',
John Wiley and Sons.
Simons, N.E. and Menzies, B.K. (1979), 'A short Course in Foundation
Engineering', ELBS and Newnes Butterworth, London.
Design Parameters
Soil Dynamic Parameters
Laboratory Test Result Summary Sheet
Project: Soil Investigation Works for Residential Building Construction Site Date : Feb. 2018
Client: Mr. Rahul Agrawal/Mr. Rishi Agrawal, Sanepa, Lalitpur Bore Hole No.: 1
Location: Sanepa, Lalitpur
No. of Blows
per 15/10 cm
0 10 20 30 40 50
m m m m 15/10 30/20 45/30
0 0
Yellow brownish medium low
1.5 ML plastic clayey silts with fine
1 sands 1
1.5 3 3 4 7 7
2 2
3 3
3.0 5 4 4 8 8
UD 4
4.0 Gray medium to stiff slight
plastic clayey silts with 4.5 3 3 3 6 6
6.5 ML
5 appreciable amount of fine 4.5 5
6 6.0 4 3 3 6 6 6
7 7
7.5 3 4 4 8 8
8.0 8
9 9
Gray blackish medium low 9.0 3 2 4 6 6
3.0 ML plastic clayey silts with fine
10 10
10.5 5 3 4 7 7
11.0 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
No. of Blows
per 15/10 cm
0 10 20 30 40 50
m m m m 15/10 30/20 45/30
0 0
Yellow brownish stiff low
1.5 ML plastic clayey silts with fine
1 sands 1
1.5 4 5 6 11 11
2 2
ML - Whitish stiff non plastic sandy 3.0 4 5 4 9 9 3
SM silts
4 4
4.5 6 5 6 11 11
5 4.5 5
6 6.0 6 6 6 12 12 6
Grayish medium dense slight
to non plastic gravelly
ML -
7 5.0 silts/silty gravels with 7
appreciable amount of fine
7.5 7 10 12 22 22
8 8
9 9
9.0 7 7 7 14 14
10 10
Gray blackish stiff low plastic
1.5 ML
clayey silts with fine sands
10.5 3 4 4 8 8
11.0 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
No. of Blows
per 15/10 cm
0 10 20 30 40 50
m m m m 15/10 30/20 45/30
0 0
4 4
4.5 3 3 3 6 6
5 UD 4.5 5
7.5 4 3 3 6 6
8 8
9 9
9.0 6 6 7 13 13
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
2 4.5 - 9.5 205.03 87.27
Gravelly Soil
2 1.5 - 3.5 227.12 108.28
Gravelly Soil
1.5 7 1.60 11.77 2.85 19.97 23.54 0.978 2.99 1.00 1.32 31.08 10.39
3.0 8 1.60 23.54 2.02 16.14 47.09 0.955 5.85 1.00 1.32 62.16 10.63
4.5 6 1.60 35.32 1.65 9.88 70.63 0.933 8.56 1.00 1.32 93.23 10.89
6.0 6 1.60 47.09 1.43 8.56 94.18 0.910 11.14 1.00 1.32 124.31 11.16
7.5 8 1.60 58.86 1.28 10.21 117.72 0.888 13.58 1.00 1.32 155.39 11.44
9.0 6 1.60 70.63 1.16 6.99 141.26 0.865 15.89 1.00 1.32 186.47 11.74
10.5 7 1.60 82.40 1.08 7.55 164.81 0.843 18.05 1.00 1.32 217.55 12.05
1.5 7 1.60 11.77 2.85 19.97 23.54 0.978 4.11 1.00 1.40 32.96 8.01
3.0 8 1.60 23.54 2.02 16.14 47.09 0.955 8.04 1.00 1.40 65.92 8.20
4.5 6 1.60 35.32 1.65 9.88 70.63 0.933 11.77 1.00 1.40 98.88 8.40
6.0 6 1.60 47.09 1.43 8.56 94.18 0.910 15.32 1.00 1.40 131.85 8.61
7.5 8 1.60 58.86 1.28 10.21 117.72 0.888 18.68 1.00 1.40 164.81 8.82
9.0 6 1.60 70.63 1.16 6.99 141.26 0.865 21.84 1.00 1.40 197.77 9.05
10.5 7 1.60 82.40 1.08 7.55 164.81 0.843 24.82 1.00 1.40 230.73 9.30
1.5 7 1.60 11.77 2.85 19.97 23.54 0.978 4.49 1.00 0.89 20.95 4.67
3.0 8 1.60 23.54 2.02 16.14 47.09 0.955 8.77 1.00 0.89 41.91 4.78
4.5 6 1.60 35.32 1.65 9.88 70.63 0.933 12.84 1.00 0.89 62.86 4.89
6.0 6 1.60 47.09 1.43 8.56 94.18 0.910 16.71 1.00 0.89 83.82 5.02
7.5 8 1.60 58.86 1.28 10.21 117.72 0.888 20.37 1.00 0.89 104.77 5.14
9.0 6 1.60 70.63 1.16 6.99 141.26 0.865 23.83 1.00 0.89 125.72 5.28
10.5 7 1.60 82.40 1.08 7.55 164.81 0.843 27.08 1.00 0.89 146.68 5.42
1.5 11 1.70 12.51 2.77 30.44 25.02 0.978 3.18 1.00 1.32 33.02 10.39
3.0 9 1.60 24.28 1.99 17.88 48.56 0.955 6.03 0.19 0.25 12.18 2.02
4.5 11 1.70 36.79 1.61 17.75 73.58 0.933 8.92 1.00 1.32 97.12 10.89
6.0 12 1.70 49.30 1.39 16.73 98.59 0.910 11.66 1.00 1.32 130.14 11.16
7.5 22 1.90 63.27 1.23 27.07 126.55 0.888 14.60 1.00 1.32 167.04 11.44
9.0 14 1.70 74.31 1.14 15.89 148.62 0.865 16.71 1.00 1.32 196.18 11.74
10.5 8 1.60 86.82 1.05 8.40 173.64 0.843 19.02 1.00 1.32 229.20 12.05
1.5 11 1.70 12.51 2.77 30.44 25.02 0.978 4.37 1.00 1.40 35.02 8.01
3.0 9 1.60 24.28 1.99 17.88 48.56 0.955 8.29 0.19 0.27 12.92 1.56
4.5 11 1.70 36.79 1.61 17.75 73.58 0.933 12.26 1.00 1.40 103.01 8.40
6.0 12 1.70 49.30 1.39 16.73 98.59 0.910 16.04 1.00 1.40 138.03 8.61
7.5 22 1.90 63.27 1.23 27.07 126.55 0.888 20.08 1.00 1.40 177.17 8.82
9.0 14 1.70 74.31 1.14 15.89 148.62 0.865 22.98 1.00 1.40 208.07 9.05
10.5 8 1.60 86.82 1.05 8.40 173.64 0.843 26.15 1.00 1.40 243.09 9.30
1.5 11 1.70 12.51 2.77 30.44 25.02 0.978 4.77 1.00 0.89 22.26 4.67
3.0 9 1.60 24.28 1.99 17.88 48.56 0.955 9.04 0.19 0.17 8.21 0.91
4.5 11 1.70 36.79 1.61 17.75 73.58 0.933 13.38 1.00 0.89 65.48 4.89
6.0 12 1.70 49.30 1.39 16.73 98.59 0.910 17.49 1.00 0.89 87.75 5.02
7.5 22 1.90 63.27 1.23 27.07 126.55 0.888 21.90 1.00 0.89 112.63 5.14
9.0 14 1.70 74.31 1.14 15.89 148.62 0.865 25.07 1.00 0.89 132.27 5.28
10.5 8 1.60 86.82 1.05 8.40 173.64 0.843 28.53 1.00 0.89 154.54 5.42
1.5 15 1.80 13.24 2.69 40.34 26.49 0.978 3.37 1.00 1.32 34.96 10.39
3.0 20 1.90 27.22 1.88 37.52 54.45 0.955 6.76 1.00 1.32 71.87 10.63
4.5 6 1.60 38.99 1.57 9.40 77.99 0.933 9.45 1.00 1.32 102.95 10.89
6.0 5 1.60 50.77 1.37 6.87 101.53 0.910 12.01 1.00 1.32 134.02 11.16
7.5 6 1.60 62.54 1.24 7.43 125.08 0.888 14.43 1.00 1.32 165.10 11.44
9.0 13 1.70 75.78 1.12 14.62 151.56 0.865 17.04 1.00 1.32 200.07 11.74
10.5 11 1.70 87.55 1.05 11.51 175.11 0.843 19.18 1.00 1.32 231.14 12.05
1.5 15 1.80 13.24 2.69 40.34 26.49 0.978 4.63 1.00 1.40 37.08 8.01
3.0 20 1.90 27.22 1.88 37.52 54.45 0.955 9.29 1.00 1.40 76.22 8.20
4.5 6 1.60 38.99 1.57 9.40 77.99 0.933 13.00 1.00 1.40 109.19 8.40
6.0 5 1.60 50.77 1.37 6.87 101.53 0.910 16.52 1.00 1.40 142.15 8.61
7.5 6 1.60 62.54 1.24 7.43 125.08 0.888 19.84 1.00 1.40 175.11 8.82
9.0 13 1.70 75.78 1.12 14.62 151.56 0.865 23.43 1.00 1.40 212.19 9.05
10.5 11 1.70 87.55 1.05 11.51 175.11 0.843 26.37 1.00 1.40 245.15 9.30
1.5 15 1.80 13.24 2.69 40.34 26.49 0.978 5.05 1.00 0.89 23.57 4.67
3.0 20 1.90 27.22 1.88 37.52 54.45 0.955 10.14 1.00 0.89 48.46 4.78
4.5 6 1.60 38.99 1.57 9.40 77.99 0.933 14.18 1.00 0.89 69.41 4.89
6.0 5 1.60 50.77 1.37 6.87 101.53 0.910 18.02 1.00 0.89 90.36 5.02
7.5 6 1.60 62.54 1.24 7.43 125.08 0.888 21.65 1.00 0.89 111.32 5.14
9.0 13 1.70 75.78 1.12 14.62 151.56 0.865 25.57 1.00 0.89 134.89 5.28
10.5 11 1.70 87.55 1.05 11.51 175.11 0.843 28.77 1.00 0.89 155.85 5.42
1.5 - 4.5 ML - SM 0.00 1.40 41.62 56.98 No LL No PL - 12.65 1.59 1.45 2.426 0 29*
2 4.5 - 9.5 ML - GM 32.73 3.66 23.73 39.88 11.12 1.76 1.66 2.654 0 31*
9.5 - 10.0 ML 0.00 0.55 12.78 86.67 45.00 32.61 12.39 33.06 1.64 1.46 2.416 5 22 0.120 0.711
1.5 - 3.5 ML - GM 29.09 3.81 15.27 51.83 - - - 15.50 1.69 1.54 2.636 0 32*
3.5 - 9.0
3 ML 0.00 2.57 22.52 74.91 31.00 26.51 4.49 30.69 1.66 1.37 2.308 3 24 0.115 0.938
& UD
9.0 - 11.0
ML 0.00 0.00 17.19 82.81 42.00 32.77 9.23 38.40 1.65 1.33 2.187 6 21 0.122 0.842
& UD
Drilling a Hole by Percussion Drilling Mechanism
Conducting SPT/DCPT Test for getting (N) Value by Dropping a
63.5 kg Hammer from 750mm height
Retrieving Soil Samples through SPT Tubes