(51) International Patent Classification: ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO,
A01G 23/06 (2006.01) NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW,
(21) International Application Number: TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, WS, ZA, ZM, ZW.
(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
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(26) Publication Language: English
(30) Priority Data: MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM,
20201655.6 14 October 2020 (14.10.2020) EP TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW,
KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
(71) Applicant: DIPPERFOX θϋ [EE/EE]; Sakala 3, 80028
Parnu (EE).
Declarations under Rule 4.17:
(72) Inventor: KULM, Jaana; Dipperfox Οϋ Sakala 3, 80028 — as to the identity of the inventor (Rule 4.17(i))
Parnu (EE).
(74) Agent: SARAP, Margus; Sarap and Partners Patent — with international search report (Art. 21(3))
Agency Kompanii IC, 51004 Tartu (EE).
(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
WO 2022/078635 PCT/EP2021/063479
Stump crusher
Technical field
Background art
Quite a lot of different stump removal or grinding devices are known in the art, which
10 can be attached to tractors, excavators or other forestry machines or their cam.
of the front of the machine to support and guide the cutter assembly. The rear part of
the pivot head assembly is mounted in the middle of the front of the frame or body of
the stump grinder by means of a mounting plate. The mounting plate supports the
rear part of the pivot head assembly, which generally rotates around the vertical axis.
5 The main disadvantage of the prior art solutions is the need for special fasteners and
drives, which in turn does not allow the cutting heads used to remove stumps to be
used on the cams or implements of conventional excavators, tractors or other
forestry machines.
on the tree stump to be re-moved, so that sliding or slipping of the tree stump drill
over tree stumps can effectively be prevented. The guide element supports blades
and bind them together but still when the stump crusher is placed to the stump and it
will be pushed down the design of guide element and blades starts to bend through
5 and may therefore break.
It must be borne in mind that the rotational forces applied to the blades change
15 constantly when drilling the stumps, and the machine operator must constantly check
the speed of the cutting head, the pressure applied to the cutting head, etc. This
makes working quite stressful. Therefore a solution of hydraulic control system is
needed which can automatically adapts to the resistance forces of drilling the stump.
Disclosure of invention
20 The objectives of the stump crusher according to the present invention are achieved
with a simple implement, which can be attached to the implement of an excavator or
another forestry machine by a mounting plate attached to the stump crusher. At that,
it is possible to produce a corresponding adapter plate between the stump crusher
and the implement of the machine, which facilitates the attachment of the stump
25 crusher. The structure of the stump crusher itself consists of four interconnected
assemblies. The lower part of the stump crusher, i.e., the blade holder, is attached to
the gearbox housing. A hydraulic motor is connected to a gearbox in a gearbox
housing, which in turn is attached to the motor housing, which has a hydraulic system
for controlling the hydraulic motor at the top and a mounting plate for attaching the
30 stump crusher to the implement of a work machine, e.g., the cam of an excavator.
Thus, a uniform and compact stump crusher is formed with the blade holder
composed of the mounting plate of the blade holder. A blade holder tower is welded
WO 2022/078635 PCT/EP2021/063479
to the centre of the mounting plate, to the lower end of which a blade holder cone,
i.e., an auger, is attached. Attached to the lower end of the blade holder tower are
perpendicular blade holder plates to which the replaceable blades of the stump
crusher are attached. The blade holder plates are supported by blade holder
5 reinforcement ribs from the perimeter of the mounting plate to the blade holder plate
for providing stability and reinforcement. The blade holder tower is also supported by
two ribs, the lower end of which is welded to the blade holder plates and the top end
to the mounting plate.
The circular mounting plate of the blade holder of the stump crusher is attached to
10 the flange at the lower end of the gearbox housing with fasteners. The gearbox is
fastened to the flange at the top end of the gearbox with fasteners. The gearbox is
connected to the hydraulic motor, so that when the motor rotates, the gearbox rotates
together with the housing, with which the blade holder of the stump crusher also
rotates. The hydraulic motor is attached to the motor housing, which is rigidly fixed to
15 the excavator implement, i.e., the cam, via the mounting plate in the top part of the
motor housing. The hydraulic motor of the stump crusher is completely controlled by
the hydraulic system housed in the motor housing. The hydraulic system of the
excavator is connected to the hydraulic system via hydraulic hoses, so that two
hoses are intended for the forward/return flow of hydraulic fluid, usually special
20 hydraulic oil, and the third hose is intended for oil return drainage. The hydraulic
system includes a control valve/directional valve to direct the oil supply or drainage to
the hydraulic motor. Furthermore, the hydraulic system is provided with pressure
relief valves, non-return valves, and a hydraulic accumulator has also been added to
the system to stabilise the operation of the hydraulic motor, so that the rotations of
25 the blade holder of the stump crusher is uniform according to the force applied by the
implement. This enables to increase the stump crusher’s productivity for drilling out
stumps with various diameters.
30 The structure of the stump crusher will now be described in more detail with
reference to figures, wherein
WO 2022/078635 PCT/EP2021/063479
FIG 1 is a side view of the stump crusher according to the invention for illustrating the
position of all assemblies;
FIG 2 is a top view of the stump crusher from the end facing the mounting plate;
The stump crusher shown in FIG 1 contains four interconnected and interacting
assemblies. On the side of the working machine implement is a hydraulic motor
assembly 1, which includes the motor housing 10, and to this side of the working
machine implement is attached, e.g., welded, a mounting plate 11, which is used to
10 fasten the stump crusher to the working machine implement, e.g., the excavator cam.
If needed, an adapter is used between the mounting plate 11 and the implement
(shown in the figure with a dashed line), so that the stump crusher can be used with
the implements of various working machines (excavators, tractors or other forestry
machines). The hydraulic system necessary for controlling the hydraulic motor is
15 arranged in the motor housing 2. Its structure is described below.
The blade holder 3 of the stump crusher consists of a circular mounting plate 31 of
25 the blade holder, which is attached with fasteners 23 to the gearbox flange 22 of the
gearbox housing 21. Attached to the centre of the mounting plate is a blade holder
tower 32, at the end of which is the cone 33 of the stump crusher, which is a conical
auger. This is necessary for facilitating the entrance of the stump crusher into the
stump. When the rotating stump crusher is placed against the stump, the auger starts
30 pulling itself into the stump together with the stump crusher, thus accelerating the
arrival of the blades of the stump crusher to the stump. At the same time, the auger
WO 2022/078635 PCT/EP2021/063479
allows the operator to guide the stump crusher relatively precisely to the centre of the
stump. The blade holder tower is supported from two sides by tower reinforcement
ribs 34 to ensure rigidity, the top end of which is welded to the mounting plate and
the lower end to the blade holder of the stump crusher. Horizontal blade holders 35
5 are arranged at the lower end of the blade holder of the stump crusher.
Approximately 2/3 of the way from the blade holder tower, the blade holders are
supported by a horizontal blade holder reinforcement rib 36, the top end of which is
attached to the perimeter of the mounting plate of the blade holder with a weld. This
avoids the stump crusher blades from bending when the stump crusher is forced into
10 the stump. A step is formed in the blade holder of the stump crusher, to which the
replaceable blade 37 of the stump crusher is attached. In the exemplary embodiment
illustrated in the drawings, the stump crusher has two blade holders with a
replaceable blade 37. This way, the structure of the blade holder assembly of the
stump crusher is in balance and the structure will not break under the forces acting
15 upon it.
The hydraulic system for controlling the hydraulic motor of the stump crusher first
comprises three inlet nozzles 101, 102, 103, to which the hydraulic system of the
excavator implement is connected by means of hydraulic hoses. At that, two inlet
nozzles 101 and 102 are intended for the forward and return flow of the fluid used by
20 the hydraulic system (usually a special hydraulic oil), and the third nozzle 103 is
intended for the drainage of the return flow of oil. The nozzles are connected via
pipes to the control valve/directional valve 104 controlling the operation of the
hydraulic system and the motor, which is used to direct oil through various
connection channels (pipes) to the hydraulic motor 12 in order to start it and to
25 change its rotation speed according to the load resulting from the drilling of the
stump. The return flow of all the fluid moving into the hydraulic system takes place
through the said control valve. In addition, pressure limiters 106, 107 have been
placed between the forward/return flow piping. Non-return valves 115 are used in the
hydraulic system to limit the return flow of the hydraulic fluid. To control the operation
30 of the motor, both of the outlets of the motor are fitted with additional first and second
control valves 108, 109 to control the fluid returning from the motor before the control
valve. The first additional control valve 108 is also connected to the control valve 110
of the motor via a pressure limiter 117. The second additional control valve 109 is
connected to the engine control lever 116 and further to a hydraulic accumulator 111.
WO 2022/078635 PCT/EP2021/063479
An additional valve 112 is connected between the inlet nozzles and before the control
valve 118, which is connected to a proportional valve/pressure limiter 113. The
control valve 118 equalizes the pressure during the stump crushing and allows
automatic control of the hydraulic motor by increasing or decreasing its speed without
5 operator intervention, thus the stump crusher according to present invention can
automatically adapts to the resistance forces of drilling the stump.
The latter is connected to the hydraulic accumulator 111 and to the drainage of the
return flow of the fluid to the working machine’s system. An additional throttle 114 is
placed between the hydraulic accumulator and the valve/pressure limiter 113.
10 The structure of the stump crusher’s gearbox is designed to reduce the angular
speed of the motor shaft, in order to reduce the rotation speed of the stump crusher,
but to increase torque and the transmission power of the stump crusher. A multi
stage planetary gearbox is used as the gearbox, which consists of external and
internal gears. The structure of the gearbox does not need any further description, as
15 the purposes for which the gearbox is used are clear to a person skilled in the art,
and the gearbox used in the structure of the stump crusher does not have any
differences compared to gearboxes known in the art, while it is important to reduce
engine speed and increase torque.
Working with a stump crusher according to the invention is easy and fast. For
20 example, it can be fitted to an excavator with a minimum power of 74 kW (ca 100 hp),
oil pressure of the implement in the range of 195-350 bar (19500kPa-35000kPa), oil
flow 110-220 l/min, weight of the excavator 16-30 t (tons), to ensure sufficient
pressure to the stump crusher when it is placed on the stump. The weight of the
stump crusher itself is in the range of 450-650 kg.
and with the excavator implement, the auger is forced into the stump; as the stump
crusher rotates, the auger draws the stump crusher with it and the horizontal blades
of the stump crusher mill the stump level with the ground or up to 1 meter below it.
Then the stump crusher is lifted up and directed to a next stump. The significant part
5 of the entire work process is that the hydraulic system controls the motor speed
automatically without any interference from the operator. In the stump milling
process, it is also significant that the stumps do not have to be extracted from the
ground prior to milling, and as a result of milling the stumps with a stump crusher
according to the invention, an even and level ground is left where new trees can be
10 planted. Also, the area where the stumps were milled can immediately be used by
other machines without any obstacles. Using the stump crusher according to the
invention is especially time-saving and effective when renewing city parks. By using
the stump crusher, a stump can be removed in no more than 20 seconds, it is also
possible to drill to a depth of up to a meter and the new hole can immediately be
15 used for planting a new tree.
List of details
10 - motor housing
11 - mounting plate
20 2 - motor housing
12 - hydraulic motor
20 - gearbox
21 - gearbox housing
22 - gearbox flange
25 3 - blade holder
23 - fasteners
35 - horizontal blade holder
37 - replaceable blade
characterised in that
the blade holder (3) of the stump crusher consists of a circular mounting plate (31)
of the blade holder, which is attached with fasteners to the gearbox flange (22) at
15 the lower end of the gearbox housing (21);
attached to the centre of the circular mounting plate (31) is a blade holder tower
(32), at the end of which is the cone (33) of the stump crusher;
the blade holder tower (32) is supported from two sides by tower reinforcement
ribs (34) to ensure rigidity, the top end of which is welded to the circular mounting
20 plate (31) and the lower end to the blade holder of the stump crusher;
at the lower end of the blade holder (3) of the stump crusher are arranged
horizontal blade holders (35), which are approximately 2/3 of the way from the
blade holder tower (32) supported by a horizontal blade holder reinforcement rib
(36), the top end of which is attached to the perimeter of the mounting plate (31) of
25 the blade holder;
a step is formed in the horizontal blade holder (35) of the stump crusher, to which
the replaceable blade (37) of the stump crusher is attached.
10 3. The stump crusher according to claim 3, characterised in that the first additional
control valve (108) is connected to the control valve (110) of the motor via a pressure
limiter (117) and the second additional control valve (109) is connected to the motor
control lever (116) and to the hydraulic accumulator (111) of the stump crusher.