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Government of India

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

(Impact Assessment Division)

6/42, VIPUL KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR,,Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh-226010

Subject: Grant of Environmental Clearance (EC) to the proposed Project Activity

under the provision of EIA Notification 2006-regarding

This is in reference to your application for Environmental Clearance (EC)
in respect of project submitted to the Ministry vide proposal number
IA/JH/CMIN/168045/2020 dated 10 Oct 2022. The particulars of the environmental
clearance granted to the project are as below.

1. EC Identification No. EC24A042JH120508

2. File No. IA-J-11015/18/2020-IA-II(M)
3. Project Type New
4. Category A
5. Project/Activity including 1(a) Mining of minerals
Schedule No.
6. Name of Project Pachwara South Coal Mine Project
7. Name of Company/Organization NEYVELI UTTAR PRADESH POWER
8. Location of Project Jharkhand
9. TOR Date 05 Nov 2020

The project details along with terms and conditions are appended herewith from page
no 2 onwards.

Sundar Ramanathan
Date: 23/09/2024 Scientist F
IA - (Coal Mining sector)

Note: A valid environmental clearance shall be one that has EC identification

number & E-Sign generated from PARIVESH.Please quote identification
number in all future correspondence.

This is a computer generated cover page.

EC Identification No. - EC24A042JH120508 File No. - IA-J-11015/18/2020-IA-II(M) Date of Issue EC - 23/09/2024 Page 1 of 18
File No. J-11015/18/2020-IA. II (M)
Government of India
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
(Impact Assessment Division)
Indira ParyavaranBhawan,
Jorbagh Road, N Delhi – 3
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 011-20819378

Dated: 23rd September, 2024

The Chief Executive Officer,
M/s Neyveli Uttar Pradesh Power Limited,
At Village, Chirudih, Tehsil Gopikandar,
District Dumka - 814101 (Jharkhand)
Email: [email protected]

Sub: Pachwara South Opencast Coal Mine of 9 MTPA (Normative & Peak) in mine lease
area of 714.8553 ha by M/s Neyveli Uttar Pradesh Power Limited located at Rajmahal
Coalfield, District Dumka (Jharkhand) – Environmental Clearance –reg.

This has reference to your online proposal No. IA/JH/CMIN/168045/2020 dated 10th
October, 2022 and your subsequent letter dated 19th September 2024 (submission of Stage – I FC
for diversion of 455.1108 Ha) for grant of Environmental Clearance to the above project.

2. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has considered the application. It
is noted that the proposal is for grant of Environmental Clearance to the project Pachwara South
Opencast Coal Mine of 9 MTPA (Normative & Peak) in mine lease area of 714.8553 ha by M/s
Neyveli Uttar Pradesh Power Limited located at Rajmahal Coalfield, District Dumka (Jharkhand).
The project/activity is covered under category ‘A’ of item1(a) ‘Mining of Minerals’ the Schedule to
the EIA Notification, 2006

3. The proposal was considered by the sectoral Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) in its 36th
meeting held during 20-21 October, 2022, 41st meeting held during 13-14 March, 2023 and 47th
meeting on 21-22 July, 2023 through Video Conferencing. The details of the proposal, as ascertained
from the proposal documents and as revealed from the discussions held during the meetings, are
given as under:
i. The project area is covered under Survey of India Topo Sheet No G45V6 & G45V7 and is
bounded by the geographical coordinates ranging from Latitude 24°29'57.404"N to. -
24°31'46.956"N and Longitude 87°27'22.010"E to 87°29'S6.150"E.

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EC Identification No. - EC24A042JH120508 File No. - IA-J-11015/18/2020-IA-II(M) Date of Issue EC - 23/09/2024 Page 2 of 18
ii. Coal Mined from this project will be utilized in Ghatampur Thermal Power Plant (Neyvelli
Uttar Pradesh Power Limited), a Coal based Thermal Power Plant with a capacity of 1980
MW (3 X 660 MW) at Ghatampur Tehsil in Kanpur Nagar District. Uttar Pradesh.
iii. Joint venture cartel has been formed on 09.11.2012.
iv. Project does not fall in the Critically Polluted Area (CPA), as per MoEF &CC’s OM dated
13th January, 2010.
v. Employment generation: Direct-1288 and indirect employment generation shall be more
than 3000.
vi. The project is reported to be beneficial in terms of employment to local people directly and
indirectly. Indirect employment will be in the form of service provides, shopkeepers,
mechanic, drivers, transporters etc. The lessee will be responsible for providing better social
infrastructure benefits such as drinking water, health care measures, educational facilities,
promotion of culture and religious activities in surroundings as part of their CER activities.
The proposed mine will bring economic benefits to the state by the way of Royalty and other
statutory payments. The linked power plant of 1980 MW will produce of 14743.08 MU of
power which will help the state of Uttar Pradesh state to meet out the shortfall in power
vii. Terms of Reference granted on 5th November 2020 for a production capacity of 9 MTPA
(Normative) and 13,50 MTPA (Peak rated) by Vide letter no. IA-J-1 1015/18/2020-1A-
II(M) dated 5th November, 2020.
viii. Total mining lease area as per block allotment is 715 ha. Mining Plan (Including Progressive
Mine Closure Plan) has been approved by the Ministry of Coal (MoC) on 11th Nov’2020,
vide letter no, 3401 1/2/2020-MPS.
ix. The land usage pattern of the project is as follows:
Pre-mining land use details (Area in Ha)
S. No. Land Use Within ML Outside ML Total
Area Area
1 Agricultural Land 136.40 - 136.40
2 Forest Land 397.39 - 397.39
3 Wasteland - - -
4 Grazing land 12.20 - 12.20
5 Surface water bodies 10.32 - 10.32
6 Settlements 139.13 - 139.13
7 Others (Specify) 12.2653 - 12.2653
8 Old Excavation Area (East) - - -
9 Old Excavation Area - - -
10 Old OB Dumps
11 Roads & Mine 7.15 - 7.15
12 R & R Colony - - -
13 Staff Colony - - -
14 Green Belt - - -
15 Balance Area - - -
Total Project Area = 714.8553 714.8553
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Post Mining (Area in Ha)

S. Land Use Land use (ha)

No. Plantation Water Public Undisturbed Total
Body Use
1 External OB Dump
2 Top Soil Dump 6.53
3 Excavation 643.76
4 Roads 18.47
5 Built-up Area
6 Green Belt 3.06
7 Undisturbed area 3.2653
8 Safety Zone / 10.84
Rationalization Area
9 Diversion / Below 3.31 3.31
River / Nala / Canal
10 Water Body
11 Staff Colony
12 Others 25.62
Total Area = 714.8553
x. Total gross geological reserve reported in the mine lease area is 415.02 MT with 269.58 MT
mineable reserve. Out of total mineable reserve of 269.58 MT, 262.84 MT are available for
extraction Percent of extraction is 70.37%.
xi. 31 seams (including splits) with thickness ranging from 0.5 m 19.43 m are workable. Grade
of coal is G10 (GCV 4300 to 4600), stripping ratio 3.25, while gradient is 1:19.
xii. Method of mining operations envisages by Mechanized opencast mining method.
xiii. Life of mine is 38 years including two years of pre mining activity.
xiv. The project has one external OB dump initially in an area of 197.79 ha. with 60 m height
with 80.63 MCum of OB. One internal dump in an area of 523.62 ha. with 853.27 MCum of
OB is envisaged in the project. The re-handling of entire surface dump (80.63 MCum) will
commence from 7th year of production commencement and completed by 19th year from
production commencement and there would not be any external dump.
xv. Proposed quarry area is 643.76 ha out of which backfilling will be done in 523.62ha while
final mine void will be created in an area of 120.14 ha with a depth of 320m. Backfilled
quarry area of 122.29ha shall be reclaimed with plantation. Final mine void of 120.14 ha will
be converted into water body.
xvi. Transportation of coal has been proposed by front head loader dumper combination in mine
pit head (however, as the mine goes to depth, a steep angle conveyor system will be installed
from mine face to temporary coal stock yard at later stage), from surface to siding coal will
be transported through conveyor system, However, in the initial few years, till the conveyor
laying is completed, coal will be transported through road. At sidings RLS and Bunkers will
be installed for coal loading onto wagons.

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xvii. Out of 715 ha. of project area, an area of 643.76 ha. will be excavated. Out of total 643.76
ha. of excavated area, an area of about 523.62 ha. will be backfilled and 120.14 ha of land
will remain as a mined-out void which will be converted as water body.
xviii. 397.39 ha of forest land has been reported to be involved in the project. Approval under the
Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversion of 397.39ha of forest land for non-forestry
purposes will be obtained.
xix. No National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Eco-Sensitive Zones fall within 10 km
boundary of the project.
 Wildlife conservation plan for schedule - I have been submitted to the Principal & Chief
Conservator of Forest, Doranda, Ranchi, Jharkhand on 6th October. 2022. List of Flora and
Fauna has been authenticated by DFO, Pakur for buffer zone vide letter no. 127 on dated
18th January, 2022. List of Flora and Fauna has been authenticated by DFO, Dumka for core
zone vide letter no. 572 on dated 07.03. 2022.
xx. Clarification from Divisional Forest Officer, Dumka is obtained vide letter no- 2509 dated
07.12.2020 that the mine does not fall under corridors of any National Park and Wildlife
Sanctuary. Since, the Buffer Zone is also covering part of Pakur District, clarification from
Divisional Forest Officer, Pakur is also obtained vide letter no- 227 dated 02.01.2021 that
the buffer zone doesn’t form a part of any National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary
xxi. The ground water level has been reported to be varying between 4.5 m to 11.0 m during pre-
monsoon and between 2.25 m to 9.1 m during post-monsoon.
xxii. Total water requirement for the project is 1660KLD including domestic and industrial
xxiii. Application for obtaining the approval from Central Ground Water Authority has been
submitted and a provisional No Objection Certificate for Groundwater Abstraction has been
granted by vide letter no-CGWA/NOC/MIN/ORIG/2022/14905 dated 25.03.2022.
xxiv. Public hearing for the project of production capacity of 9 MTPA (Normative) and 13.50
MTPA (Peak rated) in an area of 715 ha was conducted on 28th of December, 2021 at
11.30am in village Rangamison on Dumka-Pakur main road under the Chairmanship of
Additional Collector. Major issues raised in the public hearing include social-developmental
activities, pollution control due to mining. Appropriate action to address the issues raised in
the Public Hearing have already been taken/proposed.
xxv. During the public hearing, major issues raised were related to social-developmental
activities, Pollution control during mining activity, construction of R& R colony with all
basic amenities and adequate compensation for the "Van Patta" and other land, construction
of schools for children, employment to the villagers, filling the mined out land and to be
made flat, irrigation well and distribution network shall be installed, occurrence of seepage
of ground water and leaching from overburden material
xxvi. Consent to Operate will be obtained from the concerned authority as per prevailing norms.
xxvii. No perennial river is passing through the block and diversion of such Streams/ Nala's are
thus not envisaged.
xxviii. Regular monitoring of Ambient Air quality will be carried out as per the guideline of MOEF
& CC. Monitoring report will be submitted along with half yearly EC compliance report.
xxix. No court cases, violation cases are pending against the project of the PP.
xxx. Base line study for Environmental Impact Assessment has been carried out during
December, 2020 to February, 2021.

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xxxi. The project does not involve violation of the EIA notification 2006, coal production will be
started after obtaining necessary statutory approval from concern authorities.
xxxii. The project involves 541 project affected families. R&R of the PAPs will be done as per the
statute. At present, detailed SIA study is ongoing on under the guidance of District
Administration. More precise numbers of PAF’s and PAP’s along with estimated R&R cost
will be informed after completion of the SIA study.
xxxiii. Total cost of the project is Rs. 1795.01 crores. Cost of production is Rs. 1071 per tonne,
estimated CER cost for Pachwara South Coal block is coming around Rs.8.97 cores.
Environment Management cost: Capital Investment - Rs 185 lakh, Recurring Cost-118 lakh.
xxxiv. Revised Environmental Budget:
Capital Total Recurring
Cost per
Cost (in Cost in the lease
Activities Annum
Rs. period (in Rs.
(in Rs.
Lakhs) Lakhs)
Air Pollution Control
Installation & maintenance of Automatic
350 4.5 171
Sprinklers along the haul road.

Purchase & maintenance of water tanker &

65 7.5 285
machineries for water sprinkling
Online AQ monitoring system 35 2.5 95
Construction & Maintenance of mines haul
90 8.5 323
Total 540 23 874
Water Pollution Control
Construction of garland drain around the
150 4 152
Construction & maintenance of garland drain
225 8 304
around mining pit
Construction of 2 settling ponds & it’s
175 2.5 95
collecting drains
Masonary Construction of Catch pits to arrest
the clay mixed water from the ROM Stack 22 1.25 47.5
Construction of toilets with septic tank &
77.5 1 38
soak pits ( 5 Nos.)
Water Treatment Plant for domestic use of
50 2.5 95
Mine Pit water.
Effluent Treatment Plant ( ETP) 1050 31.5 1197
Sub-Total = 1749.5 50.75 1928.5
Noise Pollution Control
Mining machineries fitted with upgraded
3500 250 9500
silencer. noise pollution control facilities

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Capital Total Recurring
Cost per
Cost (in Cost in the lease
Activities Annum
Rs. period (in Rs.
(in Rs.
Lakhs) Lakhs)
Sub-Total = 55 2.5 95
Environmental Monitoring & Management

Electronic display board near the main gate 22.5 0.5 19

Installation & maintenance of round the
clock Weather Monitoring Station on the 8.5 1.25 47.5
Monitoring & reporting cost of registered
5.5 209
Sub-Total = 31 7.25 275.5
Occupational Safety
Provision of safety shoes, dust mask, safety
goggles, ear plugs, safety helmets, etc to 25.76 25.76 978.88
Construction of Rest Shelters & First Aid
25 0.5 19
Annual health checkup of workers & health
64.4 12.88 489.44
Ambulance for workers and villagers - 1 No.
15 4 152
(Replacement considered in 11th year)
Training to Staff 2.6 2.6 98.8
Total 132.76 45.74 1738.12
Plantation & Green Belt Development
Plantation and Green Belt Development for
1642.5 102 3876
the entire lease period
Sub-Total = 1642.5 102 3876
Grand Total = 4150.76 231.24 8787.12
xxxv. EMP capital cost of Rs. 4150.76 Lakhs and recurring cost to be spent as Rs. 8787.12 Lakhs
on environment.
xxxvi. PP will spent total of Rs. 144,27000 to address the issues raised during Public Hearing
mentioned below:
Activity Budget in Rs.
School Bus Provisions per Year 20,00000
Hand Pump & Pump Sets 15,00000
Construction of School in R & R Colony 89,27000
Provision for Anganwadi 20,00000
Total = 144,27000

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4. The Expert Appraisal Committee in its 47th EAC Meeting on 21 - 22 July, 2023 through
Video Conferencing has recommended the project for grant of Environment Clearance (EC). Based
on recommendations of the EAC, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change hereby
accords approval for Environment Clearance(EC) to Pachwara South Opencast Coal Mine of 9
MTPA (Normative & Peak) in mine lease area of 714.8553 ha by M/s Neyveli Uttar Pradesh
Power Limited located at Rajmahal Coalfield, District Dumka (Jharkhand), under the
provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 and subsequent
amendments/circulars thereto subject to the compliance of the following terms & conditions /
specific conditions in addition to the standard environmental conditions notified by the Ministry as
under :-

i. PP should not construct any infrastructure and no dumping of overburden allowed on

forestland, (if required Mine Plan shall be revised).
ii. PP shall mine 9 MTPA (as peak capacity) as per the calendar plan submitted in the Mining
plan and accordingly CTO from State Pollution Control Board shall be obtained for 9
iii. PP shall restrict the mining activity at least 100m away from the HFL of the Bansloi River
in order to protect the natural flow of river. Accordingly, embankment with stone pitching
on both side (towards and outwards of river) shall be developed. Dense plantation shall be
developed with Sal Trees on this embankment.
iv. PP shall construct the railway siding towards other side of riverbank so that all available
coalmines can access for the use of transportation purpose.
v. The construction of railway siding shall be in commensurate with inpit belt conveyor system
along with silo loading system and the same shall be completed within 30 months i.e. on or
before February 2026; accordingly, SPCB may grant CTO.
vi. PP has to resolve suggestions/objections raised during the public hearing along with
implement activities-wise proposed budget of Rs. 144,27000 (as Public Hearing Budget),
Capital cost of Rs. 4150.76 Lakhs and recurring cost of Rs. 8787.12 Lakhs (as EMP cost)
in time bound manner as per para 47.5.2 (ii) & (iii) of MoM. The details of annual
expenditure shall be part of report submitted to IRO, MoEF&CC. PP needs to include the
audited figures against the expenditure and activities to be monitored through dedicated
online monitoring mechanism. The maintenance of all activities shall be covered through
recurring cost of Public Hearing, which will be part of CSR budget.
vii. The truck size of 40 tonne (payload) for the transportation of coal through road till
commissioning of SILO with rapid loading system i.e. on or before February 2026
accordingly SPCB may issue the CTO. No coal transportation shall be done from village
road and near to any sensitive locations such as schools, hospitals etc.
viii. PP must develop adequate drainage pattern all around the Mine lease area and treat it
through ETP. No acidic/untreated water from mine should be allowed to discharge from
mine lease area into the water bodies including river.
ix. PP shall explore the sand-segregation plant for recovering sand from Overburden.
x. PP shall install fixed type sprinkling system (near to haul road, stockyard, transportation
route etc.) across the mine lease area in order to arrest the dust coming out from the mining
xi. The status of mine closure activities must be included in every six months compliance report

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submitted to the state pollution control board and IRO.
xii. PP shall conduct third party audit of compliance of EC condition at an interval six months
and its report shall be submitted to IRO, MoEF&CC.
xiii. PP to maintain the topped haul road properly to minimized the dust emission. PP to also
develop pucca roads by seeking consent from the panchayat with widening of roads
especially roads inter linking the villages within the study area of 10 km radius buffer zone.
Also PP shall install Mist Cannon Dust Suppression Systems (80-100 mtrs.) at Coal Stock
Yard to suppress the dust particles (at least 10 numbers).
xiv. Garland drains (2mX3m) of adequate size shall be provided at the toe of the benches to
arrest discharge and runoff with silt and sediments surging into areas adjoining the periphery
of Overburden dump, which will be regularly cleaned before the onset of monsoon every
xv. PP shall construct 5 water harvesting pond (of at least 5 ha) separately to recharging the
ground water and usage of project affected families within 10-15 km of project area within
2 years of commencement of mine operation.
xvi. PP shall make alternate arrangement of grazing land of at least 10 ha for usage of project
affected families within 10-15 km of project area within 2 years of commencement of mine
xvii. PP to install solar lights along the road used for transportation of minerals to avoid the
accidents at night and also seek its maintenance. PP is asked to also identify the rural areas
for installation of solar light with its maintenance within the study area of 10 km radius
buffer zone within one year.
xviii. PP shall make use of advanced computer simulation techniques for design and execution of
blasting operation in the mine. PP shall make use of Electronic Delay Detonators for optimal
blasting in coal and OB rock to minimize the environmental impacts of blasting such as
ground vibration, fly rocks and excessive dust generation
xix. PP shall deploy atleast 20% of overall fleet of dumpers/trucks as electrical or CNG/LNG
based dumpers/trucks for transportation of coal/OB etc and deploy e-vehicles for
workers/staff in the mine.
xx. PP to provide bio toilets to the villages located within the study areas within 1 year from the
grant of this EC.
xxi. Persons of nearby villages shall be given training on livelihood and skill development to
make them employable with its proper records.
xxii. PP shall establish a school for local people and Project affected families as per the new
Education policy, 2020 along with the school bus facility with minimum fees.
xxiii. PP shall create a “Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System” for resolving any
issues related to the pollution of mines and complaint has to resolve as soon as possible not
beyond 30 days. In this regard, adequate awareness to be spread among the public to address
their grievance to company with simple and easy manner and for which company needs to
devise the mechanism. The same shall be reported to IRO within 3 months. A logbook to
be maintained by PP on “Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System.
xxiv. PP shall ensure distribution of water from the artificial reservoir within and outside Mine
lease area in consultation with gram panchayat. The water treatment plant to meet the
requirement with the start of production.
xxv. PP shall install fixed fog cannon (mist spayer) and fixed sprinkler all along the haul road/

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CHP, and OB dump till Railway siding is completed. The sufficient number of fog cannons
(not less than 10 nos.) with 40 mts jet length shall be installed within 6 months. It should be
ensured that air pollution level confirm to the standards prescribed by the MOEFCC/CPCB.
xxvi. PP shall deposit the approved amount as proposed for wildlife conservation plan to the Govt.
of Jharkhand, Forest & Environment Dept. shall do regular follow up with for expenditure
of Wildlife Conservation Plan and the details expenditure shall be submitted with six
monthly EC compliance report to Ministry’s IRO. Also, PP shall engage with State
Biodiversity Authority and local biodiversity committee under its CSR activity to develop
the local market.
xxvii. PP should establish in house (at project site) environment laboratory for measurement of
environment parameter with respect to air quality and water (surface and ground. A
dedicated team to oversee environment management shall be setup which should comprise
of Environment Engineers, Laboratory chemist and staff for monitoring of air, water quality
parameters on routine basis. Any non- compliance or infringement should be reported to the
concerned authority.
xxviii. PP shall conduct feasibility studies for assessment of voids for backfilling of ash and mixing
of ash with overburden, taking up backfilling ash and OB mixing activities during operations
as well as post closure of mines in line with the Fly Ash Utilization Notification, 2021
xxix. Continuous air quality monitoring station (CAAQMS) should be installed within six months
of commencement of mine and the real time data so generated to be uploaded on company
website. In addition, data should also be displayed digitally at entry and exist gate of mine
lease area for public display.
xxx. PP to plant 100,000 nos. of Sal trees only and develop nursery of 10 ha sal trees for free
distribution in nearby areas.
xxxi. PP shall obtain prior approval of CGWA for use of groundwater for mining operations
xxxii. PP shall conduct catchment area study of the nallah/streams present and may impact river
before any diversion. These catchment study shall be submitted to EAC prior to any
diversion of streams for appropriate mitigation measures.

4.1 The grant of environmental clearance is further subject to compliance of the Standard EC
conditions as under:
(a) Statutory compliance
i. The project proponent shall obtain forest clearance under the provisions of Forest
(Conservation) Act, 1986, in case of the diversion of forest land for non-forest purpose
involved in the project.
ii. The project proponent shall obtain clearance from the National Board for Wildlife, if
iii. The project proponent shall prepare a Site-Specific Conservation Plan / Wildlife
Management Plan and approved by the Chief Wildlife Warden. The recommendations of the
approved Site-Specific Conservation Plan/Wildlife Management Plan shall be implemented
in consultation with the State Forest Department. The implementation report shall be
furnished along with the six-monthly compliance report (in case of the presence of Schedule-
I species in the study area).

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iv. The project proponent shall obtain Consent to Establish/Operate under the provisions of Air
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and the Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 from the concerned State Pollution Control Board/ Committee.
v. The project proponent shall obtain the necessary permission from the Central Ground Water
vi. Solid/hazardous waste generated in the mines needs to addressed in accordance to the Solid
Waste Management Rules, 2016/Hazardous & Other Waste Management Rules, 2016.

(b) Air quality monitoring and preservation

i. Continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations as prescribed in the statue be established
in the core zone as well as in the buffer zone for monitoring of pollutants, namely PM10,
PM2.5, SO2 and NOx. Location of the stations shall be decided based on the meteorological
data, topographical features and environmentally and ecologically sensitive targets in
consultation with the State Pollution Control Board. Online ambient air quality monitoring
stations may also be installed in addition to the regular monitoring stations as per the
requirement and/or in consultation with the SPCB. Monitoring of heavy metals such as Hg,
As, Ni, Cd, Cr, etc to be carried out at least once in six months.
ii. The Ambient Air Quality monitoring in the core zone shall be carried out to ensure the Coal
Industry Standards notified vide GSR 742 (E) dated 25th September, 2000 and as amended
from time to time by the Central Pollution Control Board. Data on ambient air quality and
heavy metals such as Hg, As, Ni, Cd, Cr and other monitoring data shall be regularly reported
to the Ministry/Regional Office and to the CPCB/SPCB.
iii. Transportation of coal, to the extent permitted by road, shall be carried out by covered
trucks/conveyors. Effective control measures such as regular water/mist sprinkling/rain gun
etc shall be carried out in critical areas prone to air pollution (with higher values of
PM10/PM2.5) such as haul road, loading/unloading and transfer points. Fugitive dust
emissions from all sources shall be controlled regularly. It shall be ensured that the Ambient
Air Quality parameters conform to the norms prescribed by the Central/State Pollution
Control Board.
iv. The transportation of coal shall be carried out as per the provisions and route envisaged in
the approved Mining Plan or environment monitoring plan. Transportation of the coal
through the existing road passing through any village shall be avoided. In case, it is proposed
to construct a 'bypass' road, it should be so constructed so that the impact of sound, dust and
accidents could be appropriately mitigated.
v. Vehicular emissions shall be kept under control and regularly monitored. All the vehicles
engaged in mining and allied activities shall operate only after obtaining ‘PUC’ certificate
from the authorized pollution testing centres.
vi. Coal stock pile/crusher/feeder and breaker material transfer points shall invariably be
provided with dust suppression system. Belt-conveyors shall be fully covered to avoid air
borne dust. Side cladding all along the conveyor gantry should be made to avoid air borne
dust. Drills shall be wet operated or fitted with dust extractors.
vii. Coal handling plant shall be operated with effective control measures w.r.t. various
environmental parameters. Environmental friendly sustainable technology should be
implemented for mitigating such parameters.

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(c) Water quality monitoring and preservation
i. The effluent discharge (mine waste water, workshop effluent) shall be monitored in terms of
the parameters notified under the Water Act, 1974 Coal Industry Standards vide GSR 742
(E) dated 25th September, 2000 and as amended from time to time by the Central Pollution
Control Board.
ii. The monitoring data shall be uploaded on the company’s website and displayed at the project
site at a suitable location. The circular No.J-20012/1/2006-lA.11 (M) dated 27th May, 2009
issued by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change shall also be referred in this
regard for its compliance.
iii. Regular monitoring of ground water level and quality shall be carried out in and around the
mine lease area by establishing a network of existing wells and constructing new piezometers
during the mining operations. The monitoring of ground water levels shall be carried out four
times a year i.e. pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon and winter. The ground water quality
shall be monitored once a year, and the data thus collected shall be sent regularly to
iv. Monitoring of water quality upstream and downstream of water bodies shall be carried out
once in six months and record of monitoring data shall be maintained and submitted to the
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change/Regional Office.
v. Ground water, excluding mine water, shall not be used for mining operations. Rainwater
harvesting shall be implemented for conservation and augmentation of ground water
vi. Catch and/or garland drains and siltation ponds in adequate numbers and appropriate size
shall be constructed around the mine working, coal heaps & OB dumps to prevent run off of
water and flow of sediments directly into the river and water bodies. Further, dump material
shall be properly consolidated/ compacted and accumulation of water over dumps shall be
avoided by providing adequate channels for flow of silt into the drains. The drains/ ponds so
constructed shall be regularly de-silted particularly before onset of monsoon and maintained
properly. Sump capacity should provide adequate retention period to allow proper settling
of silt material. The water so collected in the sump shall be utilised for dust suppression and
green belt development and other industrial use. Dimension of the retaining wall constructed,
if any, at the toe of the OB dumps within the mine to check run-off and siltation should be
based on the rainfall data. The plantation of native species to be made between toe of the
dump and adjacent field/habitation/water bodies.
vii. Adequate groundwater recharge measures shall be taken up for augmentation of ground
water. The project authorities shall meet water requirement of nearby village(s) after due
treatment conforming to the specific requirement (standards).
viii. Industrial waste water generated from CHP, workshop and other waste water, shall be
properly collected and treated so as to conform to the standards prescribed under the
standards prescribed under Water Act 1974 and Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the
Rules made there under, and as amended from time to time. Adequate ETP /STP needs to be
ix. The water pumped out from the mine, after siltation, shall be utilized for industrial purpose
viz. watering the mine area, roads, green belt development etc. The drains shall be regularly
desilted particularly after monsoon and maintained properly.

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x. The surface drainage plan including surface water conservation plan for the area of influence
affected by the said mining operations, considering the presence of river/rivulet/pond/lake
etc, shall be prepared and implemented by the project proponent. The surface drainage plan
and/or any diversion of natural water courses shall be as per the approved Mining
Plan/EIA/EMP report and with due approval of the concerned State/GoI Authority. The
construction of embankment to prevent any danger against inrush of surface water into the
mine should be as per the approved Mining Plan and as per the permission of DGMS or any
other authority as prescribed by the law.
xi. The project proponent shall take all precautionary measures to ensure riverine/riparian
ecosystem in and around the coal mine up to a distance of 5 km. A rivarine/riparian
ecosystem conservation and management plan should be prepared and implemented in
consultation with the irrigation / water resource department in the state government.

(d) Noise and Vibration monitoring and prevention

i. Adequate measures shall be taken for control of noise levels as per Noise Pollution Rules,
2016 in the work environment. Workers engaged in blasting and drilling operations,
operation of HEMM, etc shall be provided with personal protective equipments (PPE) like
ear plugs/muffs in conformity with the prescribed norms and guidelines in this regard.
Adequate awareness programme for users to be conducted. Progress in usage of such
accessories to be monitored.
ii. Controlled blasting techniques shall be practiced in order to mitigate ground vibrations, fly
rocks, noise and air blast etc., as per the guidelines prescribed by the DGMS.
iii. The noise level survey shall be carried out as per the prescribed guidelines to assess noise
exposure of the workmen at vulnerable points in the mine premises, and report in this regard
shall be submitted to the Ministry/RO on six-monthly basis.

(e) Mining Plan

i. Mining shall be carried out under strict adherence to provisions of the Mines Act 1952 and
subordinate legislations made there-under as applicable.
ii. Mining shall be carried out as per the approved mining plan (including Mine Closure Plan)
abiding by mining laws related to coal mining and the relevant circulars issued by Directorate
General Mines Safety (DGMS).
iii. No mining shall be carried out in forest land without obtaining Forestry Clearance as per
Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
iv. Efforts should be made to reduce energy and fuel consumption by conservation, efficiency
improvements and use of renewable energy.

(f) Land reclamation

i. Digital Survey of entire lease hold area/core zone using Satellite Remote Sensing survey
shall be carried out at least once in three years for monitoring land use pattern and report in
1:50,000 scale or as notified by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
Change(MOEFCC) from time to time shall be submitted to MOEFCC/Regional Office (RO).
ii. The final mine void depth should preferably be as per the approved Mine Closure Plan, and
in case it exceeds 40 m, adequate engineering interventions shall be provided for sustenance
of aquatic life therein. The remaining area shall be backfilled and covered with thick and

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alive top soil. Post-mining land be rendered usable for agricultural/forestry purposes and
shall be diverted. Further action will be treated as specified in the guidelines for Preparation
of Mine Closure Plan issued by the Ministry of Coal dated 27th August, 2009 and subsequent
iii. The entire excavated area, backfilling, external OB dumping (including top soil) and
afforestation plan shall be in conformity with the “during mining”/”post mining” land-use
pattern, which is an integral part of the approved Mining Plan and the EIA/EMP submitted
to this Ministry. Progressive compliance status vis-a-vis the post mining land use pattern
shall be submitted to the MOEFCC/RO.
iv. Fly ash shall be used for external dump of overburden, backfilling or stowing of mine as per
provisions contained in clause (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (8) of fly ash notification issued
vide SO 2804 (E) dated 3rd November, 2009 as amended from time to time. Efforts shall be
made to utilize gypsum generated from Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD), if any, along with
fly ash for external dump of overburden, backfilling of mines. Compliance report shall be
submitted to Regional Office of MoEF&CC, CPCB and SPCB.
v. Further, it may be ensured that as per the time schedule specified in mine closure plan it
should remain live till the point of utilization. The topsoil shall temporarily be stored at
earmarked site(s) only and shall not be kept unutilized. The top soil shall be used for land
reclamation and plantation purposes. Active OB dumps shall be stabilised with native grass
species to prevent erosion and surface run off. The other overburden dumps shall be
vegetated with native flora species. The excavated area shall be backfilled and afforested in
line with the approved Mine Closure Plan. Monitoring and management of rehabilitated
areas shall continue until the vegetation becomes self-sustaining. Compliance status shall be
submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change/ Regional Office.
vi. The project proponent shall make necessary alternative arrangements, if grazing land is
involved in core zone, in consultation with the State government to provide alternate areas
for livestock grazing, if any. In this context, the project proponent shall implement the
directions of Hon'ble Supreme Court with regard to acquiring grazing land.

(g) Green Belt

i. The project proponent shall take all precautionary measures during mining operation for
conservation and protection of endangered/endemic flora/fauna, if any, spotted/reported in
the study area. The Action plan in this regard, if any, shall be prepared and implemented in
consultation with the State Forest and Wildlife Department.
ii. Greenbelt consisting of 3-tier plantation of width not less than 7.5 m shall be developed all
along the mine lease area as soon as possible. The green belt comprising a mix of native
species (endemic species should be given priority) shall be developed all along the major
approach/ coal transportation roads.

(h) Public hearing and Human health issues

i. Adequate illumination shall be ensured in all mine locations (as per DGMS standards) and
monitored weekly. The report on the same shall be submitted to this ministry & it’s RO on
six-monthly basis.
ii. The project proponent shall undertake occupational health survey for initial and periodical
medical examination of the personnel engaged in the project and maintain records

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accordingly as per the provisions of the Mines Rules, 1955 and DGMS circulars. Besides
regular periodic health check-up, 20% of the personnel identified from workforce engaged
in active mining operations shall be subjected to health check-up for occupational diseases
and hearing impairment, if any, as amended time to time.
iii. Personnel (including outsourced employees) working in core zone shall wear protective
respiratory devices and shall also be provided with adequate training and information on
safety and health aspects.
iv. Implementation of the action plan on the issues raised during the public hearing shall be
ensured. The project proponent shall undertake all the tasks/measures as per the action plan
submitted with budgetary provisions during the public hearing. Land oustees shall be
compensated as per the norms laid down in the R&R policy of the company/State
Government/Central Government, as applicable.
v. The project proponent shall follow the mitigation measures provided in this Ministry’s OM
No.Z-11013/5712014-IA.I1 (M) dated 29th October, 2014, titled ‘Impact of mining activities
on habitations-issues related to the mining projects wherein habitations and villages are the
part of mine lease areas or habitations and villages are surrounded by the mine lease area’.

(i) Corporate Environment Responsibility

i. Fund allocation for Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) shall be made as per
Ministry's O.M. No. 22-65/2017-IA.III dated 30th September 2020 and based on
commitment made during public consultation process for incorporating in EIA-EMP for
deliberation of EAC
ii. The company shall have a well laid down environmental policy duly approve by the Board
of Directors. The environmental policy should prescribe for standard operating procedures
to have proper checks and balances and to bring into focus any
infringements/deviation/violation of the environmental/forest/wildlife norms/conditions.
The company shall have defined system of reporting infringements/deviation/violation of the
environmental/forest/wildlife norms/conditions and/or shareholders/stake holders.
iii. A separate Environmental Cell both at the project and company head quarter level, with
qualified personnel shall be set up under the control of senior Executive, who will directly
to the head of the organization.
iv. Action plan for implementing EMP and environmental conditions along with responsibility
matrix of the company shall be prepared and shall be duly approved by competent authority.
The year wise funds earmarked for environmental protection measures shall be kept in
separate account and not to be diverted for any other purpose. Year wise progress of
implementation of action plan shall be reported to the Ministry/Regional Office along with
the Six Monthly Compliance Report.
v. Self-environmental audit shall be conducted annually. Every three years third party
environmental audit shall be carried out.

(j) Miscellaneous
i. The project proponent shall make public the environmental clearance granted for their
project along with the environmental conditions and safeguards at their cost by prominently
advertising it at least in two local newspapers of the District or State, of which one shall be

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in the vernacular language within seven days and in addition this shall also be displayed in
the project proponent’s website permanently.
ii. The copies of the environmental clearance shall be submitted by the project proponents to
the Heads of local bodies, Panchayats and Municipal Bodies in addition to the relevant
offices of the Government who in turn has to display the same for 30 days from the date of
iii. The project proponent shall upload the status of compliance of the stipulated environment
clearance conditions, including results of monitored data on their website and update the
same on half-yearly basis.
iv. The project proponent shall monitor the criteria pollutants level namely; PM10, SO2, NOx
(ambient levels) or critical sectoral parameters, indicated for the projects and display the
same at a convenient location for disclosure to the public and put on the website of the
v. The project proponent shall submit six-monthly reports on the status of the compliance of
the stipulated environmental conditions on the website of the ministry of Environment,
Forest and Climate Change at environment clearance portal.
vi. The project proponent shall follow the mitigation measures provided in this Ministry’s OM
No.Z-11013/5712014-IA.I1 (M) dated 29th October, 2014, titled ‘Impact of mining activities
on habitations-issues related to the mining projects wherein habitations and villages are the
part of mine lease areas or habitations and villages are surrounded by the mine lease area’.
vii. The project proponent shall submit the environmental statement for each financial year in
Form-V to the concerned State Pollution Control Board as prescribed under the Environment
(Protection) Rules, 1986, as amended subsequently and put on the website of the company.
viii. The project authorities shall inform to the Regional Office of the MOEFCC regarding
commencement of mining operations.
ix. The project authorities must strictly adhere to the stipulations made by the State Pollution
Control Board and the State Government.
x. The project proponent shall abide by all the commitments and recommendations made in the
EIA/EMP report, commitment made during Public Hearing and also that during their
presentation to the Expert Appraisal Committee.
xi. No further expansion or modifications in the plant shall be carried out without prior approval
of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.
xii. Concealing factual data or submission of false/fabricated data may result in revocation of
this environmental clearance and attract action under the provisions of Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986.
xiii. The Ministry may revoke or suspend the clearance, if implementation of any of the above
conditions is not satisfactory.
xiv. The Ministry reserves the right to stipulate additional conditions if found necessary. The
Company in a time bound manner shall implement these conditions.
xv. The Regional Office of this Ministry shall monitor compliance of the stipulated conditions.
The project authorities should extend full cooperation to the officer (s) of the Regional Office
by furnishing the requisite data / information/monitoring reports.
xvi. The above conditions shall be enforced, inter-alia under the provisions of the Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution)
Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, Hazardous and Other Wastes

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(Management and Trans-boundary Movement) Rules, 2016 and the Public Liability
Insurance Act, 1991 along with their amendments and Rules and any other orders passed by
the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India / High Courts and any other Court of Law relating to the
subject matter.

5. The proponent shall abide by all the commitments and recommendations made in the
EIA/EMP report and also that during presentation to the EAC. All the commitments made on the
issues raised during public hearing shall also be implemented in letter and spirit.

6. The proponent shall obtain all necessary clearances/approvals that may be required before
the start of the project. The Ministry or any other competent authority may stipulate any further
condition for environmental protection. The Ministry or any other competent authority may
stipulate any further condition for environmental protection.

7. Any appeal against this environmental clearance shall lie with the National Green Tribunal,
if preferred, within a period of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16 of the National Green
Tribunal Act, 2010.

8. The coal company/project proponent shall be liable to pay the compensation against the
illegal mining, if any, and as raised by the respective State Governments at any point of time, in
terms of the orders dated 2nd August, 2017 of Hon’ble Supreme Court in WP (Civil) No.114/2014
in the matter of ‘Common Cause Vs Union of India & others.

9. The concerned State Government shall ensure no mining operations to commence till the
entire compensation for illegal mining, if any, is paid by the project proponent through their
respective Department of Mining & Geology, in strict compliance of the judgment of Hon’ble
Supreme Court.

10. This environmental clearance shall not be operational till such time the project proponent
complies with the above said judgment of Hon’ble Supreme Court, as applicable, and other statutory
This issues with the approval of the competent Authority.

(Sundar Ramanathan)
Scientist ‘E’
Copy to:

1. The Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

2. The Secretary, Department of Environment & Forests, Government of Jharkhand, Secretariat,
3. The Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Regional office (ECZ), Ministry of
Environment & Forests, Bungalow No. A-2, Shyamali Colony, Ranchi - 834002
4. The Chairman, Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board, TA Building, HEC Complex, PO
Dhurwa, Ranchi

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5. The Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board, CBD-cum-Office Complex, East Arjun
Nagar, Delhi - 32
6. The Chairman, Central Ground Water Authority, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Jamnagar House, 18/11,
Man Singh Road Area, New Delhi, Delhi 110001

7. The District Collector, Dumka, Government of Jharkhand.

8. Monitoring File/Guard File/Record File.
9. PARIVESH Portal
(Sundar Ramanathan)
Scientist ‘E’

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by: Sundar
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