(51) International Patent Classification: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
B22D 11/04 (2006.01) C22B 9/22 (2006.01) kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
B22D 11/22 (2006.01) AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
(21) International Application Number: DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
PCT/US20 16/0 17092
(22) International Filing Date: KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG,
' February 2016 (09.02.2016) MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM,
(25) Filing Language: English SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
(26) Publication Language: English TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
(30) Priority Data: (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
62/1 13,882 February 2015 (09.02.2015) US kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
(71) Applicant: HANS TECH, LLC [US/US]; 3 120 Bowfield TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
Way, West Lafayette, IN 47906 (US). TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
(72) Inventors: HAN, Qingyou; 426 LaGrange Street, West
Lafayette, IN 47906 (US). SHAO, Lu; 426 LaGrange
Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906 (US). XU, Clause; 291 1
GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
Browning Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906 (US).
(74) Agents: MASON, Derek J. et al; Obion, McClelland,
Maier & Neustadt, L.L.P., 1940 Duke Street, Alexandria, — with international search report (Art. 21(3))
VA 223 14 (US).
i i Irp ∆
o 2d
(57) Abstract: A molten metal processing device including a molten metal containment structure for reception and transport of mol
o ten metal along a longitudinal length thereof. The device further includes a cooling unit for the containment structure including a
cooling channel for passage of a liquid medium therein, and an ultrasonic probe disposed in relation to the cooling channel such that
ultrasonic waves are coupled through the liquid medium in the cooling channel and through the molten metal containment structure
into the molten metal.
This invention was made with government support under Grant No. P 1058494 awarded
by the National Science Foundation. The government has certain rights in the invention.
The present invention is related to a method for producing metal castings w th controlled
grain size, a system for producing the metal castings, and products obtained by the metal
Alcoa, (2000), "New Process for Grai Refinement of Aluminum, " DOE Project
Final Report, Contract No. DE-FC07-98ID1 3665, September 22, 2000.
Cui, ¥., Xu, C.L. and Han, O., (2007), "Microstructure Improvement in Weld
Metal Using Ultrasonic Vibrations, Advanced Engineering Materials, " v. 9 , No.
3, pp. 161 -163.
Eskin, G.I., (1998), "Ultrasonic Treatment of Light Alloy Melts, " Gordon and
Breach Science Publishers, Amsterdam., The Netherlands.
Eskin, G.I. (2002) 'Effect of Uhrasonuc Cavitation Treatment of the Melt on the
Microstructure Evolution during Solidification of Aluminum Alloy Ingots, "
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde/ Materials Research and Advanced Techniques, v.93,
n.6, June, 2002, pp. 502-507.
Greer, A.L., (2004), "Grain Refinement of Aluminum Alloys, " in Chu, M.G.,
Granger, D.A., and an, Q., (eds.), " Solidification of Aluminum Alloys, "
Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by TMS (The Minerals, Metals &
Materials 'Society), TMS, Warrendale, PA 15086-7528, pp. 131-145,
Han, Q., (2007), The Use of Power Ultrasound for Material Processing, " Han,
Q., Ludtka, G , and Thai, Q., (eds), (2007), "Materials Processing under the
Influence of External Fields, " Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by TMS
(The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), TMS, Warrendale, PA 15086-7528,
pp. 97-106.
Jackson, K.A., Hunt, J.D., and Uhlmann, D.R., and Seward, T.P., (1966), "On
Origin of Equiaxed Zone in Castings, " Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME, v. 236, pp. 149-
Jian, X , Xu, , Meek, T.T., and Han, O., (2005), "Effect of Power Ultrasoud on
Solidification of Aluminum A356 Alloy, " Materials Letters, v. 59, no. 2-3, pp.
Keles, O . and Dundar, M., (2007). "Aluminum Foil: Its Typical Quality Problems
and Their Causes, " Journal of Materials Processing Technology, v. 186, pp. 125-
Liu, C , Pan, Y., and Aoyama, S., (1998), Proceedings of the 5'" International
Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, Eds.: Bhasin,
A.K., Moore, J.J., Young, K.P., and Madison, S., Colorado School of Mines,
Golden, CO, pp. 439-447.
Megy, J., (1999), "Molten Metal Treatment, " US Patent No. 5,935,295, August,
Megy, J., Granger, D.A., Sigworth, G.K., and Durst, C.R., (2000), "Effectiveness
ofln-Situ Aluminum Grain Refining Process, " Light Metals, pp. 1-6.
Han et a , "Grain Refining of Pure Aluminum, " Light Metals 2012, pp. 967-971.
In one embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a molten metal processing
device including a molten metal containment structure for reception and transport of molten
metal along a longitudinal length thereof. The device further includes a cooling unit for the
containment structure including a cooling channel for passage of a l uid medium there , and an
ultrasonic probe disposed in relation to the cooling channel such that ultrasonic waves are
coupled through the liquid medium in the cooling channel and through the molten metal
containment structure into the molten metal.
n one embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a method for forming a
metal product. The method transports molten metal along a longitudinal length of a molten
metal containment structure. The method cools the molten metal containment structure by
passage of a medium through a cooling channel thermally coupled to the molten metal
containment structure, and couples ultrasonic waves through the medium in the cooling channel
and through the molten metal containment structure into the molten metal.
In one embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a system for forming a
metal product. The system includes 1) the molten metal processing device described above and
2) a controller including data inputs and control outputs, and programmed with control which
permit operation of the above -described method steps.
In one embodiment of the present in vention, there is provided a metallic product
including a cast metallic composition having sub-millimeter grain sizes and including less than
0.5% grain refiners therein.
It is to be understood that both the foregoing general description of the invention and the
following detailed description are exemplary, but are not restrictive of the invention.
A more complete appreciation of the invention and many of the attendant advantages
thereof will be readily obtained as the same becomes better understood by reference to the
following detailed description when considered in connection with the accompanying drawings
Figure A is a schematic of a casting channel according to one embodiment of the
Figure B is a photographic depiction of the base of a casting channel according to one
embodiment of the invention;
Figure C is a composite photographic depiction of the base of a casting channel
according to one embodiment of the invention;
Figure D is a schematic depiction of illustrative dimensions for one embodiment of a
casting channel;
Figure 2 is a photographic depiction of a mold according to one embodiment of the
Figure 3A is a schematic of a continuous casting mill according to one embodiment of
the invention;
Figure 3B is a schematic of another continuous casting mill according to one embodiment
of the invention;
Figure 4A is a micrograph showing macrostructures present in an aluminum ingot;
Figure 4B is another micrograph showing macrostructures present in an aluminum ingot;
Figure 4C is another micrograph showing macrostructures present in an aluminum ingot;
Figure 4D is another micrograph showing macrostructures present in an aluminum ingot;
Figure 5 is a graph depicting grain size as a function of casting temperature;
Figure 6A is a micrograph depicting the macrostmcture present in an aluminum ingot;
prepared under conditions described herein;
Figure 6B is another micrograph depicting the macrostructure present in an aluminum
ingot; prepared under conditions described herein;
Figure 6C is another micrograph depicting the macrostructure present in an aluminum
ingot; prepared under conditions described herein;
Figure 7 is another graph depicting grain size as a function of casting temperature;
Figure 8 is another graph depicting grain size as a function of casting temperature;
Figure 9 is another graph depicting grain size as a function of casting temperature;
Figure 10 is another graph depicting grain size as a function of casting temperature;
Figure 1A is a micrograph showing macrostructures present in an aluminum ingot;
prepared under conditions described herein;
Figure 1 B is another micrograph showing macrostructures present in an aluminum
ingot; prepared under conditions described herein;
Figure 1 C is a schematic depiction of illustrative dimensions for one embodiment of the
casting channels;
Figure 1 D is a schematic depiction of illustrative dimensions for one embodiment of the
casting channels;
Figure is another graph depicting grain size as a function of casting temperatures;
Figure 3A is another schematic depiction of illustrative dimensions for one embodiment
of a casting channel;
Figure 13B is another graph depicting grain size as a function of casting temperatures;
Figure 4 is a schematic of a continuous casting machine according to one embodiment
of the invention;
Figure 5A is a cross sectional schematic of one component of a vertical casting mill;
Figure 5B is a cross sectional schematic of another component of a vertical casting mill;
Figure 5C is a cross sectional schematic of another component of a vertical casting mill;
Figure 15D is a cross sectional schematic of another component of a vertical casting mill;
Figure 16 is a schematic of an illustrative computer system for the controls and
controllers depicted herein;
Figure 17 is a flow chart depicting a method according to one embodiment of the
Grain refining of metals and alloys is important for many reasons, including maximizing
ingot casting rate, improving resistance to hot tearing, minimizing elemental segregation,
enhancing mechanical properties, particularly ductility, improving the finishing characteristics of
wrought products and increasing the mold filling characteristics, and decreasing the porosity of
foundry alloys. Usually grain refining is one of the first processing steps for the production of
metal and alloy products, especially aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys, which are two of
the lightweight materials used increasingly in the aerospace, defense, automotive, construction,
and packaging industry. Grain refining is also an important processing step for making metals
and alloys castable by eliminating columnar grains and forming equiaxed grains.
Yet, prior to this invention, use of impurities or chemical "grain refiners" was the only way to
address the long recognized problem in the metal casting industry of columnar grain formation in
metal castings.
Approximately 68% of the aluminum produced in the United States is first cast into ingot
prior to further processing into sheets, plates, extrusions, or foil. The direct chili (DC) semi-
continuous casting process and continuous casting (CC) process have been the mainstay of the
aluminum industry due largely to its robust nature and relative simplicity. One issue with the
DC and CC processes is the hot tearing formation or cracking formation during ingot
solidification. Basically all ingots would be cracked (or not castabie) without using grain
Still, the production rates of these modern processes are limited by the conditions to
avoid cracking formation. Grain refining is an effective way to reduce the hot tearing tendency
of an alloy and thus to increase the production rates. As a result, a significant amount of effort
has been concentrated on the development of powerful grain refiners that can produce grain sizes
as small as possible. Superplasticity can be achieved if the grain size can be reduced to the sub-
micron level, which permits alloys not only to be cast at much faster rates but also
rolled/extruded at lower temperatures at much fast rates than ingots are processed today, leading
to significant cost savings and energy savings.
At present nearly all aluminum cast in the world either from primary (approximately 20
billion kg) or secondary and internal scrap (25 billion kg) are grain refined with heterogeneous
nuclei of insoluble TiB nuclei approximately a few microns in diameter, which nucleate a fine
grain structure in aluminum. One issue related to the use of chemical grain refiners is the
limited grain refining capability. Further, the use of chemical grain refiners causes a limited
decrease in aluminum grain size, from a columnar structure with linear grain dimensions of
something over 2,500 µη , to equiaxed grains of less than 200 µτη . Equiaxed grains of 00 µη in
aluminum alloys appear to be the limit that can be obtained using the chemical grain refiners
commercially available.
It is widely recognized that the productivity can be significantly increased if the grain
size can be further reduced. Grain size in the sub-micron level leads to superplastisity that
makes forming of aluminum alloys much easier at room temperatures.
Another issue related to the use of chemical grain refiners is the defect formation
associated with the use of grain refiners. Although considered in the prior art to be necessary for
grain refining, the insoluble, foreign particles are otherwise undesirable in aluminum,
particularly in the form of particle agglomerates ("clusters"). The current grain refiners, which
are present in the form of compounds in aluminum base master alloys, are produced by a
complicated string of mining, beneficiation, and manufacturing processes. The master alloys
used now frequently contain potassium aluminum fluoride (KAIF) salt and aluminum oxide
impurities (dross) which arise from the conventional manufacturing process of aluminum grain
refiners. These give rise to local defects in aluminum (e.g. "leakers" in beverage cans and "pin
holes" in thin foil), machine tool abrasion, and surface finish problems in alumi num . Data from
one of the aluminum cable company indicated that 25% of the production defects is due to TiB
particle agglomerates, and another 25% of defects is due to dross that are entrapped into
aluminum during the casting process. TiB 2 particle agglomerates often break the wires during
extrusion, especially when the diameter of the wires is smaller than 8 mm.
Another issue related to the use of chemical grain refiners is the cost of the grain refiners.
This is extremely true for the production of magnesium ingots using Zr grain refiners. Grain
refining using Zr grain refiners costs about an extra $ 1 per kilogram of Mg casting produced.
Grain refiners for aluminum alloys cost around S .50 per kilogram.
Another issue related to the use of chemical grain refiners is the reduced electrical
conductivity. The use of chemical grain refiners introduces in excess amount of Ti in aluminum,
causes a substantial decrease in electrical conductivity of pure aluminum for cable applications.
In order to maintain certain conductivity, companies have to pay extra money to use purer
aluminum for making cables and wires.
A number of other grain refining methods, in addition to the chemical methods, ha ve
been explored in the past century. These methods include using physical fields, such as magnetic
and electro-magnetic fields, and using mechanical vibrations. High-intensity, low-amplitude
ultrasonic vibration is one of the physical/mechanical mechanisms that has been demonstrated
for grain refining of metals and alloys without using foreign particles. However, experimental
results, such as from Cui et al, 2007 noted above were obtained in small ingots up to a few
pounds of metal subjected to a short period of time of ultrasonic vibration. Little effort has been
carried out on grain refining of CC or DC casting ingots/billets using high-intensity ultrasonic
The technical challenges addressed in the present invention for grain refining are (1) the
coupling of ultrasonic energy to the molten metal for extended times, (2) maintaining the natural
vibration frequencies of the system at elevated temperatures, and (3) increasing the grain refining
efficiency of ultrasonic grain refining when the temperature of the ultrasonic wave guide is hot.
Enhanced cooling for both the ultrasonic wave guide and the ingot (as described below) is one of
the solutions presented here for addressing these challenges.
Moreover, another technical challenge addressed in the present invention relates to the
fact that, the purer the aluminum, the harder it is to obtain equiaxed grains during the
solidification process. Even with the use of external grain refiners such as TiB (Titanium boride)
in pure aluminum such as 1000, 1100 and 1300 series of aluminum, it remains difficult to obtain
an equiaxed grain structure. However, using the novel grai refining technology described
herein an equiaxed grains structure has been obtained.
The present invention suppresses the problem of columnar grain formation without the
necessity of introducing grain refiners. The inventors have surprisingly discovered that the use
of controlled application of ultrasonic vibrations to the molten metal as it is being poured into the
casting permits the realization of grain sizes comparable to or smaller than that obtained with
state of the art grain refiners such as TiBor master alloy.
In one aspect of the invention, equiaxed grains within the cast product is obtained
without the necessity of adding impurity particles, such as titanium boride, into the metal or
metallic alloy to increase the number of grains and improve uniform heterogeneous
solidification. Instead of using the nucleating agents, ultrasonic vibrations can be used to create
nucleating sites. Specifically, as explained in more detail below, ultrasonic vibrations are
coupled with a liquid medium to refine the grains in metals and metallic alloys, and create
equiaxed grains
To understand the morphology of an equiaxed grain consider conventional metal grain
growth in which dendrites grow one dimensionally and elongated grains are formed. These
elongated grains are referred to as columnar grains. If a grain grows freely in all directions, an
equiaxed grain is formed. Each equiaxed grain contains 6 primary dendrites growing
perpendicularly. These dendrites may grow at identical rate. In which case, the grains appear
more spherical, if ignoring the detailed dendritic features within the grain.
In one embodiment of the present invention, a channel structure 2 (i.e. a containment
structure) as shown in Figure A transports molten metal to a casting mold (not shown in Figure
1A) such as for example the casting wheel detailed below. The channel structure 2 includes side
walls 2a containing the molten metal and a bottom plate 2b. The side walls 2a and the bottom
plate 2b can be separate entities as shown or can be an integrated unit. Beneath the bottom plate
2b is a liquid medium passage 2c which in operation is filled with a liquid medium.
Furthermore, these two elements may be integral as in a cast object.
Disposed coupled to the liquid medium passage 2c is a ultrasonic wave probe 2d (or
sonotrode, or ultrasonic radiator) of an ultrasonic transducer that provides ultrasonic vibrations
(UV) through the liquid medium and through the bottom plate 2b into the liquid metal. In one
embodiment of the invention, the ultrasonic wave probe 2d is inserted into the liquid medium
passage 2c. In one embodiment of the invention, more than one ultrasonic wave probe or an
array of ultrasonic wave probes can be inserted into the liquid medium passage 2c. In one
embodiment of the i vention the ultrasonic wave probe 2d is attached to a wall of the liquid
medium passage 2c. While not bound to any particular theory, a relatively small amount of
undercooling (e.g., less than °C) at the bottom of the channel results in a layer of small nuclei
of purer aluminum begin formed. The ultrasonic vibrations from the bottom of the channel
creates these pure aluminum nuclei which than are used as nucleating agents during
solidification resulting in a uniform grain structure. Accordingly, in one embodiment of the
invention, the cooling method ensures that a small amount of undercooling at the bottom of the
channel results in a layer of small nuclei of aluminum. The ultrasonic vibrations from the
bottom of the channel disperse these nuclei and breaks up dendrites that forms in the
undercooled layer. These aluminum nuclei and fragments of dendrites are then used to form
equiaxed grains in the moid during solidification resulting in a uniform grain structure.
I other words, ultrasonic vibrations transmitted through the bottom plate 2b and into the
liquid metal create nucleation sites in the metals or metallic alloys to refine the grain size. The
bottom plate can be a refractory metal or other high temperature material such as copper, irons
and steels, niobium, niobium and molybdenum, tantalum, tungsten, and rhenium, and alloys
thereof including one or more elements such a silicon, oxygen, or nitrogen which can extend the
melting points of these materials. Furthennore, the bottom plate can be one of a number of steel
alloys such as for example low carbon steels or H13 steel.
I one embodiment of the present invention there is provided a wall between the molten
metal and the cooling unit in which the thickness of the wall is thin enough (as detailed below in
the examples) so that, under steady-state production, the molten metal adjacent to this wall will
is cooled below critical temperatures for the particular metal being cast.
In one of the embodiment of the present invention, the ultrasonic vibration system is used
to enhance heat transfer through the thin wall between the cooling channel and the molten metal
and to induce nucleation or to break up dendrites that forms in the molten metal adjacent to the
thin wall of the cooling channel.
In the demonstrations below , the source of ultrasonic vibrations provided a power of 1.5
kW at an acoustic frequency of 20 kHz. This invention is not restricted to those powers and
frequencies. Rather, a broad range of powers and frequencies can be used although the
following ranges are of interest.
Power ; In general, powers between 50 and 5000 W for each sonotrode, depending on
the dimensions of the sonotrode or probe. These powers are typically applied to the
sonotrode to ensure that the power density at the end of the sonotrode is higher than
lOOW/cm2, which is the threshold for causing cavitation in molten metals. The powers at
this area can range from 50 to 5000 W, 00 to 3000 W, 500 to 2000 W, 000 to 500 W
or any intermediate or overlapping range. Hig er powers for larger probe/sonotrode and
lower powers for smaller probe are possible.
Frequency : In general, 5 to 400 kHz (or any intermediate range) may be used.
Alternatively, 10 and 30 kHz (or any intermediate range) may be used. Alternatively, 5
and 25 kHz (or any intermediate range) may be used. The frequency applied can range
from 5 to 400 KHz, 10 to 30 kHz, 15 to 25 kHz, 10 to 200 KHz, or 50 to 100 kHz or any
intermediate or overlapping range.
where it encircles the mold ring. A conduit network 24 having suitable valving is connected to
supply and exhaust coolant to the various headers so as to control the cooling of the apparatus
and the rate of solidification of the molten metal. For a more detailed showing and explanation of
this type of apparatus, reference may be had to U.S. Pat. No. 3,596,702 to Ward et al. (the entire
contents of which are incorporated herein by reference).
Figure 3A also shows controller 500 which controls the various parts of the continuous
aluminum casting system shown therein. As discussed in detail below, controller 500 includes
one or more processors with programmed instructions to control the operation of the
continuously casting system depicted in Figure 3A.
By such a construction, molten metal is fed from the pouring spout into the casting
mold at the point A and is solidified and partially cooled during its transport between the points
A and B by circulation of coolant through the cooling system. Thus, by the time the cast bar
reaches the point B, it is in the form of a solid cast bar 25. The solid cast bar 25 is withdrawn
from the casting wheel and fed to a conveyor 27 which conveys the cast bar to a rolling mill 28.
It should be noted that at the point B, the cast bar 25 has only been cooled an amount sufficient
to solidify the bar and the bar remains at an elevated temperature to allow an immediate rolling
operation to be performed thereon. The rolling mill 28 can include a tandem array of rolling
stands which successively rol the bar into a continuous length of wire rod 30 which has a
substantially uniform circular cross-section.
Figure 3B is a schematic of another continuous casting mill according to one embodiment
of the invention. Figure 3B pro vides an o verall view of a continuous rod (CR) system and has an
inset showing an expanded view about the pouring spout. The CR system shown in Figure 3B is
characterized as a wheel and belt casting system, which has a water cooled copper casting wheel
50 and a flexible steel band 52. n one embodiment of the invention, the casting wheel 50 has a
groove (not apparent from the view provided) in the outer periphery of the casting wheel, and
the flexible steel band 52 goes approximately halfway around the casting wheel 50 to enclose
the casting groove. In one embodiment of the invention, the casting groove and the flexible steel
band that encloses the casting groove form a moid cavity 60. In one embodiment of the
invention, a tundish 62, a pouring spout 64, and a metering device 66 deliver molten aluminum
into the casting groove as the wheel 50 rotates. In one embodiment of the invention, a parting
agent/mold coating is applied to the wheel and steel band just before the pouring point. The
molten metal is typically held in place by the steel band 52 until completion of the solidification
process. As the wheel turns, the aluminum (or the poured metal) solidifies. The solidified
aluminum, with the help of a stripper shoe 70, exits the wheel 50 The wheel 50 is then wiped,
and the de-molding agent is reapplied prior to the introduction of fresh molten aluminum.
In the CR system of Figure 3B, the pouring spout would include as a separate attachment
(or would have integrated therewith the components of) the channel structure 2 shown in Figures
1A-1B (or other channel structures described elsewhere in this specification) in order to provide
the ultrasonic treatment to the molten metal to induce nucieation sites.
Figure 3B also shows controller 500 which (as above) controls the various parts of the
continuous aluminum casting system shown therein. Controller 500 includes one or more
processors with programmed instructions to control the operation of the continuously casting
system depicted in Figure 3B.
As noted above, the mold can be stationary as would be used in sand casting, plaster
mold casting, shell molding, investment casting, permanent mold casting, die casting, etc. While
described below with respect aluminum, this invention is not so limited and other metals such as
copper, silver, gold, magnesium, bronze, brass, tin, steels, irons, and alloys thereof can utilize the
principles of this invention. Additionally, metal-matrix composites can utilize the principles of
this invention to control the resultant grain sizes in the cast objects.
The following demonstrations show the utility of the present in vention and are not
intended to limit the present invention to any of the specific dimensions, cooling conditions,
production rates, and temperatures set forth below unless such specification is used in the claims.
Using the channel structures shown in Figures 1A-1D and the mold in Figure 2, results of
the invention were documented. Except as noted below, the channel structures had bottom plates
2b approximately 5 cm wide and 54 cm long making for a vibrator}' path of about 52 cm (i.e.,
approximately the length of the liquid cooling channel 2c). The thickness of the bottom plate
varied as noted below but for a steel bottom plate the thickness was 6.35 mm. The steel alloy
used here was 1010 steel. The height and width of the liquid cooling channel 2c was
approximately 2 cm and 4.5 cm, respectively. The cooling fluid was water supplied at near room
temperature and flowing at approximately 22-25 iiters/min.
1 D are schematics of the experimental positioning and displacement of the ultrasonic probe
from which the data regarding the effect of ultrasonic probe displacement were gathered.
Displacements below 23 cm or even longer are effective in reducing grain size. However, the
window (i.e., the range) for the pouring temperature decreases wit increasing distance of
between the location of the probe/sonotrode to the metal moid. The present invention is not
limited to this range.
Figure 12 is a plot of the measured grain sizes as a function of the pouring (or casting
temperature) under the 75 kg/min pour rates and using the niobium channel discussed above but
with the distance of the ultrasonic probe from the pouring end extended for the total
displacement of 22 cm. This plot shows that the grain sizes are significantly affected by the
pouring temperature. The grain sizes are much larger and with partial columnar crystals when
the pouring temperature is higher than about 1300 °F or 704 C , while the grain sizes are nearly
equivalent to other conditions by the pouring temperature less than 1292 °F or 700 °C.
Moreover, at higher temperatures, the use of grain refiners typically resulted in a smaller
grain size than at lower temperatures. The average grain size of the grain refined ingot at 760°C
was 397.76 µτη , while the average grain size of the ultrasonic vibrations treated ingot was 475.82
µί η , with the standard deviation of the grain sizes being around 169 µ η and 95 µηι , respectively,
showing that the ultrasonic vibrations produced more uniform grains than di the Al-Ti-B grain
In one particularly attractive aspect of the present invention, at iow er temperatures, the
ultrasonic vibration treatment is more effective than the adding of grain refiners.
In another aspect of the present invention, the pouring temperature can be used to control
changing the grain size in ingots subjected to ultrasonic vibration. The inventors observed that
the grain size decreased with a decreasing pouring temperature. The inventors also observed that
equiaxed grains occurred whe using ultrasonic vibration and when the melt is poured into a
mold at temperatures within 0 °C above the liquidus temperature of the alloy being poured.
Figure 3A is schematic of an extended running end configuration. In the extended
running end configuration of Figure 13 A, the niobium channel's running end is extended to
about 12.5 cm from 1.25 cm, and the ultrasonic probe position is located from 7.5 cm to the tube
end. The extended running end is realized by adding a niobium plate to the original running end.
Figure 13B is a graph depicting the effect of casting temperature on the resultant grain size,
when using a niobium channel. The grain sizes realized were effectively equivalent to the
shorter running end when the pouring temperature less than 1292 °F or 700 °C.
The present invention is not limited to the application of use of ultrasonic vibrations
merely to the channel structure described above. In general, the ultrasonic vibrations can induce
nucleation at points in the casting process where the molten metal is beginning to cool from the
molten state and enter the solid state (i.e., the thermal arrest state). Viewed differently, the
invention, in various embodiments, combines ultrasonic vibration with thermal management
such that the molten metal adjacent to the cooling surface is close to the liquidus temperature of
the alloy. In these embodiments, the surface temperature of the cooling plate is low enough to
induce nucleation and crystal growth (dendrite formation) while ultrasonic vibration creates
nuclei and breaks up dendrites that may form on the surface of the cooling plate.
Alternative Configurations
Accordingly, in the invention, ultrasonic vibrations (besides those introduced in the
channel structure noted above) can be used to induce nucleation at an entrance point of the
molten metal into the mold by way of an ultrasonic vibrator preferably coupled to the mold
entrance by way of a liquid coolant. This option may be more attractive i a stationary mold. In
some casting configurations (for example with a vertical casting), this option may be the only
practical implementation.
Alternatively or in conjunction, ultrasonic vibrations can induce nucleation at a launder
which provides the molten metal to the channel structure or which provides the molten metal
directly to a mold. As before, the ultrasonic vibrator is preferably coupled to the launder and
thus to the molten metal by way of a liquid coolant.
Moreover, besides use of the present invention's ultrasonic vibrations treatment in
casting into stationary molds and into the continuous rod-type molds described above, the
present invention also has utility in the casting mill described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,733,717 (the
entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference). As shown in Figure 4
(reproduced from that patent), a continuous casting and hot-forming system 0 includes a
casting machine which further includes a casting wheel 114 having a peripheral groove
therein, a flexible band 6 carried by a plurality of guide wheels 7 which bias the flexible
band 6 against the casting wheel 4 for a portion of the circumference of the casting wheel
4 to cover the peripheral groove and form a mold between the band 116 and the casting wheel
1 14. As molten metal is poured into the mold through the pouring spout 1 19, the casting wheel
4 is rotated and the band 6 moves with the casting wheel 1 4 to form a moving mold. The
pouring spout 9 would include as a separate attachment (or would have integrated therewith
the components of) the channel structure 2 shown in Figures lA-lB (or other channel structures
described elsewhere in this specification) in order to provide the ultrasonic treatment to the
molten metal to induce nucleation sites.
A cooling system 5 of casting machine 1 2 causes the molten metal to uniformly
solidify in the mold and to exit the casting wheel 1 14 as a cast bar 120.
From the casting machine , the cast bar 20 passes through a heating means 121.
Heating means 12 functions as a pre-heater for raising the bar 120 temperature from the sound
casting temperature to a hot-forming temperature of from about 1700° F or 927 °C to about
1750° F or 954 °C. Immediately after pre-heating, the bar 120 is passed through a conventional
rolling mill 124, which includes roll stands 125, 126, 127 and 128. The roll stands of the rolling
mill 124 provide the primary hot forming of the cast bar by compressing the pre-heated bar
sequentially until the bar is reduced to a desired cross-sectional size and shape.
Figure 14 also shows controller 500 which controls the various parts of the continuously
casting system shown therein. As discussed in detail below, controller 500 includes one or more
processors with programmed instructions to control the operation of the continuous copper
casting system depicted in Figure 14.
Moreover, besides use of the present invention's ultrasonic vibrations treatment in
casting into stationary molds and into the continuous wheel-type casting systems described
above, the present invention also has utility in vertical casting mills.
Figure 15 depicts selected components of a vertical casting mill. More details of these
components and other aspects of a vertical casting mill are found in U.S. Pat. No. 3,520,352 (the
entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference). As shown in Figure 15, the
vertical casting mill includes a molten metal casting cavity 213, which is generally square in the
embodiment illustrated, but which may be round, elliptical, polygonal or any other suitable
shape, and which is bounded by vertical, mutually intersecting first wall portions 215, and
second or corner wall portions, 7, situated in the top portion of the mold A fluid retentive
envelope 2 surrounds the walls 2 5 and corner members 2 7 of the casting cavity in spaced
apart relation thereto. Envelope 219 is adapted to receive a cooling fluid, such as water, via an
inlet conduit 22 , and to discharge the cooling fluid via an outlet conduit 223.
While the first wall portions 215 are preferably made of a highly thermal conductive
material such as copper, the second or comer wall portions 217 are constructed of lesser
thermally conductive material, such as, for example, a ceramic material. As shown in FIG. 15,
the comer wall portions 2 7 have a generally L-shaped or angular cross section, and the vertical
edges of each comer slope downwardly and convergently toward each other. Thus, the corner
member 2 7 terminates at some convenient level in the mold above of the discharge end of the
mold which is between the transverse sections.
In operation, molten metal flows from a tundish into a casting mold that reciprocates
vertically and a cast strand of metal is continuously withdrawn from the mold. The molten metal
is first chilled in the mold upon contacting the cooler mold walls in what may be considered as a
first cooling zone. Heat is rapidly removed from the molten metal in this zone, and a skin of
material is believed to form completely around a central pool of molten metal.
In the present invention, the channel structure 2 (or similar structure to that shown in
Figure 1) could be provided as a part of a pouring device to transport the molten metal to the
molten metal casting cavity 213. In this configuration, the channel structure 3 with its ultrasonic
probe would provide the ultrasonic treatment to the molten metal to induce nucleation sites.
In an alternative configuration, an ultrasonic probe would be disposed in relation to the
fluid retentive envelope 2 9 and preferably into the cooling medium circulating in the fluid
retentive envelope 2 9. As before, ultrasonic vibrations can induce nucleation in the molten
metal, e.g., in its thermal arrest state in which the molten metal is converting from a liquid to a
solid, as the cast strand of metal is continuously withdrawn from the metal casting cavity 2 3
As noted above, in one aspect of the present invention, ultrasonic vibrations from an
ultrasonic probe are coupled with a liquid medium to better refine the grains in metals and
metallic alloys, an to create a more uniform solidification. The ultrasonic vibrations preferably
are communicated to the liquid metal via an intervening liquid cooling medium.
While ot limited to any particular theory of operation, the following discussion
illustrates some of the factors influencing the ultrasonic coupling.
It is preferred that the cooling liquid flow be provided at a sufficient rate to undercool the
metal adjacent to the cooling plate (less than ~ 5 to 10 °C above the iiquidus temperature of the
alloy or slightly below the Iiquidus temperature). Thus, one attribute of the present invention
uses these cooling plate conditions and ultrasonic vibration to reduce the grain size of a large
quantity of metal. Prior techniques using ultrasonic vibration for grain refining worked only for
a small quantity of metal at short cast times. The use of a cooling system ensures that this
invention can be used for a large quantity of metal for long times or otherwise continuous
n one embodiment, the flow rate of the cooling medium is preferably, but not
necessarily, sufficient to prevent the heat rate transiting the bottom plate and into the walls of the
cooling channel from producing a water vapor pocket which could disrupt the ultrasonic
In one consideration of the temperature flux from the molten metal into the cooling
channel, the bottom plate (through design of its thickness and the material of constr ction) may
be designed to support a majority of the temperature drop from the molten metal temperature to
the cooling water temperature. If for example, the temperature drop across the thickness of the
bottom plate is only a few 100 °C, then the remaining temperature drops will exist across a
water/water- vapor interface, potentially degrading the ultrasonic coupling.
Furthermore, as noted above, the bottom plate 2b of the channel structure can be attached
to the wall of the liquid medium passage 2c permitting different materials to be used for these
two elements. In this design consideration, materials of different thermal conductivity can be
used to distribute the temperature drop in a suitable manner. Furthermore, the cross sectional
shape of the liquid medium passage 2c and/or the surface finish of the interior wall of the liquid
medium passage 2c can be adjusted to further the exchange of heat into the cooling medium
without the development of a vapor-phase interface. For example, intentional surface
protrusions can be provide on the interior wall of the liquid medium passage 2c to promote
nucleate boiling characterized by the growth of bubbles on a heated surface, which arise from
discrete points on a surface, whose temperature is only slightly above the liquid temperature.
Metal Products
In one aspect of the present invention, products including a cast metallic composition can
be made without the necessity of grain refiners and still having sub-millimeter grain sizes.
Accordingly, the cast metallic compositions can be made with less than 5% of the compositions
including the grain refiners and still obtain sub-millimeter grain sizes. The cast metallic
compositions can be made with less than 2% of the compositions including the grain refiners and
still obtain sub-millimeter grain sizes. The cast metallic compositions can be made with less
than 1% of the compositions including the grain refiners and still obtain sub-millimeter grain
sizes. In a preferred composition, the grain refiners are less than 0.5 % or less than 0.2% or less
than 0.1%. The cast metallic compositions can be made with the compositions including no
grain refiners and still obtain sub-millimeter grain sizes.
The cast metallic compositions can have a variety of sub-millimeter grain sizes
depending on a number of factors including the constituents of the "pure" or alloyed metal, the
pour rates, the pour temperatures, the rate of cooling. The list of grain sizes available to the
present invention includes the following. For aluminum and aluminum alloys, grain sizes range
from 200 to 900 micron, or 300 to 800 micron, or 400 to 700 micron, or 500 to 600 micron. For
copper and copper alloys, grain sizes range from 200 to 900 micron, or 300 to 800 micron, or
400 to 700 micron, or 500 to 600 micron. For gold, silver, or tin or alloys thereof, grain sizes
range from 200 to 900 micron, or 300 to 800 micron, or 400 to 700 micron, or 500 to 600
micron. For magnesium or magnesium alloys, grain sizes range from 200 to 900 micron, or 300
to 800 micron, or 400 to 700 micron, or 500 to 600 micron. While given in ranges, the invention
is capable of intermediate values as well. In one aspect of the present invention, small
concentrations (less than 5%) of the grain refiners may be added to further reduce the grain size
to values between 100 and 500 micron. The cast metallic compositions can include aluminum,
copper, magnesium, zinc, lead, gold, silver, tin, bronze, brass, and alloys thereof.
The cast metallic compositions can be drawn or otherwise formed into bar stock, rod,
stock, sheet stock, wires, billets, and pellets.
Computerized Control
The controller 500 in Figures 3A, 3B, and 14 can be implemented by way of the
computer system 1201 shown in Figure 16. The computer system 1201 may be used as the
controller 500 to control the casting systems noted above or any other casting system or
apparatus employing the ultrasonic treatment of the present invention. While depicted singularly
in Figures 3A, 3B, and 14 as one controller, controller 500 may include discrete and separate
processors in communication with each other and/or dedicated to a specific control function.
In particular, the controller 500 can be programmed specifically with control algorithms
carrying out the functions depicted by the flowchart in Figure 7.
Figure 17 depicts a flowchart whose elements can be programmed or stored in a
computer readable medium or in one of the data storage devices discussed below. The flowchart
of Figure 17 depicts a method of the present invention for inducing nucleation sites in a metal
product. At step element 1702, the programmed element would direct the operation of
transporting molten metal, in a state of thermal arrest in which the metal is converting from a
liquid to a solid, along a longitudinal length of a molten metal containment structure. At step
element 1704, the programmed element would direct the operation of cooling the molten metal
containment structure by passage of a liquid medium through a cooling channel. At step element
1706, the programmed element would direct the operation of coupling ultrasonic waves through
the liquid medium in the cooling channel and through the molten metal containment structure
into the molten metal. In this element, the ultrasonic waves would have a frequency and power
which induces nucleation sites in the molten metal, as discussed above.
Elements such as the molten metal temperature, pouring rate, cooling flow through the
cooling channel passages, and mold cooling and elements relate to the control and draw of the
cast product through the mill would be programmed with standard software languages (discussed
below) to produce special purpose processors containing instructions to apply the method of the
present invention for inducing nucleation sites in a metal product
More specifically, computer system 1201 shown in Figure 16 includes a bus 1202 or
other communication mechanism for communicating information, and a processor 1203 coupled
with the bus 1202 for processing the information. The computer system 1201 also includes a
main memory 1204, such as a random access memor (RAM) or other dynamic storage device
(e.g., dynamic RAM (DRAM), static RAM (SRAM), and synchronous DRAM (SDRAM)),
coupled to the bus 1202 for storing information and instructions to be executed by processor
1203. In addition, the main memory 1204 may be used for storing temporary variables or other
intermediate information during the execution of instructions by the processor 1203. The
computer system 1201 further includes a read only memory (ROM) 1205 or other static storage
device (e.g., programmable read only memory (PROM), erasable PROM (EPRQM), and
electrically erasable PROM (EEPROM)) coupled to the bus 202 for storing static information
and instructions for the processor 203.
The computer system 1201 also includes a disk controller 1206 coupled to the bus 1202
to control one or more storage devices for storing information and instructions, such as a
magnetic hard disk 1207, and a removable media drive 208 (e.g., floppy disk drive, read-only
compact disc drive, read/write compact disc drive, compact disc jukebox, tape drive, and
removable magneto-optical drive). The storage devices may be added to the computer system
1201 using an appropriate device interface (e.g., small computer system interface (SCSI),
integrated device electronics (IDE), enhanced-IDE (E-IDE), direct memory access (DMA), or
The computer system 1201 may also include special purpose logic devices (e.g.,
application specific integrated circuits (ASICs)) or configurable logic devices (e.g., simple
programmable logic devices (SPLDs), complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs), and field
programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)).
The computer system 1201 may also include a display controller 1209 coupled to the bus
1202 to control a display, such as a cathode ray tube (CRT), for displaying information to a
computer user. The computer system includes input devices, such as a keyboard and a pointing
device, for interacting with a computer user (e.g. a user interfacing with controller 500) and
providing information to the processor 1203
The computer system 1201 performs a portion or all of the processing steps of the
invention (such as for example those described in relation to providing vibrational energy to a
liquid metal in a state of thermal arrest) in response to the processor 1203 executing one or more
sequences of one or more instructions contained in a memory, such as the main memory 1204.
Such instructions may be read into the main memory 1204 from another computer readable
medium, such as a hard disk 1207 or a removable media drive 1208. One or more processors in
a multi-processing arrangement may also be employed to execute the sequences of instructions
contained in main memory 1204. In alternative embodiments, hard- wired circuitry may be used
in place of or in combination with software instructions. Thus, embodiments are not limited to
any specific combination of hardware circuitry and software.
As stated above, the computer system 1201 includes at least one computer readable
medium or memory for holding instructions programmed according to the teachings of the
invention and for containing data structures, tables, records, or other data described herein.
Examples of computer readable media are compact discs, hard disks, floppy disks, tape,
magneto-optical disks, PROMs (EPROM, EEPROM, flash EPROM), DRAM, SRAM, SDRAM,
or any other magnetic medium, compact discs (e.g., CD-ROM), or any other optical medium, or
other physical medium, a carrier wave (described below), or a y other medium from which a
computer can read.
Stored on any one or on a combination of computer readable media, the invention
includes software for controlling the computer system 1201, for driving a device or devices for
implementing the invention, an for enabling the computer system 120 to interact with a human
user. Such software may include, but is not limited to, device drivers, operating systems,
development tools, and applications software. Such computer readable media further includes
the computer program product of the invention for performing all or a portion (if processing is
distributed) of the processing performed in implementing the invention.
The computer code devices of the invention may be any interpretable or executable code
mechanism, including but not limited to scripts, interpretable programs, dynamic link libraries
(DLLs), Java classes, and complete executable programs. Moreover, parts of the processing of
the invention may be distributed for better performance, reliability, and/or cost.
The term "computer readable medium" as used herein refers to any medium that
participates in providing instructions to the processor 1203 for execution. A computer readable
medium may take many forms, including but not limited to, non-volatile media, volatile media,
and transmission media. Non-volatile media includes, for example, optical, magnetic disks, and
magneto-optical disks, such as the hard disk 1207 or the removable media drive 1208. Volatile
media includes dynamic memory, such as the main memory 1204. Transmission media includes
coaxial cables, copper wire and fiber optics, including the wires that make up the bus 1202.
Transmission media also may also take the form of acoustic or light waves, such as those
generated during radio wave and infrared data communications.
The computer system 1201 can also include a communication interface 1213 coupled to
the bus 1202 The communication interface 1213 provides a two-way data communication
coupling to a network link 1214 that is connected to, for example, a local area network (LAN)
12 15 , or to another communications network 1216 such as the Internet. For example, the
communication interface 1213 may be a network interface card to attach to any packet switched
LAN. As another example, the communication interface 1213 may be an asymmetrical digital
subscriber line (ADSL) card, an integrated services digital network (ISDN) card or a modern to
provide a data communication connection to a corresponding type of communications ine.
Wireless links may also be implemented. I any such implementation, the communication
interface 1213 sends and receives electrical, electromagnetic or optical signals that carry digital
data streams representing various types of information.
The network link 1 4 typically provides data communication through one or more
networks to other data devices. For example, the network link 1214 may provide a connection to
another computer through a local network 1215 (e.g., a LAN) or through equipment operated by
a service provider, which provides communication sendees through a communications network
1216. In one embodiment, this capability permits the invention to have multiple of the above
described controllers 500 networked together for purposes such as factory wide automation or
quality control. The local network 12 4 an the communications network 1216 use, for
example, electrical, electromagnetic, or optical signals that carry digital data streams, and the
associated physical layer (e.g., CAT 5 cable, coaxial cable, optical fiber, etc). The signals
through the various networks and the signals on the network ink 1214 and through the
communication interface 1213, which carry the digital data to and from the computer system
1201 may be implemented i baseband signals, or carrier wave based signals. The baseband
signals convey the digital data as unmodulated electrical pulses that are descriptive of a stream
of digital data bits, where the term "bits" is to be construed broadly to mean symbol, where each
symbol conveys at least one or more information bits. The digital data may also be used to
modulate a carrier wave, such as with amplitude, phase and/or frequency shift keyed signals that
are propagated over a conductive media, or transmitted as electromagnetic waves through a
propagation medium. Thus, the digital data may be sent as unmodulated baseband data through a
"wired" communication channel and/or sent within a predetermined frequency band, different
than baseband, by modulating a carrier wave. The computer system 120 can transmit and
receive data, including program code, through the network(s) 1215 and 1216, the network link
1214, and the communication interface 1213. Moreover, the network link 1214 may provide a
connection through a LAN 1215 to a mobile device 12 7 such as a personal digital assistant
(PDA) laptop computer, or cellular telephone.
Numerous modifications and variations of the present invention are possible in light of
the above teachings. It is therefore to be understood that within the scope of the appended
claims, the invention may be practiced otherwise than as specifically described herein.
metal so that the molten metal adjacent to the cooling channel reaches sub-liquidus
3. The device of claim 1, wherein the containment structure comprises side walls
containing the molten metal and a bottom plate contacting the molten metal.
4 . The device of claim 3, wherein the bottom plate comprises at least one of niobium,
or an alloy of niobium.
5. The device of claim 3, wherein the bottom plate comprises a ceramic.
6 . The device of claim 5, wherein the ceramic comprises a silicon nitride ceramic.
7. The device of claim 6, wherein the silicon nitride ceramic comprises a sialon
8. The device of claim 3, wherein the side walls and the bottom plate comprise
. The device of claim , wherein the containment structure comprises a copper
12. The device of claim , wherein the containment structure comprises a steel
13. The device of claim 1, wherein the containment structure comprises a ceramic.
14. The device of claim 13, wherein the ceramic comprises a silicon nitride ceramic.
15. The device of claim 14, wherein the silicon nitride ceramic comprises a sialon.
16. The device of claim 1, wherein the containment structure comprises a material
end having a configuration to deliver said molten metal with said nucleation sites into a mold.
19. The device of claim 8, wherein the mold comprises a casting-wheel mold.
20. The device of claim 8, wherein the mold comprises a vertical casting mold.
. The device of claim 8, wherein the mold comprises a stationary mold.
22. The device of claim , wherein the containment structure comprises a refractor}'
23. The device of claim 22, wherein the refractory material comprises at least one of
copper, niobium, niobium and molybdenum, tantalum, tungsten, and rhenium, and alloys
24. The device of claim 23, wherein the refractory material comprises one or more of
silicon, oxygen, or nitrogen.
25. The device of claim 24, wherein the refractor}' material comprises a steel alloy
26. The device of claim 1, wherein the ultrasonic probe has an operational frequency
between 5 and 40 kHz.
27. A method for forming a metal product, comprising:
transporting molten metal along a longitudinal length of a molten metal containment
cooling the molten metal containment structure by passage of a medium through a
cooling channel thermally coupled to the molten metal containment structure; and
coupling ultrasonic waves through the medium in the cooling channel and through the
molten metal containment structure into the molten metal.
28. A system for forming a metal product, comprising:
the molten metal processing device of Claim 1; and
a controller including data inputs and control outputs, and programmed with one or
more control algorithms which control at least one of transporting the molten metal, cooling
the molten metal, and coupling the ultrasonic waves into the molten metal. .
29. An aluminum product comprising:
a aluminum cast metallic composition having sub-millimeter grain sizes and
including less than 0 5% grain refiners therein.
30. A system for forming a metal product, comprising:
means for transporting molten metal along a longitudinal length of a molten metal
containment stru cture;
means for cooling the molten metal containment structure by passage of a medium
through a cooling channel thermally coupled to the molten metal containment structure;
means for coupling ultrasonic waves through the medium in the cooling channel and
through the molten metal containment structure into the molten metal; and
a controller including data inputs and control outputs, and programmed with one or
more control algorithms which control at least one of transporting the molten metal cooling
the molten metal, and coupling the ultrasonic waves into the molten metal.
INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No.
Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
PatSeer (US, EP, WO, JP, DE, GB, CN, FR, KR, ES, AU, IN, CA, Other Countries (INPADOC), RU, AT, CH, TH, BR, PH), EBSCO,
PatentsGoogle, Google Scholar, sciencedirect.com: longitudinal, molten metal, containment structure, liquid medium, cooling channel,
ultrasonic probe, controller, thermal contact, sub liquidus, sialon, ceramic, silicon nitride, sub m m grain sizes, steel alloy**
Category* Citation o f document, with indication, where appropriate, o f the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.
EP 0 497 254 A 2 (ALUMINUM COMPANY O F AMERICA) 05 August 1992; column 3 , lines 1-3, 5 , 8-9, 11, 13, 16-18,
10-20, 40-65; column 4 , lines 39-60; column 5 , lines 1-45; column 6 , lines 10-20, 25-40; column 20-21 , 26-28, 30
8 , lines 5-10, 35-50; column 9 , lines 1-50; column 10, lines 1-20; column 1 1, lines 10-30; column
13, lines 15-30; column 14, lines 1-15; claim 3 ; figures 1, 4 , 5 4 , 6-7, 10, 12, 14-15, 19,
U S 8,844,897 B2 (RUNDQUIST, V F et al.) 30 September 2014; column 3 , lines 1-20; column 4 , 4 , 10, 22-25
lines 39-50; column 6 , lines 10-20, 35-41
U S 4,727,922 A (NAKANO, A ) 0 1 March 1988; column 4 , lines 40-55; column 5 , lines 1-10 6-7, 14-15, 24-25
(KAMMER, C.) Continuous casting of aluminum. TALAT Lecture 3210. 1 January 1999; title; 12, 19, 25, 29
^[description; figures 3210.04.03, 3210.07.01; table 1 ; page 7 , paragraph 2 ; page 15, paragraph
3 ; page 16, paragraph 1 ; page 19, paragraphs 1-3; page 2 1 , paragraphs 1-4
(PIO, LY et al.) Enhancement of TiB Grain Refining Effect on A356 Gravity Die Casting with the 29
Addition of Yttrium. Materials Sciences and Applications 3.10: 713. October 2012; page 714,
paragraphs 1, 4
Further documents are listed in the continuation o f Box C . | | See patent family annex.
* Special categories of cited documents: "T later document published after the international filing date or priority
"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
to be of particular relevance the principle or theory underlying the invention
"E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the international "X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
filing date considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is step when the document is taken alone
cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other
"Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
special reason (as specified)
considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other combined with one or more other such documents, such combination
means being obvious to a person skilled in the art
"P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than "&" document member of the same patent family
the priority date claimed
Date of the actual completion o f the international search Date o f mailing o f the international search report